Page 150 - Scrimshaw1976-77
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Page 2 Scrimshaw \ Friday. May 20,1977 Editorial: Letter to the EdltoA. Black Humor_in SGA BobSaporaj . Critique of "Faculty Impact" Article A resolution_lost in the SGA on Monday which asserted, essentially. Dr. Sapora Is a member of the staff has made an error. I faculty cited in the article are the SGA's right to condemn physical violence In fraternity Initiations. WMC's English department and is would be shirking my job, then, if I merely parts of a continuing effort Perhaps thatMars a resolution which condemn.._edphysical the newly elected head of the refrained from writing this the faculty undertakes, completely violence was defeated by the Student Government. American Association of critique of Jeff Robinson's article within the sanction of the Charter "Well, hell" as someone (seriously) put It dUring the debete . "If un~~~~!~a:r:!e;st~~'re~~~~~ :'ir~~~s:~~~~:~'~i~ of the College, to supervise the we're going to say that violence Is wrong when a fraternity uses It, we question extend apologies for am PUbliShing the critique some of my ,:~~:~bi::;~~~~~:~~= because cur~culum o.f the College. The two mIght as well say that war Is bed, and...", Such humor on the part of 'campus leaders' Is remarkable .. whatever errors were made. _ the' it will.not only ~xpr~ Editor. thoughts on Journalism to Jeff much less drama than he suggests. Perhaps''next we could vote on the violence of apathy _for the SGA's In mid-winter, when the faculty Robinson but. will also correct a I At the end of his first paragraph, refusal to take a stand seems to us to be very. very violent. lts.,not that I discussed whether or not it would number of misstatements for the Robinson writes' the SGA should necessarily take a stand ag_alnst fraternities. But when allow reporters from the Scrim- information of the community at It was generally understood that fraternities, or any other person or group at WMC or In the 'real' world, I shaw to attend and report on large. they (the motions) were presented cuts and bruises another person (even If only once), any refusal to take faculty meetings, some members as a reaction to President John's a clear stand Is, In fad, a very clear stand. Does the SGAcare to assume of the faculty said they were afraid First, the headline, "FACULTY affirmative action move that was solidarity with ali of the other persons and Institutions who have student reporters would never pull WANTS IMPACT," is misleading. made last month. claimed (a false) neutrality, saying, "It's none of our business . we don't the job off responsibly. I stated Though it is patently clear that wish to be Involved"? then, a~a J haven't changed my most if not all of us "want impact" Nothing in the motions and their Surely, Fulton and friends - you may entertain us with something mind, that our campus ought to of one sort or another, the events preambles (which, unfortunately, that other than the black humor offered at Monday's meetlng-. have a newspaper of record, staff the that Robinson reports on do not, as are noldistinguished the clearly by the and imply, of the we_should typography his article) headline give a student show Congrats in Order chance to run it and run it right, faculty at large out for an "impact nothing in my interview with Jeff the to redress grab" Robinson itself for a lack of that hints we, as teachers, should and that even give constructive criticism impact that it has suffered in the motions are "a reaction" to A celebration Is In order- for the 1976-17 Scrimshaw. Deadlines whenever we think any 'member of past. The deliberations of the President John's statement. generally unmet (due to lAck of a pollceperson), meetings poorly at- Rather, the President's statement tended (who likes meetings anyhow?), urgently needed typists called speaks to a cluster of issues that upon at the last moment, even more urgently needed writers pursued on Prisoners of a Nightmare the faculty has been discussing for -deadline day, editorials (like this one) written the day after deadline ... some time. A careful reading 'Of the kids Issue (12 pages), coed dorms articles, nuclear weapons series, The following article was wrhien coincidental that torturers in motions and the President's lonely letters asking for return mall from prison inmates, editorials by a member of Amnesty In- various countries insist on being statement will show that the ranging from deadly rationality to pre'sumptous philosophy (with at ternational·- an organization addressed as "doctor"? They may motions are not a reaction to, but a least one Menefee specla1), and money blues for sure ... working for political prisioners all preceive themselves as nuts-and-bolts complement .to, the Thanks eseecteuv-tc Nancy Menefee, Bill Todd, and Paul Hewett. over the world. It is reprinted from practitioners or an ancient, statement Thanks as well to Meg Hoyle and Carlton Harris. Most expecially, Jeff the Washington Post. - the Editor. established "profession," instead Robinson and Dave Range deserve at least a plaque for the year they put in ... a good year for just about everyone, huh? p~~:~~~ ~:r:~:~s~~e inbe:e ~~e~s the sadistic criminals they R!~in:~~ s:I~~~S p:~:t, -ar:~ "doctors" venture These forth to a public 110 Years ... death camps exposed such occur. horrors Yet > each day to work in well-equipped with President's statement m "has co ised over a bit Qf constern~tion determined that ~e chambers lined never torture again would acaden-Ic faculty's role before me on my' desk. are modern accousucar tile and I~urric~lum changes." Ever-y Are there no alternatives to a stalemated silence between the ad- documents telling of crimes that spattered with blood, vomit and: Journalist owes .active, not passive, ministration and the Black Student Union concerning the hiring of a are being committed every day~ urine. Their degrees are in rape, sente~ces ~o his ~r her. readers. graduate assistant "to help meet the needs of minority students"? Not officially sanctioned acts oftorture finger-mail-plucking and whipping. Who, ~ec18ely, IS feeling con- hiring the essutentteee Scrimshaw article) does no one . white or black, as brutal as those of any Nazi war They are engineers who stemeucnt I know that some of my student, professor, or administrator - any good at all In relieving WMC's wires factual what - problem wllth racism. . criminaL documents describe the manipulate professors to that bark cause like colleagues are, but have to make learned These basis does Robinson Contrary to the original BSU proposal and as Dr. John firmly w.ork of torturers in many dcgs and wornen to plead and Iaugh the connection .he. ~es between believes, perhaps a Director of Minority Affairs is n01 the best Idea. To disparate countries, men who hysterically, no longer reluctant to statements by mdivtdual faculty accept, temporarily at least, the switch to a second and different con- share neither political ideology nor betray their husbands. members and a document ena:!,.ed cept of the graduate assistantship. as the BSU has does not entail economic theory and have in One of them, A Uruguayan army unanir.n~usly by ~e faculty and accepting the normal salary range for a graduate assistant. The common only a su.bservience to officer, recently smuggled some contal~mg nothing of con- campus needs a special black person 10 meet the demands of the job's responsibilities on this campus. leaders who sustain power by photographs of torture victims out sternation? It may take more than a normal graduate assistant's salary (ceiling repression and intimidation. of Uruguay in- a letter that The first his own $2200) to bl""lngthat person to WMC. If the BSU Is belng.straight In Its Hundreds of thousands of innocent described I have the revulsion for of paragraph sentence of the third is victimized begging. question each people are being that misery "all willingness to accept temporarily a graduate assistant spot over a day; their torturers go unpunished, witnessing and, worse still, of Robinson asserts that the motions Minority Affairs director _ If the job description truly fits the graduate increasing assistant position-then money should nof be allowed to be a stumbling their numbers spreads through as the taking part in." He described among the in question have "balanced" (I'm sadism not sure what the word means in its use of torture heightened the block. world like an uncontrollable Uruguayan officers who volunteer context) "the AAUP's stand on the No reverse discrimination, says Dr. John. How does that position disease. to work even on their days off so John proposal." ,He asserts this answer to 110 years of racism! And how very unfortunate that the ad- Some survivors have identified they can witness the "in- before establishing that the AAUP ministration can raise $3 million for a building but will not pay an extra their tormentors. A young woman terrogation" of young women statement even addresses itself to $SOO or $1000 to take even this initial step in cleaning up our very jailed in Turkey in 1972 described prisoners. He begged to be freed ~the John proposal. In fact, the embarrassing and racist linen. How very u"nfortunate because it means' "a person by the name of Umit from "this nightmare, in which we AAUP statement does not 00 so. that we may walt another 110 years. Why should we believe otherwise? Erdal" who "attacked me and are all prisoners." - ~t day is long, working We Love You, John forced me to the groun_9, stood on of his A torturer's is total, immersed His as he in- piece The last three paragraphs of the my back and with the assistance err calling irregular. the only hours in Committee Mfairs volvement else forced a truncheon Faculty the somebody T~ere Is one thing that somehow never got said In Scrimshaw this into my anus." An Iranian writer must be in the intimacy of his "Faculty Advisory Committee;" year., Blurled beneath all the copy, editorials, and cartoons, are all ~:~ur~:,cr~~anth~a!~~h~ta::: ;~!~~::a~~S~a~.IO~, or~:~att~ ~~~:;~~eit i~h~is :~~ur~~~e~:~!~ the thank yous we would like to extend to our editor, John Springer. Our staff would like to thank him for the time, the effort, and the caring that who wears a suit and a tie, smokes debase another; he must also on in the article that makes ~e to he put Into making Scrimshaw a fine paper. But most of all we would two packs of cigarettes a day a:ld bebase himself, for torture surprised at the inaccuracy of Its like to thank John for just being, his exlstance has been a bright pOint In grinds each one out on the back of a without LOmpunction requires the first three paragra}ils. I know that --------- emigre reported was the chief in- humanity. also dehumanizes those who .admire. them it accurately, and Jeff I our fives throughout this year. human hand. A recent Soviet complete denial of his own the staff of the Scrimshaw works long and hard to get all the news that Major Pavel Aleksandrovski Torture and to print others for it. I hope of violent ;yho serve its purposes; terrogatorwhose threats Chem Majors Awarded death finally to broke betray his will and designl and build the implements of IR?binson and ~e te~~ of the staff the him torture; thlS cnbque who as a fellow sustain physicians caused Iwill accept further PublicftyOffice chemistry. dissident. where prisoners are weakened ju~es prisoners for the law constructive commentary I intend who contort In Brazil, abuse; Western Maryland College has The seniors receiving this honor hooded so that they cannot see to senten. J dissicients to prison; Student Art announced the election of six are: Nancy Asmussen, daughter of their captors, an American journalists. who distort the facts or chemistry majors to the national' Mr. and Mrs. John Asmussen Jr., minister nevertheless had a face- remain silent; and, of course, Publicity Office chemistry h0'!Orary society, Phi of Timonium, Md.; Wayne to,face encounter with Luis despotic rulers who have in- A student art show has opened in Lambda Upsilon. Nomination for Coblentz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Miranda Filho,the most vicious of stitutionalized a vile' system in the fine Arts Building at Western this honor is made by the faculty Coblentz, of Middletown, Md.; Eric his torturers, who ceased ad- order to maintain power. Maryland College. based on scholarship and the Cohen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ber- ministering e1ectric shocks for a To know that torture exists number of hours of chemistry nard Cohen of Baltimore, Md.; minute, knelt before his victim, anywhere in the world and not to Roy Eender, assistant professor completed. Barbara Ernst, daughter of Rev. lifted his hood so that their eyes act is also dehumanizing.· Those of art, 'announced the exhibit as Phi Lambda Upsilon is com- and Mrs. Henry Ernst of could meet and threatened to kill who refuse to believe the .facts- covering a variety of media and posed of chemists and members of Baltimore, Md.; and Steven him if he did not cooperate. who shield· themselves from the expression. This show includes life c1ose1y allied disciplines who have Jaskuls~y, son of Mr. and Mrs. The techniques and implements almost unbearable knowledge of drawing, painting, printmaking, demonstrated superior ability. The David Jaskul"sky, also of used to infiict.pain and degradation -wbat is happening right now to sculpture and other phases j)f the purpose of the SOCiety is the Baltimore. are strikingly siinilar throughout h4lDan beings like themselves- fine arts. promotion of high scholarship and A junior, Richard Clark was also the world, suggesting some sort of become silent accomplices to the The public is invited to the original investigation in all named. He is the son of Mrs. international exchange of ex- torturer's deeds, prisoners of the exhibition which is open daily from !ranches of pure and applied Barbara Clark. of Towson, Md. perience and informalion. Is it ~ghtmare. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. ilirough May 20.
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