Page 149 - Scrimshaw1976-77
P. 149
Number 13 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE Friday, WMC Students- SGARejects Statement With or Nancy Menefee on Frat. Hazing ...... .,1 Last Monday, the SGA held it's a statement on any 'group of Without Honor? general meeting of the year. students whose actions reflected . meeting was of particular upon the institution. Nancy Menefee interest to many people on campus Another point raised was that the Chris Holmes, a member of the because of a motion introduced two independents who sponsored "the Western Maryland Honor Board., weeks ago calling for a board to motion had not themselves wit- recently wrote a position paper look into fraternity and sorority nessed or gone through Hell Week. entitled, "The WMC Honor initiations. Chris Holmes then made a System." This paper severely This motion was replaced by a statement concerning the effects of attacked the present system, and it new motion submitted by Jeff. ~ysical violence that he himself may be the first step in a series of Robinson. The new motion called had witnessed during Hell Week. changes that would take place next for the SGA to take a firm stand Apparently in the course of Hell fall. against the use of physical hazing Week activities a friend of Chris's The paper begins with the and to ask the .ISC, IFC, and was involved in an activity that statement, "The Western Housing Council to use more resulted in paddle-inflicted ~~ta?~~~~~~:ca~IOg~e~~::~ most developed form ~~;:~;r:~:r::~~~stf:;~fe:! ~~~~' ;;~~~t!~~~:wp~~:r~~. Maryland subscribe to an Honor of dance? Dancers shown here are IFC and ISC policy. The motion being raw and blistered, and Code as a way of maintaining a Lori Grimes and Sally Marshall also called for more active en- unable to sit down for three days. ~~~:~t:'~;';'lunity of high moral I.,:;:'X~h':.:;·bi~ti;:,!ng:.:t:::;h':;;;,,.:';'m::::';'t:;":...:.:fin:;;'....::::::::=:.::::=:.....,. ..J :~~~~~~~ivt; ~:iC~~ller:;s :h~ ~~~~Io~~:;~~~~rc~tceo~ce~~~: Chris questions the validity of . 'year . whit \~:r~n~~eb;~:rp~~i~~t~~:~~ ~~~;~~~eo~·o~~n ~~sd~~!~gn:~ ~~~!~~:~:~!~iti~~~n~;es~~~ ~;h~a~~~~~~:~~~~!·n~~ ~~~~ tho~t of ~e H?~or the students and faculty, then it is· to put pressure on the Deans to difficult the initiation rites, the the basic student support that it Code. He received SIX pos~hve not possible to have an Honor make it clear that the SGA is more the value of belonging to the needs." He further stated, replies, twenty ~gatiV~d r~p~s, System. This seems to be our against physical hazing. It also institution increased. He also cited "students will not turn in other ~~~;~~~~!es at sal, 'w at ~~~~~ment at this time at ~~~~n~~~~h~:~~a~e2~~~~~~n~ ~::::ret~~;I/~o~e!)O~~~~na~ ~!~~n!~ f:~,~e~~~:. t~:t q~S~i~~ Chris did say that this year there Affairs, and representatives of initiation rite if coercion was used, support, do we keep using that ~~~=ti'::S~ ~~reh!t~~~t~~~~ m~~f~~ ~~~e ~!~r ~~t!~- ~~~'nclii,~'ndHt~':~~ec~~~e~;!~cJ, :~~et~?~:;l:~~a~~:~ot~ system?" positive sign. Possibly this may be Chris explained, "I state my case to discuss the impact of this forced to do anything. However, if He expressed an opinion that, "I due to the exposure that the Honor strongly, but that's for strategic motion. no coercion were used, a person ~:,~£~~,~:':~:~:~:~~:~~~i~:o;~~;~f~;~~:::~~:~ri~,~;i~~!;~:!~~~r-:r~!~£~~~:F:E: =~~:l;~f~£~'~J;e3i'~~:~;::1~~f~~~~:!:f that person's friends try to deter man IDS classes. They received general consensus that we better motion, was dropped from the new to blame any cowardice on his own them." positive feedback on this, and 10 do something." motion...... irrationality. ' Chris had some impressive people ran for Honor Board Dave Zinck, the Chairman of the The floor was opened to A move was made to end ~::n~:s t~e:i~~~ ~~s~~e H~~:~ po~~~~: Honor Board still has it's ::r h~?:~~;~~~a~~ ~t~'a~: :e~ce~asto;:~u~~~e~~~~:a~n~t ~~~~~iZ~· v~~: ~:t~~~e~~~s~~~ th .esults of a survey conducted major flaws. Chris's paper stated, knew; I'm happy he brought it really was no concern of the SGA tremely close, and the motion was ~~fimU::~7uJ:~~~:~Po~d!r~ ~~:ss:~:~e~~taH:on:d ;::;;:r ~~~:~~v~o~~:,c:;!ea~~~r~~'t ~ns~~n~~~~~~ni~h~~%~ntH~~ ~!:t!:~Ofl~!4~xec::~:e c~~~~~ the survey, and of these 16.4 per support from the student body and, Dave was also concerned about Week. Many felt that the SGA had abstaining and one floor cent, 34.5 per cent admitted to apparently, from a portion of the the lack of student's supporting the no right to consider this a representative abstaining. "'qUe:t~~g.·}~f ht~os~a~~o ~~~~ faculty too. So what a:~ we, adoS~hel Honor Code,"-He said, "An Honor legitimate issue because it violated Other business discussed at the Honor Board supposec to . System is when students take it the secrecy of the fraternities. Jim meeting included a treasury report broken the Code, 67.1 per cent said agree with the view put forth in the upon themselves to enforce the Wright pointed out that the motion which showed that the SGA had they haven't reported violations College Catalog which is "The code. it's accepted, W!; expect was merely a statement. He spent $6000 Jess than their budget that they have seen, and of those integrity of an Honor System is honesty ... Most students do not pointed out that this was the .alloted. It was moved that $2000 .:a% ha~~~'~ Ch~~~~"t34.6r:~~:;~ ~~y ::t~~~~~tfohnenof~~a~~~:!n~ :~nii a~~nk;ne:~nss~~~~·d:'~~~~ :~~d=:~u~~~~~~~~tri~~~~i~~okn~ ~~:;itt~ t~i::~er t~he~~di~:r!:: vioJatjons that they have and faculty." Given the assump- Continued Page 3 costs of setting up concerts in Gill Blocks and Administration Reach Impasse Gym next year, since Alumni will The motion was not be available. passed by a wide margin. Phil LaP.idula Itwas voted that tile Class of 1979 The B.S.U. has refused to sup- would sponsor the Homecoming port an administration plan to hire Dance, in the hopes that this would a graduate assistant specializing in help keep the cost of the Junior- minority affairs because they feel Senior Banquet down that the salary being offered for It was also decided that the SGA the poSition is not sufficient for the 'should contribute $500 to the responsibilities involved. Lecture-Concert Committee. This In his recent statement on will be used to help pay the fee of minority affairs, Dr. John Congresswoman Barbara Jordon suggested that a graduate She was the keynote speaker of the assistant be hired to "help meet Democratic National Convention, the immedi"ate needs of minority and there is a oossibility that she students." The plan was then Continued Page 3 armounced to the faculty, but the salary was not mentioned in the statement. After lengthy discussion with Dean Mowbray, the Dean and the B.S.U. were near agreement on a job description for the prospective 4:45 Tun OF WAR_ assistant. 'I;he duties that the job A. T.....o members on each learn 3:30 EGG ON SPOON RELAY entaiied were listed as; I.) In voicing the B.S.U's opposition 8. Progress in five yard in- RACE Developing and implementing to the proposed salary ·Ievel, a crements - team with greatest .... A. Eight person teams __,I programs within the orientation spokesperson for the B.S.U. distance prior to breaking egg is 3:45 THREE LEGGED RACE male and 4 female program for students with special stressed that this job "cannot be H. Eight person learns _. II needs, 2.) Organizing and main- compared to any other graduate 4:00 SOFFTBALL THROW FOR male taining a tutorial program for assistantships since it is a totally FRIS8EE THROWING DISTANCE c. Eight person learns _ II Western Maryland College different job description." She students in cooperation with the further stated that "For too long academic departments. 3.> black people have had to take what
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