Page 70 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 70
Page 2 Scrimshaw Wednesday, December 17, 1975 Editorial ******************************* About a year ago, a new tradition long run it all boils down to one came to infonning the students.' burst upon the Western Maryland basic fact: Scrimshaw is unafraid. Shewbridge woke up one morning- Center-look what a fire hazard the campus, and its impact upon the Throughout the first 'year of its -... to find that her hair had been old one was," Scrimshaw must students, faculty, and ad- production, Scrimshaw's editors Throughout it all, Scrimshaw completely and mysteriously deny any possible correlation ministration has never been have never shrunk: in the face of remained proud, unbowed, and ironed straight. between the event and any attempt equalled. Like the legendary campus controversy, and in times unconed. (Pretty neat, huh") at retaliation by administrative phoenix, the old Gold Bug of fifty when no controversy existed, Indeed, some have darkly hinted It could even be said that a "hit men," just as Scrimshaw years leaped into the fires of Scrimshaw was never afraid to that Scrimshaw's courageous conspiracy had been planned, must deny that last week's strange change and emerged triumphant, make some, as some of our assaults upon the sacred cows of" when on the night of Monday, incident involving Assistant Editor in the resurrected form of followers in- the administration our educational institution have November 31 of this year, a Mark Katz and a horse's head was Scrimshaw. Since its birth, have noted. Whenever something brought forth savage reprisals Scrimshaw meeting had been anything more than a foolish Scrimshaw has become a vibrant, was amiss, Scrimshaw brought it from the victims. Others have even called as usual-a meeting which in prank. that Scrimshaw, So rest assured active part in the life of each in- to the public attention (i.e. ·C. suggested that Scrimshaw's in- a matter of minutes became a undaunted, will begin its second dividual on campus. No copy of the Wrigley Mulebray's New Toupee- vestigative days are coming to a fight-for-life struggle for the staph year in the same fine journalistic paper is wasted; each one is read, What's He Covering Up?") No toes close. Upon first glance, some of members when it became quickly tradition which it had originated. debated over, and enjoyed upon the were ever too big t» step on, no these allegations _seem to have discovered that the Student Center No possible pressures from Wednesday of its arrival. Were we personality ever too big ("The some basis in truth. Certain minor had somehow caught afire whiJe anyone, faculty, administrator, or to charge for each copy of this vital Removal of the Baker Crosses: incidents of a couple of months ago the meeting was going on. For- student, will stay the editors from campus function, we'd all be rich What's His View On It All?" -- An seem to have indicated that more tunately, all escaped to safety by enough to retire, if only we didn't Exclusive Interview). Conversely, than coincidence was afoot, as walking over the trail of empty continuing in relatively the same have so damned much Integrity no personage, event, or issue was when Scrimshaw Cartoonist Mark gasoline cans which had way as before, more or less. And about it all. too small to escape the eye of Bayer walked into his room one miraculously been placed don't miss next week's issue, with page its front "Exclusive story, Scrimshaw's journalistic scrutiny evening and discovered that three throughout the gamer-com. Poll Reveals That Ketchup Is ("That Affair Between L.P. and of his cartoon characters were Although the only comment Preferred Over Mustard As What, some may ask, makes T.H.-What If M.G. Finds Out?"). dead on his drawing board, having Scrimshaw received on the in- Students' Favorite Cafeteria Scrimshaw so different? Many According to Scrimshaw'S policy, been stabbed by a poisoned pencil, cident was, "Just goes to show how answers could be given, but in the no limits were ever placed when it or when upcoming Editor Kim badly we need that new Student Relish." . M.e.B. Letters to the Editor. Students Riot Over Food Dear Turkeys,' that I have endured is well worth Jeff Robinson stated that the incident would be This was another strategically The next time you get hard up for the many rewards of my duty. In open defiance to_ a direct investigated and any students planned maneuver. Following this decent ideas, you might try going Some have argued that I enjoy my administration order, the students responsible for the actions would action the administration and head out of business, which might be the work too much, So be it. Everyone of Western Maryland College be dealt with by. the Housing and cafeteria staff conferred, realizing best idea your staph has had all must have some sort of diversion, staged a mass protest campus- Conduct Council, with proper the seriousness of the opposition year. '1 am referring to the of- and mine lies in the moral wide, Saturday morning. Resulting restitution being made eventually. and announced their decision fensive Personal View Point you supervision of that of others. from Friday ni@lt's initiating food They also ordered that no more before the end of lunch published of two weeks ago called Name withheld by request! riot, the students' sit-in blocked all incidents of this nature would Speaking directly to the student "Coveys." I am very proud to be ~ staff and I member of the cafeteria that I am a :!~;;~~i~g.~t~:,~fsi~J;n;:~~~:;~~g"~~\;~:,i~n~~~~;£~~':;,~~;~:~:,o::,:~~!,;i~':~;~:~C~1:;~~:£~;hi~ resent the implication "dodo" who "needs to learn how to fly." must be reminded of the respon- in~~~e: :~~n~~iO~iday night's ;::~po/u st~:=~i\i~~ctJ~~. ~~r~~~ ~: ~~!ftbe"~~~sedu~:t\v~~t!~~ _-,-_.!!R~hod~a Reeter. ~~!~e~:n~h:if~!~n:n~rl~::~ occurrences the incident leaders in all dorms had also met Maryland College. However, to Dear Tyrants. WMc. In particular, refer to those originated with one instance where theprevi~us evening and decided a accomplish this Oil the ap- By this time everyone is well aware of your feelings toward ~~~n!~~f c:~~~~~~dm~~!t~~o:~ :to~~~~t:r!~u~~r~~:w~a~e:~~ :ne~f~~\~f. Of:~:~i~k :ou~a~e~o~: ~~~hr:!t:80~~~~; S::~i~g s~~~e~~ groups on campus. But that Per- sonal View Point you printed three furniture, despite repeated warn- ~~;tr~t~~ tr~~ r~~p~o;:~~~~ ~~~u:;iZ:~ean~a~p~:w~at~e ~ee~~ ~~li~f:er::a:f~n~7~u~e:~~ ~~i~ weeks ago, entitled "Packs", ~~a~~ :~:tsc~~a~~. :~u~~t Bigmac (formerly of nationwide morning 1300 students look t?elr remainder of the year." really hit below the belt. Those insults and unfounded allegations into play here. ro~~~~r7~~ y~~~~i~~~e;f ~~~ r~:~~ma:U:.!l ~!~a~~l~~:~~.u~~~ th~u~infosfn:~~~\r v~:fvD~g:v~~ concerning the Fellowship of th~ri:She~~rr~~~~ ~enexj:~~:~ responsibility to finish con- heading for the .cafet~rJa arrived, overeat, the students gave a Christian Athletes showed a regrettable lack of taste. which correlate removing nails ~~~~~~~no~et:l~ ~~t:~: ~:~~;~t~ ~~~1~;\~t~~r~:~~eslrr~~s~~ ~~~~~Fc~f ~;:e~~ln~:~~~~~~n~~~h . _:G::'",ryIndiana ~O~e~h:, :~~ W;!~e~:;e~er'ot~~; inverted his tray, thereby allowing ~us preventl~~all food deliveries. The gathering disbanded and Dear Sirs, :~li:~~i;~o~:e~r~he~~h~~~i~~ ~~~ou~i~ie~e~o~~~!~za'b~;l ~~ ~~fc~:nu~s a~ ~a~evt:~~~es :~~ ~:~~t"~~etoco~e:e~i~~e:~~St~~ Now that the open housing rules have been changed and modified have been confirmed, the fact still, :=~~i~e~n:f:~:~S:~h~rfdiulf~~ ~:;t~ ~?;~dta~~nm~~d_'~as~~~ "~~w ~:Ii'~'i:t~!~i:~s ~~f~~i~~I~:s ior this year, it may be interesting ~~~~s~~:t;~~%:~~of yet risen coke and milk to fall crashing to were notIceable campus-wide. been quoted as saying, "It may to see just how well they are being followed by the student body. Many 2) According to various tests the floor. It was apparent. to the ad- take several days to remove the cases have been cited in which I 7.::t~~~~ke':s The GUJ~f'f~~;;~!~~ld Of TIlls Rag: In this case, the participants didn't her fatal mistake. I am not allowed wide until Dean Muletray was Mark Katz Tile Hombre Wllo Sells Ado: David Range even have the decency and dignity to reveal the name of the Navajo called in 30 minutes after the Dorkeltes: , Attorneys: to keep their door closed, as I who revealed to me this folk belief. beginning of the nilht's activities :.:::~g~!~~u ~~:r~~ln?Oldenstien inadverently discoverd when I was There they are. I have been Food service was immediately forced to push the door open a wee asked by several individuals to curtailed for the evening and the Mary Galely AN D: A ~asl 01 IIIOUSInds. Carlton Harris bit more in order to make sure of state a good reason for the fur- cafeteria floor cleared. Bill Link Ttleoplnlons expreuedin tlli, publ;~ation do not the offense. niture rules, and, although it has LonnlMye .. I have been criticized by my taken me a good while, I have The administration's reaction f;lc,II:::b~n:l~r ~~~~'~::~s~~~~~~~~IIBO;! of fellow students for the steps which come up with three good reasons. was on~ of surprise in that they had David Range 3.A,WesternMHyland I have taken, and Ihave learned to Pick anyone you choose, and not expected that the controversy ~~~n~;:'~:tlS ;~~I:~e, Weslmin,ter, Md. accept this as a part of the unusual remember: "When to RA's you had been quite so strong. Following Jim Teramani Bob Toner task which Ihave assigned myself. have to answer, keep this in mind- an all night conference, however, SunnTuley I keep an active vigil every night, it sure beats cancer!" they announced their support of the Top Notch Typist: and the loss in sleep and in grades Dean Lay D, Lawdown cafeteria on the issue. They thenl SU$lnColeman
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