Page 86 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 86
~:;~ki~4~~\".k;~~r-vA "~':'1;er~~~-~,;g:~;,t~ e: ,~, ,AJ7 ~ ;4'i~. ::f\'~i;"MUt4"f. .~ .,.,:.\-.f}';.t Po f~~ ".' ,) ,j j T~'~.e- ,~ ,,, ''r'" tM,!. ("_w / \~·i}I·;',.l:.·~1 ~jj:t.'-';''''''·'~C LA:Jn ¥:--1/l(:f)I("\ :1fi:1J'1')"One '. thi'!r;;':I""'Iill!!Cji,"~,)(" " • have . There ,~~ electric~r flO!Ninw.'~"t\ that ",a:~:li.i'ri,un,.,t.ll';, WTI'lC t'p&,e,$r,>4fl.JB 004~·i!,.~_~A.)lea~:b:E}~:Jt \ I most coming fi:om,t~e P,qallicY;l?l.J~n. tetm .y_et·~·\ cour.5'e\·./Uhe~;cours'8 ,.~'feat1Jl.r~ng Lrrt enae ! ". inter:perso~¥ dialo~e', :Wa:r:rE~,Farrell, :,strange '",H""l:1'UQ'. and. held ,trips to ,gBf bar-e ""~ ,il', tjle ';they~ aeeer: Johns ,Uo-:1kiu's' ~f;~der. 91ini~,.:, 1/3 prO?~'" ehuufd.cbe.: bly(. 'one., -91,'the .!4ore __~r~fllt-iY~i at t~rJlf1:- U:NFR,IEJIDS-;~\s t:i,V€ educf'tion ,e.:x;,r~iepce_s\ flv:,~:q,·~?-p}.~\, simply can't be avgocd to'-WMG,':stitdE:.nts, ii.!l-,a) 19n9, t~'¥_.' " tain:-'.othel'""people';' " I Tha;!i elE:c~:t'icit_y ~e,!9m~-!o:,~~':';;-: ;":~' r-For-, ""ociunple, take membe r-sb of bo'tth . cause and, re;:;U:l t 9f .some .rse:r:;Lo¥~ ?u'I)ostte '-'Sex~'Here' yOU'Ihave. to,IGe,' CI,n _'q\ by' s~u,de~'t,~,~ b.t;, wh'il-trPl8?J9}1.- f.nemy" or-; a: lover _'_you simply: can) t l~ni ty i,,:, "anp- wha:t ,,·~.t}~hould pe ~'sm haveo a~ friE:nrJly' relat'1onship,~\Vith a c8mpus 1,.::ell vy:t'se,d .~p.,~m~e .p~)\1[e~r , someQna:-who .isn' t of,:,fhf-,'_; same! ~rGK 88 structure_s,_~,l)\'.'e'vE;.nevyr: hap e.. femalE your~elf. Most' of' .,the ,re:1ati'onshipe Tlresident.:2; 'evLry one o! '~l:le, ChaiI'llJ-en women ha~e with men -arE: s'ext1al:'~ r . of the Board of ,Truste~s,ha~ ~nd6ed" Is this attiturJe,~'he'althy? 1'f been a Cl1air-:-!!!.§!! ~) ;tp,:-le)0l?- ,thf'~~lC ..c'amJ)us havE. lE.ayr~p-;r-i}CI~.ttP\ r~l~-Pfi. t~A ;-1:he f.Qr .YC;8.rS. Big ,Boy~ Don't .. Cry-: shQu~,9- onnosi teo sex as \people.t. ,-" provine for excellent discus!3l.op. 8:_I1d ='~l'.':So:4 the nexttime_iyou ,A.:r'E- in a rE:evalp.3.tiQj:1"py" all, 9o_rc,ernt: d; "':"_L both si tuaiiion-)in whicYi. ryou are relatj ng male and ,female. . t- r to.other.,pe:ople (-j;ou know,i thoseY!'!e . Jl.1J'L' fCA.llYJsh14,,,J . /I lIi tI.;es ", \ ',' '.'-. " who'li:'ile :,across camnus who,'you'-re. 'with suu-P0SE-.d to· hang ..eround 131-1 A disturbing bit o£>:gr~,_~tE:.d ti,me), do -.yourself a favor .. Don't .the Scrimshaw ~d:j..l'0rs
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