Page 92 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 92
s Scrimshaw rts FridaV. February 11.1977 .\\1MC "Winter" "''''0" Some, Lose Some Since Scrimshaw came lower weight classes, where. our wrestler. He is the leading winner out during January, the Western !eam I~ young and rel.atively, on the team, having compiled a 10- we serve ... Maryland grapplers have had",9- inexperienced, but, obviously, 4-1 record. One measure of his matches, winning 4 and dropping 5. improving. degree of improvement is the fact Victories were, registered over Kutz~v.:n has ~ e~ellent team, that he has beaten three opponents BREAKFAST teams from Susquehanna, Johns and ~xh~bited their skills Satur~ay who bested him last year. Hopkins, Lebanon Valley and by wmnmg the quad-match easily. Congratulations, John! Ursinus. U~BC, Towson, WMC was cut down 3-43. John Moravian, Gettysburg and Kutz- Koontz (Unlimited) was our only Subs Pizza town bested the Terror matmen. winner, doing it in convincing Jim Wogsland Rival Hopkins was edged out by a fashion, 7-0. There were few other Chickeni;!!ttr.~i~i~n., single point, 22-21. WMC was down. bright spots. Kutztown simply This year's basketball team has O-IS in the early going, .but -ceme -. .cutclassed their three foes. suffered through a tough season pjzza DIy-Tuesday back to win every remaini,ng:tiout. Only three matches nemain on but has nevertheless enjoyed good The match was taken directly to the wrestling schedule. By the time support from its fans. Only two Spaghmi Day - Wednesdav DiM_' Hopkins they had only 2 you read this, WMC will have faced home games remain this season WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE takedowns to ow team's 20, a huge York on wednesday. Tomorrow, (Susquehanna on Feb. 15 and disparity. - Saturday in Gill gym, Delaware Dickinson on Feb. 19). J.Y. games The latest action by the WMC Valley will be visiting. The action start at 6: 15 while the varsity Open 6&.1JWb.ily except Sundays·18.m. men was last Saturday, when they begins at 2:00 P.M. The final contests start at 8:00. Come out participated in a quad-match in- meeting of the year will be held at and cheer the bcopsters to a suc- wiving Ursinus, J(,:utzto}Vn, and nationally-ranked Lycoming. cessful end to their season Lebanon Valley. UrSirlus;forfeited One exceptional ac- NEWLY REMODELED Route 140 five matches to Western Maryland. ccmplishment which deserves - •••••••••••• Westminster Additionally, Rip Jamison 058Ibs) recognition is the job which has. HEAGY'S SPORT EXPANDED SEATING 84&-9110 :~r~;n~~~; ~6~e~~:'~s~ . ~m~~e '~~i;~ncl~~.nt~ou~' : SHOP 4-3, respectively. The fmal was. hard work and diligence, John has • Offering -; SHOP i ~~ -:~ ~~:US~~;o~ Yalley-~ d:vi;lPje: .in~o. a. lr~IY. ~n: : A COMPLETE LINE . clomal ~bo£ ~OU5 demonstrated themselves to be _ SPORTSMEN BARBER- • Of SPORTING GOODS! • tougher adversaries. The Terrors _ - puI1edC?ffa22-1Swin.ScottDahwe,. 848·55i5 ITS PRESENTS a team member for only 3 weeks, _ 16 West Main Street "UTTERLY RIDICULOUS PRESIDENT'S DA Y" pinned his man at 3:57 in the. S482363 • Westminster, Md. 21157 • 1~~. :~:;'::~~:-::RY'-"NO21157 ~~~~I~~~~~:!inJs~t:!~ SALE DennyHoy(1261bs),TerrjrCaudell· ••••• - • - • - - .... OSO), Bruce LeFew (167), and - Male and Female Greg Banks '(90). Bruce and Greg - Styling • Famous French. • Fri.-Sat.·Mon. Feb. 18·19 & 21 Only ~~!:,~~:~~~~~::~~:Razor Cutting Gallenes • SUPER FANTASTIC SAVINGS 16-3 and 14-1. The significant ooe RUSTY 8: JUDY JOHNSON curances of the Lebanon Valley _ : QRlGINAL OIL PAINTINGS: FRyiONESOOT contest in the CUSTOM FRAMING • "BROWSERS WELCOME" • 848-Q060 16 West Main Street Westminster, Md. 21157 25% OFF Reg. Price NARROW & MEDIUM WIDTHS ALL IN STOCK FALL &. WINTER ~ 2 PAIR FOR $15 00 "ISN'T THIS RIDICULOUS" 10 Carlisle Street Downtown Hanover Pa. * * * '* * It * * * * * * * * \t:? _",..,¢'1 HOURS : mon.12-5 thvrs..l0 Sdlt9·5 - 5 * * * * * * * * lues .. wed_ * * fn.l0-Q
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