Page 94 - Scrimshaw1976-77
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Page 2 Scrimshaw' Friday, February 18, 1977 Editorial Letters to the Editor WMC: Where-Do We Go? The following, written by WMC senior, a Black Student Union Protest in MacLea member Wendy Merrick, is endorsed by the Scrimshaw editorial board. Dear Editor, I personnel have overlooked these Our thanks to Wendy. Fish, company, and this school "minor" details" and since the finding a virgin in a maternity February 1977 and where do we go from here? February has always stink after 3 days! And so does a beginning of December (1976) ward! (It should be noted here that resident, Vernon head only appeared to be a time of great decisions. From Its Latin origin, practical joke! In case the ad- MacLea has suffered from a lack Mummert, has been of any help, Februarlus symbolizing the Roman festival of purification. For the ministration of this institution has of hot water, and since the but there is only so much that he American Government Its a time to put new policies Into action. For forgotten, there are people beginning of February of this year can do.) Black Americans It has been deSignated for the celebration of Black residing (that is, living) within the has had no cleaning of any kind It is hoped that, if possible, the HIstory Week. Western Maryland College also joins in this February building designated as Daniel done to most parts of the dorm and administration can find time to ettttuoe. a new semester has begun, final days with dangling questions. MacLea Hall! (Surprise+D These toilet paper has been as scarce as a read this, they will take heart and In terms of February where does Western Maryland go in the fIght people shit, shower, and like sa-dollar bill! The residents have get off their rear ends (and out of 3galnst racism? cleanliness just as much as any lodged more than numerous their own personal HOT showers) I think before I contInue we should establish an understanding on the other ordinary people. complaints to everyone of and do something before all of erm ~...crsm. The American College Dictionary, defines racism as "a Unfortunately, the ad- authority (from Dean Laidlaw to MacLea ends up in Rouzer (God belief that human -eces have distinctive makeups that determine their minstration and maintenance Ripple) with no more success than forbid) or McDaniel (not a bad respective cultures, usually Involving the idea that one s own race is idea) on a permanent basis! The super-Ior- and has he right fo rute others." Harry Edwards in his book RELAY Help Sought new fans in MacI..ea aren't worth Black Students, defines Institutional racism as "an overt and covert crap if nobody is using the cooperation cetween local, state, and national governments to deprive TO: STUDENTS our Box number is 73. We are bathrooms! and deny Black people of their constitutional and human rights; the F'ROM: RELAY located in the RELAY-HINGE On behalf of the residents conscious and unconscious acts of bustness enterprises and private office in the rear of McDaniel Hall of MacLea, I am white citizens that prevent black people from gaining such rights; and RELAY is a group of social work Thank you for your time, Bitterly yours, the inherently racist and entt-bleck character of this socIety's social, and sociology majors and other RELAY economical, political, educeuone! and religious institutions." interested students who act as a Thomas F, Lewis III How many ideas do you have that pertain exclusively to black people? volunteer connection between the In four years, I have had countless discussions wIth non black Iriendson campus and the community. Ouster Inexcusable what they had perceived Blacks to be before knowing one. It aiways amazed us at how wrong these Ideas were but what amazed me was the Each semester we assemble a To the Editor, Sir' numerous people at this institution that thought them Task Force of students who have There was a woman student here take when around someone who is indicated interest in volunteer last semester who is not here this different from ourselves-an at- I see Western Md. College 10"be a racist Institution, for It-practices work. We are working in con- semester. She has transferred to titude of dismissal that very nearly institutional racism. lis distribution of administrative power, its offered junction with Voluntary Action American University. She left makes a person invisible. We are WMC because she was made to feel curriculum and it social makeup, not only ignores the needs and Center of Carroll-County, located uncomfortable because she is cruel in doing it, and our ignorance potential of Blacks but it sets an environment for racist thought. This in Westminster. When of our cruelty makes the ex- college does nothing to educate its students to the many perspectives of organizations and agencies submit black and' a member of a strict perience that much more petnnu. sect. I'm happy she is at Slack Culture and the numerous contrIbution attributed to Black projects to us, we contact the Task religious I hate it that she couldn't J. Horne Atj-and people. Forcer I am in no way Irying to mythicize whites into the role of villain. You we feel it is very important for ~~ds: ~::ei~~~i~~::!~T~~:: Poetry Contest too are victims, your institution of learning is keeping you Ignorant. But students to become involved with I do see It to be a duty of every person affiliated with this college to be the people of the community in are minority students here who Dear Editor concerned with racism and so I call on you to do your part. Which brings which they live. We are asking you consider four years at WMC We gratefully acknowledge your us a little closer to the questtcn- where do we go from here? to help in this effort by lending a something to "get through", and previous cooperation-regarding (I) But before we can consider the task of the question we must look again hand. If you are interested, have there are too many people who, our Fall 1976 Poetry Contest to WMC and see where it Is in 1977. Currently there are 26 Blacks some free time and would like to knowing what WMC is like, will with its ensuing anthology, enrolled here. Compare that to 1300 white students and that figure help, please get back to us by never come here. This is a small AMERICAN COLLEGIA_TE doesn" appear very impressive. There is one Black in the Ad- dropping in our office. Hours are and conservative campus-but I POETS, and (2) our Collegiate ministration, one black head resident and there still remains none on Monday through Thursday, 1:30 to have heard that excuse too many Creative Writing contest, resulting the faculty. Where are the courses and lectures that deal with.Blacks? 4:00. Our phone number is 848·7023, times. There can be no excuse and 10 COLLEGE CONTEM. For those who keep telling me abou,lthe progress we've made and "how _ PARIES Magazine,' V.ol I, bad lis been in the past," does Western Md. in 1977 really reflect Masters -Program Growing No.2, December issue 1976, with progress? both publications having been a With a population of only 26 Blacks, how many people get the chance source of inspiration and en- to know a black person? I say far too little. How can we ever understand Western Maryland College's couragement to many young each other if we never meet. It Is just as vital to have Blacks in the master of liberal arts program, of the deaf, guidance, collegiate authors. Administration. Everyday deciSions are being made to improve and one of the newest degree programs mathematics, media, physical The two enclosed releases: NATIONAL (I) new our change several aspects of thIs school, but I wonder how much of that initiated by any state college or education, reading, secondary COLLEGE POETRY CONTEST, includes considerations for 'its Black students. university, is rapidly expanding education, and special educatio.n Spring Concours 1977, offering $395 Western Maryland is fail1ng in its promIse of a Liberal Arts education. and now enrolls over 100 students. Do YOU feel that you're at an institution of liberation? Part of the reason for the Information on the two degree in cash and book prizes and free In October, the Black Student Union developed a Long Rang Plan popularity of this one-and-a-half- programs is available from the printing for all accepted poems, which stated several proposals to homogenIze the many facets ct thts year-old program's success is its Director of the Graduate Program, and (2) our third COLLEGIATE 848-7000, extension 233 or 307, or for instItution. The long Range Plan explicitly defined the steps needed for varied curriculum. For example, callers from Baltimore, 876-2055. CREATIVE WRITING CONTEST a Coordination Program, changes in Admissions and Academics, and this spring there are such offerings for short stories, etc., offering a more diversified cultural and secret programs: as creative writing, ecology, total of $600 in cash and book The efforts of the Black Student Union wJII be wasted unless the entire American women's histor-y, and prizes, free editorial service and college joins together in determination to make the necessary changes over 40 others. The Maryland $1500 Given free copies of COLLEGE CON- for- this college. Let's dream dreams, and build a new day for Western Council for Higher Education gave TEMPORARIES Magazine, June Md. College. Together we cen.meke those dreams reality. Westminster, Md.--President its approval for Western Maryland 1977 issue, for all entrants, of John Advocacy Needs Males College to implement the program Ralph C. College recently Western an- will again be of special interest Maryland The Advocacy prqgram has, for a number of years, catalyzed in Fall, 1975 reason for the nounced the receipt of a gift of to all Creative them Writing students, as "Another two offer diversified they relationships between retarded persons and WMC students. Always popularity of the program is that $1500 from the Sears Roebuck outlets for their literary ambitions. valuable to both advocates and retarded persons, the program has we're providing classes at con- Foundation. Since both of these (high-quality) recently suffered the usual organizational eutrcutttes . missed cern- projects run on a near nonprofit municatlons, missed responsibilities etc. This year, however, the venient times and sites," states Dr. A Sears representative delivered margin, any free space you might program has/been given a real boost In making Steve Horr of the Carroll ~e S;~~~t:o;~;~:~;~:~s:! the check which is part of the Sears wish to give our announcements County Association for Retarded Citizens Its director. would be very much appreciated afternoons in late Mtlre student help is needed however . particularly male help. Ac· are conducted and are .sch~ule? t ~~:~k to F;~i~~~!:o~egi:~l~; cording to Horr 21 of 23 current advocates are women. At least 5 ~d evenings accreditee! colleges and univer- . Sincerely, retarded persons, moreover, who have particular need for a male five graduate ce~ters 10Pl~esVII e, sittes. The program, established in Dr. Val M. Churillo, Editor companion (no father In the home, for example), remain without ad Towson, Frederick, Rockville, a~d<, 1962 distributes $JlJ~ million an- Persons interested in either vccetee only because there are so few male volunteers. In addition a., as well~s our main nually to approXi~ately 1,000 contest should write to the . total of 15 requests for advocates - male or female cannot be met by "'Westmmster campus.. IS de;;;lgned schools. The gifts range from $300 Scrimshaw, Box 3-A, for more The M.L.A. program to $15000 Horr simply because of the shortage of volunteers. for students holding bachelor's ,. information. Horr stresses the flexibllty of the program In response to potential degrees who wish to deepen their advocates. The amount of time spent with the retarded individual, a understanding of the world around Gerald Clari(, associate director Honor Board well as that person's sex or age, are flexIble criterion In the matching them. Courses for the required 30 of development reports, "This gift process semester hours are divided among is part of the local c01"]Xlrate Last semester, just before finals A per!'on need only talk with WMC students who have been or are now the areas of cultural heritage, response to the sustaining fund week began, 2 Weslern Maryland advocates to realize the value of greater support for the program. contemporary society, and program of the college, which has College students were found guilty Horr's p,",;one number is 848·4124 ' creative process. Classes open grown over the last four years of charges involving cheating on a from $6,500 a year The Honor to in excess assignment. Anonimity Decried February 7. in the first $25,000 last year. This support of is homework penalized each student by Board Last June, 21 students group of M.L.A. recipients separate from the generosity of the giving them a zero on that par- SCR IMSHAW has recently received an anonymous letter in reaction graduated along with over 130 M local business community ren- ticular homework assignment. It to last week's letter by Del Palmer. We must announce, however, that Rd. recipients dered for the new college center." should also be noted that a second while we will print anonymous letters, withholding the author's name, Western Maryland's M.Ed. Western Maryland College, the honor violation in the future results we must know the identity of the wrIter prior to publication. SCRIM· program dates back over 40 first co-educational institution of in automatic suspension. SHAW therefore requests that this week's letter author please send a high learning south of the Mason- -Chris Homes, note identifying hImself to Box 3A so that we may continue publishing years. It provides degree Dixon Line, celebrated its cen· recorder, all mall sent to the editor. programs in nine specialized tennial a decade ago. Honor Board areas: administration, education
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