Page 145 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 145
Volume V, Number 12 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE Friday, May 13, 1977 ~ \ Controversy Continues Over Charge Nancy Menefee In the last issue of Scrimshaw, possible system to establish a 4-1-5. have complete faith in the ad- four student groups, Chapel There are other alternatives to ministration making policies for 'Committee, Scrimshaw, 'Religious establish a 4-1-5, and we have an students without consulting Life Council; and the Black Student entire year to look into them." students from the very beginning." Union supported an . He also pointed out that he and Will Holmes said, "I think there editorial. This editorial was Chris Holmes had sat down with is a problem and some solution basically a plea for the ad- the administrators and they had needs to be arrived at, and I don't ministration to cease its operative changed their minds about im- think the $95 charge is the best assumption that the $95 overload piementing the overload charge one." • cliarge is an established policy. immediately. Paul saw this as an The students feel that alte r- Leaders of the SGA did not indication of the administration's natives must be offered and con- support this letter. When asked open attitude. - steered. Chris Holmes said, "My why, Paul Fulton cited several Paul Fulton also said that objective is coming up with the reasons. wanting to drop the overload best solution, whether it be the $95 Concerning the operative .charge was the opinion of "a small charge or what. At this point I assumption, he said, "The fact that minority of vocal leaders who feel think the best strategy for us to use 'A "'J.. '- -.. the administration thinks there is th~~n:Y';homas, leader of the ~~eish~V~~ee~~e~~~~~, ~~n~ O . . .' r~~~~i ~; Union ~~lof: Bob Lawle!: Poet, Colleague, Friend... of The Publicity Off~ce -end ~:rg~~~ Black Student that Paul said, "I'm set up a committee chaired by a Photo Courtesy student, feels it is disappointed with the idea that the $95 Eulogy For a Frl just a few vocal stu~nt leaders charge will be considered equally . . that are voicing their concern. The with other ideas. The Committee We are sharing a time of great and showing us over and over that. Every act of Bob Lawler's . ::,~~~..are spaking for groups of ~~~~~" start with a totally open ~:~:-;1~isde~~ ~f;~bo~wl~ ~ew~sblae~:~:se:~~alth~x:~~~~r~~ ~~~:: ~~ w;~~~~n b~a~~la~n~ Will Holmes, President of Chapel Chris plans to bring up this husbar d, father, son, son-in-law, faced the truth of whatever he tellectual courage and hon- Committee, pointed out that "since ~~~~eatw~t a~~:'iyG~ ~~t~n~~ dear friend, and treasured encountered in this age of self- esty. Before ethnic studies last fall, one-third of the student amending the existing motion~ T~e colleague and teacuer. We will not brutalizing and self-trivializing became a chic liberal diversion at body signed up for an overload, I existing motion states that the SGA • ~:~e:= ~~e~~~~~:~~~·i~! ~~:!!~:.t;~~asw~~~ins~~~:~~:e~ ~~::,i~ w~~ll:tg-::or~!v:;~r~ ~~~t~:::!~t~ela;a~~ ~~!:~would support the usage of such a are jathered in sadness, we are notjustagainsthismind,totella coursesinBlackliterature,Jewish concerned, and felt the letter ~=~~~~~tC:-i~~:~t~~e~~~! gathered to say the eulogy, the lie. In fact, Mailer, one of his literature, and Women's,liter- needed to be dealt with. committee is actually set up. good words, the freshening, mentors, might as well have been ature. He didn't presume to be -Chris Holmes, Vice President of At this time, Chapel Committee qt~~lb'Cukteent;hnagtwdetuoawleWtoO'B"'ObOLafwhl;eg~ ~~!~f !h:o~~ ~~~teB~is~s for almnexpeth rtin thes e areas; he simply the SG)\ said, "It appears the issue is writing a letter to the SGA. In ., ew at unti 1 a team of experts brought up in the editorial does not this letter, the Chapel Committee ~~~, k:~~tiS;:~~n~fs~~ O!r~:~~ "So, yes, it may be time to say ~~~:~:.' IS:~~~: :o~~~e~~~ ~:~~:~~i.,~u~~r~~~e~t :~~e~~ ~~e:ss ~~e~e ~~i~~tra~~~, a~~ come so readily to our lips, that in :~t :ea~ee~:I!~~~:~ r~~o '::~t assumed that his students "I don'tsense ... individuals are not ~~l;ou.t~o~~e,"nth.e .~~IAl IoHohlmavese our .mem?r.y wef ma Y fi~df .thaJ defend courage, sex, con- deserved to be treated with the putting the pressure on me like it's ..... , wi I ~r,~~~.¥f~:€~~:~~Ti;~~! "I wish the administration said, ~~;~l ~~~;'tOou~u~;~~ "en :~~o,~~i:~O~~~~d ~~:h:a~~~ ~~r:~t~if~:'~~~~a~~~~ would open up the issue again." Chris Holmes said, "I am not comfortable with the fact that they M~~:::,r\~:ti::a~~e~9~.s ~ern ai~ ~:~::.~?t~'sa:~~~~ a:o~~o:~ ~r~~:~~ o~. ~~~~~es~~oe~::~ _be;~~~~Iton also stated, "I have haven't been more open-minded." ~:~;~~:~~~~~~~ ~~~~:~~~; ~~ ~ :~~~~f:v:~a;e~~~~ ~:: seeking intellectual stimulation to total faith in the administration Chris believed this could be solved lllinois, where he earned a spent our years writing of fear, heir ~tmgrow _~O~OUgh-mindd~ that if a good alternative is by the committee. bachelor's degree in English impotence, stupidity, ugliness, rna uri y were ric y rewar e, presented they will consider it, and The 'proposal for the student-run literature. He earned his Master's self-love, and apathy, and yet it has During his recent sabbatical if it's suitable, they will implement Committee is on the agenda for Monday night's SGA meeting, to be degree on a highly prized Woodrow been our act of faith, our attempt to leave, Bob read over a hundred it." Wilson Fellowship at Claremont see--to see and to see hard. to books, reread Goethe's Faust in Linda Thomas said, "I don't held in Baker 100 at 8:00 p.m. Gradu<}te School, wher~ he also smell,eventotouch,yestocapture German (one of his special sab- Tickets at Student Center I earned his doctorate. Before that nerve of Being which -may batical projects), and wrote coming to Western Maryland include all of us, that Reality several critical essays. One of College, he served as a teaching whose existence may depend on those essays, the first to my Brenda Donovan Music Fair.' Through a voucher assistant at... Scripps College in the honest life of our work, the knowledge that he ever sent off for For the benefit of WMC students, system in which Joan Avey serves Claremont, California, and as honor of ourselves which permits publication, except for some as our Industrial Agent, students lecturer and instructor at the us to say no ~tter than we have twenty bOok reviews. was accepted :~~:uf:n~~::tt~~~~s a~~~~u~~ and employees of the college can University of Maryland. seen." continued on page 3 rates for shows at Painters Mill .take advantage of a $1.25 discount He came to our college with a off ticket prices. great part of the work of his life Soviets Not Dissatisfied With Life It is a simple procedure: the hidden away where none could money is paid to Joan Avey, who discover it. He had sheaves of Bob Kelly Consequently, most Soviets accept this period inclut:Ied being captured gives back a yellow receipt form gradua~e seminar papers stuffed.... Last Thursday, Leonid Murog, a their 'government and its rigid by the Nazis and escaping to the voucher. She calls in the order away 10 drawers and chests- Soviet-American who teaches at controls willingly. On his five Czechoslovakia. He later moved to in advance, and the night of the pa~ers. on whiC~ prof~ssorial York College, spoke in McDaniel return visits, Mw-og often saw Bavaria and then to New Y:ork. His performance the receipt is sctlbbhngs read hke.. a. htany of lounge on the Soviet Union. His talk citizens assist police voluntarily reason for not returning to the presented at the ticket office at encouragement toa brilhant young focused on American misun- during arrests. He said that USSR was that he would probably Painters Mill in exchange (or a scho~. His lI?~toral dissertation, derstandings of Soviet life and on dissidents represent only a small have been shot or imprisoned for ticket. a senes of cntical essars on the developments in Eastern Europe portion of the populace. his association with the Nazis. Orders may be called in from novels of ~orm~ Mailer, ,was shortly after World War II, and it Many of the audience's questions Stalin considered all who lived lOAM-4PM, and eight is the called by his advls?ry committee produced challenging questions concerned the status of Christians under Nazi rule to t>e Nazi maximum purchase at the at Claremont the hnest book yet from the audience. within the USSR. Murog said that collaborators. But the present discount rate. Payments must be written. on Mailer. "Publish it," Murog claimed that Americans the government doesn't directly Soviet government allows Murog made in advance before the orders they saId.., .. . mistakenly believe that the Soviet repress private worship of any to visit freely, and only seizes are called in, and once paid, the But he didn t. To hIS dissertatIOn, people are dissatisfied with their kind, but that it doesn't allow returning natives who had actually transaction is FINAL --no refunds, and eve~hing else he ever wr~te, goverrunent. Although the USSR evangelism. It also allows in- served as police or officials for the exchanges or can<;_ellations are he apphed such a' brutally high includes more than a hundred dependent groups to distribute Nazis. allowed. standard of e_?tcellence that none of nationalities, he said, the majority anti-Christian propaganda and Throughout the talk, Murog Those who are interested should it eve,r seemed to him to be worthy of the people feel an allegiance to directly assists the Society of emJilasized that he is both an pay attention to the,opening day of of prmt. the entire country and a mistrust of Atheists in religious studies. So American and a Russian. He the shbw in order to take ad- Neither his appearance here in Western influences. The govern· generally, the Soviet government pointed out that citizens of both vantage of the discount prices. For 1963, nor .his tenuring in 19?3, ment and the people both have a tolerates but disC
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