Page 135 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 135
Thursday, April 15, 19i~6 Scrimshaw Page 3 SGA Campaign Statements The following will be listed as ~:~~~~~ybo~!~c~~~~n;S :ee ~:~: ~~~ecoming activities for Fall, Government Association, so come into it's own as regards candidates on the ballot on strucuon of a new Student Center The responsibilities of the SGA doesn't it make sense that more student involvement with campus Monday Arpil 19. Complex. Hence, I have made it a and its President do not end with students should be involved? If you activities. Those of you were here Recording do elect me as your this to be last year will recognize S.G.A. ~~:~olet~:~~s th~~C;i::he:; ~t~i~:~!~:ibft~t~O~~~ ~:u~:: I will work with the true, those who weren't need only Secretary, after numerous discussions with .to provide adequate services for S.G.A. to have more student- to ask a friend who was here last President members of the student body, the students, it is the responsibility oriented activities. I will work year. I'm proud to say that I was especially to get good hard trying faculty, and administration. of the SGA to see that those ser- bands for fall and spring concerts involved in this change and I would Jay Rodstein One cannot and should not, of vices are upheld. Therefore, in by beginning to plan earlier, and like you to know how it came about. course, rest on past laurels, for the order to ensure the adequate The change started with the During my three years at tendency is to do just that. protection of students and their make definite commitments, while people who were ejected to S.G.A. Western Maryland College I have The Student Government property, I propose a complete re- keeping practical goals in mind. office. The election was par- participated in a variety of ac- Association at WMC must do more evaluation of the current college Everv student at this college has ticularly bitter because of the tivities, including class functions, than be active, f~r mere activity security procedures. This would the privilege of expressing their feeling that something must be fraternity activities, athletics, and does not guarantee that the energy include more protective personnel opinion about what goes on, on this done to get the S.G.A. back in Tri Beta. I have held offices in the is being invested wisely. ln~tead. during vacation periods, adequate campus. The S.G.A. needs running order after a year of do- sophomore and junior class as well the SGA must be involved in the and operational campus lighting, receptive, elected officers to work nothing-governing. A huge con- as in the fraternity. I feel I know concerns .of the student body as.a and tighter control over keys which and plan for what the students troversy over the band performing enough about campus whole, since only through this are currently available in certain want. I want to become involved at .the Homecoming Concert and work with the S.G.A. for the organizations to be able to lead the involvement can. a guarant~e be areas of the community. brought the S.G.A. into the public SGA: as its President made that the interests will be Your interests demand com- students of Western Maryland eye. It was criticised and given Over the past year the SGA has fairly represented in the activities petent and responsible leadership College, so elect Frieda Allen as specific orders that the procedure shown its capabilities in be~o~ng of the Student Government. As the in the Student Government the Recording Secretary of the for getting bands must be changed. the central coordmatmg elected leader of the SGA, a Association. Give me your support, S.G.A. This was accomplished through the organization on campus. It has ~ President must be ~~Id res~nsible and I pledge to you that I willde all Frieda Allen establishment of a comprehensive worked hard to revise the c~n- for not only recogmzmg th~ ISSUes, in my power to serve your interests Candidate for Recording Social Committee. Along with this stitution and revive the SOCial but also for formulating the well. _ SecretarySGA came new, more responsive committee. But this is only the first specific programs to bring our Paul Fulton Publicity, Finance, Election, ~d step. common problems to the most ISteteSpinelli Action Committees. Their I want to see the social com- feasible sclu=-n. Hopefully, the Candidate for President SGA The future of Western Maryland responsibilities range from mittee playa more important role remainder c 18 letter will inform Vice President is at hand. You are being asked to keeping the student body informed in presenting a larger variety of you as to wnat I feel are some of decide who are the best candidates of S.G.A. activities to looking out activities next year. Western the areas of campus life in general, Doreen Strothman for several offices, Five in the for the welfare of the campus as a Maryland's membership in NEC endthe SGA in particular, that student Government Association, whole. will assure our attainment of need to be addressed by your next Treasurer and five in each class. As a can- I am currently a member of the quality activities at reasonable 3GA President. didate for recording secretary I latter, the Action Committee. I prices. . Jim Wogsland am not going to tell you that the plan to continue working in the This year there was a scheduling As stated in the college S_G.A., therefore I feel that it is problem concerning conflicting publications, Western Maryland Dialing for Dollars? No, but this '~~1r~~~: )a!~h:::ge~01~!1 t~: important that we elect a complete activities on the school calender. College is responsible for not only is the opinion that many people about the future. administration of hard workers. As President of the SGA I would the intellectual growth of its take towards the SGA. The future, is next year. It is up They need to be willing to expend apathetic. attempt to clear up this problem students, but for the fostering or an Lackadaisical, spe~d money. Able to to us to provide this campus with the time necessary in becoming conducive to personal irresponsibly. We EX- the environment VARIETY, the I, by establishing a clear-cut policy I and social growth as well. In order can alford this attitude no longer. CITEMENT, the social life which responsive to the student body. for signing up for dates of events. would also like to see the SGA to achieve these ends, it is vital The SGA needs .. ~ take respon- you are demanding. It is up to the The time is passed when the organize a system for the reselling that lines of communication bet- sibility for the ll\:~g, academic, S.G.A., with its budget of $30,000, senate could be an anonymous of used books. I feel the student ween the students and the faculty and social conditions on our and its representatives who group of decision makers. We are government can simultaneously and administration remain open at representatives and as such we help the community and the all times. Only when this is ac- c7h~:\'ear.'s Senate .took ~ big :~~~~ P~~~~~;~hi~~i:O;~ ~~~ must have the opinions of all our college by sponsoring cooperative ~~~~~~~':!~~~f wJiebesfue5!~ln~3; step in the right direction. It I~ up what it wants. We want more and constituents before we vote on events. to next year's officers to continue better concerts. The SGA, through anything. We must do our best to Student leaders need to stop are being adequately represented. to lead the campus to a. better its social committee, and by keep everyone informed as to what making student apathy an excuse Therefore,l propose that a weekly social life: an academl~ at- working with the student affairs activities are taking place in the for not getting their jobs done. We meeting be scheduled with the mosphere With more stu~e.nt Input, office can provide this. I am S.G.S: I represent the Penn- need leaders who will offer new Dean of Student Affairs, a monthly a~~ better all-around living con- presently on the Fine Arts com- sylvania Houses and tbe students I and varied ideas to the students. meeting with the Dean of ditjons. . .. . mittee which is responsible for represent will vouch for me when I Once these ideas for activities are Academic Affairs, and a minimum One item w.e Will Institute IS an helping the latter choose next say that I follow the policies introduced, it is up to interested of one meeting per' semester wifh active .commlttee to oversee ~he year's speakers and concerts. The outlined above. students to develop and present the President of the college. While careterta. Also, more and var-ied social committee, too, has been The corresponding secretary has these acttvit-ea to the entire meetings of a similar nature have speakers and concerts aJ_'e being very active. We will expand this among his duties the responsibility student bCldy. Strong student taken place under past ad- scheduled throu~ ~he Fine Arts next year for more movies, par- to act as a Hasen between student- support is n\.'eded to build a strong ministrations, the structured Committee, I feel It IS an excellent ties and other events faculty and the S.G.A. senate. I am SGA which can effectively coor- regularity will ensure the proper new soug:e of funds for us to .use I' am candidate fo'r recording capable of perfonning that duty as dinate college activities. flow of communications. As a for events we want. The SGA gives secretary. But anybody can take well, it not ~tter, as anyone. With Thank you for your attention and result, the organizational structure monetary allot?Ie~ts to many minutes of a meeting. It is up to your help I will. please come out to vote at the of the college will be utilized to its campus orgamzatiO~s. Th~se you to elect officers who will be Your friend, fellow student, and elections: greatest extent, thereby increasing all~tments help to prOVide a varied res~nsive to all your needs. It is (hopefully) next year's S.G.A Jay Rodstein the potential for success of SOCial atmosphere. . this capacity you will be electing Corresponding Secretary programs initiated with the well- So you See, The SGA IS y~ur me to. I thank you for your vote for Bob Underwood being of the student body the channel toward a more. active a better campus. P.S. Whether you decide to vote for Steve Spinelli foremost concern. Implementation me or not, do please vote, on April of this proposal would commence :~~~~e H~~d us r:~~s:~emo~~ Your rep~:~f~~:;o~ Fellow Studerits of Western immediately upon my assuming electing responsible officers. AprIl 19; either·all day in the grill or at Maryland College; office. Corresponding dinner in the cafeteria lobby. While serving as President of the As well as these policy changes, ~~'s ~~~o~~~land for Treasurer Thanks Student Government Association there are many seemingly routine Your Representative • Secretary of my high school, I realized for the tasks facing the SGA for 1976-77 James Wogsland CaJ:ldidates for class offices, first time the necessity for total Denise Giangola involvement in the life of a school. I ~hit~~~~~~r::;~~:~bt~t~: Recording and the campaign statements firmly believe that one receives student body. Chief among these is Secreta.ry Bob Underwood can be found on page 6. satisfaction from life in direct This year W.M.C. 'has indeed proportion to the time and energy ~~ f~~~a~~~n;:n~e ;:a~.b~~le~ Frieda Allen invested. This philosophy 01 10- through a constant monitoring of Do you know who your S.G.A. Blacks continuedfrompg.l,col.5 volvement in campus affairs has continued while I have been a the organizations and activities officers are this year? If you want Let me also say something about comes to mind; a professor had the student at Western Maryland. I funded by the SGA can the in- to know the Recording Secretary the attitudes and beliefs of student audacity to ask if I could read the have been appointed to the Fresh- terests of the student body be for next year, then elect me, and faculty members. I have seen required text Allen, to serve you. I feel I man Advisory Council of the served. Your money pays for the - Frieda the experience to fill this self-proclaimed liberals constantly funded SGA and the organizations have Student Affairs Office as well as through it, and as a result the position because I served as S.G.A. SJXlut off racial slurs around this, The majority of enrolled Blacks having served as a member of the students have a vital voice in the executive board officer in high school. Many students came to this at this school are Quite unhappy. Publications Board throughout the monetary affairs of their student school, and I have attended S.G.A school with mythicized notions of There is no means to express one's past academic year. Election to Blacks, destined to continue the blackness. In fact, one has to people beJi _ve the Publications Board resulted government. responsibilities for .workshops. duty Some of the Recording 7 alienation and castration of my sacrifice his blackness just to The that the from a vO"te of the SGA Senate. prOviding social activities on our secretary is only to take minutes at people, and most leave with these survive on this campus My feeling of responsibility to campus are divided among a the meetings, but they are also same notions and beliefs. This Discrimination is violent, to it myself and to the- rest of the number of diverse groups. The officers of the S.G.A. and work school serves no active role in the enforced, by a gun or by .the student body does not end with SGA 'can not afford to shirk with them. Some people don't want. castration of its students. I have domestication of people. The time formal office, however., responsibilities in proyiding social to become involved in S.G.A., but I had professors treat meas if I were has come for America to look at its Throughout my college career,. I outlets for the students. Therefore, am willing to give the time and a complete idiot unable to deal with institutionS for the root of the have made it a point to keep I would upon election immediately energy to become involved. After the academic r~uirements of this problem to be found in their abreast of issues important to the begin the process of organizing the all, S.G.A. stands for Student school. A particular incident foundations.
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