Page 93 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 93
WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE Friday, February 18, 1977 Vernon Condemns Rosewood Ills Bob Kelley The reason most frequently On the local level, Rosewood Dr. McKay Vernon, psychology given for disgraceful conditions in State Hospital for the mentally profess?r and head of our deaf state instutitions is lack of money, retarded now has a tz-perscn education program, recently but this reason cannot be given for speech and hearing- department stated that an appalling number of at least two of Dr. Vernon's which screens patients. ·This the people placed in institutions suggestions. These are, I. That program can usually detect ~cross the country for the mentally patients in all institutions be hearing problems among incoming III or retarded actually should have checked for hearing deficiencies 2. patients, but those who have been ~:~in~~~~~~:!s~nd treated for ~hi';;" !Ii'hli!os",e.::.~'ho::..:.".:'.e""fo~u~nd~to.;be~::!m~i~stakenlYInstuttonaltzed for Two articles recently published by the Baltimore Sun may draw this to attention. The first was Facultv members written by Patricia Rouzer and the faculty meeting. published January 30. This article ,4.0 System Approved portrayed the tragic situation well, and ChrisHolmes using quotes from Dr. Vernon, who to parents offered suggestions Nancy Barry writing skills before taking IDS think they may have deaf children. On Thursday, February 10 Dr. 103. Several other course changes On February 6, The Sun John called to order the first and recommendations made by the editorial which dealt specifically faculty meeting of second Curriculum Committee were semester, with approximately 80 approved by the faculty. Students with Rosewood, and condemned there. per cent of the faculty present. should also note that both graduate the indecent conditions a letter Dr. to Vernon has submitted One of the major- - a-reas of and undergraduate courses will the editor of The Sun which discussion under New Business ~~~:i~~ i~ t~~ fal~~~~~rtem clarifies certain points arid was a proposal by the Un- congratulates The SUII for ex- dergraduate Academic Policy and Another, proposal which will cellent journalism. In addition, Curriculum Committee concerning affect students was presented by channel 67 just had a crew here on several changes in the January the Calendar and Schedule com- campus on Monday the 15th to film Term. The proposal, accepted by mittee. The faculty approved a- a "Nova" show, which is a majority vote of the faculty, will proposed calendar for 1978-79 documentary on the problem of change all January Term courses which will split the present week- misdiagnosed deaf patients. It will Mac Vernon-pointing up harsh realities at Rose- from three to two credit hours. long Thanksgiving Break into a Students will still be required to two day Fall break and three day r~O~;~\~be broadcast sometime wood State Hospital. participate in two January Terms Thanksgiving break. (See inserted Programs such as the one at - deaf, but als? mentally ill or years are difficult to find. In during their four years. The calendar.: Rosewood are a step in the right retarded, of which there ~e ma~y, contrast, Spring Grove, a hospital proposal also requires faculty to Dr. Harper reported for the direction and should be established should be kept together m special for the mentally ill, is doing teach (on the average) one course Admissions and Standards in all such institutions. Patients secti~ns for the deaf or hard ?f relatively little to locate the hard of every two years. There was con- Committee that there were with hearing problems who are hearing. The reasons for this hearing. Both institutions contain siderable- debate by the faculty presently 734 applications on file, properly treated can often show suggestion are evident. With many who are of normal, or even over whether or not this is a fair with 195 students already signed up surprizing success. Dr. Vernon hearing programs. .those wh.o c~uld superior intelligence but are in -,teaching requirement. In addition, for September 1977. Dean Mc- described a graduate student here have wound up !lVln g hospitalized tragically limiting circumstances. the proposal states that "each Cormick explained that there has at WMC who, at the the age of five, at the taxpayers expensecen ~ften The socialization in these hospitals department should plan for 50 per been a relaxed deadline procedure was placed in a Washington be taught to functl?n m society. does not prepare one for the cent of its staff to participate each for students admitted by the hospital for the retarded 'and kept The second sugges~lO~ should .not "outside" world. If a child is not January Term," which could College, which implies that those there for two years. He was deaf be so har.d to. enact-It IS really Just taught to communicate between result in fewer course offerings for who have already accepted will by and had been misdiagnosed. an organizational proble~-bu~ D.r. the ages of two and four, "he wiII students in the regular Fall more likely to come. Similar success stories are not Vernon feels that the patients WIll probably have a permanent semester. In order to compensate Scrimshaw would like to express hard to find, although far more of ben~flt substanti~lly. In special communications problem," Lr. ,Caf. Changes for this, the committee asked thanks to the faculty for allowing the patients with hearing problems sections they won t feel so out of Vernon said. faculty advisors to encourage the meeting to be reported upon for are never properly treated, or are place, ~nd. will ~ind. manual students to adhere to the 12-14 the benefit of the entire student released unprepared to function in communication easier jf others Several changes are in store lor credit load (four courses) in the body. society. also need to learn sign language. the cafeteria as work on the new Fall, and the 14-16 load (five courses) in the Spring. ,WMC Grad Gets National Fame college center gradually progresses. The Curriculum Committee also One of these will be the ex- acted upon a proposal by the Philadelphia. Dr. McDade's research took pansion of the cafeteria in terms of English Department that will allow Dr. James McDade, a 1962 Dr. McDade received his place at the National Center for room. The patio in front of the some entering students to take graduate of WMC, recently bachelor of science degree from Disease Control in Atlanta where building will be enclosed, to result English 102 (Writing Seminar) receivednationwideacclaimasthe Western Maryland in 1962. As a heisamemberofthemicrobiology in an increased seating capacity. before they take IDS 103 rIntro. to discoverer of the organism which senior at WMC he was chosen staff. During his Christmas The plans also call for a partition to Liberal Arts). The English is believed to have caused "Man of the Year" by his class. He vacation, McDade continued to be constructed, possibly over Department will screen entering "Legionnaire's Disease," a went on to work on his doctorate work on the problem of "Legion- spring break, It will extend from the west entrance (by Rouzer), to 'w'hoU>lenW"ouinldO'ndee"dto~e:',egnwizeO"khose•.n mysterious illness which claimed degree at the University of naire's Disease" after noticing an the serving line, which means that 1F==========29=I:::iV:::':::' =1,:::,'~,=u=m=m=.,==.=·n=D=el;:'w="'='==::::::====lI ~n:~~~ryb~~~;~. J~~~ct:~~ it will be separated from the seating area. The wall will then run Proposed Fall Calendars _;::n."~,~;:;ero;d lh:~~~:~::I~ of the cafeteria, sup- the length rickettsia--organisms which cause posedly about eleven feet from the Fait Semester FALL 1977 FALL 1978 diseases such as typhus. present wall with the tray win- Registration of freshman and other Fri., Sep~. 9 Fri., Sept. 8 dows. There will be several Although the exact nature of the new students begins bacteria is unknown, its discovery openings along this partition. On Registration of returning students Sun_, Sept. 11 Sun., Sept. 10 is somewhat of a landmark in the inside will be the.. drink . machines. Oassesbegin Mon_, Sept. 12 Mon., Sept. 11 research microbiology. "It seems Banners hanging from the Fait Convocation Tues.,Sept_13 Tues_, Sept. 12 to be something we've never ceiling are one part of the interior last day for course changes and CRINC Mon., Sept. 26 Mon., Sept. 25 asssociated with human illness," designer's plans to brighten up the applications, 4:30 p.m. Dr. McDade told a gathering of cafeteria. By including more Midsemester grades due, 4:30 p.m. Fri., Oct. 21 Frif!·Oct. 20 reporters. colors into the area, it should No Classes Mon., Tues., Oct. 23,4 In his work for the government 'successfully detract from the in- last day for withdrawal with W, 4:30 p.m. Fri., Nov. 4 Tues., Nov. 7 and the University of Maryland, stitutional appearance of the Thanksgiving recess begins, 7 p_m. Fri., Nov. 18 Tues., Nov. 21 Dr. McDade has studied several cafeteria. In addition, there will be Classes resume Mon., Nov_ 28 Mon., Nov. 27 diseases, including research on new drapes for all the windows. Classes end Fri., Dec. 9 Fri., Dec_ 8 typhus in Egypt and Ethiopia. He The cafeteria will also benefit by Semester exams begin Mon., Dec. 12 Mon., Dec. 11 has held his present position with getting more storage space, some _ Semester exams end Mon., Dec. 19 Mon., Dec_ 18 the National Center for Disease for of which will be shared with the j. 11==;;;;======;:============;:=========;;::;11 about a year and a half. grille and pub in the new building.
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