Page 82 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 82
Friday, December 10, 1976 Page 10 Y criIee T roder Jazz Band Has Ups _ andDowns Sets Sail Rick Powell During the "Peanut Vendor", On' last Thursday evening, a the trumpets broke their for- This February a small group of group of about twenty-five students mation in the band and strolled out adventurers will embark on one of affectionately known as the to various places in the audience the greatest experiences of a Western Maryland College Jazz while playing a few discordant lifetime. They will board YANKEE Ensemble, warmed the spacious notes. Not to be out done, the TRADER and set sail to strange Alumni Hall with some "vibes" trombone section also began filing ports of call around the world for that were really quite good, oot of position and formed a snake- ten months. The ensemble, rehearsed and like line which slithered around the directed by Mr. Jim Paxton of floor of Alumni and back into Share expense shipmates are Westminstger, consists of six place, The trumpet section then , still invited to join in the voyage ..trumpets, four trombones, five caine back and the number ended which will feature the informality saxes, one flute, bass and rhythm with an enthusiastic response from Ira.ditional to Windjammer guitarists, a drummer and two the crowd. 'Barefoot' Cruises, the trip keyboard players, Music was orgamzers.. Not arranged by the provided at halftime by a combo of The second half of the show local bridge club or jet set, this folks seleetedfrom the ensemble. featured slower, more mellow voyage will not visit. 33 countries in This group unforttmately suffered selections. 7 daYs, but leisurely cruise to from a lack of rehearsal, but were Among these' was the "Theme exotic tropical ports such as Haiti, better than listening to nothing. from Mahogany" which featured Galagagos, Easter Island, Tahiti, an excellent alto, sax solo by Fiji, Bali, Singapore, Kenya and The ensemble opened up with a Charlie' Oldis. Charlie did a good Trinidad. fine tune called "Lost in the deal, or solo work and should be- Shuffle" which featured trombone congratulated on: an excellent solosby Steve Jazlrulski and Larry performance. Shipmate will explore, skin dive, Haavick. After the opening ."MY FuMy Valentine," a Sta~ go sightseeing, take ~otographs, number however, the mood ~f the xentcn l;hart. "and. a selection or just loaf in a style known only to concert changed. E~ept for a few called "Blues for Poland" were a few millionaires. The>: will standard big band tunes, the among the 'last feW songs of the actually be offered the chance to majority of the. concert. Iocusedon Cpncert, and were examples of ~t 'serve as crew, and to become more pop o~e?t~ songs ~k~ "good jaz,z ~ound, that ,hopefully, proficient in the traditional skills James Taylor s Fire and Ram we'll be hearing'more of in' the or seamanship ... or relax and and carol King's. "J~zzman". _ future. Alan Zepp played a fine leave the work to fully trained The Yankee Trader at sea. Although (he pieces were muted.lrwnpet solo on the Kenton prof~ssional crew. There's no need adequately' performed, the talent tune and Dave Emmert and Jerry for pretentioUs wardrobe, either, few motor-sailers afloat that is In this age of luxury and self· and depth of the group, as well as Miller were featured in "Blues for since the 'unfform of the day' will ideally suited for journey of such· indulgence in which plush hotels its title, seems to warrant more Poland". . be casual, usually shorts. magnitude. and ocean liners compete fo_r true jazz and sophistication. _For ' travelers, there is still adventurers instance, songs like "Mr. The final number or the concert YANKEE TRADER is a legend To make it possible for Yi\NKEE. who want to accomplish things for :r~~~~~'~~:~:~:~was the Beatles' "Eieanor Rigby," in her own time. Hundreds of TRADER to sail 'round the world, themselves, travel and explore in a perhaps to give the band and the An outstanding lead guitar solo by scteettsts from the four corners of it is necessary for the ship's leisurely and casual manner director a break from'the more J:B. Chenoweth was the only the world have shared her journeys' company .c "bare expenses. The without thought for hotel reser- ~~~ o::a~~I:~~e~~~t~: ~= or into strange and varied ex- cost to each shipmate is $7350 for vations, schedules shipmates baggage are rigorous songs that were done. ~1~a~:n~,~~St:;;~~~i~f~ These limitations. ll)..month voyage ...about $24 the plorations the world over when she per day, This includes expenses the ones wanted. As it tumed out thougb., the lack band. l think the fact that an old was used for coastal and :.n:~7:YOf~e ~~esc~::~ Beatles tune is used for the theme oceanographic research. Com- aboard for ship". your own quarters For more details, information the flow-of the concert. These song:; YANKEE aboard and pletely refurbished and air con- ditioned, she boasts of spacious TRADER. There will be a $750 applications write to Windjammer ~~~a~~J:~rt:u~ ~:~~!is at now. A group of ~uch example quarters with private heads. discount available to professors 'Barefoot' Cruises, P.O. Box 120, arrangement of "McAr:thur Park" of where the group IS at now. A YANKEE TRADER is one of the and students. . Miami Beach, Florida 33139 ~~h:n piaU:!I{ ~:!t:~~t~~iCo~ _~~ c:=~~e~l~~t.ti~:~nt~~:· ~ ELO Sets 'New Wo~ld.'Record marked aned brought out the real' ~eper kmd'of Jazz ll_lUSIC, and, will the of the highpoints kid. of concert ope~ up .Wlth ~at ,hopefullr talent of tlte group. ~~::'t~n their upcommg Spnng ,Mike D'Andrea Record" is perhaps their greatest Kelly plays the guitar, Mik plays The Electric Light Orchestra has I enjoy listening to every song. , violin, and Hugh and Melvyn play \ done it again with their newest Since 1972: ELO bee been ap- the cello. I ~arrel ;l{ousr .....;Ilottlr ~qop album entitled 'A New World proaching to be my most liked Their albums include, "No Record'. This album is typical of groups, As a result of their Answer" "On the Third Day", Best Discounts of Beer. Liquor their unique orchestral style which previousworkssinceElDoradoin "ELO II", "EI Dorado", "Face has been demonstrated in their '74,theyhavebeenoneofmybest. The Music", "OLE ELO" and "A and Wines in Ctrroll County! previous albums, They play their own style of music New World Record". I saw ELO in and they are in a class of their own. concert last March and, believe Cox's House Cox's Bonle Shop In case you're not familiar with Electric Light Orchestra is Jeff me, it was the greatest concert 1 Barrel 2824 Littl ... ,0wnPik. ELO's newest release, it happens Lynne, Bev Bevan, Richard have ever seen. I am looking 2445 B.'timo •• Blvd. W... tminl1.',Md 21157 "'n_ to be their finest because of their Tandy, Kelly GroucuU, Mik forward for their next concert, for Fink.bu.g, Md. 21048 E, Brent C•• list. drums, r'::;;;:'::':"'--':========::==::::::==~~. increasing talent with classical Kaminski, Hugh McDowell and they will probably play cuts from 861·8787 833-2078 346-7311 style rock. Jeff Lynne, their leader Melvyn Gale. Jeff sings the lead "A New World Reeord", and composer, is becoming one of . vocals, Bev plays the rocks biggest stars as indi.:ated by Klchard workS the keyboards, his many albums including A New ~. P. rgofi World Record. Some of Jeff's __ recent top records include such (,,1 Lj familiar hits as Evil Woman and ~~:~eM~~~/rom the album ' WMC Dramatic Arts professor Give Him· Jman For Christmas Hits from their newest release '=k!~~~nA~:on~=~~: ,,~~ that are on the charts are "So Seagull". The production, called Fine" and "Livin' Thing", My oy tneatre critic Toby Perkins (of favorites happen to be "Tightrope" the Md. Center for Public and "Mission". Each one is typical Broadcasting) "the best per- of ELO's talent. "A New World formance by amateurs I have ever Anybody seen", closes at the Theatre Lost a Two-Seater? H~;~~~x:lt~~~~e ~~ S;::YOf Anybody missing a white, two- Trigorin, an older, established seater outhouse should -caii the writer who is an importantl Fort Morgan Police Department. character in a drama concerned It has three of them. with "wanton killing - the killing of JovanMuskOi' i". fourth, brightly painted in souls for personal sport" (Morning Aftershave/Cologne Jovan Musk Oil lor Men HI"tlltennial red, white and blue, Sun critic David Kearse). 4oz.,$6.00 Spray Cologne was claimed Thursday by Glen "The director has brought out all 30z .. $6.9° JovanMuskOi, Martin of rural Morgan county. the lauglfs from Chekhov's gentle -t Soap-on-a-rope Officers said all four outhouses satire and staged the dramatic . '7oz.,S3.50 were placed on Main street during scenes for all they are emotionally Leggett Store Hours Monday-Saturday 10 am-9 pm the HaJloween weekend. So far, worth .. .the characters' - and the [ Martin is the only owner to show play's - inner life fairly bursts' Westminster Shopping Center up. . forth," !(Kearse) .:--------------------------~--~
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