Page 151 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 151
Friday: May 20,1977 Scrimsha~ , SCRIMSHAW Truth Comes Out Works Every Time _Col, .Jerry Manderin Are you tired of writing out 3 or 4 For a Methods of Social polled to improve Scrimshaw. The and to include world news and papers every semester on some _ as it is-was affected by the - of the-. Research class project, Rita five most popular suggestions events. subject in which you have no real Mutino and Jim Martin conducted were; to become more responsive This poll showed that Scrimshaw interest? Are you sick of waking up The book follows an order not so a survey about Scrimshaw. For in covering campus events, to is a widely read publication on the to the keys poking you in the face, - as one that traces the any conclusive generalizations to present wider variation in opinion WMC campus, but that it is a and your report still unfinished? development and change of the-, be made, a random selection of 10 expressed by the paper, to publication with much room for -, -, and - processes. per cent of the students and 10 per strengthen the sports section, to growth, development, and im- Be at eas_e, poor student! Shullbit The author emonastzes the - of cent of the faculty to represent include news about other cam- provement. Enterprises has marketed an all- the - as they-it influenced the - popular opinion. 100 students, 8 puses and the surrounding area, purpose, do-it yourself-in-just-one- of the -. Prominent - in-of the- faculty, and 4 members of the bour College Paper. This fonn were usually connected to the - administration were asked about paper was designed to save for any number of reasons. I was their attitudes toward the Md. Women to Meet students the drudgery of relieved to see-that the author did newspaper. Publicity Office creativity, and can be ordered not insist the-to be -"-, as some One hundred percent of those Dr. Emily Taylor, chair of the through certain disreputable mail- have said before. polled were familiar with the Maryland International Women's Texas on November 18-21, 1977. order businesses. ,Although we - Is-are shown. as influencing paper; the majority read it Year Coordinating Com- The national conference will would be violating their Borneo mostofthe--. This is not hard to weekly. _ mittee, (lWY) today that a submit a final report and copyright by printing the entire accept, if you recall that the - has 'announced For convenience sake, Scrim- unique Maryland Women's Con- recommendations to the President form, we can sneak just a small never - the -r-, ana in fact always shaw was divided into seven ference will be held en June 12-13 at 'and Congress for implementation. sample of it ,to you. Here, then, to -the--. sections; news, editorials, in- The Johns Hopkins University in The Maryland conference will save you time and effort, (and Although he did not emphasize terviews-guest speakers, topic Baltimore. More than 1,000 women the point to its greatest columns, sports, humor, and en- from across the state will meet in ~~~~~e ;~:ae~~ Ct~~t~~o~~: t:a::!~¢~O~f ~~; f~:v~f~{i~~~ \ signifigance, the author presents tertainment. Approximately half Baltimore to examine the barriers ~f women toward equality in both To complete the paper, simply evidence that - actually -'-. Tbe of those polled read all seven women {ace and develop recom- main point of this - seems to be sections each week. The news, mendations aimed at ending those ~~it~~~cw~~~~~~v:~ t~~~?e' ~ ~~::~~~f~een ~rlldi:~e~~:~:~ that ~ of - reflect the extent of - editorials, interviews, and topic barriers. Maryland's recom- women in economic social (Title of book) by (Author) is a and -. In his concluding -, the column sections rated higher than mendations will be taken by cultural, and political de~elopmeni study o~ the place and a~hie.vement author relates the - to the - -, the other three lighter sections of representatives chosen at the state and in _efforts to promote world ?f - In - -. Consl~enng the stressing the relation between - the paper. The more popular conference to a National Women's peace and cooperation is also a: Important ~ functions and and -. This is of course very sections were rated good to Conference to be held in Houston, helpful in establishing a better average, while the other sections conference goal. : r;:~m:~t~:~~tf;;£,~~bo~k ~uc~~ understanding of the - - -. were rated onlyaverage to .pcor- Record Review stitutions. The - covered by this Finally; let me add that this ~ study is the _:_ from - to -. would be a first rate review for any The poll asked those questioned student interested in the - of -. to compare Scrtrnsnaw to other Beatles Live Unlike most - dealing with --;;;::- The author creates a fascinating college newspapers, to Akimbo, and - on a grand scale, here the picture of the - at a - level. and to their high school newspaper. Steve Bainbridee In comparison to other college BeatIes _ "Live at the Hollywood :~~:~do~o~~ ~~e F~~ ~~:: uthor presents the - - of the - by Jerry Manqerin publications, Scrimshaw'S readers Bowl" was aired on April 25 by Poem of the Week felt a lack. They rated Akimbo far WPGC. This, the first live Beatles ~:~h::;:Sa~~~~~d~::;;:':,~il~; below &rimshaw, however. When album, was produced and released noise and distortion. However it 'To Whom: it may Concern: comparing Scrimshaw to high by George Martin. Recorded will sell and sell big as a collectors school newspapers, a balance was August 30, 1965 it contains many of item. The album should be I would like to take-this opportunity to thank all members 01 me C<:IIIiI-'US achieved. One tJrll'd felt it was the Beatjes' better songs from the released shortly and should community who have contributed to the support of Contrast (either better, a thi~d didn't know, and the early 60's. Unfortunately it is badly dominate the charts {or quite a ! through reading or submissions) throughout the year. I would also like other third felt it was lesser to what marred by excessive background while. However as a number of to thank the staff of the magazine for their time, energy, and ability in was print~ in their high schools. noise, primarily wind and crowd other BeaUes' live albums are keeping me sober-your help was as invaluable as it was humane. Suggestions were made by those noise. Crowd reaction was scheduled for release this year I would recommend waiting and- it the risk of sounding p~etentious, I might add that this year of editing Honor Code ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• :a~i~~mt:~~o~e~n;:cI~~~~~ Contrast has taught me many things. One of the most disarming things I than have learned is that there are indeed some things in life greater art. But then, the most glorious thing I have learned is that there are Continued from Page 1 If the Honor Code cannot work at words .. don't buy this album. if some things in art which are truly greater than life. Perhaps we should they're doing is 'not nice.' " Western Maryland, then the old sound quality means anything to neither despair or presume-there will always be strong women, small He went on. to say, "I ap- system of proctoring becomes an preciated Chris's concern. I alternative. Neither Chris nor you. children, and kind poets to keep our life boats manned. frankly don't know what to do. I Dave are happy with this alter- Notes - Various 'sources (mine think what we have to change is native. Chris captured the general are usually Billboard, Stereo "I have been wading in a long river and my feet are wet." attitudes, and that takes a long feeling in his paper when he said, Review, High Fidelity, and Rolling -nancy ~~~' of the things that both Chris ~s:~~t~v~k~~eS~~~~:~!t~: ~ti~~i~~~:~::aa: s~~i:~~:!~~ and Dave would like to do is to get the Honor Code in the long run may a new album in July, with an TOANOLDTUNE together with representatives from have constructive benefits. One American tour in the fall. Also schools who have working Honor possibility would be that classes expect to see Anderson to do more Codes. A possible resource person might again return to proctoring, musically on stage. Frampton's Men bope to last a hundred years. in this area would be Frank'!!tudentsmightagainbetreatedas newest album, "I'm With You," Flowers last just for a Spring. Williams from Gettysburg irresponsible, non-adults, and after should' be out shortly also. Just one day of wind and rain, And they are scattered on the earth. ~~~~fe~~~~nsi~~ 8::ts~~!~~ o~ ~~~rny~~YI~~d ~~tu!~~~:J However Springsteen won't be If they knew what was happening to them, the Honor Code at other schools faculty) might again be ready to working on an album until fall. They would be as miserable as men. -Lu Kuei Meng was because "Students were support and uphold an Honor Lastly look for a new Wings album (translated by Kenneth Rexroth) ~~~:~:eas:~r;~~~~~:~.~~m, ~S~"~lem!:!!;.::''' to~""~m~'~ou~l~lo~wa~')g~~T~ha~n~!G:!!g>~·V>~·ng!:....!:::==================i" SGA. : . From all of us Continued from Alge 1 to all of you- will speak here in October. Several students were etso elected to committees for next Thanks for shopping at Outfitters limited year. Brenda Donovan was elected to the Academic Policy Com- (we'll be looking forward to seeing you again next year) mittee. Sally Keck, Carl Gold, and alternate Tim Lewis were elected We'd like to wish good-luck to the closs of 1977 _to the Student Personal Problems Committee. Patti Crass and Craig ---and suggest to 011--- ~~~~~~w;~~~=l~n~~i~~'- and Andrea Sahm were elected to Let Outfitters outfit your summertime fun the Library Committee. Doreen Strothman was elected to the Student Publications Board. .tents There is still an opening on the Student Publications Board, and on HqURS: .stoves the Athletic Committee as well as mon.12- 5 the Calender and Schedule Com- mittee. Interested students .,>bould lues.. wed .. thurs, 10 - 5 ,backpacks submit applications_to Paul Fulton. Anyone interested in doing fri. 10-9 sal. 9 - 5 sleeping bogs the announcements in the cafeteria next year should see Chrls Holmes. '- -::- _..j
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