Page 146 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 146
Page 2 Scrimshaw Fr~ay, May 13, 1977 Editorial Letters to the Editor Interest in Food Waning SGA Has Overstepped Its Authority Dear Editor, ~:~::~~Od~,~sC:~ir~~~~~~~~ ~~e~~o~~~~C~I~OC:~~~~!~~ In the fall of 1976, an SGA Food COll)!Tllttee was formed for the pur- ou~t h~.~~~~e d~e;:t::tte~t!~n :~: ever gone here knows, a person of Greek Fraternal Organizations poses of making suggestions to the cafeteria staff along the lines of improvements, as well as to make the student body as a whole more S.G.A. is attempting to infringe on ~:'~~~~;es~~;~I~~:~u~:~e~u~ ~h=~a~~, f~l~ ~~~~trsth~h~a;:~ aware of the process through which they are fed. Both are good ideas i~:fJ;:~~:S~~:~;;~ts\~:ri~.~f about it. Rumours spread along "safe," "healthy", and are without and could possIbly bring about some improvements, If put to good use. What SCRIMSHAWwould like to point out here Is that the SGA took the The proposal to set up a board to ::~~~tfU~i:~;':O~~~~~~i~~~~ ~'~gl~;t~:~~e~~~ed o~andhu~~g~ initial step by startIng such a committee, but those-in charge of it seem ~ft~;fro:~a~~rv~:resa~~o~~~r~~ I'm trying to get across to you all is dignity ... " (from April 29 to lack the incentive to use their authority. Monitor Fraternity And Sorority that you just can't believe Editorial). Several limes during the 1975-76 school year Mrs. Arlene MacDonald, Initiation) is absurd and-asinine. everything you hear on campus director of food services, requested that the Sfudent Government form some type of committee to deal mai"nly wlth the cafeteria. She was The ide·a behind Greek and then fly off th~ han~e a~ ·1 can only demand that the ready and willIng to give tours of the kitchen facililles to both com- Organizations, specifically demand that drastic action S.G.A. revokes the proposal which mittee members and WMC students. She has also made It cfeer that she Fr-atej na l Organi-zations, are take?. would form this "Board of is open to suggestions about possible changes, and if feasible will put Brotherhood, Togetherness, and I firmly believe that the S.G.A. Inquisition" and allow the Greek them Into effect. Secrecy When prospective has overstepped it's auth~r~ty by Organizations to function within If a student sees sufficient evidence of broken health rules, it should members are formally initiated even considering such a ~ldicuJas their own rights which, bythe way, be reported to the Food Committee. They are able to make suggestions into the Gamma Beta Chi ?oard as t~e ~.M.F.S.I..T~IS ~ard very seldom if ever interferes with <, and IS uncon~htutlOnal I can only hope as It ~fr~ges I can't 10 Mrs. MacDonald concerning ways to eliminate such problems, now Fraternity, for sure, although the other on the pnvacv of 0u: org~nJ~a.hons the rlghts ot others. recognizes the the S.G.A. know that I feel and in Ihe future. Any complaints concerning the cafeteria in general should be made to the head of the shift of that particular meal Greek Organizations are similar to and their respe<:tl~e mdivldu;1 futility of such a board and takes SCRIMSHAW would like to let Mrs. MacDonald know that her many ;!:a~~~e~ni~~~i~,.~.~~~!~~h~~. ~::~~~!!:~=~ua~~::!~appropriate action! Sincerely, efforts are appreciated. She lias done her part In trying to make Englar DinIng Hall a pleasantpiace to eat; she has proven more than willing to ~e;=:~~;~:~.i.I.~,.a H:~m~ ~e th~ :~~=tii~; ~ a~thfcg:i~~~~;~~~ - Jeremiah M. Lynch accept suggestions and elimInate complaint. It is up to those SGA members in charge of the committee to get together and help her and expected to uphold this oath that The Premise of Secrecy _her staff. Maybe next year the committee will find the time to meet we all have pledged, to live up to more Ihan once, and get some bigger changes than brown bread with our constitution, and to believe in Dear Sir: Furthermore, the S.G.A. cannot our peanut butler and meeuess spaghetti sauce. the very idea of Brotherhood Of As members of Gamma Beta Chi insure absolute secrecy within the Fraternities-Sororities if one of the we feel it is our duty to speak out monitoring committee. On a most personal events of our lives at against the S.G.A . .proposal to campus the size of Western Administrative Watchdog Western Md. is open to viewing by monitor fraternity activities Maryland gossip spreads quickly. the S.G.A. and, consequently, by during hell week. Although con- Fraternal organizations are the entire campus population'? cern generated by independents The presence (or absence) of student parflcjpattcn In the declslcn Privacy is important to in- backing this bill cannot be founded on the premise of secrecy, making precess leadIng to the overload charge raises several vital dividuals as well as to altogether disregarded, we think not for the' purpose of abusing questions concerning the SGA. The degree, perhaps, to which students organizations. I feel that's It's that this measure is one of an pledges, but to insure that the inner were not Involved in that decisIon process (even 11 only In a consultory ironic when the people raising extremist position. workings of the brotherhood are role) is also the degree to which the SGA has avoided Its obligation to pro~ted. Gamma Beta Chi is no pursue the bests Interests of students by watch-dogging the ad- questions about initiation rites are In our minds the monitoring of exception. As brothers inducting ministratIon. The SGA is, of course, not solely responsible here _ the not pledges, ex-pledges, or initiation activities by outsiders, be future brothers we can assure the they I.F.C., I.S.C., or in~pendents Schrimshaw, for example, should assume the same job. members-or any person affiliated as. is uncalled-for. We believe that students of W.M.C. that at no time or Fraternity, with a Sorority Dean McCormick Indicated to the Scrimshaw on Wednesday that as Warren Lowman stated in his April what takes lJlacein ourcJubroom is in the past and at no time in the he considered Implementing an overload charge he consulted with a 29 letter to the Editor, The people to be viewed solely by members of future will a pledge by physically number ot faculty whose judgement he trusted. He made no sImilar questioning the existing system Gamma Beta Chi and no one else abused. A hierarchy with a specific effort. he says, to consult" trustworthy students. set of rules is set up during Hell After the administration's decision had been made, moreover, the :r~~=F~::e::~~~~7~~Dance Thanks Week to make c~rtain that pledges SGA had (and stIli has however belated) the opportunity to clearly I",bel is those who dislike these Editor: are not experiencing unjust any sIgnificant deciSion process from which stu~ents were, by and ~eties. I've seen three hell On behalf of the~Freshman and physical stress. We are not sadistic large, excluded unacceptable and illegitImate. So filr the SGA has weeks while I've t>een at WMC. ~phomore class officers, I would barbarians, but a close group of chosen not fo do so. and I've also heard all the rumours like to thank everyone who helped brothers trying tt? make hell week In light of these facfs, perhaps some creative and constructIve that begin to fly around campus as with .decorations, tick~, ?e'er and an enjoyable experience for questions need to be asked-with the SGA concerning Its vocation and soon as hell week is over. odd JObs for all of theu- time and everyone involved. The system of direction for 1977·78. A suggested charter for the SGA (take heed However, that is preciseJy what support during the Spring Dance. self policing has been effective and planners of the fall leadershIp conference): will continue to be so. Perhaps the SGA can begin to assume In 1977-78 a significant and they are, rumors. No individual The dance was a gr~at success and Some independents· on this powerf~t watchdog role in the college's decision making processes. At outside of those actually involved was only accomplished through campus have taken specific events the very least the SGA might InsIst that students be given a consultory in Hell Week can accurately know your work. Once again, thanks, of the past hell week and applied on continue went role In so-called "administrative" decisions, and perhaps would also do just what and respective inside sections the and please next year! r with more of them in general to the entire clubrooms the same wet! to seriously explore the questIon of whether students should not fraternity system at W.M.C. This is also be responsible, potent movers in "administrative" decisions rather of the fraternities and sororities. Roger Ensminger unjust and unfair. Editorials, than consultant bystanders. At the very least the SGA, as the ·overload People begin to speculate as to President, Class of 1979 articles, and pictures have slanted ' p.s.-thanks issue unfolded, could have made clear io both students and the . what went on and those then the word came! also to everyone who ·the students point of view in their spreads "reliable from admlnlstratLon that students should always, without exception, be !))rtrayal of Hell Week as a consulted in decisions capable of angering students such as the Two on the Review horrible experience for frat overload charge angered them. The SGA might as well. explore the pledges. We challenge any student challenge the administration's assumption that the overload charge Dear Editor, Dear John, to find any member of Gamma was purely an "administrative" decision. and that it may count on Here is an apt quotation in Listen and hear, Beta Chi who has come away with implemenllng the charge regardless of the proces:> used in reaching response to Bill Jenkins' absurd "I can now see how so many bad memories of initiation that decision. . , and fatuous theatre review (5-6- actors can be having so many We the members of Gamma Beta tn 1977·78 the SGA might specifically make a serious attempt to raise 77): "The mistakes and problems with their lives ... " Chi believe that control should not the number of students on faculty ar,d trustee commIttees· and to add misstatements in it form an This blatentiy generalized and be placed in the hands of the students to any committee of which they are not a part of now. Some uninterrupted series so complete mythisized judgmental attack 1hat S.G.A., but should be kept in the .students currenlly on those committees, outnumbered and outranked, as to seem artistic in reverse, Bill Jenkins launched on any and office of the Dean of Student Af- and perhaps understandably intimidated. More students on the com. making one wonder if, perhaps, it all of us who have spent time in fairs. We would be presumptuous mittees might help. had not been woven that way on learning the art of ading is the to say that fraternities have not The 1977·78 SGA might, even more signlflcantly.-make particular purpose to be turned into same sort of insensitive attitude had problems with hell week inside -efforts to insure that students on the college's committees report back to something pertinent and coherent that has caused yet another and outside the clubroom, but we the SGA. There were students on the committee, for example, which when reflected in a looking glass." example of dehumanizing op- are also the first to admit what the recommended an overload charge. As long as students on those com preSSion in the world we are all Dean of Student Affairs has dealt mittees or in the SGA do not assume the very limited responsibilities Bill Jenkins' review was not only supposed to share. My problems with these problems and the that they do have there remains little excuse for condemning the ad. exceptionally stupid and coarse - it ha, about as much to do with the punishment in a fair and rninlsh:.atlon for whatever action It takes. was also libelru]s, and should be roles I playas yours do Bill. And reasonable manner and should 1977·78charter for SGA? - to SignIficantly encourage and Increase the retracted. you wonder why _we have Harlows, continue to do so. potent the expression of student Interests on the college's committees. Sincerely, honey ... Sincerely, That is to say, to slgnlflcaotly enlarge the student body's involvement In Bill Cochran Lisa B. Pohlhaus , The members of Gamma Beta Chi every major WMC decision making process. 1977·78 charter? . a goal· an attempt ralher than a realUy. SomethIng RELA Y Recognizes Its Volunteers to work for ... Paul Fulton and the rest of the executive committee are fine people burdened with potential - there Is much that they and the As tho:! school year comes to a Council coaching girls basketball at Carroll Haven in Hampstead. SGA might do. GIven student support they will do "a great deal. Be close, we at RELAY would like to Mary Beth Barrett and Betsy Diane Jenkins, Kim Kost & challenged broth'\!ors and sisters. take this opportunity for ex- Lesher worked with a Mentally Theresa Rogers all have been with ~ ; ; c c c " " 10 C g • preSSing our appreciation to ,those Retarded Cub Scout Troop here in at the Department of Juvenile Ser- town. Patrice your you who John is working of volunteered vices as tutors. Never Put Off Ti ITT omorrow services and You know with the Montrose-a in facility for delinquent At We know that others of you have worked Reisterstown. who you youths community. contacting The Procrastinators Club ~of mark the day by " nothing, are, but we thought that maybe Christmas time, the Phi Alphs volunteered and with-out too have our you RELAY, America has celebrated its "Be but I didn't get around to do it." WMC would like to know who is delivered presents to Springfield appreciation. Again, much thanks L.1.IC For Something Day" by Waas says that the 20-year-old club doing what to help out in the State Hospital. Debbie Keefer has to everyone who has shown in- putting the whole thing off until with over 3000 members hasn't Westminster area. enjoyed working at the Carroll terest. next year. President Lew Waas gotten around to electing his Cass Kut! spent most of the year County Commission for Day Care. Have an EXPERIENCE next f'xptained that he had intended to successor for the past eight years. with the Westminster Recreation Circle K helped by doing odd jobs year ... JOIN RELAYl!!!!
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