Page 24 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 24
Page 8 SCRIMSHAW Friday, October 8, 1976 WMC Sports "Fall" Defense Shines in 10.10 Tie Terrors Blank Susquehanna Crowd Braves Downpour C~::a co ...·.';;-,;::n of most the offensive Ji~~~=y, in a bitt~iY Meanwhile, the defensive back· Bruce Belt contributed the other Western Maryland September 29 the Ir0vided He also added that Dick On Wednesday, pressure. soccer team fought game, our Green Terrors· field, led by Dave Seibert and Mike scoring, a field goal and an extra defeated Susquehanna in overtime, Love played a great game at wing. held on against the tough Sanders, held the Mules to two point. Two other attempted field 1-0. Dick Love Irovided the lone "The team seems to be pUtting Muhlenberg Mules for a 10-10 tie. compleuoae for a total of 15 yards, goals from long yardages were score in a game that was things into place now," .concluded This is the same team which desJite the loss of Rick Rosenfeld right on the nose but short, as even dominated by the excellent Coach Earll. He also said that he is earlier this year destroyed Johns early in the game. the kicking was affected by the defenses of both teams. The Terror delighted and :surprised at the Hopkins ~. Almost the whole The Green Terror offense also weather. def~nse was especially good in number of people turning our for game was played under a- put on a respectable showing This coming Saturday is the shutting out the notoriously high- the games. He hopes that the torrential downpour which sent especially in the air as Joe armual Homecoming game and scoring Susquehanna squad. support sbown by the students will spectators scurr-Ymg for cover. Domiano completed six out of will be against Moravian. Kickoff continue in future games. Very few actually left the game, thirteen passes (46 percent) for 123 is set for 1: 30 at Hoffa Field. So Coach Earll was quick to praise however, as they became a cap- yards without an interception. come out and join alumni in rooting the team's defensive play, The next game is on October uveted, enthusiastic audience Fritz LeitzeI again led all receivers on our team to another victory. especially that of goalie Ken sixth at Loyola. It should prove to witnessing one of the best played with three receptions, followed by You'll even get to see the ~ueen Lowey. The coach did think that be the toughest match of the season games (especially considering the Dave Severn and Steve Spinelli. and her court at haI!time so all you the team could've scored more, for the soccer team. The next home p.aying C{)nditions) seen on Hoffa Part of this success must be at- male readers especially make due to the fact that it was the game is on October 12, against Field in a long time. tributed to the gutsy performance plans to be there. Western Maryland squad that " Johns Hopkins University. The Green Terror defensive unit, of the linemen (Bob Sylvester, the best in the Middle Atl311tic Russ Cepko, Doug Sopp, Pete Carlton Harris Sports (/p • Questions and Answers Southern Division, again peeved Blauvelt, and Kevin Noonan), who their worth, hustling and hitting though caked with mud, cold and 1. He's the holder of the World 9. This dash is run in two ways, Last week's answers: t-Capitol hard. Several times the Mules wet, still gave Domiano time to High Jwnp Record. on the curve and on the straight· Bullets, 2-Wilt Chamberlain, 3- were close to scoring but the pass. The rushing attack was 2. The original Olympic games of away (metric or English distance). George Mikan, 4-PhiladelIiJ-ia, 5- Terrors sealed them off. They hampered by wet footing but did ancient Greece included only one 10. The longest distance nut in David Thompson, 6-Earl Monroe, seemed determined not to let score a touchdown (by a Joe running event. How long was this Women's Track and Field. Wes Unseld, 7-Jerry West, 8-Bill anyone past them no matter what .Domiano keeper). ron' Scoring.,.7 equals good, 8 equals Russel, 9-New Orleans Jazz, 10- the consequences. Led by Buck 3. Jim Ryan's mile record of very good, 9 equals excellent, and Rick Barry, ll-PhiladelIiJ-ia, 12- Horsey (with 6 tackles, 2 assists, Razzle Dazzle 3:51:1 stood up for eight years until 10 equals superb. Bob McAdoo. and a recovered fumble), Don quickly broken in succession in Enterline, and Steve Luette, the 1975 by these two famed harriers. With all these discussions about An Indian fakir has set the line held against these assaults The Intramural progam was 4. In walking, one may go vaccinating some 200 million world's record for automobile except for one touchdown and a partially setback by all of the rain distances of 20 kilometers and Americans against swine flu, eating. Mahegnay Souamin, of field goal. The only person they last week. Even so, the program is what other distances? Science magazine is out with an Bombay, managed to eat an entire had a lot of trouble with was the still moving. 5. This American dominated the interesting counter-proposal: that Chevrolet. Souamin did it by Mules' freshman running back, In the Razzle-Dazzle football discus event in world meets for it might be a lot cheaper and more dismantling the car, cutting it into John Sules. Jl'ogJ'am, the ony victory recorded over a decade in the SO's and 60's. practical to vacillate America's 70 tiny pieces and then swallowing a Lucking was by the Betes "A" Team last 6. Weight of both the spot put and to 80 million pigs instead. Science few. parts each day. week. The schedule is proceeding, the hammer. quotes World Health Organization Jim Tera~a'l,g .. es.sion and this reporter will keep the 7. The record for this jumping officials as stating that an effective HAVE A record up to date. event is about 57 feet. anti-flu campaign among You know it's hard to play 8. Famous annual Track and American pigs could prevent the hockey in the rain! Because of it, The Intramural Tennis Tourney Field Meet in its 70th year. disease from reaching the U.S. CHECKUP. one scrimmage and one game were began this week with the schedules human ITCAN cancelled. The rained-out game posted on the Intramural Bulletin last Saturday against F & M will be Board in Gill Gym. This reporter SAVE made up on November 1. will keep the tourney up to date. Again, for all participants, you But Tuesday the girls travelled should keep up to date with the YOURUFE. to Elizabethtown College to playa Intramural Bulletin Board for game. On a thickly grown and important notices. slow-playing field, our girls dro~d another, 4-0. Reasons for Plain & Fancy the loss? Why does anyone lose? Team-members said, "lack of aggressiveness," "flat," or just Donuts telling it like it is, "(we) didn't work together." 140 Village The girls are really hopeful to. snap his bad streak against their next opponent Wilson at Wilson only 5 minutes away starting at 3:30. The next game after that is against Hood away Open 24 Hours a Day We"1I'b1)o<"l\ • =~ ,"'-_ ..._..-', you do . NEWLY REMODELED Route 140 Friday and Saturday, American I WaIminolcr October 15 and 16 Cancer Society. * EXP,ANDEI)SEAllNG 114809-110 Decker Auditoriu m ., --------------------
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