Page 77 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 77
PageS "From the Voices of Children.'.." "The View from Class 6H" Coolness Lots of Junk How to be in style, like your kid, Ya Don't be too old-fashioned, Jabber Shark , gotta do a "iii rnovin". Buy all the latest records, Learn to dance to Teachers a ~~~,~~;:r~~~~ei~u~n tC:~~':~~ D~a~e~l~t~rk~ your paper. It has "er?~~ t~ ;ell at your kid; Don't ,r~ :':~~le SO;o~~:~r:~e1,~~t~~~;~~~~!,t~I~~sa~J~~t t~~~~'g::te: ,~~j~h:~d t~~~~~~P, Tell them to sit TEACHE~S- ;:q~-:iii~iiin 6~~;'.7A,. "'good teacher doef~:t giv~ Mom and Dad and they said they and Ford It IS Just hke ~ any or rio you know the shimmie? Do EAST MIDDLE SCHOOL homework' every ~ night. She did not believe me Ilold my Mom dinary paper, like the Evenmg you know the hustle? Do you know I think all of the teachers on shouldn't yel! at you all of the time to come In the water to show her Sun Sincerely the latest dances? Asy your kid to team II are very nice but I wish The teacher should give you easy the shark, My Mom said, "He is Ke da Alge; show you, how.Your kid has all the they would not·, 'much : work, ,.A teacher should let, you, cute,. let's take'him home_ with us," ~thgrade .. information, So ask nowf homework, Last 'u'Qfe • ,work,'pulside "Y~!!q.YQu, want 't.Dr.~_ 'yie hrv~d happily ever ,after ~ .Math, !10~), :'~~:',,'~~;~~_;~t~0:~f:;7~~~~s~~~~:~t;:'',.,\., ",.~~ond~I~~:_~ .i.l.itl.ltl ~~~.:':~~:;/hrases I , ., ,", ,rJ,~~e:I.:~~,not rp'~k-e,us.'ao wor~: T~~·t~a~h~;:"::.; .'~'J'l.i'i'u'.'=-'.' 2 sit on it and rotate! r r ~y s.tudent ~e<_l·?h~r~eo.,ijer,n·a'P,,~,,:,.,soould let..~~ work ·1fl,PJEl.lil:J flr "I ',1 M~~le~~s:ld ~~~~ec~i~~O~t:~~~::~. !;~! n:~l~~ak! IS::i~:~1~i~?:'\'effi~:'horh~iQi~'::": rFno;1~et:;o~~~~~. ~~ S~~~d'~' .. Gym,is inyfa~ol'ite ~ubject.;but I the two top candiates Gerald Ford 5 Hey! n.; teacher and she also teaches M1itH:''-;' 'able :fq'lwo~k with the'macpines •*,n'! I!k~ he,"."~heY~,ve the soccer and Jimmy Carter, Surprisingly 6 far out! Miss,~l\Il~IH!,:\I",)1e~Socia,.st!-idi~,.' more tbanwe work,,\yith them. _ teams situated. There-are a lot of Ford won this election. 7 Cool it! ~~en~JiJ/~-p~~it_rr~:a.~~~.i~',~~~::-,%~~~ ~i~~i~c:n~~~~~2b'fsh~~~~~:, '~o~~~lfi~~~ ~~ ~~: t~~~~e~~~ ~~~ Do you think Jimmy Carter is a S Shove it! Gina Bair6E _',,', I·, 15 ..a· '.qver. ,. .. makes the teams bad. Another gO~d:~:ause_J think he would '¥iSl(~' __, ~;L '.·.·;,>jm qack,~~~ thing I don't li~e about gym is that make a good president. I think we School ftust':I', 'j '-'.', ' , ~~~~~~ ::~:~~l~h~~~ ~~odmr:;S~ need a new president. The reason I School is the key to the universe. i.i.l.i.iOIOI e e ( ,;<~, ~!~~:~~~~~ca~:a~~~~ don't. see it :i;:u:e ~:~ a :a ; ~;~s~~:n~~! ~~?tO~~p ~~~n~o SgOe7:ti;~ ~ou~ '~~~kla~~i~km~1!~~IJ~:::~~'t:a~'li ~j: I t~ink a,_go.od teacher s~ould Tyrone C~~'!.i.£O!.! ~£rae~:::~ Carter is a good you need a good educa~~~'bYBUll are really pre{fy?:.;r enjoy.:go1ng~to- ,l'-'tombme fun With, study. 1. thlfik a Motor cross is a fun. sport my 20 •• 1••• "" •• : 6-E school P:eca!l!?e a{ all the teacl_l~s. good teacher should be strict whe!l 'year old brother Dale, told me I wish our school teachers They;,;,ke"l
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