Page 81 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 81
",... Friday, December 10, 1976 Review World Premiere, "Network,"· .Overrated Mark Bayer major news magazines try to grab department (William Holden). an executive, and _Ned Beatty Chayefsky makes In his .screen- Your parents may remember The National Enquirer readership This subplot doesn't completely creates a hilarious multi-national play; onJy Walter Cronkite has Paddy Chayefsky. In the early and by plastering their covers with work because Holden's character, corporation head who likes to talk admitted to liking the film. Since mid-fifties, this American anyone and anything from "Heroic Max Schumacher, is not believably about his youth as a salesman everybody else doth prot~t too playwright was responsible for a criminals", Gary Gilmore and written Network, scheduled to open much, Chayefsky must obviously number of small, semi-naturalistic Squeaky ·Fromme to -gaspt- around Christmas around be touching a raw nerve. The television dramas dealing with the Charlie's Angels and the 1976 In the first place, he inad- Baltimore an~ Washington, is criticism leveled at Network by problems of little people in the big remake of King Kong, Chayefsky's vertently starts the Mad Prophet already getting some· free assorted network bigshots is city --"Marty," "The catered -criticism is not onlK welcome but off by not only refusing to cut him publicity. Newspersons for the therefore more of a compliment of Affair," "Middle of the Night," needed. off the air after he says "I've run three major networks are fran- .Chayefsky's accuracy than and "The Bachelor Party" are the His and Lumet's plan is to out of bullshit" on his original 6:30 tically trying to deny the. charges anything I have to offer. best remembered of these, mostly surround an exaggerated, it-could- news show but continuing to let because the big-screen versions of happen extension of current trends him rattle on - something a news these teleplays are frequently. with a setting of present-day head of his calibre would never do. shown on local station. When the realism. Thus, we have UBS, the Moreover Chayefsky tries to have popular and executive demand for fictional fourth commercial net- things both ways 'by presenting continuing series and characters work around which the action Schumacher to us as the only overshadowed the "Playhouse revolves, poosting its ratings to rational force in the film while 90's" and "Studio- Ones,'.' undreamed-of heights by ex- simutaneously having him leave _.. Chayefsky left television too. ploiting its star newsman's (Peter his wife for 25 years to live with the _ But twenty years later. Finch) nervous breakdown -- woman who helps to get him fired. Chaye£sky is still around" as -ts which is done by transforming him Holden's dignity and conviction in television, and the former launches into the "Mad Prophet of the the role, however, helps make a biting attack on the latter in his Airwaves" and· giving him the Chayefsky's one misconception new screenplay, Network, a pic- nightly news to rant and rave in more credible and raises his ac- Mrs. Gladys Johnson of the Pubfications and Publici~y Office, admirs:. ture which also attempts to satirize front of millions of pliant viewers tions to something more plausible a dog at the Christmas Crafts Bazaar in the Fine Arts Buildina such diverse tcptcs as corporate on. A power struggle leaves the than the soap opera that his love The stuffed animals were made by Karen Cross and is one policies, domestic relationships news department under the care of affair threatens to be. of many displays of handcrafted items for sale. B and the susceptibility of the the programming department, Also excellent is Peter Finch, Christmas Craft azaar Americanpublic.It'sanextremely headed by Diana Christensen who not only is almost totally bread field of subject matter, but (Faye Dunaway). successful in submerging his Chayefsky's Network, directed by It is a measure of Chayefsky's British dialect, but also menages A variety of one-or-a-kind hand- eluding woodenware and lamps, Sidnay Lumet and starring skill and intelligence as a writer to suggest actual TV newsmen like crafted items will be for sale, in- dolls and doll clothes, crocheted William Holden, Faye Dunaway, that he makes the mad newsman Walter Cronkite, John Chancellor, items; toys, pottery, silver and Peter Finch, Robert Duvall, extremely sympathetic and gives and Howard K. Smith without f Looking for something different ::~n:~';;ir~~~~::'~~~ :::!~~rys::~~;~a~d S~~f~~; ~~W~i~~~~~ t1:~~!%;:~~~~!~w~~ :~~~a!n~~~!:t~~e~~~~ ~~i~t=s~::ft gif~?at!'7r ~~ tree ornaments, Christmas candles run the complex mate it has set for his forty million entranced viewers to what might have a somewhat Western Maryland College. The and decorations, and many .more itsI~I~ay be important at this point ~~o::::: ~st~~~I. of Network 's ~~i~~ti~~f~::~:~f b~ h;;:~~~ =~v~a~n~:~ ~::. ~90~~ :~:l =~~~e ::O~p~~d you to assert that Chayefsky has set out Less successful is Cheyefsky's ting an underside of nervous, Ga~e~ One of the Fine Arts Door prizes will be awarded on to lambast not only the television attempt to alternately humanize jangled frustration, insecurity, and Bwlding. The hours ate 10 a.m. - 4 the last day of the show. All visitors iridustry itself but in particular the . and explain the corporate men- loneliness. Beatrice Straight, as _:l.m. weekdays and Saturdays, and will be eligible and there is no effect on its anything-Ior-a-Neilson talities behind VBS by adding a Holden's wife, more or less plays joon - 4 p.m. on Sundays. charge fOJ:"admission or the prizes. philosophy on -objective news love affair between Diana her small role by the numbers. but reporting. Thus, Chayefsky's at- Christeasen _and the former, Robert Duvall is authentically ~a wfllJ\er ~ a b.ArIII~p tack on "showbiz news" extends middle-aged head of the news frightening as a complete crud of from television to other media that ........ ~-t yolft ~ a.t~s Candlelight Service Set ~e~e~c~~::ef:!on~~~g;~~~ ~ advertiSing revenues. { In a time when local TV stations- -T-he Chapel Committee at Worshippers will each light a grovel to young couples by firing Western Maryland College will small candle from the advent dependable, experienced newsmen sponsor a Christmas Candlelight candles. Special music and in favor of empty-headed young Service at 11 p.m., Dec. 11, in readings will accompany the hunks of beef and when the two Baker Memorial Chapel. .....ceremony of the advent wreath. Intervarsity, the Fellowship of Catholic crossword puzzle Christian Athletes, the the Christian and Ministry Fellowship will all be participating ~F~:~:: ~::~.I in the celebration. and campus com- ACROSS 000' 1 Infrequently The local =~:::'~h ~,... munities are invited to join in this service, II Amphibion .. Cinei ..... ti .1I>1et_ ~!~~:ibion 5Conm_point ArabilnSaa 1lnt .. joctlon 17 Sour :::'~~".':.I 34~~lWin The Kansas City water depart- 2IlondStr~~t '8~~:;:" 36 NoutiooJ ment shut off the water to Mayor W~sTmjnst~r ,Ma,yland 21157 .~~ 20Am .... ::::.Ior intorjooUdding ~:::;:h~:: 41C11a1IMII'I said that Wbeeler's $66.76 bill was It's 33 OpposIte 0_ G~~ more than 30 days past due, so a Tea Time turned his water worker off. JEi="~_ ~!~':::nt ....t 52 Limited· (.bJ Wheeler said he was late because hVpat ........ 57::.=_, 54 C...... 1m. 25Pro«ioo :nCelluloseor 21~r;::"m"k of the press of business, but was at njunc;tion l)iIl." 48NDt .... ooth. :::::'''lI 2111.11 50 MioIGabor rPlain & Fancy' Come for Afternoon Tea 51 Amphibi.on S3le.p_·· on 55I.(Sl"'n.1 Donuts ~:~;':~:r~ Saturday, December,llth 6100ublBwalleci 2 o'clock until 50!clock lorlific:.tion 140 Village ." Open 24 Hours a Dey ~ of fine china, local pottery, giftware, crystal 62:~escout'. And see our beautiful selection' only 6 minutes away like for Christmas. &. what you'd .,~------------------""""""
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