Page 72 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 72
~" r j""pmlw., 3. 1976 Friday, December 3, 1976 Scrimshaw ...,.8 Terrors Destroy Hopkins in ~~nual Clash. JimWogsland On the first day of Thanksgiving From this point- on the offense 149), His favorite receivers were "Damiano (182 yards on 150 Dave Dolch, 3 by Rosenfeld, 2 by break, many stayed on the Hill to was rolling as they scored three seniors Fritz Leitzel (21 catches Ior carries) .. Leading scorers were Enterline, and 1 by Mike Sanders). watch the animal football clash more touchdowns in this half (two 333 yards), Dave Severn (18 cat- Joe Damiano (aupts.j , kicker Meanwhile, the defensive line was between archrivals Western by Don Truesdell and one by Joe cries for 24(} yards), and Stever Bruce Belt (20 pts.), amazing Rick forcing our opponents to turn the Maryland and Johns Hopkins. Damiano). Don Truesdell led the Spinelli (30 catches for 235 yards). Rosenfeld (26 pts.). Mike Lewis (18 ball over by fumbling 14 times (4 Terror fans were delighted as ground attack with 75 yards in 15 The rushing attack was also pts.) , and Fritz Leitzel (18 pts.). by Bucky Horsey, 2 by Bonacorsy. WMC came from behind at half- carries followed by Joe Damiano balanced, led by freshman Eric Defensively, the season totals 2 by Mike "Viper" MoQj,ca, and 1 time to win 29-7. This win gave the with 67 yards in 16 carries. Joe DeGross (499 yards on 135 carries), were also outstanding including a each by Enterline, Nave, Blazing Terror squad their second straight Damiano's passing was near sophomores Mike Lewis (380 shutout against Lebanon Valley Billy Johnson, and Trumpower). a ." victory and a respectable final perfect, completing 9 out of 13 for yards on S6 carries for a 4.4 and several low scoring games. Again, congratulations to this season mark of 4-4-1. 8/yards. Steve Spinelli and Dave average), Don Truesdell (236 The Terror's backfield forced 11 year's football team and good luck to next year's squad. de~~~t!:~t ::~i~t~~e ~~m~o~~~ ~~~r;h~l~c~rft~ut=i~zf:lu;a~~~~~: yards on 59 carries), and Joe ~interceptions for the year (5 by Hopkins as they scored their only 7 other pass. . points and would have scored m?re The Terror defense also ex- ex~ept for a good WMC defensive celled, holding back the Hopkin's . *" umt. The Terrors came out of the offense till the Terror's could ,. ,. ~n~el~?~~~;:~~~c~~e:~~~~:~ ~~Ct: ~~~~. ;vhe; t~:ecee~!~~~u~ Rick *" *" dld.~IC~ Rosenfeld took the one each to Mark Horton, ,. ~~~~:s ~~Crk~f!~!c~hnedsse:~~~a~~ ::;:~)o~~d (two by Rick Rosenfeld *' ,. ,. afs:~ fO~;~nth;::~~ ports and one by Don Enterline) 1*~ the yesar terceptions • Offensively and defensively, the QWZ Terrors Johns Hopkins and showed great game played a _ against .,.. *" Ca;~~nw:~:i~e are attempting to :~ti:~:~~~e record over the .,.. *" give some local flavor to the Sports Quarterback Joe Damiano Quiz. The topic is WMC's 1976 showed great maturity over the ~ . football season and team. For season cutting back on his in- many of you, this'll be a piece of terceptions and finally completing cake. The answers can be found almost half of his passes (74 for along with last week's answers upside-down on the previous page. l) He's No. 'l:1 on the team 2) Leading rusher in 1976 . New Blood Strengthens Matmen 3) Only All-MAC WMC player 4) Score of the Muhlenburg game Car~~~L!1'~lrril~laryland's wrestling posted against similar strong Terry Caudell will be by himself. class, sophomore John Koontz will 5) Did the Terrors score more team, under the guidance of Sam opposition. lDennis Powell, Bob Salganik and be returning. Two newcomers, total points this season than their Case, begins its !teason this If the team has a weakness, it is Rip Jamison, a freshman from Tom Baugher, a fine freshman, opponents? Saturday with a match against in the lower weight classes, where New Carrollton, will be working and Don Enterline, a familiar 6) Identify No. 73 Baltimore U. This match and depth and experience is lacking. out at iss-res. For the 167 and 177- figure on the gridiron, will be 7) What players share the honor of another next Saturday vs. George The departures of Jed Marchio and_ lbs. classes, coach Case has 4 backing him up. most touchdowns in one game? Washington, both away, are the Steve Koster, both 1976 graduates, talented wrestlers whom he will be This combination of experience 8) What was the greatest no. of only action the team will see this are sorely felt. The 126-lbs. class is switching.around in order to find and new blood should make our passes completed in a row this month. The1'error matmen will be now open and may have to be the best combinations. At tri- wrestling team a force to be season? in Gill gym for the first time on forfeited. The 1I8 and 134-lbs. matches, all 4 may see action. reckoned with. The match with 9) No. of Terror starters presently January 7, vs. Loch Haven. classes are headed by freshmen, They are Charlie Holdal, Bruce 8.U. tomorrow, a team beaten last with casts on their legs. all very talented but nevertheless LeFew, Bill Angelos, and Mike year, may give an indication of 10) Tallest player on the team. As Dr. Case enters into the 1976- untried. They are, at 1I8, Dennis Marcheese. This Saturday, Hoidal things to come. l l I Name at least 4 coaches. 77 season, he feels confident that Hoy, and at 134, Tom Rhubart and will be moving up to the 177 slot. A special match is to be held this' _12) No. of kickoff returns run back his team will do well against their Steve Anuszewski. Both Rhubart 'rhe outstanding letterman Sunday at 1 :30. The Alumni for touchdowns this year tough OPPOSition, which will in- and Anuszewski will see action this wrestler, Greg Banks, will be .wrestlers are returning to WMC to 13) Identify no. 58. clude such schools as: Rhode year capably taking the place of Eddie face their old teammates. The 14) How many seniors are on the Island, a good division 1 team; The middle and upper-weight 'Hering, a '76 graduate who was Iestivifies will take place in team? Gettysburg, Lycoming, Delaware classes are a coach's dream MAC champ last year, at 19O-lbs. Blanche Ward Gym, and it should IS) How many freshmen started at Valley and York, all expected to be packed full of returning lettermen' Greg has moved up from the 177- be a great time. Also remember! least one game? top ten division 3 teams; and, Loch and promising newcomers. At 142 Ibs. class, where he did admirably The home opener is January 7: at 16) Howmany Preachers are Haven, E. Strasburg and Clarion is Phil Watson backed up by Brian last year. In the heavyweight 8:00 p.rn. in Gill Gym. Be there! football players? St., Pennsylvania teams with Dize and Doug Foreman, a SCORING: 10 equals an extra strong wrestling traditions. WMC's Wonten Round -ballers point. 11 equals a safety, 12 equals fine 10-9 record of last year was ~~:~~~~OWri. f~~s~~,a~epen~~~ a field goal, 13 equals :a TD, 14 equals a Tr and an extra point, 15 JimXJ!Ile-up Tonight __ equals 2 TD's, 16 equals 3 TD's and two cheerleaders ... _._.. Below 10 CURE "TERM PAPER fRIGHT" The Women's Basketball team play an Important part as the equals the Gettysburg game! begins the action for this year with 'Terrors will try to wear their op- a tune-up. game vs the Alumni ponents down. won't SUSINfSS OPP0R1UNIT'r tonight at 8_' team has little ex- have The team, with no "stars, but do This year's any real s~n?ou~, Stuff Envelopes perience. With only two starters that ana. last year pro~IUsmg freshmen some ha:re Fritz Coach players ~ J.V. said retw-ning, this lack of experience and height movmg up who Will probably show S25.OO PER HUNDRED ERRORITE lM will cause some problems. She said the talents as the year progresses. playa This year the women year's team Immediate Earnings NOW ALSO AVAILABLE IN BROWN, ~~r:~UUSRSTORE that this and as a result has "no g3me schedule with 8 Penn-Mar 17 the team stars" REO, BLUE & GREEN Send Sl.oo To: concept is emphasized ~nd enjoyed iConference. -games. Gam~s this Envelopes Dept. 339A _ - - - - - - WITH ERRORITE! . by the women on the team. week are tonight vs. Alumm at 8 in Gill Gym; Tuesday vs. York at 7:·30 that they can The team believes 310 Franklin Street do it, and are really working hard ,in Gill (conference game); and at Soston,Mm.02110 in the practices. Conditioning will F and M, Thursday at 7:30. JI __
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