Page 88 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 88
Last week VI/estern l,mryland's wrest- Western Maryland's Varsity ling team dropped three home m.;::_ tches to swim team broke another record excellent teams. 'l'nes e losses gave the in the meet Tuesday against Shepherd. team a 1-4 record, but coach Sarn Case. is The 400 meter freestyle relay not discouraged and looks for good s record was broken by swimmers Mike t o come. O"Laugflin, Jim Tarr, Jeff Burn, and On the 7th. the matanen mEt Loch Have n Rick Benitez, all freshmen. Out- and were bested L~8-3. The guys fought standbg performances to be men- like mad, but were up against great tioned were Rick Benitez in the 200 opposi -t Lon , The 6Ge WD was had by Greg meter breaststroke, Iii ke Ov Laugh Li n Banks at 190pounds. He beat a superb in the 50 meter freestj:.e, and Jeff opponent. Burns in the 200 meter backstroke I On laonday the 10th, \Villiam .;l; Mary all taking rre t place in their was a good meet and Rhode Island met our team in Gill events. It races. The final· wi-th many good score Gym and. came away winners, 4B-2 and 48-0. h'.orb an State, against whom th: ~errors was we.s te r-n Maryland-41 and had a fairly good chance of , was She phe r-d-E'L soheduled to appear but Vias a no-sJ;O'W: ~1'12'Z. /'er f'1rrl ri-co: , 'l'11ese scores sound bad. but V1eWl.!le the situation objectively reveals a diff- erent story. 'rhese three teams were among In their last home stand the the best in their divisions nationally. Terror dribblers wJipped their oppo- Against such o:pposit~on. any nents. the Ursinus Grizzlies, score at all is an ::tccompll.shment. For 81-62. 'I'h i s encouraging victory e xarnp.Le, Terry Caudell came vii thin one was spurred by the cheers of the point of Pac ino o~ Rhode Island. who was Gill Gym spectators. The team docs fifth nationally Ln the Division One cham- need your support and the best W8Y pionships! ~Jestern t.rar-y l and ' s wrestlers to give it is to a't t end all the 112ve a vc:ry uough schedule. Coach Cas~ home games and exhibit some errthu- Bays he \';ould rather be ~..,reGtlin,; ag::'11i~t e Lasm . You know how much fun an these fine 'te ams and 1081116 than, aga1nst evenng of live basketball action IJOor- 'Lcntcs • A 'tr-am CUll Gain '<:Gl.,; H,prOVf'1 can be. There are three home games Lv .nee t Lns; better schools while r.o!hing this morrth . 'I'hey are: c~n be learned from lesser oppoe Lt.Lon . b.or-av i an I'ues day the i.,any of the 'I'e r-r-or'e have (~~e rj ne Haverford Saturday the jobs. John Koontz dr-ev- one of h18 oppc- Muh Lenbur'g Sa-tur-day the 29th nen t s lat Londay . The other pinned ham in the last period after trailing John There are also two away carnes b~ seven l)oints. o_uring January~ on the 20th VS. Johns Hopl~ins and on the 26tb ()I(BIM CbAf- at Dicldnson. Illinois from Decewber 27-31. Hestern j,.C. h",d sL~ people attend. 'l'hc converltioij:;., sponsored by Inter-- -u~OIlNI/ 'IJI'If: V ~rsi ty ,::lu-istian Fello\'lsilip, hosts colle;s'~ stujents fl~oL1allover ti,e ;"orid. ~~~l;;~~~~mc~;~~~~~_,:~,:, Its purpose is to present a clearer and ~~~l~O~~ij~~~~ everYHhere to take Christians a'_ 8'::_f'Eli,de:l vic\\! of God's Vlor-;[in the entire lon£.;. hard look at the ir invol vermor, ~~~~r~J~~~l~io~:;;.~~~~sa~~j'~;~~l';o~~~e tl-.eir in the international arena (or c' lives, <:'11(.1lil~.ny of thelil fully cOl.l;nitted on campus). to U;\,131\I:1\ sho ....e,! Reactions ""}F~,;:~s21v('s to i:is ::.:er\·ice. to have a profond effect 1'0 :lClp uiv(; <2 full had on coulc" ...... spread of Ch:cistia.lity people's livCG. sit l'~o lcnzer b Jo ' al:d IE''!; as Christians, idly tho convevtibn, offsred a the wo~~ld pass by and. hgve it me:;:n very l~ ttle. "'8e~ L .we
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