Page 87 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 87
Al thuGh Jan 'I'e rm at wes te rn Har-yLand of 150 pages of reading every night, COllet;e has traditionally been a time of "c ake" courses and parties, one always and digest 1500 pge s of Jefferson, runs the risk of, through bad luck or the Revolutionary War, and why had wooden teeth. s tupf d'i ty. gettinc stuck in that rare Washington but not least we have Last horror, a Jan Term course with work. As dangerous courses. These are the 'the an aid to students, Scrimshaw has pub- study courses which include travel lished its own c a't aLouge of Jan Terms to such dill, boring places as Africa, which may involve a little work. Hawaii, Scotland, England, Italy, and 'I'he eyestrain department consists France. Contrary to' popular belief I of a special Group of cur-ses , carefully these are not expensive "cake" courses, coordinated to cause severe blindness. There is real danger involved. Viho A favorite in this de per-tmerrt is Edwardian knows. the 747 complete with champagne 2.::..;1,.?nd, f'e a'tur-Lng 30-40 page s of reading and a mov i.e might crash as you go to a night plus reac1Ll'; and research for an class. You might get seasick watching oral report, Such exciting topics as 'the the waves roll into VIaikiki Beach in new Conservative Gove r-nmen of 1910 and Hawaii. You may accidentally trip the Victorian {'Iorali ty are covered. Another Visine moneymake r- is billed Pope while wandering around the High as The College/Knowledge Experience. It Altar of St. Peter's in Ronc . You j s 't ru.l y an expe r.i once to find yourself may be swallowed by the Loch pees You may strain YOLLr l"Iec~ Jcons te r-. aae Lgned /.}OO pages of r-ead Lng a 'week by wh Ll.e at thetop cf the Ed f'f e L such rus t.-movt ng authors as Thomas Hardy 'rower in Paris, You may suddenly end J, H, Lawrence. find yourself face-to-fa.ce vd th Elsa ... S't ude nt;e VIith strong eyesight and im Kenya. You may choke on your cafe a lildng for Long namea can enroll in espresso in R sidewalk cafe in Paris. 69-172, Alexander .JoLzheni t.syn . In 'I'he Frenchpastries may bloat your add i.tion to how to spell his thighs, and fish and chips can name , the course Lnc Lude s all of his cause acne. And, as you all know, major- novels, and :lOW to epc 11 their the 'rse-'l'se fly still lives in Africa. t.i 't Les . The joy of this course is cur-. Students rnaki ng pdLgr-Lmagea to pas-sec only by 17-175, Dostoevsky an? foreign 'countries find thems~lves KaI'ka . In addi ' to the heavy r'e ad Ing , missing the life at ue st.e rn I..nrj:ar:.d. 't his course f'ur-the;- weights a s tutterrt These travel courses, glamorous down with discussions on such topics as crdme , punishment, freedom, and !lOV! c oLd ~~~r~~i~~YmT~;i~,~e~he a~~s~o i~~~&i~~~le does Siberia bet in the wdn'te r-? Pr-omis Lng exc i ting and cha l Leru.Lng course of TIeIdtrip sU~Gestions incluge Sib~riaI:' all; 'Pr-ay Slecdirlb :Back Campus 101. Concentration Camp:3 and 'l'rolka trlps 111 m,oV''JI-'ll~!r~~~:~ate -the i,.en rron. the Boyr: i';ancy r.:ene-fee Robeson Lisa denartment features lallacy 101, better lmown as Bi~ Boys Don't Cry. Requirements for this course include sensitivity, opcllness, and curiosity about. topics as SeVi?ntcen-thousnad people '."[':;'-3 mastur"\.Jation, gay baTs. ancl male cj1auvinism. si ttinb aroud in a huge circle, Ai,]ull:Jel-s"candnG of 30cial DarniniSlIl wri ting fUl~iously, high above a is a l1lust for the course Jefferson' s hlind single person who was talkinz to anO \'lorlel. Only those that believe in them with a sensed authority . .su~h survival of the fittest bO on to 112-:8 a scene depicted one aspect, of thE quizzes every day, endure the tyrranny eleventh anual URDAi;A'76 j;'.issiOi";S convention held at thE; University of (c on't' T',O(';" 4)
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