Page 84 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 84
A" ~%p~r&fnter" ~~1 Page 12 Matmen Lose First to BU ca'ItOnH,,,;,Sports Quiz Carlton Harris The topic this week. animal fO~\~~eag~c:~u~:~eDerbY is run In theirfirst match of the season, Washington this Saturday. The last Sunday afternoon as over a lovers, is horse-racing. For most of ~'~;~;:;';~::~~:~~:'~I~'~~',;'2:o;: -;:;;:::'IY h~:'w;~'th~:';i~~l ,o~d ~~:~~;~::;~\~~,O~~:;:'~~:;:'~nl: ~~~:'~:~l~~~;;~~::h~;::~~;\~~'~~ ;,' ~:~e";il;h'.,'~~:~"nthree ~}:1d~;:~h;~:~lt!i~~:f+;:~~i[;~~;~~p~~f~~~q~~;~~;,~;~i~~:h~~~~~~i~J~};~~~~~;~~:~~{'~~~;;~;fi~;rr:;~~~~,l:~i(~~:E{~l~~t~:~lrtdh;i: have easily been won. All four of to be there and support your team younger counterparts. previous page, upside down. 5) 6 furlongs.equals ') the lightest weight classes were A splendid time was had by all 61 Belmont race course IS m this lost. The ne-ue. class was for- state ~~:l:~,;,~~~~llin5,"~~\~:y,OI~,';':BenitzBreaks Two Swim Reeords:;':'~~b~:',,~~~!~:da\~~k:,",l ~:~:on~~~~'~;I~~~,~3:;,:~d,:,:~~Patti Ch,"dl.~ Terrors Still Go Down, 62.42 ,,~:,;\~~:,eoldest ofthotriple ~;':l:;po'ilionon';1toldinthe Sw~.:,'I;':'~mM~~~~di~'v:::;:~~~i~~i~."~~~~;~~l't~~g~;~~,:~!~IB~i:~':;~;~~~~mth1,:'D;;;~h"i:"~9~:~tht~::nlO~~~ In the heavier classes, things Wedne~day against. Elizabethtown. also. Jeff Burps brought home a , another first year disqualified a"C'_!'·!es_t.s. revealed went, quite well for the Terrors Returning lettermen this season strong third in the 200 no,: with a swimmer, turned in a nice time of ~he presense of paill.h..i:~""'q..9ru~s ~;~.7,":n~ad;~t:~I~';,%~:~'Z::~~!~O~~;;'~~~n~':~"p!~t~l::.':~~:!~~i~!~~'l:~~';:r~n~i,:;~~i:t,T~:i;;;v~~o::~n~li~':'~a~:::mi~~:~~'.:"mhOC"should cover t:, division by John Koontz, and at 150- Chandler Other returning time of 3:12. In the 200 Fly Mike second in the required dives and miles in about this many minutes Ibs. Terry Caudell posted a members are Jeff Palkovitz, Sam Q'Loughlin took second with a 3:07 Rich Warfield taking third. In SCORING: 6- you finish the superior decision. At 167 and 177- York, Mary Gately, and Jeanne and Patti Chandler third with a optional diving John Little placed race.?- you show, 8- you place, 9- Ibs., Terrors faced champion RIpley and divers are John Little 3:44. In the 100 Free Carl Gold second and Rich Warfield was you Will, 10- go direct.!y to stud grapplers and came up on the short and Andrea Kline. The fresh swam a time of :56, which earned third. The final score of the meet farm! Below 6- go directly to dud ::'o~da~'"~~,~~;:;:~~,,~ha[~~~~~~~":f:'~~~;~il~:.mM:~:'~~,:~!'.':.~t";~;'~~~;;~:::,~~~~~~:":;h~.:;nl~;~~h~~~~·;'::~;;~"""f'."'",a6';:~~~~'~: positions. Greg Banks did Q'Loughlin, Jim Tart-, Dave Arm- another freshman, won the 2oo commended for its performance ,J·uBmnH-[: ·l p l :las Banks match is interesting in that bruster, and diver Rich Warfield. Robyn Kramer and Ginny Davies against Ursinus. -Z sPIG-Jea},-aaJl!J,-l :SH::iIA\SNV the team strategy here was to go Special pe.~formances were for the pin and the overall win. at turned m by RICk Benitez who as a Women's B-Ballers Victorious the expense of a tie. The mere freshman broke two W.M.C. amassing of points by Banks would records in the first meet of the have given him a superior decision season. Rick swam the 2oo In- Jim Teramani Terrors bulged o~t to a ten point with 16 and Nancy Barry with 12 and the extra point needed to tie dividual Medly·in 2:20 and the 500 The women's basketball team lead. The game, fittingly ended, as points. Becky also pulled down 20 B.U. A pin would have meant a 2- Free in 5:36 establishing two new played a conference game this EJ.len Scroggs dribbled the Iast 20 reoounds. Next game isn't unlil pt. victory and this was the course records. Other spectacular per- week against York College and seconds away as the York team January, but the women look like unsuccessfully taken. . formances were turned in by Mike came away with a 54-48 victory. cha~ed her. .. they're ready to play. The next match for the matmen O'Loughlin in the 200 Free in which The first half had the Terrors in High scorers weB k Marm t is also away, at George he placed third, Carl Gold in the control as freshman Becky Marlin " "Y 50 Free in which _he also placed co-captain Cathy Lane can -Area Pro Sports Schedule the game. Both teams of defense used was a bit more (Dec 10· Dec. 16) the reason was that Date Opponent Time I in the season. The AI Capital Centre: Butlets 12·10 Indiana 8:05p.m Washington was treated to a 12-15 Kansas City 8:05p.m that m_oved so fast, so WashinglonCapilals 12·11 Cleveland 7:30p.m. that at times it appeared 12·14 Lo, Angeles 7:30p.m. 10 women running up and court. At Civic Center: 12·]4 Greensboro 8:00p.m Baltimore Clippers must be the style the At Memorial Stadium , because each time Baltimore Colts 12·12 Buffalo 2:00p.m. ,_ =_:_:__::c. __clo,w_"it.hinsix points, the -----. T PRE CHRISTMASSAVINGS!!! . the· Hilll Jean Shop, • SEZ •IfALL FADED GLORY 25')\ OFF' - I &, LEGG'NS o. WE'RE IN!!! • .with loads of stock. so .1 LEATHER, GEMS-&' JEANS $1 i FEATURING: bril1g this ad ill for I Authentic Americon Indion Jewelry Unisex tops &. jeons (belts, bogs, wollets, etc.) '1.00 off an;\l ! - Hondcrofted leother goods "we con do !!!!I design" 0.00 purehasei MOl/day-Saturday • Hours: Monday·Saturday 11·9 from 12-6.30 pm ; 861-8776 or 356-5075 Ii rhone 876·6787 We're in the annex in tbe !last on RI. 140, after figh/ Dt I ! WESTMINSTER SHOPPING CENTER rurnri/!Jlta"IFinksbllrg I"::I:S__ ~ ..JI Rt.91. ~i ~ __
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