Page 70 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 70
",,.6 Scrimshaw Friday. December 3, 1976 , And Tom Chapin is good. Very, very good. His -pertormance in Alumni Hall Tuesday night was' magnificent. The energy and vitality that Tom generated on stage could be felt flowing through the audience. Tom plays the guitar brilliantly, and he has a rich full voice with incredible range. His personal magnetism lifted the mood of the audience, and Experimental Tom used this energy to get us involved in his concert. We par- ticipated with our hands, our keys, Th~ater . and our voices. Tom's quips, wisecracks, and humorous A. "In 1969 I received a contract Actors, dancers, filmmakers, ragtime melodies gave the concert from the movie, which read; and designers from the University a mood of spontaneous joy. assistant cameraman, assistant of Maryland Baltimore County will diver and bait. Peter Gimbel, lead come together for an experimental This sharing of the performance organizer and diver, was going to theatrical performance Dec. 9, 10, with the audience is one of two film a live great white shark in the and 11 at the UMBC Fine Arts main reasons Tom Chapin is a water. It took 6 months to film and building. performer. Tom describes it as because of the tactics in the movie The program, which begins at 9 "an event you're sharing with the industry we had to shoot more than p.m. each evening, represents the audience and they're sharing with needed. It just so happened that I interdisciplinary efforts of the you." He feels there is a special was asked to play my guitar and as theater, dance, and video depart- kind of energy happening and he you saw, I ended up playing. Ac- ments of the university. The says, "you can do things you never tually I was the last actor to be audience will be guided through a thought you could do." To Tom, hired. And I really enjoyed the series of pertormances to be held l this energy in himself makes a per- photo by Don Be!! movie." in the various studios and galleries the is what Q. "How did you also enjoy 'Make as of the Fine Arts bulldinz. difference former. "J ride on the energy," he Tom Chapin breaks loose during his perfonnance Tuesday night. a Wish' and how long did it take to said, "I'm a different per- in Alumni Hall. The crowd left the hallf satisfied with the per- record?" The experimental program is former in front of people I can get A. "I had my best experiences on being held in conjunction with a involved with." formanc,e. the show. I traveled toptaees like performance laboratory course Tom has been a performer stnce ·Christmas Croft Bazaar New York City, London, Spain, and conducted through UMBC's took only And it Philadelphia. Visual and Per- he was twelve. He has performed about a month to record." newly instated major. The major, forming Arts with his brothers, Harry and Steve, Looking tor something different cruding woodenware and lamps, Q. "Where is your next concert and which became effective last but Tom has,his own style. He is for a Christmas g!/t? Tiy the dolls and doll clothes, crocheted where was your previous one?" September, offers the student an not as much of a story teller as his- Christmas Craft Bazaar at items, toys, pottery, silver and A. "Tonight, I will take a plane to interdisciplinary education in the brother HalTY. He feels his songs Western Maryland College. The brass jewelry, handrolled candles, Montgomery, West Virginia to play arts as well as an opportunity to are much more personal, and Bazaar opens on Dec. 1 and con- blacksmith's ironware, Christmas there and I was previously at an specialize in the area of his choice. musically quite different. Tom unues every day through Dec. 19 in tree ornaments, Christmas candles eastern radio station." General admission to the per- feels that the real change in his Gallery One of the Fine Arts and decorations, and many more Q. "Are you going to produce formance is $2. UMBC "students music OCCUlTed two years ago, Building. The hours are 10 a.m. - 4 unusual and unique gifts to aid you another album and what -will its and faculty with IDs will be ad- when he began writing. o.m. weekdays and Saturdays, and in your Christmas shopping. name 6e?" mitted free. The performance The personality of Tom Chapin is . joon 4 p.m. on Sundays. Door prizes will be awarded on the key to the enjoyment of his the last day of the show. All visitors begins at the main entrance to the music. He attempted to try to'; A variety of one-of-a-kind hand- will be eligible and there is no Fine Arts Building, located off the explain some of his feelings on life crafted items will be for sale, in- charge for admission or the prizes. west parking lot. r::;r,:=::;-==-o"" JI __
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