Page 148 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 148
Page 4 Scrimshaw Friday, May 13, 1977 WMC Want A'_s and Jan Term Nancy Menefee Found: New Alarm Clock. Big Speedreadingcourse. Guaranteed! Biology 304 - Dissection of Dr. enough to wake entire Rouzer In case the kit doesn't work, return Royer. Open to Bio Majors only. Individuals Shine in Track dorm. Unfortunately, sets only for it, and credit hour you fail! English 302 Literature." A survey of in , 'Major Themes we will send you $95 for every 7:00 a.m. and requires American 10 workmen. 440; Eliot Runyon, 886; Bucky with yellow hats to run it. Please Hi to My Favorite Palo-The Sch- such relevant works as The Annual in muck of "the in charge Manual, Bull-Shippers foreman published see 'M~:i~, ~~ ~~~~~~dTr~~:~q~~~ Horsey, Craig Merkle, and Don hole." Seek-a-Sucker Company is Houston, Tex. The Morphogenesis "traveled to Dickinson College for Harris, shot put. Fred Smyth was lookitlg for talented young people of the Shoot Apex and T.W.A.'s the Middle Atlantic Conference Western Maryland's only scorer - Lost: A book entitled Expanding to fill challenging sales positions! Getaway Guide to Scaggsville, Md. Championships. The team didn't captured the only medal of the day fare as well as they would have with a 5th place finish in the 440 ~:~t~n~'~~~~si\l~ X~~d~ir~~r:n~-. :;:!~~ns ~~~~~~Il~~flinU:~i!~it~~ ~7e~~:~i~" S~~~di;t t£:2 west~~~ liked, but there were some cut- Intermediate Hurdles. standing individual performances. Seniors who will be missed next. If found, please return to Anita PassesinBlanceDorm,andse1ling Development of Modern Medieva1 Competing for the Terrors were: year include: Pat Dattilo, Randy Bryant. Avon Products in the Quad~ Afro-American Socialist Chuck Barbour, 100;-220, 440 yard Day, Scott Gingerich, and Scott Lost: One free lunch. If found, Come to McDaniel Lounge on Catholics." This fulfills all Liberal relay, high jump; Ron Bowen, 440 Whitney. please return to Dr. Ralph B. May ath at 7:30 .p.m. for in- Arts Requirements. '_ and mile· relays; Pat Dattilio, We would like to thank Coaches Price. , terpretations of Moby Dick, A Tale aevieW of Two Cities, and The Five Little aecprd triple jump; Randy Day, discus; Carpenter, Case and Bates for For Sale: Survival kit for exam Classical Collection Eric DeGross, 100, 440 yard relay; guiding us to the best spring week. Contains: 3 packages No- Peppers and 110,": They Grew, on Don Enterline, javelin; Scott winning percentage, 70 per cent. Doze, 22 uppers, 21bs. of coffee, $10 the xylophone. Bring a date or your Steve Bainbridge - fraser, high jump; Don· Harris, \7-3J in quarters for Coke Machines, an mother. . Stokowski -On a well done stereo .discus, shot put; Bucky Horsey, extra lightbulb, and Evelyn Wood's JAN TERM OFFERINGS FOR '17 compatible quad disc Leopold shot put; Jon Isaacs, 440, mile Good Year for Women's LAX relay; Mike Margiotta, 120, high EmbezzlementlOI-Recommended ~:o~~w:!:t~~~~~t~~o~n=r':s~ hurdles, high jump: Marc~ax, J+hl:V~~S!~~sd ·women's lacrosse -against Gettysburg, losing 10-1, as :ra~l E~~~~ti~~t~~i~~~n~~ Cor- The album, called "Stokowski high jump, triple jump; Craig team has shown great im- Jan Claypoole scored the only goal Juggl~~g 20<1 -. ~r~.-requis_ite: Spe~~u~arh'.' contai~s s~~J;s Merkle, shot put; Harry Poppies, provement since last year and and as the defense, led by Nancy Embezzlement 101. r~ y 1:"/S ea~ y as , - javelin; Eliot Runyon, 880, mile throughout this year. Much of this Hess and Sara Kain played well. Burning 202 An introductory an arepres~~hin,:~]Oyablene~ relay: fred Smyth, 120 high can be attributed to the fine This was only their second loss in course into the how's, where's, and a;:a~gef~e~th· e. pectacular f hurdles, 440 intermediate hurdles, coaching of former lacrosse player the conference. why's of Pyromania. Students ~o~ ;hili'; So~~?~~! ;~:o~nod mile relay; Brian Trumpower, 440 Intermediate hurdles; Scott ~~r!~~:~:~~~~~~ pa~~~o~~~; ye~~e!~~ o~; ht~ ~~~~~: nJe:~ ~~~:~c~vi:ceu~~:r~l:o':t~~~iu~d Stripes Forever, and concludes Whitney, 220, 440 yard relay; Doug Renner, mile. this year's players. Team spirit Wilder and MVP Sara Kain, in this course will be construction ~i!;! 1~;11ar:r~ Outstanding i.ndividual per- ~~r:'~~i:t~i:!~m~~ ~~~: ~~;"fh:tC:~he~~llo~ th;a~:~~~ of the Eiffel Tower, the Brooklyn chestrated by Stokowski himself. formances at the meet were; the 440 and mile relay teams; Chuck PO~~eo~=~~:~hed their season _St;i~ig~ writer would like' to ~~~~r~~~t~~~~n~gth~:~i~~ !~y~!~ef~~~eC;t~~s:f:llcJ~:e~! Barbour, 100 and 220; Jon Isaacs, Wednesday with an exciting effort =:~~~~~~i!~:S t~~~ ;h~ ~sr:~~ ~~~.~~:~ 303 _ "SOCiology for ~::~:c~~i~Pa~~: ~~I~ ~:::i~o!~ BasebaU=2 Wins, 2 Losses luck for next seasonn. ~~ ~n~:~:i~~~f:~t~~estions ~~~t:seo~:~~~i~a~~~i~~.Pieces Ca;~t:~e~~~~sbaseball team ended :~es~I~~:~i-~~PI~~aled it with a Pointers 1tIill .._._,., , ,._ ,... "" ", _ their season by sweeping one The next day, the·te~m n:ave(ed continued from page 1 $9.75 a ticket, ·followed by Rock Hudson in Camelot will doubleheader and dropping- to York to drop two by Identical 1-0 Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday FOliesbergere from May 31 _June 5 appear from July 12.- 17 for $8.75 another. Last Friday, the guys scores. What pitchi?g battIe~l shows .have discounts availa~le. for $7.75 and $B.75. The Carpenters and $9.75. were at Lebanon Valley to make up Dave Dolch and KeVin Zawacki,' A brIef run-down on upcommg are next, from June 7 _June 12, for For the extra convenience and games postponed earlier on ac- the hurlers in these games, pitched performances from now through $8.75 and $9.75, followed by the saving that this service provides to count of rain. In two hard-fought aswellasanyTerrorpitchershave this summer goes as follows: Spinners from June 13 _ 19. (The contests, WMC came out on top B- this season, scattering a few hits Sammy Davis, Jr. will appear following prices are $8.75 and $9.75, WMC students, Joan Avey has assumed 6, B-5. Wins were credited to Vic each. But the team's inability to {rom May 2 - May B, prices are depending upon which night it is.) headaches the responsibilities and that are involved, and Dreschler and Wayne ~blentz. In score even a s~g1e run pr~vented $12.50 and $15.00. Sonny and Cher Rich Little will perform August 9- we sincerely appreciate it. the second game, WMC was up 4-0 them from pickmg up the wms they will appe~r from Mal 17 - 22 ~t 14, Charo and David Brenner on before Lebanon Valley scored 5 in deserved. $12.50 a ticket. (No discounts will August 16 21, and Stars of the the 6th. Things looked bad until a 4- Thus ends the baseball season. be offered for Sammy Davis or Lawrence Welk Show from August • Wootio.', FOREION run Terror rally in the 7th. Rob Next week, we'll have a final wrap- Sonny and Cher, but are available 26 _ 2B for $7.75 and $8.75 a ticket. Anrlrews si_!!gJed in the tving run up, plus some season stats. for all other shows) Gladys Knight _ Need a typist tor CA~ SER~I()£ Loell' Coneerts and the Pips perform with J.J. term papers, etc. Call Specillizinl in VOlVO'S "!al!_t:. r Ma>::9 - May 15for $8.75 and 848-0'166, Very ~easonable! Carsela!iv ... 8d CAPITAL CENTRE Ted Nugent, Foreigner and Nazarith 614 ~ plain & Fancy Bad Company 6/11 CIVIC CENTER Little Feat, and Poco 5115 Donuts DAR CONSTITUTION HALL Return to Forever 5122 (2 shows) MERRIWEATHER POST PAVILION Dan Fogelberg 6/11 Renaissance 7/21 onIy6mi __ Seals and Crofts 6117 Judy Co lIins 7/31 Marsha! Tucker Band 61:8 Leo Sayer 819 Hall and Oates 6124 Joni Mitchell 8/16 America 6/25 -26 Kris Kristofferson 8/17 ~0p0n~~Z4~_~~.~1Ior~~~.',,"''''.~o~",_'. ""'00 ,... " Kinks 6129 Linda Ronstadt 8118 - 20 In1_li"" .. I'" II.,.. "" ''·0"'......... James Taylor 7/1 - 2 Chuck Mangione 8/21 .. ".. r",." •• k.l .. ",·.fin.nd., pl.nninJ.Do,·.lopin2fin.n""".I.kno~'lh.'a""<.nholp .•"" ""hio,·•• l·oll.~.\lo",,·oro'hor Harry Chapin 7120 . FREE!! ~~i;~'~"f~~u~~III""'1)0"'..- no,. WARNER THEATER r Southside Johnny and the Asbury Jukes 5120 opens the door to an exciting BIG MAC TM (·."' ......... 'lnion ..... '..,....... -------- full or part·time.Ci:lreer teaching others how beautiful 1 Carroll Pia <0 Shopping Center .. I they can really be. with this coupon a HOUSE OF LIQUORS ~M: when you purchue Big Mac TM Earn high commissions I Special of the Week! 1 this Summer and during (Limit one COUlKln per purchase) >~ "[deli!):, 848·1314 1 _, the school year. Uniontife I STROH'S 12 oz. cans 1 Learn more at our OPEN HOUSE I-H obligates me to Fidelity UniOn Ufe, 8r;"g this ad with you for: Acceptance or this gift in no way , 1 ·Suite 210-HI L TON PLAZA ..._------- .. FACES·321·0250 Valid 8:00 pm·11:00 pm Suncay ~~~~::re'=m"''''''h-oo-:--- OFFICES - Pikesville 12 pack $2,99 .1 Sale ends Thursday, May 19, 1977 1 ReistElrstown Rd. & Beltway Exit Raisterstownonly a", _ Addre~ Westminsler Stllte......__zjp 20, TuElSday12:30 p.m. & ~t~::f!~'",'-- Friday-6:30p.m. _ WMC students only hroulPl Thursday expires 5/19/77 Road Atlas Perfume Wallet
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