Page 96 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 96
Pa,lle4 Scrimshaw Friday, February 18, 1977 Hypnotist Assumes Control of WMC Senior Persons Phirla Padula Hold A woman student marches up to James L. Mapes is a professional "The mind creates illness," other side of the issue, at least one Marathon the stage and announces with a clairvoyant. He predicted the perfectly straight face that she is exact day that his grandmother ~~~1.~~p~ '~~:r~~ey~Z~k: ~~Z:dasgi~fn::ft~~d r~: :ex~Yf~ On Valentine's Day, the King Kong. Meanwhile, some guy would die on when he was seven wish away my sore throat.) Mapes him refused to kiss him when residents of the Westminster is on his hands and knees chasing years old. He predicted that you uses hypnotic therapy to induce Mapes ordered the hypnotees to Nursing and Convalescence Center his belly button around the would die after you read this ar- people to stop smoking and to lose "passionately kiss the person cafeteria. Another guy twirls his tiele. Mapes does not believe in the weight. He sara that hypnosis has sitting next to you." held a rocking for chair the marathon to Maryland money raise way up to the stage doing a ballet. supernatural or the occult. He does also been used to "raise grades and It has also been' pointed that Heart Fund Association. The So what else is knew'? These things not believe. in E.~.P. or hypno~is. for birth control." mass murderer Charles Manson marathon lasted from 11:00 a.m. to always happen at Grill parties. No! Yet last Friday mght, at least fifty Mapes caused quite a stir on has hypnotic powers which he used 7:00 p.m. and raised close to a This is not a Grill party. You're in people "hypnotised themselves" campus. One group of people was to perform his famous atrocities. thousand dollars. The highlight for the cafeteria on a Friday night and as he put it. convinced that Mapes was under Others have even suggested that participants was being filmed and when I tap my foot three times Mapes believes that the power of the influence of Satan. According Hitler had a hypnotic hold on his shown on WMAR·TV's evening vou 're going to turn into an orange. the mind can accomplish anything. to them, all hypnotism is a tool of when abused, hypnosis can be news program. the devil. While Mapes was doing harmful. Most of the residents of the England Trip Very Fine his thing in the cafeteria, a group ~ l.ocal magicia~ questioned ~e convalescence center had a hand in of about ten people were on the top floor of Rouzer praying that he v~ldity of Mapes E.~.P. act. I the marathon. One woman ex- Jim Wogsland would fail. Apparently it didn't think the E.S.P. thing was a plained that she was a time-keeper anda "substitute rocker" for those Buckingham Palace, Piccadfly work. They were upset.' Thus far phony," stated the magician. "I who wanted to take a break from While most of the United States Circus, etc. Next we journeyed to none of the hynpottees have don't bel~eve in E.S.P. Many of rocking. suffered from a hard month of York with its cobblestonen streets jumped out the window or thrown these famous so called E.S.P. Even a dog, named Johnny, that January, 39 students and 4 adults and beautiful Yorkminster up green vomit peopl.e have been exposed as belonged to Mrs. Mary Gill got into from WMC enjoyed themselves by i:~~:dal'J:~:~~P ~~eE(~~:~~i h!~~~~f:;~h~:e; ~o~~ ~~~e ~~Og~~~;~ ~!n a~rf~r~!~' '~n;~~ the money-raising spirit. Mrs. Gill attached a small, cloth sign to the !.~~~~~~:nt~u:.~' :~!~~~::~hi: snow-covered countryside of he told them "that he reserved th~ Mapes' E.S.P. acts and explained dog, and on their daily walks, she tour had a great time and might ~ok~an~o:nht~~ o~f th~~~~~w~~~ ~:~i~oe~;~intr:nn~1~~~:e~~~~ ~.~.;eH~~fs:S~~~dt:o,,~:t~hr:~ and the dog would go around the a hard- collect money. "Johnny's ~::e f:O%U~~~~:;;~~c~~mething England to Lake windermere. This raised some lively debate he di? with having the people do working dog," explained Mrs. Gill. One of the favorite stopping ~~~~!!~;s~~~t{r~~Pla~~,isil~~~ ~~n~i~o::ee:~~e:~~~ Ifh:t~~~~ :::~~~s ;~: ~~~~u~~en!~fyi~; \~~ "Together we raised over thirty- ~~~~~ ~;retht~e s~~~~:~ ~~~..t Hathoway's cottage, etc.). Oxford, have hundreds: perhaps fuousands ~vidual paper could. have been five dollars." They ranged in size from a little Coventry, Salisbury, Bath (with of people still under his control. differe~t, or the pencil may have One man participating in the corner tavern to an enormous ruins almost 2,000 years; old), One envisions a huge mob of been different ty_pes. :,here are a marathon summed it up best when been going for two three story public house on Pic- r:!~:~~~'{)-t~~~dS ~~~e ~~~kth:~ ~~n~~~~~t:p~h~:r~~;e u1i~~ n~~rmO!g\~:~I~~e;' mos.t oth~r he said, "I've hours now. It feels and one-half ~:be~i~~~e ~~u~~~~s ~a~; left for three days in Paris while Zombies to take over the govern- people agreed that, while the wonderful just to know I'm as 30 different local brews, served the rest stayed in London. ment! Supposed Mapes hypnotized ~.S.P. could have been a fake, the helping." up in pint mugs (half-pints for the f ~r hot;l :cfomo~t:~ons a~d ~~;;hole army and told them to ~n~~~ be~~e::f~~~~h:aly~~ ladies) .in these bars. In one. of ~ac:;e;:n~~g cf~~~a the e:~:~ In all seriousness according to finish reading this article you WIll NET's on ::~tsl:e;eO:;g:~ in~e;!I~ ~-stOry London Penta Hotel to t~e Mapes no one can ~ forced to do fallalsleep. Well, you may say that tatoOed Yorkshiremenand our own sn:'alLelegant 18~ century hotel m something that is totally against you fall asleep everytime. you Feb. 19 fair haired Americans. "Our heavy Wmder~ere (with tea and. coffee their will, even while under hyp- attem'?t to ~ead one of my .artlcles. artillery, in the form of Steve served I~ t.he~ounge aftr di~ner)i ~~~~te!°C~:i~~ ~~~~e;~e:~; ~~~!h~~ ;:1~f~~ a~ ~~~\I~I~~Pi Westminster, Md.-Prospective Luette, finally won. ev:n~s :~s~~:ht i~~rUe~~g ~~ ~~~;s didn't want to do a lot of the things have to go now because the editors teachers who plan to take the Our bus, rides were usually in- Banana Ridge (where we met that Mapes told them to do, but told me- to ~eep this artic~e short. National Teacher Examinations on teresting with the partyers trying Robert Morley), Chorus Line, they couldn't stop themse]1·~~ But one thlllg before I Sign off-- February 19, at Western Maryland to recover from hangovers in the Troilus and Cressida (a when they heard the signal. On _.... ZAPP YOU'RE STONED! College were reminded today that seen in back, Ted (our bus driver) telling Shakespearian play and S~llivan's The Interna _ ~ they have less than two weeks ~'" corny jokes (Soho, to get to the St:atford), Gilbert t.onlll·Seeneregi~ter with Educat~ona1 Testing other side!), and Dr. Stevens Mikado, the opera La TraViata, the _ SerVIce (ETS) of Prmceton, N.J. ~:~~:I:~t :d..r:di~o~~~! 7~~~~~~n~:e:f ::~~oo~n~~Ph:; Prime .Minister Indira Ga.n~i's former Prime Mi~is~r Golda.Meir CO~~:~i~g ':~~b~~r~~res~~c~~ heavy party-ers) to see who could ~~~e:~:'o~:nc~rt~:a~l~:~:~~~~~ :nhe~~l~~~ ~~ltic~r~:v~~~~~I:: ~~~es~e~:~~: :if,~~e~o S~~~~ ~:~~~:~:~::~~~~~~ ~te~~::: ~~r:a~~;~h~~~Wnn:::';;':~'J~~~ by attending a Genesis rock causeddissenbonwJthm~eruhng Lebanon, Jordon, Saudi Arabia January '/:7. Registration forms to Jedburgh, Scotland (6 hours non- concert in Scotland. Congress Party, was nommated ~y and Syria in his first diplomatic and instructions may be obtained stop) where there was a gradual Everyone arrived back safely in ~~r%t: ~~:'~t~~tm.ake hl~ ~ur :or the c~rt~r ~~inis~at~n. from Wrubel at Western Maryland ~~::e:~~~ac~~?~£~)o~~;: ~i~~~~~~~ht;:Ob~~~ ~~;~;est~~~ ~~~h:!:=~~:f~~eA;~[~~~~~ ~~c:a:~i:E~~~:~~d }:!s~~:. ne~ ~~~~~oye:~I~~~::~:12~~tii;~ several well-selected stories about ~n~~!hry~~e~~ds~i~~~~~~%eu~~I~~ Mmlst% R:rr;; once a major Vietnam accused the United 08540. ruMing water, wateifalls, etc. su?por rot e P~me Minister, States Tuesday of using un- During the one-day testing Needless to say, there was a near ~: th::pakSbfr tp~:~~~~gm~t g~r~(, ~Ultty~th the. Ca~met and thr.: der~over military agents i"n session' a registrant may take the riot to get off the bus in Jedburgh. ar , e~o~ncmg er emerg~mcy ThaIland and teams of Green Beret Comm~n Examinations, which This cultural tour of England and ~e~e~~c~~fe~if:~:~ :~~h~r~;::: ~~~~ n:;:~~~t~Oth month, ana. her ~oops in Lao~ to sa~ta~e pea~e. in include tests in professional and Scotland, led ably by Dr. Stevens To all you freshmen and· Secret~ry of S.tat~ Cyr~s yance c~~~ea:tt ~~lalliI: 'itni~~t ~:i~~X~~~ra~:~~~~~b~~~l~es~~e~f ~ :~~~re~i;:n;:~::s 2~nj~:~ ~~ :tn:~orbe:~au~~rtthis:v~~~r y~~I~ ~:~i;~e f~c:~~m::!:~~~o~i:~ ~~~C~~~~~i~~~~;Q~~ t~~i o~~~~ Jro~ knowledge of partic~ar Europe, visiting places you've probably be offered again in ~wo "very useful and friendly talks'" Dan, or People's Army, also said sU~te~ matter and teachlOg heard about but never really ex- years time and; Boy! Is it worth wi.t~ Isra~1i leader.s. ~ri~,e the U.S. had an immediate and m~neo re"sistered, each candidate pected to visit. It was like a dream eV!7a ~:~:~emark I'd like to make Mmlster Yltzhak Rabm said r long-term scheme of subversion will receive an admission ticket co~: st~~~e~ o~:\~h~~don, visiting an appeal to one of our illustrious ~~u~~~~;;er;i~~tis~~e:~~~i~ai:~ ~~~atr~:;~~;;s;~~:~as~h~~~~~ ~;~ti~~~:~:~:~te::o ~~~Che~:~~ Westminster Abbey, Greenwich members by saying, "Earth to Vance met with Foreign Minister that the U.S. planned to reopen its she should report. Those taking the and the Prime Meridi$ln. Willie, Earth~to Willie!!" Yigal Allon, President Katzir, closed bases in Thailand. Common Examinations will report •••and the National News at 8:30·a.m. on February 19 and finish at about 12:30 p.m., Wrubel said. Area Examinations are The state Senate .has voted to he said. The reason is the phase-in .President .is making the' most Carter stated that he might as well scheduled from 1:30 p.m. to about gradually raise the drinking age prOvision of the bill. After July 1, progress, however, is among have been " ... talking to a brick 4: 15 p.m. the same day. for beer and light wine to 21 over a 1979 the le,gal age for all alcoholic average citizens: The open non- wail ... " In fact, within 24 hours of three-year period .. creating a beverages would be21 which it was imperialistic style demonstrated one Carter pronouncement, SGAAction ••• unique drinking season for 18-year- until 197~ when the legislature at the inauguration and his another dissident was arrested olds. If the bill passes the House .........ered it to 18 for beer and wine. "fireside chat" has won him the Foreign affairs experts suspect A new sub-committee has and is signed into law as drawn, it admiration of millions of that the Soviets may be attempting recently been formed by the SGA will find some young people --President Carter is gaining Americans previously cool to him. to blackmail Carter out of speaking for the purpose of studying the eligible to drink beer for the first generally high marks on his first -One rough spot in Carter's out on such situations-therefore decline of the self-scheduled exam. half of each year until 1979. "It's clays in office. He drew respect early days has been the Soviet testing to see how tough this new Members of the committee plan to ridiculous," says Senator John C. from reporters at his first press dissident situation. In direct President is. begin interviewing faculty Coolahan (D., Baltimore 13th) conference where he fielded violation of the Helsinki accord, Got a pill?; members who still give students their choice of times to take their ;::~a~~m~~n~:~r~::y~a~:r::~. ;~~sti::d:~~h ~~!;~iaf':a%ac~f ~:lat~~~~~an ~~~s i!l:~;:s~~~~ A pair of newlyweds' have filed finals, as well as some who have be able to drink until July. Then Congress, Carter admitted a a number of politica1 dissenters. suit ~gainst Eastern Airli~es, given them in tI".e past, but no longer do. Hopefully, the results of ~he:n ~~~ :~nk dr~~i1 ~~~u~~~t ~~~n~l~c~~~ ~or~~:~:o~ :~~n~~ The S~te Department and €arter ~~:rgl~~n~~!~~ c~;p~~~J~~~~~ this survey will prove useful in July. Then they can't drink again." for the better. Where the new ~a;s~ ~s:~:!s ct;~tou~oce~oen~va~~ their birth control pills. changing this trend.
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