Page 29 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 29
Pithy SayiO"g: The juice just ain't Wednesday, October 15,1915 worth the squeeze. Volume 2, Issue 6 Social Committee Starting M"kBay" Linda Thomas, chairperson of On October 'l:l and 28 (the Monday such -social activities as coffee show at 11;00 P.M. and this, Linda sees it as extremely the newly-formed SGA Social and Tuesday after fall break), at houses, movies, and, possibly, one at 9:00 P.M. as well, in con- important that communication Committee, is very enthusiastic 11;00 P.M., Social Committee some type of after-dinner or junction with the Haunted House with the Social Committee and its about the work ahead of her. "Only members will pass out dittoed daytime events during Jan Term. sponsored by the Art Club that members be open and direct at all through a Social Committee can questionnaires concerning band The specifics of these activities are night. - times. Suggestions, comments, something be done for the social choices at floor meetings of the still open for discussion. and criticisms can be addressed to life on this campus," says Linda, ~~~en~~~~~~~ri:e:!~~el~ The Social Committee has e!~~n~e 1~~u:Uct~t s~~:t ~~~!~::x S~;~ ~~m~~~:e ;::.ailo~:; ~~o t:l~t~:~ t~o:'~~~ ~:~~~te; approach apartment dwellers, already worked out a horror movie this, the Social Committee seems members can be seen in person. All larger number of students, in- individual house residents, and to be shown on Thursday, Oct. 30 to have a lot gcmg, Linda em- help is welcomed and encouraged, eluding those whose interests are Quad independents on a door-to- (the night before Halloween, since phasizes that the committee's goal for the Social Committee can only generally not served by the usual door basis, and the fraternities will ~e.sH.nO,medeooo"m.'n,gll cTohn.c:." to be :,'~ery, ope.,n-eedsmin~7dT.ndd work i.f its constituents are run of currently existing campus deal with the Questionnaires at ~~~~~,::_:::c_:=._:__::::_::::_:__:ve:c'Y"s::.n...,s::",":v.==-o:::_: an=::___~o:::::o__,:_",~spo~ns~::.v=:. ____, activities. their individual meetings. will The questionnaire itself of in Dr. Lowell S. Ensor; 1907.1975 The first meeting of the Social include space for listing Committee was held on Wed- dividual band preferences, and CourtesY of The CarrOll County Times nesday, October 8, at 7:30 P.M. additional space for comments will Dr. Lowell S. Ensor, president of fields of civic, religious and casions and was for twenty years a Linda had previously written to the also be provided. Also listed will be Western Maryland College 1947- educational activity. member of the University Senate president of each class, asking for some questious which will enable 1972; died at his home in West- In civic affairs, he was a director of the Methodist Church. one person (specifically not a class the SocialĀ· Committee to make a minster on October 9, 1975. He of the Carroll County Bank and In educational affairs, Dr. officer) to represent each class. more specific and realistic choice is survived by his wife, the' Trust Company and of the Ensor was selected to serve Currently those representatives Such questions as: is a backup former Eloise Bittner, his daugh- Baltimore Federal Savings and on the Governor's Commission are: Caryn Lee for the freshmen, group necessary, will students be ter, Mrs. James Lewis of Loan Asscciation. He was a to Study the Needs of Higher Patti Crouse for the sophomore willing to pay $5.00, $7.50, or more 'I'imonium, and two grand- member and past president of the Education in Maryland {1953- class, Gay Jewel for the juniors, apiece for certain name bands, and daughters, Nancy Elizabeth Lewis Kiwanis Club of Westminster, end 1955>. He was the governor's and Lynn Harrison for the seniors. will students be willing to consider and Anne Ensor Lewis. _ received in 1964 the Rotary Club's appointee as Maryland's rep- Linda is now looking into ways of having the concert off campus Dr. Ensor was born in Balti- "Outstanding Citizens Award for resentative on the Southern Re- getting representation from (since Alumni doesn't always have more, educated at Baltimore City Excellence and Leadership in' gional Education Board (I967- various other groups on campus. the space or facilities to ac- College and Johns Hopkins Uni- Education and Civic Life." He 1971). He was a long-time mem- At the first meeting it was commodate some bauds) will be versity. The son of the Reverend served as a chairman for the ber of the Association of In- decided that the Social Committee included. The Social Committee Dr. John T. Ensor and Birdie United Appeals in Carroll County dependent Colleges in Maryland, would favor majority request (that hopes to solve two problems at Skinner Ensor, he chose to fol- and headed the committee which serving as its first president . is, the feelings of the total student once by trying to hire the first band low his father's vocation and was established care for retarded During his quarter-century of body) about 75 per cent of the way choice for the Spring Concert, and graduated in 1931 from Drew children in the county. He was a service as president of Western in making decisions. The requests the second choice for the 1976 University, taking the Wiley Prize member of the Johns Hopkins Maryland the acreage of the of various campus minorities Homecoming. In this way it would in Pulpit Oratory and Manners. Club, and a member of the Board College's campus .was doubled, (such as blacks, homosexuals, be possible for students to find out :~~ ~;~! Third World, day students, about the bands for both concerts Before assuming the presidency ~os~f~~gers of Maryland General ~:~ct~~jO;heb~~~~~~ professed independents, males, by this December. )f Western Maryland, Dr. Ensor Dr. Ensor was twice awarded the increased by 50 percent, the etc.) would cover the remaining 25 held three pastorates in Methodist Outstanding Civilian Service number and quality of the Iaculty per cent. Males are included as a As far as general activities go, churches in Calvert County, Medal by the Department of the were enhanced, the reputation am minority, explained Linda, not only the Social Committee is looking for Pikesville, and Westminster. As Army. For the United States Air scholarship of the College wen because the majority of students the evenings in which little or no minister to the Methodist Force he served on two special strikingly improved, and in dif listed on the registrar are female, previous activities are going on-- Episcopal church in Westminster missions as minister and counselor Iicult times for independent in- but because most of the Social for example, a given Saturday he accomplished the unification of to Air Force personnel, in stitutions the endowment fund ":,IS Committee now consists of women, night in which most of the section the two. local congregations at the Greenland (1962) and in Japan, significantly increased and a as another look at the represen- parties are closed. The committee time of the consolidation of the Korea, Wake and Hawaii (1964) considerable reserve fund tatives listed in the previous would then like to work with dif- various Methodist branches into In religious affairs, Dr. Ensor was established. In recent times paragraph would indicate. Linda is ferent campus clubs and the Methodist Church. was a trustee of the Asbury of student unrest the country working to balance the committee organizations (such as Hinge, Honorary degrees were awarded MethodistHomefortheAgedanda over, Dr. Ensor received na- out by getting more men interested BSU, Advocacy Groups, Art Clubs, to Dr. Ensor by Western Maryland member of the Finance and tional attention for clearing his in it. and many others) to coordinate College, the University of Development Committee of the calendar one afternoon each . events for these evenings. In this Maryland, and the College of Notre Asbury -Village Health Care week in order to make himself High on the agenda for the Social way the student body will have Dame. He was also honored by Center. He served for years on the available to students only. It Committee are plans for the Spring activities during dull evenings, and American University in 1963, on Board of Trustees of the Baltimore was in his administration that Concert and the 1976 Homecoming. the campus groups, by sponsoring the same occasion that President Conference Pension Fund, Inc., the Program for Training On several occasions, lack of these activities, will be able to Kennedy received an honorary and was at his death the president Teachers of _ the Deaf was es- cohesive organization forced one raise funds necessary for their own degree and delivered his famous of that body, He was elected a tablished at Western Maryland person to decide onthe bands for operation. At the moment, a "Jan "American University" speech. delegate to the quadrennial College. these events, and the Social Term Subcommittee" is being Dr. Ensor held offices and jurisdictional conference of the Committee hopes to change this. arranged which will coordinate performed many services in the Methodist Church on four OCo cont. Qn page 2, col. 4
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