Page 75 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 75
Friday. December 10, 1976 .... 3 Personal view Point OaristmasMeansGivitlfl,Charity, and Removing Lonliness Ira ZePP Movement (often not moved by the my luxuriating in a personal dicating that Jesus did not take for without works, quietism not Observers, sociological and historic~l figure, himsel~) to the SJ'~!~~!~~Yi~iear~~l::e~ms:t~~~rr:e~tye~e~:~q~~~:Yit:~~~J ;~~t~~~~~~v~~7~~~~~u~O~ef~~':;~~ theological, have noticed that the. Har:e KrJsh~a sed to meditators of religion of the seventies is more various s,tnpes. to so~e forms of expense of physical bondage, out his life in service and death so -oriented toward the individual, the the charismatic re~val and ~o having Jesus in my heart without that the world might be renewep. A persistent refrain in the private and the interior life or :oe~~1!1 ~~Iar .versiOns of this ha~~g ';!:b~~a~~a~fe(saints) of hi!t:c~~tm:~~:~ n~~~:s~~eni~~ nativity stories is that the glad tidings of Jesus' birth was meant to ~~:::~ t~:~~~~ :~lt~:I~~::~~ :~n~d~~~~t~ ~:r~arth;r~~~::~ Mahayana Buddhism forego the a decade--the sixties or the be inclusive, for all people-- a necessary dialectical swing of (EST). ~!i~~!~~fno~~~r::~:ni~:r~~~ ~Z~:t~: g:~~~~=e~~~~o:rsthU: shepherds, kings, children, saints and sinners. So, with the model of ~t!rr~:i~;~:lre~~~~lrsma ~~~: h~~~e~::~I;C~d a~~el" '~T~~ut,~ broken world until every blade of Gospel, a religious praxis ap- Christmas before us, let us keep on of perennial debate in religious relationship; "The real .g~~a,~ grass and all human hurt are propriate to all authentic ex- extending, pouring, giving so circles adventures of me, Tom Terrific healed. In many churches this pressions (II faith, namely, heaven that others might be full and Be that as it may, this ~ade (Super Christian) ~e~ms holiday season a lesson will be read not wnnour earth, the spiritual not risk, as a result, our own self- has produced a rash of solipsistic (referable to th~ central bibhc~1 from the New Testament in- without the material, faith not fulfillment. salvation cults-from the Jesus theme ·of the. nelgbbor: a .ce~m Personal l'ie..,poiiat AndHo.v Would. :~'mo'a:S,,:!~a~'e::'~~:"::~iSpai" Controlled "Ulliegal Dictatorship - You Like To Be ~::!.i~e~:I:~;m~:::ai~~-;:: Inrna Vallijerna the thousands of POliticians, in- Christianity, or "The Sixth Adolph Evaluated? .~: -~:!I~e:~ i:Ur!:~n:e~~~~nsg:;~ Fr~~d!~ :::!co: f c~:te~b~~ ~~ee~~:I~o~~~~t~~tfr~Off~:~r~ :~:r cc;:~~an:~~ ~::Ct~ou:; -subentuted for the social reality of Spanish slate, was dying after who had to cross the border into some members of the government Studen,,"===== the Judeo-Christian scriptures, having controlled and manipulated France, to live in exile, threatened in high positions. Their activities, Course. e.g. ·Messianic Era. Kingoom of the country illegally for forty by absurd crimes and even death performed generally at night, have I. Did this'student attend class God, New Heaven and New Earth years. ::~t!{'S~v~h~i~arnr~~I:~ ~~l~ ~I~n~os:rv:~~: =~t:~ ~ regula-rly? - . . , a~~ t~e ~:t::=~::.that the This date represents for the age, or even yet assassinated. businesses, and private homes for Christian festival of Christmas majority of Spaniards who were Those who are still waiting for a, having cwaers :or relatives of 2. Did this student turn in all ~phid the student fold up his-her to the neighbo_r (ct. Bonhoeffe~'s '_threatened with death·and they are net of ~~~Ive measures s~ch as spite of all the pressures of foreign notes and books five minutes characterization of Jesus as a tortured without the least respect the elimination of human ngh~. governments to stay the execution. _before the class was over? "man for others") and- whose for,· dignity or for human rights Ane~ WWI~ the European nations On the 23rd or September, 1!J15 chief apostle summarized ail Ithishas been-a constant technique' saw,.n Spam the danger of a new blood was spilled again before the 9. Did the student tend to vie.w koown religious law in three with Franco). The majority of- ~azlsm. They sought to totally impotence and indignation of al1 of the class as a chance to expand his- words; "love' your neighbor". th~e prisoners have been ten .to Isolate Spain from the rest of the Spain and a great part of the (ree her own mind, attitudes, and The Bible simply is not in- ~irty years in pri,son in generally Continent. In 1954 this isolation was world. It is not necessary to horizons; ordid he-she expect to be terested spiritual trip to the inhuman conditions. br~en by the U,S. The .USA, ev~r comment on the trumped up spoon-fed, entertained? exclusion. or my neighbor's needs, These num~rs do not include anxIous to battle against Com- charges and the judgments which mWlism, count~ filled 10. Did this student seem to More Letters 10the Editor with military has and atomic the bases 18 preceded the executions. One ill month later Franco feIl fa~ expect you to devote an inordinate order to intimidate the European and after several suspenseful amount of time to him-her outside Dear Editor, nations with its proximity. weeks on the 21st of October his of class-in .conference, etc.? I.e., This letter is a protest letter .***** did student expect you to be his-her against C\ particular somebody by ~~al::t~O:;a;;~~i~: :!:s~~~~~eginning i~ ~he·sixties, Fran- death was officially announced.· analyst? the name of R. U. Kidding. I am faculty evaluations on a number of c!> ~ new ministers began, to introductory 'courses. About thirty tlml~ly attemp~ to estab!l~h In the midst of the Spanish Civii II. Did the student arrange :~~~: ~ I:er;:~ro~ courses, includinJ.! over 80 sec- relations. wl~h, Spam.s ::-t;~~~U~~C':~hi~~::: conferences or assume you had mongeese or mO["lgoases or all of tions were covered. I would like to g~gra,phlcal ~elghbor~. T~~~ f:"~er ;!:s:1': ~~~W:~Pi;S:: thank all thoSe who have helped pe~lod IS call~ the o~~ng-up, ~.:~:~:~~~~~~~~~-~~~=:~~i~;!~:f ~~~~: the student sho\\' up for con- keeping PET SNAKES in dorms as ~str=t~on !~~e :~:~~~~:n fO~~~ ~~s i~~:~~:~~~P~I~~go:r~r: exiles who coUld not return) iIi- ferences he-she scheduled? Or, you would a fish. To quote a 1 would ·especially like tp thank ugly busmess and deeeits ~at .have ::~d ~d~ct~r;.:::aofin:~: time? passage from the Pet Library the following students for working ~:';~=~~h:;. mamtam a Children, and animals before !be 12. Did this student ask questions Enjoy Tm series. about what he-she failed to un- "Enjoy your SNAKES, ~:~d~~'!:n~= s~:!~~an+~~~ The television in~try, to~lIy surp-ise attack. derstan~? Snakes are easy pets to keep. Basile, Lisa Shannon, Loretta controlled by the governm~t, : a, G~~i:a:~~~~!S ::C!~~ ~ 13. Did this student approach th~ TIley are quiet pets, and ~":i~~' ~~c~::~o~~~~/~~ ~~t ~:g~~da ;a~~:as~t:e was given to the Spanish Republic. class with an open mind or did he- need to be fed only once or ~~~~ ~~~r::ek~~ tb~~~~~ she resent a confrontation with twice a week. No noise, no have a great cooperative effort by . ma]~T1ty of worklOg class cold new-diflerent ideas? • walking in Snakes weather not ~~r ~~~~y :~~~~~:~~nhe~~~b~~k~ S~~~~~t years when ,th~ illegal in the Museum of Modem Art in reQuired. are * * * * * * slimy, although uninformed would also like to thank many a(;tJVlties. of th~ SocialiSt a~d N.Y. until a Republic returned to Dear Readers people- may think so; their faculty members for their C0IIl:mWllst pa~ti~t beg~tto .18- S~~:, alter the first anniversary ~peration an.d help. The com- !;~I~,t>!:~~r~o a~~r :ith+-:~ of the death of Franco, I believe m~ t~a~e a~c~;~~~~on sub- r~~;;e ~h'~t in~tead of mlttee would hke. the .ca":lPus to ridiculous names as the "The that Guernica can begin to prepare non-stu~nt member of th: :~~ ;~:~~e ~v~~~sw~~~ :~!~ guerrillas of C~rist the King" (in itself for a return hOQle. It has also ~:;!~~~~~;u~~s~~~~~:l~~~ \ ~~t~~·I:rh Wfd ~ S~R:~~HAW, communicable diseases, before to help students in selection of Spain anyt~lng can seek had to suffer a 10~g exile. courses. The evaluations are also iustification In the name of ,GUERNICA GO HOME, bene~~ ~f st~:Se w::I':to~'t o~:e: ~~~~alteS~~:~ U:~d ~~~o~~~ 10give 'aoully membe", "udenl Sanitation MeGsura for pets. They would get rid of the r- anythmg better to do. .;;Th~e:;;E;;:di:::·to:::"':.;., bulldozer problem, the mongeese ~!:~~~~g~n the courses they are ..Nt, Suffieient Hi problem and anybody else you Student Evaluation the evaluations bowl of cream and popped into his in- a fly, I've just eaten it." "If it was It is the hope ?f the SGA.' the A baker who picked a fly from a closer look at it. He popped it into oon't like. They only grow to a Comnllt.tee, his mouth and declared, mere 25 feet or more. And Most of during a sanitation that mouth a~d myself, People Helping People All, they belong to the SNAKE will serve a ~sefu1 purpose. ,Thank spection has been fined nearly $.300 There is no room in Britain's FAMILY!!!! you once agal.n for everyone s help for withholding evidence. Sincerely The United w..y Wendy Jeanne Gross and cooperation. Accordin'"' to testimony at a Food Hygiene Act for such Sincerely, Selby. couri' Tuesday, 63-year-old sanitation measures, the court ~t;;_{;~~;;,c;~ Editor; , , Paul Ful~on JaM Woodward ate the fly to found. It fined Woodward $256 and In the past two weeks the StuJent Cotn~~~t~:an, Student Evaluation prevent officers from _ taking a- $40 court costs.
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