Page 26 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 26
Page 2 SCRIMSHAW October 15, 1976 Editorial: Nuelear Letter to the History Symposium to be held Insanit31 Editor "The economical, will be the theme of a I), national news story for the past 2 weeks has been the presence of Dear Reader, . Revolution" On-Going American revolutionary in era participated more the fully nuclear fallout over the Northeastern United States. The tallout was due The scho?l's done It again. bicentennial symposium on political, and military activities of to 11 nuclear test performed September 26 In Lon Nor, Red China. The Someone's discovered that there's Tuesday, October 19 and Thurs- their time than in any period fallout was blown by high altitude air currents to the NortHeaslern U.S. a need for an 876 (telephone) ex- day, October 21, at Western since" says Dr. Linda DePauw, At one point during the fall~ut perled farmers In specific areas of the change o~ campus. So, the ad- Maryland College. professor of history at George Northeast were asked 10 keep their cows indoors and to feed them only mtntstrauon lets us use two "The American Revolution was Washington University. Dr. pre-blest-stored grain. The milk from cows In those areas having higher phones; _one in the ac~vity office basically a revolution for liberty DePauw, author of "Founding than normal radiation levels (Eastern Pennsylvania was one area so and one. In the SG.A office. And the and against big government." says Mothers," will relate the were sections of New England) was-Is In danger of contamination latter IS unavailable when ~o~ Dr. Gottfried Dietze, guest speaker ideological impetus of the The general theme of the U.S. government's response 10 the fallout, mem~rs of th~ ~GA (or Its for the first evening discussion Revolution to the Women's Rights however, has been one of reassurance. Officials indicated thai radiation committees) are ID It. Therefore, which focuses on "Liberty versus movement in our own time on levels were not high enough to cause serious concern. "OffiCialdom's" wecan only us~the ph~ne when the Power, 1776-1976." Dr. Dietze, Thursday evening. attitude seems to be, "Yes'- there is fallout. No, no . no need to worry this room is occupied (which probably professor of political science at This session also features guest lime. For now all Is wen." wouldn't make to.o many callers Johns Hopkins University, has speaker, Dr. Benjamin Quarles, comfortable makmg a personal written many books on this subject professor of history at Morgan The fallout is, of course, only symptomatic of a deeper and widespread call).. . _ including: "America's Political State University and author of disease. Both the government and the American public dIsplay little Another problem IS that the Dilemma: From Limited to "The Negro in the American more than smug confidence in the "armed-to-the-hltt present" while pho~e isn't available 24 hours a day Unlimited Democracy," "The Revolution." Dr. Quarles will remaining blind to any Significant program of disarmament which would (unlike the other pay phones on Federalist," and "In Defense of discuss the liberating effect of the begin responsible planning for the world's future. This unfortunate lack campus), because th~re IS not Property." Revolution in relation' to the of responsibility Is reflected only In part by the nation's calm acceptance' a~~ays ,some member In the SGA Also speaking on Tuesday movement for Civil Rights in this of the fallout and the spread of nuclear weapons which is the context of office. It seems. that evening will be Dr. Edward J. century. China's atomic testing. The nuclear fallout over the Northeast Isonly part there wouJd be t~me peno.ds when Bloustein, president of Rutgers Both evening sessions will be of an insanity afflicting America as well as China (and of course Russia no one could be m the office, so a University, a lawyer, and the held in Englar Dining Hall and Franceand India and perhaps soon to 1nclude South Africa, Pakistan, sc~edule was made of when the holder of a Ph.D. degree in beginning at 8 p.rn. Time will be and South Korea). That insanity Is the development and extensive olll,ce wo.uld be open. philosophy. He will compare the allotted for questions and com- availibi1ity of nuclear weapons within the past 35 years' the materials I ve ~ned to. us.e the. telephone problem of power at the time of the ments form the taudtence .... For are so available that a 21 year old Massachusetts college student built about five or SIX times m .the past Revolution and suggest that the more information call 848-7000, ext. one himself quite recently. couple of weeks. The first few Constitution should continue to be 308r0249. times, the office was ?pen. That used to limit excessive power in We strongly urge professors, The-Insanity of nuclear arms is that eventually they must be used. was because Jeff Robmson,. who American SOCiety today. students and' the extra college Weapons are not created and developed so that they may idly sit forever. was scheduled to be there, sa.ld he The second evening session, community to attend these very The publlc'stefusal to take that certainty Seriously is, perhaps, due more would be there. Other times, "Equal Rights, 1776-1976". will special events. A valuable time to its unwllilngness to believe painful reality than to actual fact. Common however, the door has been locked, focus on minorities. "Women of the should be had by all. sense would seem to dictate that at our country's present posture of with no light coming from under "strength through overkill" there must eventually be nuclear war. the door, and no one answering my News Briefs Our American government, naturally, assures its people that it is knocks. All of these times, people concerned with limitation of nuclear arms (the whoop and holler about were scheduled to be in the office, the SALT_agreements is one such assurance). Those assurances, including two times when There are reports that the Reports from Peking said Mao's however, are compromised and made suspect by the enormity of President (of the SGA) Jay Rod- Egyptian government expects widow, Chiang Ching, and more America's Involvement In both the historic development of the weapons »tein was supposed to be there. Syria to open an all-out offensive than 30 other leaders of the radical and the nation's present overkill capacity, which mounts daily. It is no (Those two times were ap- against the Palestinians Sat., two faction of the Communist Party accident that America Is the only n~tio,:, to.h'ave.usjd an a~o.mic. bomb proximately 1:00on 10-Il, and 1:50 days before the opening in Cairo have been arrested in a purge by Whatever questionable situation ethics may have been operating III 1945, on 10-12). It's bad enough when the of an Arab summit' conference to Premier Hua that began last It remains to America to assume responsibility for the incredible horror phone's availability is limited, but try to hall the tg-rnonth-otd civil Th"",:da:;:y,;_. __ -- of the mass of civilian deaths by fire inflicted at Hiroshima and Nagasaki when the phone's supposed to be war in Lebanon. Since Hiroshima and Nagaski, America has "advanced" to Its present available and it isn't (especially While viewers of the first capacity for destroying the world's population 11 times (reference due to the president o[ the SGA) Peru has reportedly accepted a televised debate thought that Ford Sidney Lens in Feb. '76, Progressive). An overkill potential of 11times the something should be done. Soviet offer of up to 36 supersonic had the better showing, things pl"esent world population is, however, apparently not enough. The U. S. It is my belief that there is a need fighter-bombers. Peru wanted to changed in the second one, Jimmy produces 3 nuclear weapons each day (reference Lens). To spend the for at least one "regular" pay buy U.S. jets but after waiting 7 Carter was 'picked as the winner of enourmous amount of money needed 10build such an arsenal in Ihe midst telephone (like the many others months for an answer from the the foreign policy debate by nearly of great human need at home and abroad certainly does answer to our across this campus) with an 876 Pentagon, they made a two-to-one margin. "commlttment" to disarmament. Those priorities certainly give the lie to exchange. How long will it take for arrangements with the Soviets. One reason for the switch was our "commtttment" to human needs someone who has the power, to The UAW strike on Ford Motor Ford's gaffe on Eastern Europe. I realize this need and take some Company ended recently the as the PO.litical camps Analysts were in both cam- granted union guaging the automaker pargn to nuclear Finally, our nation's weapons -I reflected in the failure attachment and adaptation Presidential candidates 10 Is action to satisfy it? Thankyou, nearly everything it demanded. Impact of Ford's statement that, of both major party express any affinity for a significant disarmament program. With Mark Katz "There is no Soviet domination of respect to nuclear arms, perhaps William Kunstler was correct In ----- _ Senator Hubert Humphrey Eastern Europe ... " ~ labeling the Presidential election only a choice between "tweedledum" and "tweedledee." Voting for either man seems to be voting In support of de~;:d~:~nR!~~~iO~:a80~~itY= ~:~~~ I;S~_~~~\~~~~io~ulJ::~: ha~o~~~e~~~i~:~~'~~t~:~o~~ the country's Involvement with nuclear weapons. is sponsoring a series of six Sunday which hiS blad~er was r:moved job has he done and does he Our gover.n,!,ent's responsibility for both beginning and continuing the- morning brunches throughout the and repla~ed With a plastic .bag. deserve four "more years? arms race may be contrasted with its relative credibility and trust· year. Humphrey s D~to~ feel c~nfld:nt Newsweek devotes 18 pages to an worthiness. The same government whIch would have Its people rest The brunches, which will be held tha.t .the. 4-tlme preSidential examination of the Ford easily and confidently in trusting lts judgement aboul when to press the in the Harrison Alumni House, are aSpirant wIll recover successfullv. Presidency. These and the other button, is also the government of Indochina, Watergate, and of CIA scheduled \ for October 17, issues capsuled above may be sponsored assassInations of foreign officials. One point of view is that the American government is to be trusted only slightly less than foreign November 14, December 12, Snere Hite, a 33-year-old Doc- found in the Oct. 18 issue. , 1~! powers such-as Russia or China. _ ~::r~;~, I:~d a~:~e~~;-:'p:~~ toral Student at Columbia has Will the New York and American Th; argument for the "delerrence" power of nuclear weapons in reltalon to those foreign powers Is also questionable. The National as an informal gath-ering of both ~n~:t:~~:~t;,? ~~;;~=~~~~!~:a~~~;a:~~t ~~~~e:llS~~~:lk are surprising. • The results Federation of Scientists, which is a group of atomic scientists (:alling for staff and students. An assorbnent ,.;.;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;.;~;;;;.::;;;;;;:;;.-- ...;. __ ....;. ... of donuts, coffee, and orange juice disarmament, puts the world's chances of avoiding nuclear holocaust will be provided, as well as several pelor to the year 2000 at 3 In 10. Continuation of our nation's move down well-known Sunday papers and old SCRIMSHAW the weapons.dependent·path will only lead to a w-ar in which defense is WMC yearbooks for everyone's impossible and in which the only possible action is destruction of enemies. Our weapon only risk us· they'da not defend us-:- enjoyment. point during the year, EDITOR IN CHIEF St some It may be useful to our na~ion and 10our school to reca!1 pictures of the each student will be individually John Springer burned children at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Until we as Individuals and invited in blocks of approximately asa nation are willing, through disarmament, to say NO 10 responsibility 200, usually to be designated by SPORTS EDITOR MANAGING EDITOR NEWS EDITOR for the death of future children, we must assume that responsibility for floor or section. Also invited will be and complicity with the deaths of all who must die In a holocaust. In several of WMC's staff and ad Carlton Harris Jeff Robinson Meg Hoyle saying NO to our nation's path toward death we also say YES to the life ministration. and beauty that those Japanese children were intended to live ana TO Hope to see you there - it makes Bill Todd share. 3 chances In 10 for life - not very good odds are they? Yet the only for an enjoyable morning. BUSINESS MANAGER L'lIYOUT path Is to try to say NO while affirming a larger YES. Let's do it. J.S. Note: the first brunch is this Dave Range Paul Hewett Sunday, Oct. 17 at 10 AM. Vampire In Alumni The unemployment rate is 7.8 Jim Wright WRITERS Mark Katz Tickets are now on sale in the 21 and will run until Sunday, Oc- per cent. Is that inaccurately high? Chris Bohaska Phil LaPadula Student Activities Center for the tober 24, with the last performance Or is it artifically low? For every Nancy Menefee Cathy Citro production of Dracula. The three being a 'special dinner theatre. economist who holds the former Wayne Pierce Mike 0'Andrea act drama will be presented in the There will also be a 2:00 PM view, it seems that there is another Mark Bayer Sue Coleman intimate confines of Understage in matinee on Saturday and Sunday. who holds the latter. The resolving Joe Golden Alumni Hall, with four evening Tickets are $2.00 and can be pur- of this argument is important in Phil LaPadula performances,- starting at 8:15. chased at the door before each estimating just how much Linda Mann Doug Bowman performance, but be forewarned discomfort is caused by high The show opens Thursday, October Jim Teramini Jim Wogsland 1hat seating is lim~ted. unemployment. .,--------------~--------------~~----
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