Page 91 - Scrimshaw1976-77
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Fridav. February 11.1977 Scrimshaw Page 3 c"ltonH,,,;:TribbyCalls for Basic Change "Wholene~s we .neither discuss ~tudents .w~o fight for better f.ood area 0: administra~iv.e r~form. rather, to sing and celebrate . ~r~~t:~~~~~~er~~~~e!ea:~t~ ~:~~ dir~;~a~i~~ :: W~:I:~~ ~~~~~~~y~ ~~itCo~tt~~~~or~n~~ "W~,have miles to go before we Thus spoke Bill Tribby, professor for silent robot-ism in the class without apologizing for superiority sleep, d EA~LE H. BREWER. PRO?,. . of dramatic arts, in reference to room can never educate a person or inferiority in the image which . through woo s where paths • the educational environment of toward wholeness; staff who Sam (MacGiIl) flung at us this diverg.e . · HAIR CUTS BV APPOINTMENT It Western Maryland College. "A isolate themselves with the idea morning _ in the Kairos ... that and If we dare to own the Katros · PHON!'; BU,"" 848_2820 ,. place that does not practice that there is no substitute for the 'unique moment in the temporal wholeness cannot educate a person Ph.D. as a basic credential for process in which something unique It !58'/aWEST MAIN ST .. toward wholeness ... " admittance to the practice of can happen or be accomplished ... " ~ESTMINSTER. MARVI..ANO :i1l67lt Dr. Tribby's remarks were given higher education cannot educate a --~~:c~!ii(~ •••• as part of a reply to the speech of person toward wholeness, Dr. Tri'Jby concluded with the Dr. Sam ,MacGill de1i~ered at t.he Dr. Tribby put forth two ideas to following call to action: Founder ~ ConvocatlO~., ~hlle consider for Western Maryland. " ...there is no vision here sympathetic to Dr. MacGilI. s Ideas First, the investing of funds to and although each of us is living for ref?rm of college curnculllll_l,. bring an expert on campus ... " to we are dying Dr. 'Tribby asserted that what IS help us toward becoming a lear- And It Does Not Need To Be That Main & Bond Sts. 848-8481 really needed at Western ning _ feeling _ dreaming corn- .Way ~atyland is a' to~l change in ~t- munity." This sort of approach for to participate in the Kairos - "Cameras * Lenses titude and approach. Otherwise was taken several years ago in the is to say . *Darkroom Supplies any changes along the lines of what . "Custom Framing world. r--------- ~i~~~~;::~~~ ,,~.i.~ebearem~~ _ .' ••• C9HVocation *Framing Supplies willing to implement from within continued from page 1 To this end, Mac Gill defined ~1I~g~~.1 what you are really talking about types of wisdom, the practical and :hree fundamental aims of a *Mat Board . Whole or Cut from without." the theoretical. The practical is liberal arts education. First: To co~pr~i:~;iVs;es a~p~~e:dor t~ :at~:i~:~c~~f~ife~ T~~tt!~~~~~~!en;e:~~~~~~~t~n u~; (@m(~ education at Western Maryland, involves the search for truth about the pest-modern Secondly: I utilizing more fully that quality the world and man's place in it, To aid in the development of a which makes the school unique-its and while it is not directly ap- sense of vocation. Lastly: them I HOUSE OF LIQUORS To small community-like size. So ptcabletc ttre's conduct.Itts crten empower persons by giving I while agreeing wholeheartedly regarded as a truly ennobling the art of utilizing knowledge. ' C II P·ol- Sh com- with MacGill's premise that we pursuit. Aristotle asserted that this Included in this are the skills, I arro ~~o opping Center . must focus on " ... the education of knowledge made a man "god- munications skills, analytic 848 131 '~':I his talk I the whole person ... ", Dr. Tribby like." The distinction between interpersonal skills, recreational - 4 finds no possibility of. that hap- these two wisdoms goes to the skills and citizenship skills. ~. pening while present attitudes. on heart of debates about the purpose MacGill concluded by Welcomes bock WMC students" I campus prevail: --.. of higher education. MacGill, declaring a faith in liberal but noted that ·'".faculty who argue sue- agreeing with Gray, sees the education in mind, spirit and body. I • h I' . d I it needs cessfully that the people best pr-imar-y purpose of a Liberal Arts definition wit a Imlte.· sa e just for you!! I equipped to evaluate the teaching education as the dissemination of Liberal education has a universal to of a faculty member are one's practical knowledge. He sees the relevancy, as significant as to I Bring this 'ad ~ith you for: . I peers" that student opinions need in the future of changing our vocational training students of Dr. MacGill's I although necessary, are secondary emphasis from graduation into a . science and humanities majors. and suspect at best cannot educate specific vocation to graduation into Following the convocation at 2 a person toward wholeness~ the world. P.M., a discussion 0 I presentation was held in McDaniel STR H'S 12 oz. cans Tax Course Oftere d lounge. Two faculty members, I 12 pack $2;99 I of Dr. MacGiU's L n"neIPalmecandBiJlTdbby, and two senior students, Nancy Westminster, Md. -It may be munication," "Creative Writing Barry and Steve Jaskulsky, gave ' sheer irony that a Christmas Workshop," and "Ink Printing .. " their impressions present arrives tow weeks past due The classes, beginning in late ideas Sale ends Satu~, Feb. 19th .. but one's income tax forms arrive January and running through May.. ••••••••••••• .. ... _ ... _ predictably the day after New meet for an average of four. HARVESTIN Natural Foods Year's. sessions each. Brochures con-e 45 East Main Street. o In an effort to reduce the con- taining detailed information ar~. Westminster, 876.3585, .• TYPING ERRORS ~~~~n o~~~cr~:o::s~!~t~es~~:~ ~~~~:~le, through the Registrar's: We can't exist without living • Maryland College's continuing "The continuing educatiol) ~o~d; ..;a~y~u! •••••• ::i~~~t!:s~rt~ffer:;n, ~o~f~~~:m: ~')~:t ~~ic:ti~~a~:s~'l~:;e!~: Morning Song on your own stereo· Tax." ' resources and offer an educational· in one week - send $5.00 ~r album· Dr. William McCormick, Jr., program with useful and in·. Morning Song Records, ~ox 545.· _vice presfdent of academic affiars teresting courses to people in the • State College, Pa. 16801. • and a certified public accountant, community," says Dr. Mc·. .. •••••••••••• ERRORITETI~ ~!~~UUSRSTORE will present up-to-date income tax Cormick. • SKYDIVING INSTRUCTION • provisions, roth federal and state, Prospective students are invited. First jump course and first NOW ALSO AVAILABLE IN BROWN, REO, BLUE & GREEN that affect most taxpayers. This to an open house on Sunday,. jump the same day·$49.00 course offered in February will February 13 from 2 to 4 p.m. al - Call: Fred Steohans 937.1252 • present income tax return Harrison House to meet with the. • •••••••••••• - OUT OF SIGHT! examples and answer any mini·course instructors and questions in hopes of preparing you discuss their plans for the courses. for the tax filing deadline in April The mini-courses, open-to the Other courses offered in this public, are non-credit courses with spring's continuing education no examinations and no grades. MONTOUR HOUSE __, program include: "Evening Ski The amount of study and related Instruction," "Knots to Ya reading is determined by the (Macrame)," "The Creative student's own interest and Finest in Foods Process," "High Fidelity: A motivation. and Cocktails Guided Tour," "Late Afternoon Fitness Program," "Doris For further informa~io.n, class Lessing's Fiction," "Politics of the schedules, and course listings lI: nd DES'" "Is This Elementary'?" descriptions, please call the OffIce Homemade Pies W e: Understanding It and En- of the Registrar, 848-7000, ext. 326 -140 BOOK STORE jO'ng It," "Parent Child Corn- or 876-2948 140 Village Shopping Gtc. Hours: 11 :00 a.m.- Staff Westminster, Md. 848-5311 Editors 9:00 p.m. JahnSprlnger Plain & Fancy 6 days a week ... Curton HurlJ Meg Hoyle Jeff Robinson Oave Range 12:00-8:00 Layout Sunday: +"~"- Paul Hewett 8lU TOdd Donuts W",n I"'" ou. _" 10 .. n' d .... r~ bo,,, Contributors Nancy Barry M'l
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