Page 79 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 79
Friday, December 10, 1976 Page 7 "The View from Class 66" Magic and Fantasy - '. The Clean-up Machine The Magic Penctt I~\'enbon Advice to the Needy What the world of children needs Ry Janis La Rosenzweig and had If I was a scientist is.a magic penc!l, and that i.s what I $1,000.00 to inve~t anything I Will invent. This pe~cil wIll.write wanted to, I would Invent a tteen- Dear Abby, ADVICE FROM GERTRUDE "My Mother The Car," and pluck anything you want It (0 write. If up Machine. The machine can be I have a friend who has a you want. a question ~nswered, pulled by two horses. It would all my eyebrov-s problem with another so-called Dear Gertrude:. . me out. Please help your pencil. will answer It for you. clean-up all the pollution, money lriend. My friend's friend is telling My husband IS having an affair This mventlO~ will be the best one. problems, meanness, an? any lies to her and she believes them. I with my sister- in-law. My children Distressed ever and that IS what I am going to other problem you. could think ~I try not to hurt her feelings by resent me for my choice of tooth- Dear Distressed- telling her that her friend is lying, paste. I get Crest. Th~y want Tell your kidnapper to hold the invent By lIal Koudelka You could take if toto any city In the world and it would work but I'm afraid she'll just end up (gasp> Close Up. My life IS failing pickle and the lettuce. Make sure getting hurt. What can Ido to make apart under my feet. What should I you have a full supply of eyebrow School my friend understand she's being fooled? do? pencil. God knows you don't' want Sincerely, Bewildered to look like a wretch. And what's so J like school. School together I have $17.00 for my But I hate getting watching Mother bad about "My .~AFriend Dear Bewildered: . The Car"? That has got to be the upin the morning so early. Ilike all report card Be brave. Keep your-chin up. and "best show ever on the air! my teachers. They are all nice. By Susan Norvell hit'm where it hurts Answer Gert Sometimes I get sick of school Dear Friend: G.Q By Jay McNamara and On my report card I got 5 A's, 3 Ican see you're really interested Dear Gertt: David Lissauer 6-G B's and 2C's. My parents didn't Myron in your friend's problem. I think I have just been kidnapped by a like the two C's, but who would? All it's best if you tell your friend your perverted torturer. He plans ~o Roses are red Violets are blue point of view and let her figure out lock me in a cell, feed me Big you are so tal! I think you are cool. the rest by herself. Macs, make me watch reruns of Politics at All Levels Hi Mr. Springle, Sincerely, This is your friend Myron Dear Abbey Magruder, the one that lives down By Terrie Powell A Niee Plaee Class 6E had the' least votes for the hill from Western Maryland Lots of to Live ~~~~e~i~~do~h:h~tt~~t:~/~~:~~! Is Jimmy Carter Good? . College. I think Western Maryland good? Tha~ IS a College is a good college don't you? Carter Is Jimmy did. Some you IS a nice place the Westminster Good Things live because it is the county seat. to had any power in the elections be alot question that everybody asks and I thought and I come up everyday. of my I friends thinks. about. elections probably would We have good shopping centers in more exciting. Ford won in the Now that he is President·elect, hope you read the paper. I read the STARS our area. We also have two hard- High School election too. We also what would you like him to work paper every week. How about your There are all different kinds of ware stores close by. We have good held debates on video tape. The on? Iwould like him to work on the friends? I hope you do too, I hope stars, little ones, big ones, and . banks. We also have a good Post Ford debating .team contained economy and getting poor sections you put this in the paper and the small ones Office. We also have a good school three members Duane Myers, out of the United States jokes too. There are all different colors. system, and good poli~e protection. Bobby Bull, Kathy Auriemma. I Do you think he is good? r d911 By Myron~Ma~ruder Colors like red, green. They ray out The recreation IS good III c think Carter is a liar. He has made think he will be a good president when the sun shines Westminster too. We have bowling too many promises uiai he can't and he will work on the problems of By Becky Powers alleys, a movie theater; parks, and keep. He kept changing his mind so the United States of America, the YMCA. We also have the Farm certain people would favor him but Jamie Davis 6E Hobbies Museum, Ag. Center and the after that he would never say Farmer's Market. anything like it. That is why Ivoted Westminster is a nice place to for Ford and I hope you did.too l\1yPony \Vhat Makes A live. My pony's name is Twinky. She Good Parent? Janet Klatz 6·F Brian Chilton 6E had a foul but it died when it was GOOD PARENTS are parents born. Iride her every week when I who understand your problems and _ go over to my grandmother's are willing to take time from house. whatever they are doing and listen The End to your problem and help you to understand your problem and help ~e6-G you solve your problem. GOOD PARENTS are parents who care the way you Press and Ukeleles look and how you take care of I love to play Ukeleles when yourself there is nothing to do at the house. GOOD PARENTS are parents When I first started playing the who understand that you are Ukelele I would sit with my lather growing up and getting older and trying to show me the 'chords. don't try to keep you like a baby. The first song I learned was GOOD PARENTS are parents Five-Foot· Two, I liked the song, who love and care for you. AND THAT'S WHAT GOOD PAHENTS but after playing for about an hour, you would get bored. My first ARE MADE OF! ! t Ukelele was when my father got By Kathy McNerney one for my birthday Jamey Hartess How To Keep "' Your Lover When you have a girlfriend, don't be mean to her. Be real. nice, but From All The Fish don't lei her boss you around From all the fish I'd like to be. because you know how girls get. So I'd like to be a Bass. Then nobody these are a couple tips Iwill give to could bother ma when I am you smoking grass ___ The End By Chris Romeo ~ ....'fheBestTeacher IE\'erHad Off Season Sports Quiz The best teacher I ever had was 1. Who does Don Gullet play for Mr. Clingan of the 5th grade. I n1tw? liked him because he didn't give us 2. Who won the Cy Young award a lot of homework. He let us have for the American League? chess tournaments. In the mor- 3. Who did the Orioles trade Dave nings before school we could arm Duncan for? wrestle. Mr. Clingan taught me 4. Who talks to a Baseball? how to play Strategy Football. Mr. Clingan would play Greek Dodge 6G left to right 1st row (kneeling) Mark Lee, Chris Romeo, Scott 1. Yankees with us at lunch. At the end of the Lambert, Janis Rosenweig, Terrie 'Powell, Cindy McJilton, Mike 2. Jim Palmer year he gave us a lecture about the Leemaster, Tim Michaels, Chris Miller, Chris Richards, Susan Norvell, 3. Pat Kelly world. Helen Poole, 2nd row (standing) David Lissaur, Tony Schaeffer, 4. Mark Frydrach David Frankling-F Jay McNamara, Cathy Pauley, Milligan, Marino, Becky Powers, Peter .~EdNevin Sharon Hal .,~----------------- Kram, Greg Koudelka, Billy Magruder, Veronica Kathy Pritts, Mr. Springle . Poore, Jeff Seitz, Myron Magruder,
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