Page 28 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 28
Page 4 SCRIMSHAW October 15, 1976 WMC Sports "Fall" Foot II"II:Slip_s in JiTt~~=fr:~:~"::~~::a~~w~:~me the Mud . Jim Wogsland get together, and this is so for our 3-1victorsfortheirsecondwinina for this WMC scorers The hockey team. But after a couple of row. This past weekend, as you all bad games, the TerroreUes are game were Ann Dryden, Vicky know, was our annual One bright spotin the game was defensive effort by sacking the QB riding on the crest of a two game Goodwin, and Julie Vaughan. ~~~~~~~n:lIw:ek~~~~~~f i~i~ ~~~:tioS:Si.n~~i': 'b~:~:n R::~; ~~~er~yti~:~~::~:pt~ng f~~a~~~ w~~~~ s~~::k began against a~~:;~v:,h~e:~~~e~tleaJe:a;e~ hallowed institution of higher Klinger's 1968 school record of six manufactured by the other Wilson. On a day where they Comments ranged from "ex- learning return to "The Hill" to in one game. Fritz Leitzel also had defensive end. John Ball. weren't even sure they were going cellent" to '.'smart hockey." The reunite with other former alumni five receptions as .Joe Damiano Altogether the defense caused five to play, the women came home team was satisfied with their to have fun and to root the Green and Jay Rodstein completed Anne Arundel turnovers with the with a 2-0 victory. Playing in the performance for the day. Terror' football team on to victory. nineteen out of thirty-seven passes. two fumbles and three in- rain, the Terrorettes had a team- They completely confused Hood This year they could have done a Statistically, Moravian did not terceptions. Other defensive Oriented, well played game. and ran them into the ground. The lot of the former but unfortunately beat Western Maryland very stalwarts included Leon Brook, Coach Smith said that WMC confusion again came from their ~~f:r~o~:ve~~o~~rc;~~~ o~~~: ~~~ !~e~o~~~te~~ct;erl~a~~r~~ ~!~:nsi!U~~~~~in ~!~h SPi~:uva~ ~~~~y~~v:!IIS~~a!~~ ~~te~nt~r: unrief:~~~fe~~~vyee~l~~~fn~gain, destroyed by Moravian 28-0. their passes, with WMC actually leader), Pete Boettger, and John new found aggressiveness that having only a mental lapse that There isn't much to be said good having ten more yards passing. Sweeney. resulted in tighter defense and lead to a goal. But otherwise, the about this game. About the only Even in total yardage, Moravian morescoringopportunities.Partof women played tough. They person who performed up to par only beat the Terrors 345 yards to This' Saturday the Terrors the better moving offense, noted dominated play so much that Hood was the female manager. It'~ 278 yards. We just made too many journey up the road to Gettysburg co-captain Sally Stanfield, was had no corners (inbounds play pretty sad when the highlight of the turnovers. for our first away game. They hope their new offensive alignment when defense hits the ball across game was halftime, when the Another thing to remember to rebound back to their winning which places more people near the the endline) in the first haH, and Homecoming Queen was crowned. about our team is the complete ways against the strong, and big, goal. had only a handful all game. Needless to say, the football teerr; reversal in this year's team sue- Gettysburg Bullets. The Get- Pari of the game is scoring, and The next two games for the was ill' the clubroom where they cess. We still have a commendable tysburg squad has had a taking care of that for this game hockey team are away, at Towson should have spent the whole game wirmihg record' of 2 wins, 1 tie and frustrating year, playing against were Linda Sorrentino and Julie State University on Tuesday at ~=~~~O~u~ftr~~~:o;l~h:~ t~~ only 1 loss. !~:;~~~:~~.e~~~';e~~o~~~f~~~~ v~~~nv e:ec:~a~~~g ~~~:di~~:t !~3~: and at Hopkins on Thursday V-Ballers ~~:r~I~~~~e~o t!~~~;~~kf::th~~ Our campus this year is graced ~~r~~~ya s~~~dg~m:b~: ~~~ t~i~ ~~~d~ ~i~~~:~~~~~~ ~~~::~~ uPT~~: h~~m seemed like a dif- ~~r~~t~ w~~~in7::0\~~~~~ea:~~it~~ So, If you get bored With studying luck as the JV missed several good W in Four ferent team'than the one which Monday afternoon the spirited JV ~:u~~e a!~Jn~~~:I~~e: ~~ ~~ sC~:in:e=~~;:t~~ Terrorettes - easily had won the first two games squad, composed. of un- victory. travelled to Hood College to extend Ulysses. mascot for the women's clashes, StU and last week tied tough der.classmen used I~frequently n • And extend it volleyball team. was extremely their winning streak. Muhlenberg. Were they .just dur-ing normal varsity por s p: ~uest.ons· proud of his girls these past two overconfident? Or was Moravian ~~~~~~:~d A~~e P:~~~du:llY Co~~ weeks. Large crowds were on hand th~~!~~~:nments are some of the munity College and beat them 13-7. ,. nd Answe"s ~~~:~~h ~hoem:om~~t~~~st,wofii;;~ opinions which have been ex- This win raised their season mark .. • against Loyola, then with Franklin pressed to this reporter in the last to an impressive 2-0. Grab your megaphone, fans _this 9. Maryland's defensive end won and Marshall. And later in the few days since the Terror's defeat Quarterback DominicPedante. a week's quiz is on college football! the Outland Award (best lineman) week, the women won both their last Saturday. But in reality the freshman from Delaware, led the 1. Only player to win the in 1974. who was il? rounds in a tri-match against score does not tell the whole story. Terror. offense with a scrambling Heisman Trophy more than once (2 10. These two teams have the American University and Federal Moravian showed that they were a passing attack in which he com- times) oldest rivalry in college. football City very strong, consistent team which pleted eight out of thirteen passes 2. This 1968 Heisman Trophy history With comparative ease. the solid had the ability to capitalize on its His favorite receivers were Glen winner is seen a lot at breakfast II. Length of the longest (placed) starting team of Sue Cunningham. opponent's mistakes. They used Cameron, Clark 't'ankersly, Jim 3. The Navy had to give up this field goal: kicked by John Haxail Kathy Lane. Fran Cizek. Lynn Western Maryland's early tur- Gilford and Brent Houck. The front outstanding quarterback to the of Princeton in 1882 Glaeser. Tammy Roebber and -I novers to their advantage good runs line, -composed of Charley Lowman. Dallas Cowboys. has won more Ohio State. 18-17J (over Carla Criss walked over Loyola by and with 12. 1975 Rose Bowl winner Brown, Wayne Lowman. This Warren good passing and several scores of 15-2 and 15-7. The second team 4. soon rolled up a quick 21-0 lead Alan Lesse and Mike Gibson, national championships (6) than Scoring: If you score 7. you are team, composed of Cheryl Stonfer. almost before the Terrors knew excelled despite the blitzing by the any other team. as good as your mother; B-your Wenday G
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