Page 25 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 25
Volume 4 No.5 October IS, 1976 Winter SurvtvalIn BloomerY,W.Va. 'Linda Mann wood stove. In order to obtain the group handle the situations. Some Outward Bound is a new and wood, they will have to hike to the of the activities will be rappeIling, challenging cours'e which is being sawmill, which is about. two or navigating, cross country, taking offered during January Term. three miles away from the retreat. care of the camp area, and civic Outward Bound is a survival Inside the retreat, there is no action projects, such as cleaning coursethatwillbejoinUytaughtby television or electricity. Even if the springs, which are filled with Captain Ingalls and Sergeant First there were a television available, leaves. The group will also have a Class Myers. ~ the entire group will be extremely chance to go out into the wilderness Outward Bound is a ten day too busy with other activities tf' and exist for a day with the bare adventure trip to Bloomery, West watch any programs. Outside the essentials. As a group, they will Virginia, which is twenty-two retreat, there are small running have to be organized in order to miles from Winchester. The waters and streams. Captain complete the tasks. The cold entire group will be separated into Ingalls and Sergeant First Class weather and fatigue will probably two different sections. The entire Myers will handle the en. be the only hardships of the entire group will stay in a two-story tertainment aspects of the trip trip retreat which. they will occupy In Bloomery, there is a grocery during the evenings. The retreat Both instructors will present the store, a post office. and a gas contains the ~inimal amoun~ of group ~ith certain problems and station. SFC Myers' family lives a Dr. Benjamin Quarles. professor of history -and author of "The Negro-in the facilities. For instance. there IS a they will individually and as a little way down the road from the ~;:::i~:;. ~~:':e~o;;"a:"~l :.':~~na~~~;e~~n~!~ry~:~~ ~;~:~'07:s~7:;~::~'n~a~ Pa. Rouse Sa bjeet ~~r~~~~~;:ri~I:~~~y~;~co~~J~ ~;O:~:;~I~;i~r't~t~;:[~o:~:~~C:;: ~li~[h~;:s~~e:~~c:e~~~~:.~:~i~~:i~~\'OIU' to Sea. re h ~nncJU!~~.eeing the iron oil furnace Survey. St den 5 on Doug Bowman of the/said, When "I~avemixedfeelingsonthis Mowbray become a reality. CPTInga~lsand didn't u Bound Outward Dean t asked, almost On Octobe~ 10. a resident • Student Life ~~~i:~~v:nn;l~eg~t~:aerc:~; 10~~~ ~~~~:n~~s~:~~ ~~e~~~:~i~~af~ ~~U~d~i~~e;~~~~tc:~:-see ~s ~~f? Meg Hoyle new student center would provide a police. 1\110 students witnessed as privacy as ordinary ciflzens, but Last year, they both went camping The Student Life sub-committee place for students to meet and police fruitlessly searched three sfould realize that they have no for the weekend with one of their of the Long Range Planning relax, and might improve the drawers and a refrigerator, more rights than the non-student. I classes. The camping trip turned Committee of WMC recently social life . without any search warrant. want them to realize that they have out to be a success. The students conducted a survey of ten per cent One section of th~ questi?nnalre There are some discrepencies no shelter. We can't impede the showed an interest in going on of the student body. randomly dealt with the administrative and about the a~leged search. Dean police. The college .can'~ protect more such camping trips. The chosen. They were questioned academic organization at WMC. Mowbray ~ald that police chief students from ~oclety." Dean Director of the January Term was about the soctat and ex- The majority of the students Leppo denied that there was a Mowbray also said that' the local looking for additional courses. So n-acur ricular activities, the surveyed felt that the 15: 1 student- search, and denied that there were chief of police denied that the after careful deliberation, CPT housing situation. the ad-" faculty ratio was good, providing witnesses. At the same lime, two student's drawers had....._been Ingalls and SFC Myers decided to mini st r ative and academic more personal contact with students who live in the Penn- searched, but that he would in- submit Outward Bound as a organization. and any changes or proressers. But some thought that sylvania House, insist that they did vestigate further. The Dean said January Term course. Since improvements they would like to it was enlarging too rapidly, af- see the search take place. When that he would make some protest if Outward Bound met the criteria ",e _ fecting the introductory courses in contacted. local police chief Leppo it was found that the police had for the January Term course, it When asked who should be particular refused to comment on the in- indeed committed an illegal 'vas accepted. Both instructors are " responsible for the social ac- The interaction between faculty, cident. search. "I will be very concerned very enthusiastic about Outward tivities, the college and-or the administrators, and students was Responding to a complaint about if those drawers were searched," Bound because it offers a chance to students, about sixty per cent of evaluated in one section of the marijuana use, the police stayed he commented. Assurance of the live in a natural environment those questioned said that it was up survey. Asked if the present outside while asking the two wit- illegality of the search was given The enrollment will be between to both. They felt a need for more organization was conducive to nesses where the resident's room by Gtenn Ashburn, professor of ten and sixteen students. The three of a variety as far as social life was dialogue between th~ three. was located (a1l3 request that their criminology here at Western vcredit hours course is open to both concerned, with a lot less frater- seventy-four per cent said that it na!fles not be mentioned). Upon Maryland College. He stated that youngmenandwomen.Sofar,four nity domination .. was. Of those who answered "yes", finding out the police entered the "unless they are invited or have a young women have shown an in. A majority of students felt that thirty-eight per cent said that it room, smelled the ashtrays, and search warrant, the police cannot terest in the survival course. Both three page 3 there wasn't enough of a balance in was due to people, and the same began to look through resident's H search a citizen's room" S dl d legally continued ° the types of social activities of- number thought it was because of drawers and the ouslng tu Ie fered. -Ther e should be less the structure. Another twenty- refrig.erator.He..,,_,as not present at fraternity orientation, and more three per cent answered that it was any time that this was going on. cultural, academic, and social due to both. All of the twenty-six The police stayed about ten or events offered. The diversified per cent who answered "no" fifteen minutes. One of the wit- Jim Wogsland culated by the Long Range Pial, needs of students seemed believed that it was the fault of the nesses recounts the policemen's This year the Housing and Committee's Student Life sub- recognized and supported by people. And of all the ones that felt actions; "One policeman was Conduct Council has decided to committee. It dealt with general eighty per cent of those surveyed. the administrators were at fault, really agresstve. The other one become more of an active student housing. Most people supported. in But "there could be much im- the registrar's office was men- was really sensible. He seemed to body. than just _a disciplinary this survey, an expansion of provement in the areas of in- tioned most frequently, for putting know that they were in the wrong. ~ounc~L The first duty of the douple rooms tt.e., suite tramural sports; for women in people after rules. The other guy didn't care that they counCil is still. to enforce the set arrangement) and then aparl· particular, and in artistic and More than half of the students were in the wrong." The other standards of conduct applicable to ments over single rooms~and triple intellectual areas. Improved believed that t_!lere was a negative witness said that one policeman all students as appears in the rooms. The poll was in over· conditions for day students was effect of academics on the student explained thay they had probable Student Handbook. Meg Caddick, whelming support of more living also mentioned. body. This was mainly because of cause to search "under the cir· the Council's president, feels" that units with allailable and-or op- The Student Government was the continued page 3 curnstances." .l.,,, r.ouncil should be more of a tional kitchen facilities. Students subject of another question. The l'1om,l·ng vehicle lor responsible change. She fell that their dorms were ooorly answer was unanimous It should FID Shots feels ther:.e should be more com- cleaned and that the mens dorms for more student involvement. be ..._, munication between this body ,aren't that great to start with and easier for people to be a part of By Meg Hoyle - (acting for the stUdents of WMC) therefore the students don't SGA. The SGA should constitute Western Maryland will provide schedule for student innoculations. and the admi!1istration to try. to respect these buildings. As for the main student organization on swine flu innocuIations for the Enough supplies have been or- make this school a better place to maintenance service in the campus, with less power going to entire college community, but as of dered, and Dean Laidlaw is live. residence halls, females felt it was the Greek groups. yet, no date has been set. Ac- "shooting for one hundred per cent In light of this feeling, Meg and fair and males felt that it was poor. There were a variety of cording to Mrs. Elinor Dollenger, of the college community" to turn the Council have started l~~ing The security on campus was responses to the question:'What do one of the nurses working on the out for the shots. The only people into present housing conditIOns, considered fair and definitely you envision the role of the new p-ogram, the shots will be given woo would be ineligable to receive optional future housing plans (such improveable. A large percentage college center to be?" Most viewed when the syringes arrive. Dr. the shots would be those with colds as co~ dorms), and possible of the students were also strongly the new center as the main spot on Daniel Welliver has ordered the or certain allergies. The in. separatIOn of room and board against a freshman dorm campus. Included should be a vaccinations,andtheinnoculationS noculations will be given in the plans. In order to get student The. other surveys will be ·game room, twenty-four hour fast may be ready as soon as next infirmary, and notices of the date feelings and input, selleral surveys covered in next week's paJ>l~r, If food service, a bar serving beer Friday. Dean be given the following and time will be announced in have The first survey was a condensed the 'you wish to talk about any f)f these they within However, circulated been will ..........------..-- version of an earlier survey cir- Caddick. .. and wine, music and a dance floor, last couple of weeks. probably contact your HOUSing WMC Today as well as on bulletin subjects rooms, meeting and a twenty-four Laidlaw week. Council representative Meg and student boards in the cafeteria is working or Many feel that a hour study area. up a center. to set with Mr. Dawkins
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