Page 89 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 89
Friday, February 11, 1977 Volume IV, System Ills Challenged Reformist Phil Lapadula Speaks at On Tuesday night February 7th Cheniae thinks that sexism is in McDaniel Lounge, three con- "an emotional problem" that will Convocation - .,...cerned people, two of them WMC take time to eliminate all together. students, gave short talks on the ~~:~ ~~r~~~~~ Carlton Harris students, faculty Last Tuesday, need to liberate and "humanize" ~;i~~l~n th:~~~ "Western Maryland College and are changing in society. She thinks and friends of the college gathered Chapel to at- in Baker Memorial institutions in general. They used that WMC is behind in this tran- tend the third annual Founder's statistical facts and quotes from sition Convocation. The guest speaker for famous .people to sUPIXIrt their The second speaker in the the 11:30 A.M. assembly was Dr. I claims that Western Maryland presentation was Bernard Samuel H. MacgilJ, President of suffers from sexism, "institutional Franklin, a black graduate student Simon's Rock Early College in rectsm.v-and a "spiritual crisis of and the head resident uf Rouzer. Great Barrington, Massachusetts. the heart and soul". The two hour Mr. Franklin stated that he was The proceedings began with the event, which was attended by speaking for himself and not invocation, delivered by Dean Ira about sixty students and faculty, necesarily for the entire black . Zepp, followed by a short discourse r included an hour long discussion community. Franklin comes from given by Dr. John on the subject of period following the talks, and was a predominately all black, urban sponsored by the SGA, the Black setting. He also presented a lot of the college colors. Itseems that the Student Union and the Scrimshaw. supportive data to back up his students of the college chose black, Margaret Cheniae, a WMC statements. Franklin criticized the white, and red to be' the official student, started the presentation ~3J~P~i~\'!.~ktb~~~t1t~eTn~i~a~8 colors back in 1889. For some inexplicable with a fifteen minute presentation ~~~~t;~~i.f;du~ti~-~ reason, these varied on Sexism at WI\1C, She the lack of sufficient Federal ai.d to Dr'-Samuel M~cGiII called -for both theoretic;l~nd hues never quite caught on. Con- began by giving her supportive black colleges, pointing out that all in understand ing ,me post-modem won-d. sequently, the faculty in 1893 data. "Out of sixty-seven faculty continued on Page 2 adopted "olive green and old gold" members, only sixteen are and .this it has been ever since. "Special women," she stated. "There is only Aging Seminar Not Just for Elderly music in the form of one woman serving in a top ad- Gustav Holst's "Turn Back 0 ministrative posttton.,' On January 18th, Western and dealt with several problems of Educational Needs. '>¥"lan"was presented by the college Miss Cheniae pointed out the Maryland College and the aging. Some of the topics discussed' Ms. Martha Hensley and Dr. :hoir under the direction of Oliver way inequitably allocated University of Maryland Center on in the film were the problems of Samuel Case led the discussion on Spangler. The organist for the in the athletic department. She Aging sponsored a seminar en- living on a fixed income, the idea of health. They raised several points; day's activities was Evelyn also stated that the clerical and titled "Viewpoints on Growing nursing homes, and activities for such as the need for the elderly to Hering. , maintenance jobs on campus are Older." The seminar consisted of the elderly. The film also featured keep active, the need for education Dr. MacGill was then introduced still stereotyped for women ." six basic parts. These included a many Senior Citizens who spoke towards preventive medicare and oy Dr. John. MacGill is a 1950 Cheniae criticized the Greek .film on aging, a lecture on the with a very positive attitude about the need for a healthy attitude. graduate of the University of North Societies, describing sororities as sterotype of aging by Dr. Edward themselves and about aging. They discussed several common Carolina. He followed this witt "cliquish, elitist, and sexist." "The F. Ansello, small group The small group discussions health problems among the studies at Yale Divinity School ant Fraternities hold the privileged discussions, small group reports, picked up the theme of problems elderly, such as a drop in strength, Duke, where he was awarded a doctoral His major and dominate role on this cam- and a panel discussion. The film among the elderly. The. three basic increased body fat, and the loss of Ph.D. iii. 1962. was a critique of . concern research pus," she stated. was prepared by the American areas covered were Health, Law ability to extract oxygen from the Occupational Therapy Association and Consumer Issues, and air. the political realism of Hans J. Ms. Janice Watkins and Dr. Ira Morgenthau, who coincidentally, .John Treks to Mid·East Zepp headed a discussion on Law" was 'the speaker at WMC's first Issues. Pounder's " Convocation. and Dr. Consumer They Meg Hoyle pointed out that elderly to people are MacGill has' held higher a number of most vulnerable fraud, within education, postttons Dr. Ralph C. John, college and Saudi Arabia. He met with the president, has recently returned heads and many faculty members especially in the areas of medicine. the latest his presidency of Simon's from a trip to the Middle East, the of the University of Kuwait and Many elderly people do not know lock, which began last year. Th'e purpose of which was to enlist University of Riyadh, and had where to turn' for legal aid. Many college is a truly unique institution support for Student Aid In- much to say about the differences are living on Social Securi.ty and In America, being desfgned ternational, a non-profit in the educational systems. They have trouble meeting costs for primarily for 16-20 year olds. organization he has been involved are all based on the European such items as hearing aids and Students attending the institution in. university system, in which the light-bulbs. Some expensive can earn a B.A. degree two years Student Aid International, or student takes only courses in his purchases which elderly. people before the average college student. SAl, is an organization formed to major, beginning as a freshman. must consider are bunalIcts and Dr. MacGill's concerns with the funerals. help qualified, disadvantaged Arab "They have no college Mrs. Elwell led the discussion on reform of higher education were students continue their education requirements in our sense," says reflected in his presentation, "The in the United States and Canada Dr. John. educattonar needs. Although most Arms of Liberal Education in the The group helps guide the students He also noted that the Arabs state schools have free tuition for Post-Modern World." He defines towards academic fields which don't have the easy going faculty- senior citizens, elderly people are " ... Post-Modern World" as being reluctant to go back to school. They would prove helpful to their student relationships Iound in the are afraid they will not be able to that era yet to come when those homelands, as well as to schools United States. This he attributes to keep up, and they fear that they characteristics which we recognize where they would receive the best the fact that their SOCiety is still as being of the modern world will training. basically patriarchal; age and have nothing to --offer in a no .Ionger be apparent. The An orientation program has been status are much respected. He classroom situation. They need modernity of the past 300 years, the designed at Catholic University in says that they "are sensitive to and education and in Pre-Retirement need science, the technology, the mass they also Planning, Washington, DC, to help the Arab conditioned by strict authority and educational programs which will weaponry, the overall leap in students adjust to.the differences isn't related to any government rank." progress will be replaced by a no- between the Eastern and Western party, or religion. ' Saudi. women aren't of the same provide them with activities they srowth world. worlds, both academic and social. Dr. Jolm first became involved status as the men, according to Dr. can 00 when they are no longer MacGill suggested that we may The American Language Academy with Student Aid International John. They. still wear the physically active. In addition to already be in transition between will provide intensive language through several former students of traditional veils over their faces, these special needs, many elderly the two eras. Even now we are instruction for t~ose who are in his, bo~ at American University and are not allowed to drive cars. people need the very basic recognizing that the pace of ex- as reading such need of a r~edial DI"~am. and Simpson College. 'rncse He said he saw very few on the education, that they did not have and in pansion which characterized the writing, SA~ basically provides op- students were of Arab background streets. Few if any Saudi women past cannot long continue without portunities for disadvantaged and through this program are benefit from the available state their youth. resulting disaster. The scientific yoWJg Arabs to receive educations trying to give others the 'same scholarships. In contrast to this, The seminar ended with a Panel solutions relied on in the past will in America and Canada so that opportunities that they had. As a the University of Kuwait has an discussion by several retired no longer be effective. This is the they can better aid the develop- member of the Board of Directors almost equal male-female senior citizens. They all shared context of our contemplations ment of·dheir countries. The Dr. Jcbn serves as an educationai population. several positive viewpoints on about education. The question is: organization also ho~ to aid the ~nsultant. On his recent trip, he retirement, and especially enjoyed How can institutions of higher young people by grvmg them a interpreted the services of the Many of the students Dr. John the fact that retirement gave them learning be reformed in order to better chance for achievement in organization to government of- talked with were eager to get a time to do things they had always better prepare individuals for life their careers. ficiais and education ministries as chance to come to the United wished to do. The seminar in this post modern world. A non-profit organization, SAl well as putting proposals bef~re States to study. He hopes that p-esented a variety of experiences Dr. Mac Gill introduced his was incorporated in lllinois, and several Arab groups. 'Western Maryland will have at which helped the participants to answer by citing J. Glenn Gray, has branches in New Jersey, During his two week trip, Dr. least two, if not more, Arab gain an understanding in the who distinguished between two London, and the Middle East. It. John visited KUWait, Abu Dhabi, students in the coming year. experience of growing older. continued on Page 3
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