Page 76 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 76
..,,4 Friday, December 10, 1976 "Dear Santa".ilnd a Merry Christmas to You, Too Dear Santa, FOr the construction For Dr. Miller--A mutant For the Ancient History For the person who said I am 19 g:Jing on 12 and am a workers--A mounted and strain of abnormal students 'Dept.-The present,gym. that the new student' center sophomore here at WMC. I'm bronzed piece of chain link (Crazyus Terrorurm , would be-done by June of '78- For all of the liberals writing to you for me and my fence. For Dr. Hartruan--A book campus-New crusades, this on -A saliva test. friends because we need the For Dr. cicwer-A table- of Marxist philosophy (by ain't the '60's anymore. To everyone-peace and following things for Christmas: top soccer game; one that Grouchol. For all the conservatives good will. can't be tampered, altered, FOr the athletes on earripus-New ideas; this Mary Christmas, Santa! For Dr. John--A new or messed around with. campus-A new gym. ain't the 'SO's anymore. Love, coormat so he can wipe what Barney we have of the new student center off his feet before Internships With Handicapped Ready entering his house. For Hugh Dawkins-A way to schedule all classes Centers for the Handicapped, Applications are now being townhouses provided by the around "The Gong Show." Interested in social service-but located near Washington n.c., accepted for the Intern Program. agency. sharing responsibilities For Dr.. Kerchner--A uncertain about a career? offers yoUng people a one-year Applicants must have successfully for cooking, cleaning, shOpping mutant strain of rare bac- The most sure-fire way to zero in internship working with han; completed some college work. The and establishing their own teria r w e s t e r nu s on career objectives is through dicapped 'children and adults. only other requirements are a regulations. They receive no pay .Marylandium Germi}. ~actical work experience . Recruitment- is underway now for valid driver's license and good but are given' a weekly subsistence to start allowance. will will 1971. UMBC Theater interns expertence in January the work- health. Interviews December. obtain ·be . receive a Each participate' of the For the right scheduled educational $1,000 person, in early jnrers Interested many study students 'scJ:!oJarship upon completion can challenges' and rewards. Most more information and an ap- program. Actors, cancers, filmmakers, designed by Stephen Matheny important, it will affect decisions pttcatton at their college and designers from the University involving innovative filming on one's life's work. placement cntce (or campus Centers for the 'Handicapped of Maryland Baltimore County will techniques and reproductions. library, in some cases) or by programs serve 300 people, come together tor an experimental The experimental program is Some participants will work on a writing to Centers for the Han- covering nearly every major theatrical performance Dec. 10, being held in conjunction with a rotating schedule, getting ex- dicapped, 649 Lofstrand Lane, handicapping condition. There are and 11 at the UMBC Fine Arts performance laboratory course perience in different programs Rockville, Maryland 20850. Or call programs for infants, children and building. conducted through UMBC's newly within the Agency. All can Steve warner at 301~340-7110. adults. Among the services the The program, which begins at 9 instated Visual and Performing specialize in their areas of primary agency provides are sheltered p.m. each evening, represents the Arts major. The major, which interest at some point during their Interns live cooperatively in work, social rehabilitation, interdisciplinary efforts of the became effective last September, internship. Interns continue their theater, dance. and video depart- offers the student an in- education by taking courses af In the Nation ments of the university. The terdisciplinary education in the nearby colleges and universities. audience will be guided through a arts as well as an opportunity to recreation, camping, advocacy series of performances to be held specialize in the area of his choice. counseling and transportation. Carlton Harris Washington scene Carter so in the various studios and galleries -President-elect James Earl readily criticized before his of the Fine Arts building. This and That, Here and There Carter, Jr. last week made public nomination . last summer. There Included in the program will be a the names of two men wpo will be are still, however, many cabinet- theater-dance . piece choreo-_,. 'tt's enough to make a beer lover in Golden, Colorado, is not holding key positions in his ad- level positions still open. Carter gra.phed by Elizabeth Walton, cry. The Grosse Pointe Farms available in Detroit. ministration. Bert Lance, a still has plenty of opporutnity to assistant professor and coor- police department is about to pour If your dog can beat the millionaire Georgia banker will be fulfill his pledge to bring in new dina tor of dance at UMBC. En- 405 cans of hard-to-come-by Coors dogcatcher home, then the dog heading up the Office of faces-and ideas. titled "Homocycles," the beer down the drain. doesn't have to go to the pound Management and Budget. The •••and in the presentation involves eight UMBC The beer, which police say can under a bill signed by. Gov. Ed- appointment of Lance was seen as student dancers. l:t'ing as much as $20 for a 24-Can mund (Jerry) Brown, Jr. partly a gesture to the business World Also on the program is an "on-. case in the ~it area, was The bill says a dogcatcher community. He is a political Jean Horne the_way_to_the_theater" work. confiscated last week from a house cannot take the dog to the pound if conservative and has made known --,}{urt waldneam, recommended directed by Jackson Phippin, in-. in this suburb. Police and the the owner is at home and the dog is his opposition to wage and price by the Security Council for a structor in theater, who will guide Michigan Liquor Control Com- back on the property - even if it left controls. Lance is well-respected second term as Secretary General, actors through a theatrical mission said that state law home for awhile. The measure also on Wall Street as a tough and ef- plans new initiatives on the Middle movement with the audience as requires the brew to be destroyed says .if the owner is not at home the ficient businessman East, southern Africa. Cyprus and they are led through the buil~ng. b~a~se i~ was brought into dogcatcher may take the dog to the -Cyrus Vance will be the new the world economic situation. The The third major event IS a Michigan Without payment of a 46- pound, but has to leave a note for Secretary of State. Although Henry Council voted 14-Q Tuesday that "vtdeo-ecbo-: performance cents-a-case tax. The beer, brewed the dog owner to the owner's door. Kissinger's will be a tough act to Waldheim be reappointed for a follow, Vance may be just the man five-year term ending Dec. 31, to do it. He has had extensive 1981. China blocked his nomination international in Poem of the Week experience of Vance Defense was in Under- the on the first ballot but dropped its diplomacy. veto on the second round of voting secretary Johnson administration, becoming --The Soviets are Signalling their a Vietnam dove in 1968 afterbeing FINAL THOUGHTS convinced of the war's futility. His readiness to talk business with President-elect Carter on three key "Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, adeptness in handhna crisis issues. Brezhnev wants a second Or what's a heaven for?" situations led to his position as a phase agreement on strategic -apologles to Roberty Browning special envoy to Cyprus. Korea and arms limitation {SALT 1Il. a more The staff of Contrast would like to thank all those-who contributed to Panama. complete nuclear test ban and supported the first issue of the literary magazine. We. will be treaty, and the removal of trade publishing in various forms throughout the year.' s::' there Will be no -These two appointments and credit barriers between the rennet deadlines. All manuscripts of poetry, fiction, and art work sbcw a trend in Carter's transition U.S. and the U.S.S.R should be sent through campus mail to Nancy Barry, Box 76. to power. They represent a recognition of the enormity of the -wed., Secretary of State job and of the need for moderation Kissinger began a series of in economic and foreign policies. meetings with Western leaders in Both Lance and Vance are Brussels, giving his final "establishment-types", having assessment of the world's situation considerable appeal on the as he prepares to leave office . ., --------------------------------------
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