Page 78 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 78
",,.6 Friday, December 10, 1976 "The View from Class 6F" War d s You r\\I d I~ Things That Move THE j' c_ rim j' ha hi THE MOUSE AND The Ups and Skateboards THE MOTORCYCLE DownsotO.J. Skateboarding IS the latest thing The mouse and the motorcycle is This year has been a disap- to kill yourself on But they're fun a book about a mouse that rides a pointing year for O,J. Simpson. In OLUME(At~ CL OPiPWEED 1£ you have a skateboard you boy's toy motorcycle. his six year career he has rushed to fj\(' A-Ir" p'or-t.jDA"Vl:R6 should know how to get on The mouse's. name is Ralph and 5,000+ yards. Last year at this 4BC.DEFO&)4J"..TJ<.L noi-'Qf<,E" +- "" correctly, where to skateboard and he wears half a pingpong ball for a time he had rushed 1,000+ yards. \.It..] A-Y"Z-5 .l.LL.i(")(SGI-):'. what to do when another helmet. At this time this year he has only pce.6., r '" ~ I<"fl -\ ., V I- "" Ie.. skateboarder gets hurt. . One day he was riding the rushed for 500+ yards V z t. t A \ 5 e 11 C? 5 (' r 5 vb ,£k.+12.P'"t-,\1l\1YI€!'j+ c.2L\..'''' s~:~t~S~r~~~e~i~~at~~ar~~sc~~~~;~iel:n~ni~t~~~~ ~~~s~~~Sn~ff The reason for the bad year is he Po ~~ -r; -:, t...:D e I rnD traffic. If you get desperate Gmo'.s Read the book to find out how he wanted to be traded to the west o..AA 0 £ ~ ,,"MN E.SAzlR. parking lot will do. Remember It gets out of the trashcan. The coast to the L.A. Rams. At first the T\Lfili'\TD~ L\ A,D tJ PIN?1"l) takes PRACTICE! author is BEVERLY CLEARY. Rams wanted him, and then they r .o! 0 \._ I!.-,~· 'l 'i tr r, ~ '" Dona Hobart6-F MIKE DODD 6-F didn't. il\tCll.PYQ Even though he has been having ~ \.ltLAD"!.' p"O CL ·jA·QA"' 'M'" -Best Friends a bad year he has become the third +-L.. It'Auli'l€..W-e.,.-\-r':l',, .... ·, e in NFL history. leading rusher Danny Farver, 6-F £...L Z. 8 t t·\ WI i2- V Iv.. :? V ""\"5 c e. ;) B L ,,.., r; ,J, N rc i \T\ S r'I a.l.J r" N t" r. ( t- d<'i'Rl\P.5 ,\-i.(1...-plil :il.e\o t t.1 \.Jh~+','5:;1"\ ·,de.t.""')f\PE: My Best Friend What "Best Friend" My best friend is Brian Boone. I Means to !\Ie My World and ~. ~cig<\~~~ ~~~MC~!l:, ~'\~~ like him because he is moving right Best friend is a person animal close to my house. He is going to that you like very much and can Welcome To It A ~ ~q ~!o~~~~·,,:\:~';'~~~~.~~~ come over my house. trust. - ~ We are going to-ride horses and To me best friend is someone you jog ponies in my pony carts. Also can count on when something goes we will ride" bikes and go out in the wrong or when you feel bad. It is l\1yWorld boat someone you can talk to who will I think this world is beautiful Rich Hans 6-F keep your secrets. with its nature and animals like the Many people think, "Wow, I'm birds, trees, and the fishes and friends with ,who's really other things. I like just to go by "big!" But really, I think, you myself down to the forest and listen My Best Friend aren't their friend, it's just that to the noises and see the squirrels My best friend is Danial Ray "big" feels sorry for you. run up the trees. I think this is a In the Country Farver, he always cheers me up, Many people's best friends are nice world. and I always do things with hIm animals. Two (If my best friends Don't you think' so? In the country there is more collect, dogs and soft furry kittens space that make me happy. We talk, we are my dog and my norse. Most CiIlPY Joy 6-F ,... to run and more things to to play with. send signals, and giggle like crazy people win their animals's friend- Then there is the outdoors to see, while we do it. I think Danny is the Ship by being kind and patient;1.he In the country there are horses to with the brook running, the trees best friend I could ever have. He same with people friends; ride, cows and pigs to feed, eggs to turning to red and gold, and all of and my other friend Ricky Dif- Kind and Patient Favorite Teachers the fields of corn, .... fendall in Home Economics, ~e Jennifer Fesche, 6-F The corn has to be picked and were R.P.D. incorporated. Our .. then the field has to be plowed. teacher was pretty patient to deal I like Miss Mullen because I My best teacher IS MISS Mullen Most of all I like the horses and with us, her name was Mrs. think she's nice. Miss Mullen is my (Why) She's nice, never gives outdoors. Facindi. She was pretty nice, not homeroom teacher at East Middle homework. We always do ac- Bonnie Hauter, 6-f.' because she gave mean "A" on my My Best Friend School. She hasn't been teaching tivities. For instance. we had a report card, she's just plain old My best friend is Mike because that long, but I think she's a rea~ly learning activity packet a couple of nice. we are in the same class and he good teacher. She is my faVOrIte V acati0 OS So that's my best friend went to Virginia. We rode teacher. She teaches Social ~:::sa al~~' 01~fl~~~rr;:.s~~~s a~~ I'm in the sixth grade. and Danny Ray Farver 6-F motorcycles and went swimming. Studies. Sincerely, Kjm Humbbert6-F understands at our school. l\1yVacation you. She is a very nice I really learn alot in Sudal Studies. teacher Paul Foreman, Kevin Hutton, 6-F Gracie Linton, 6-F One brothers, sunny mother, summer father day and my I My View of what went to Ocean City, Maryland, We a girlfriend were on the blanket and a minute should belike later these white pigeons fle~ by. Here is my view of what a My brother Mike went up to try to girlfriend should be like. She pet one. He was almost there and should be a person you like and she the pigeon flew away. so he went should like you. She should have a back to the blanket and then he good personality. r have a went into the water girlfriend and I like her a lot. My Pam Gesell 6-F girlfriend is Karen Buzosh. I met her in fifth grade. I like her because she is all the things I describea. Rodney Busly 6-F One time when our family was ca'mping. we went on hikes, ~ swimming, Boy, was it beautiful, lots out of tennis, and sports. Heslr'riends there in the country with lots of Best Friends are people who trees and animals care about you and like to be with Boy, it's horrible when people you. They are people who want to talk all about tree shortages, help you and you want to help pollution, ugly citiet., but they do them. They do things for you, they notlling about it. If only people go places with y.ou and do things would care more about the forest, with you. They are people who and talking about it. If people don't trust in you and you trust in them. stop polluting, and hunting, and Best Friends are people who see most of all putting wildlife on fire, through you but stiU enjoy the we won't have any left by the time view. In other words, even though we are grown-ups. When we have you are "ugJy" you still might be a children, they won't have as much pretty nice person deep, deep down 6F left to right 1st row (kneeling) Vicki Diffendat, David Franklin, fun with camping and seeing inside yourself. Richard Holland, Richard Hans, Aaron Kellenbenz, Krista HU!lter, wildlife as we can. There is another kind of best - Gina Jones, Cindy Joy, Kim Humbert, Janet Klotz, 2nd row (stand- (So please, Be awful careful with friend, man's best friend is DOG. ing) Janet Gourley, Pam Gesell, Jenni Fesche, Alice Dunning, wildlife, and put all trash in trash Dog is man's best friend because Bernie DeGroft, Paul Kemp, Mike Janes, Kevin Weaver, DannY,Far- cans and put all fires out!) he hunts, fetches, and even shows' ver. Vernon Eyler, Bonnie Ebaugh, Bonnie Ha~uler, Gracie Linton, AliceDunning,6-F his affections. Do you have at least one kind of best friend? : Nick DeRita, Back row, Mike Dodd, Fred Klunk, Rodney Husey, ~ JanetGourley.6-F . Miss Mullen, Dona Hobart. ' .,......-----------------------------------------
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