Page 74 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 74
....2 FrifiaY, December 10, 1976 Benefits of Self.Sehednled Exams r-......,.-----------------------..., Editorial: With exam week close at hand, SCRIMSHAW has noticed a severe decline in the number of self-scheduled exams in comparison with past C hr-iStMa.S ~=> semesters. Only 26 self-scheduled finals will be ctven this semester. ~;--J,jJ_f} This means that approximately 10 to 15per cent of the faculty is utilizing Chee,.? them. The SCR IMSHAW feels that the self· scheduled exams hold numerous benefits for the students of WMC ~- . ~~ ---"~ The most important factor to consider is the .etocent's freedom to . " - , \ arrange his or her exams in such a way that would provide the nee- <..' .,. ;. cessary amount of studying time. The indiVidual student is' the only person who knows exacuy how much studying is neccessary for .eech lest. II there were more satt.schedute optfons. students could space their exams reasonably, and would be more able to prepare themselves, both emotionally and by the proper amount of studying. Having more self scheduled finals would also prevent an accumulation of several exams on consecutive days, an occur-ance which is becoming all too common to WMC students If there is some major problem with violations of the Honor Code which occur when this typep' final is given, it seerns that there could be some preventive measures taken. Having .•a~clit.ion~1 pr'.Gctor.s·EutiCl9 each time code might be a deterring' factor, as would more active proctors. The faculty members who are to be present could move among the students more, and so eliminate many chances for cheating. More importantly, if cheating is the reason faculty members have" cut down on the number of self-scheduled exams, pereps some fundamental revision 01 the Honor code is in order. At the SGA Executive Committee meeting on Dec. 8, a special com mittee wes established to investigate the rapid decline of the self scheduled examination. Tentative plans for the group include talking to , .:,. many me!!!bers of the faculty, especially those who have given sen. scheduled finals in past years, but '-'0 longer have them, The committee will prepare a reporto! their findings, which is hoped to have a positive Letters to the Editor t;'; influence in increasing the number of selt-scheduted exams, or at leas! generate some action in the administration to encourage their use. The SGA is in. need of students who have an active interest in working on Dear Editor, characters distanced those w~tch' \~hi{e Amerl~~: Martin Duberman such a committee, Work on the project will begin during Jenuerv or In last week's Scrimshaw there ing and only emphasized the expl~ins h,is intentions:. "My Feb-uary. The SCHRIMSHAW ur~es all interested students who don't was a critique by Susan Coleman of audience awareness of actor as starh~g point was the Wish to want to see the elimination of self-scheduled finals to contact Chris In White America, a, Readers actor.". These . criticisms' would describe.what it has been like to be Holmes at ext. 209. Theatre piece which was presented have' teen valtd-Ior a conventional a Negro in this country {to~!he Increasing the number of salt.scheduled exams might entail by the Dramatic Art Department increased faculty work load-more hours spent proctcrtnc-end serious '~~~~ip:6~e~~a~:~e~h:~~ ~~: ~~~~ibeth~\'~'H~h~~o'~:~s, c~,~ on the weekend 'of November" 12 questioning of the Honor Code, Both are unfortunate consequences-but Ms Coleman stated' that criticisms 'are not valid, chose to tell this story on the stage, necessary "monologues were delivered in the In 'Readers Theatre by Jerry V,. and through historical ,doc~ments. is because to combine Readers Theatre Our Editorial Board audience direction without being Pickering, "Perhaps the main dif'. evocatlye I wanted .of ,the spoken the internalized or felt by the actors" power defined: For those of you in our readership who haven't noticed, we at tns and that "the fact that actors rer ence. between conventional word With the confirming power of SCRIMSHAW have instituted a new system of writing and producing remained uninvolved in their theatre andReaders Theatre is historical fact. Thespoken word is that 'the latter makes no attempt to able, to call ,forth. the binding and .sympathy t'1·~bcee~~P~~~~S~r~K¥0'~~~?V£ffil:~1~aa¥e~~!!f~~~~~~h~U~~~P~~ti~~~: . qear ~cril1)shaw::I ',. ' create reality 'on s·ta·ge'. \Yh~r:eas -.emotlO~s of Pity not ~erelY .u~; , of oplhidn·fbJthe·sti.l~ents, faClllfy, a~d gell"eral'with this .' Okay, (gang, fUll'!i fun, but le.t's conve,l}tional theatr.e, thtoug!i the Men ....ould feel, ca;!~s;~~ p~~t s:ve:al' ~e:~s the 'edit,ors ';3fld s~j~ral staf;"~\embers ~;:ti~;~,t~sb~~~~S ..~sli~~ehO~~~ ~~it~~~~~:r:l~e'a~~~~~~ sae~e~~~"~vhi1l~,~~,~b~~iNa~~~~~~;~t\~~~s '. have-,Inltiated an 'fed~lor:ial bOard" Inl'ah l attempt to indua~ diverse Person, but after all, most of us to believe for the duration of'the the fact t~at the piece.can ,evoke v!ew~jnts into editorial o~inions. By collecting this input, and con. already were aware since last year performance that certain ~ymp~thy, he ~oes not state a~y slderlng the pros and cons of every issue, we hope that the newspaper that WMC was going to make characters do exist in reality on ~nt~tlO~ of trYI~g to '"evoke ~UlJt will not be accused of being 'he opinion of one person or ar.lother on the Cream of Wheat out of a certain stage, Readers Theatre, through In Am.encan whites for the actlOlls staff portion of its ground in order to suggested action and minimal of ~helr forefathers. . Also, most editorials are being divided up among the editors for build that new Student Center. We staging, attempts to bring the lhe members of the Dramatic writing and final polishing prior to publication, This means that no one knew they were going to start author's creating alive in the mind Ar.t .. Department . welcome person is writing the editorial page single,handedly, For instance, last construction soon; we just didn·t of the audience. 0\-lt of this attempt crlt.l~lsm, of productl.ons both week's three editorials were written by three separate individuals, and know whell. That's why a large:r''of the'most important PO~.ltlv,e . ~nd. n~gatlYt;!" but this week's four editorials are simultaneously being handled by three number of students who drove concepts of Read;rs Theatre: t!1at~P9:~ful!~!R thp, (utU!);l'LI~~Yld~als editors also. back from Thanksgiving break, in most cases the action is' not on wh9,,! .q~t,qu,~ pro(;h,lctlO~s " .....111 We hope that those members of the WMC community who read our upon seeing that large metal stage with the readers, but 'out r~J;rllhanze., themselves' With t~e paper regularly will appreciate any improvement in_this portion of the', protuberance blocking the road, front', in the mind of the audience. :iifferent theatre form~ and Will SCR IMSl;iAW, lfthese are any suggestions for raising the quality of the automatically assumed that it was Ms. Coleman also stated in her :llso Ix; careful n?t to ~llsrepresent paper overal the editors welcome them, either personally or via campus a new gimmick to keep people article that "the author's intent the views or, mtentlOns of the and cern· :luthor. ..: '_" evoke sympathy mail forwarded to SCRIMSHAW, Box 3A from parking in front of Rouzer too was'to for'the American BlaCks' as ...~' 'J/ >;:,~~"".' .. ' , pathy long. Kids and Christmas ho~~~~r.w~~~ld~:;e be~~n .r"i~~ ;:~1lat~:i~lt ~nct~:~riC~~,·~it~!~~;\i·:l_'j"'.'~e~~e~'o~·s~~~or:~~It? ~ This issue of Scrimshaw is dedicated to the members of classes 6E, ~o~~~~!~~ti~~mh:~a~,t ~ ~~~:tforefathers~'" In'the Preface to In ,"T,"-, ",~ /'.:; ,'".;1 .. ;~;·tn'Theafi-e 6F, 6G, and 6H of the Westminster East Middle School. Born out of a desire to share with the WMC communify a waltzing adventure into the 'exactly the State's lawbooks were , SOEi:IMSHAW, creativity and imagInation of 10, 11, and 12 year old people, the issue has gonna' have them' do. i wouldn't .'.""'"i1Ji';: f/' t:" ~r .. , 901o..... r{ .-l ., been a fur. one for everyone concerned. Typists, photographers, editors, even have minded getting a nice, , EDITO,R ~.G,!-iIEF -iill John Springle !H.i', and the layout staff all express their thanks and their enthusiasm for the , inexp:cnsively dittoed ~xplanat?ry East Middle School contributors. ~ note m my mailbox after com,mg SP,?RTS,EDITOR M,i'I,~(lGI~j3~~prroR'''N,EWS EDITOR Thanks also to WMC student Cathy Clayton, who student teaches 6E.H back- explairiiI_Jg w,hat 'the' fence and who helped arrange this issue was for, why it 'was there, and "Carlta-n Horse'" .'. Jeff TU(!f"Ei!y~pn''J', , '.(,~," ,Meg Heel Christmas season it is and it is in the Christmas spirit of joy and apQlogizing for-"lhe considerable 'L~YOUr shared wonder at living that the Scrimshawofiers this issue. May it help inconvenience 'of'having to take BUSU:.IESS MAN!AG·~;R.";'fi us all through exam week. incredibly rbundaboutroutes to get .Dave Ranger Paul Huey' ~ Bill Bod Congratulations to the building next door. But then, Diane Jeepers too m~ch consideration showing The SCRIMSHAW would like to extend three expressions of for the discomfort of the student WRrI ERS body would've disrupted that oh· Nancy Exhume Mark Excedrin Nal)cy Minifee congratulations to members of the campus who have accomplished new so--carefully calculated rancher, She Ornery Joe Argent· Mike D' heights in their climb up the ladder of success. First is a hearty handshake to (formerly Captain) newly·promoted cattle relationship that the Elders Jim Wrong Wayne Piercedear Phil LaPala·pa. Major Allen S. ,Ingalls, Jr. A former graduate of WMC, and a ten·year of Elderdice have developed with Mark Dawgz .Jim Manateri Doug Archer . veteran of the armed services, Ingalls has shown "great leadership in us peons. And how abbut tho!;e 'No Jim Pollywogs Linda Bouy Sue Miner providing skills and cap~bilifies through the instruction of Military Trespassing' signs on the fences? If I'd known in advance that I was .Eamonn McGreedy Science at Western Maryland. going to pay tuition to be treated Secondly, we want to give re-cognition and congrats to both Jamer like a criminal, I'd have attended {~ • ARTIST • {~~ Chamberlain and Sue Gilson for their participation in the Second An· Fagin U. instead. Oh, well, what nual Rock·Around-theClock: Dance Marathon that was held here several Eric Yipes can you say? Guess I'll go to the weeks. While the benefits were going to the Maryland Association of retarded Citizens, these two represented WMC in the Marqthon finals at cafeteria and get drunk on egggnog SCRIMSHAW welcomes all letters Towson State last week and turned in a sixth place performance out of ice cream. and comments from our readers. Send approximately 35 couples. all communications to ~CRIMSHAW/sOx Major Ingalls, Jamer, and Sue once agaIn, congratulations on a job (Name withheld by reque;;t) L- ~~~~ 3A. ~ well done . .,----------------------------------
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