Page 134 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 134
Page 2 . Scrimshaw Thursday, April 15. 1976 Letters· 10 the Editor Dear Editor, having helped a friend carry his Elevator. Webster says this is "a very heavy trunk onto the elevator Night" with our football con- your feeling that we should have person. Must thrive on long hours suspended cage or car for hoisting on that Friday, I decided that Iwas cessions is also erroneous. Con- notified you of our intentions and and responsibility. _ Rewards are to apologize for or lowering people or things, as in a going to write a letter to Scrim- cessions were a bidded privilege would like It seems to me however, our great. Big house, car, yacht, jet oversight. Western groups building ... " Most students _in shaw praising the Action Com- open to all Incidently at we did not that your action of simultaneously vacation resort included, besides a Maryland. Rouzer doubt that definition, based mtuee.However. about 4 pm that good salary, tax benefits, free that I on the "elevator" in that dorm. same day, I tried using the handle concessions this year as the sending a copy of the letter without postage and a staff of millions. Use to the Scrimshaw received that basketball team was awarded Why should intelligent men elevator and found it turned off. I privilege to raise money for their a single previous word of protest to all of this for business rest or pleasure, who have the be like but disbelieve webster? The answer is, spoke to the RA. and he said it was uniforms and equipment. Fur- myself or any member oC Alpha preceded you and reap it for all you that for a large part of the school turned on earlier in the day for the thermore, when we did handle Gamma Tau, is an equally im- can get away with and then some. I year the elevator is turned off, only janitors' use. My friend was lucky. concessions we never once denied mature and unnecessary act. Your Check our past executives and see to be turned on for the janitors to other groups the right to sell baked letter forced me into the position of just how well they arc doing. Join bring their supplies from floor to So now 1 am writing a letter to goods, raffle tickets, or other items having to defend our alleged wrong the big leagues. Be a VARSITY entire student body before the floor. This means that the majority the administration to let them at the games we catered. and rather than simply working the TEAM MEMBER of the people that are in Rouzer know how 1, and I'm sure others, therefore, shared our privilege problem out between the parties (the students) can only use the feel about the wasted elevator in with them elevator when the minority (the Rouzer. 1 say wasted because it It seems, and quite un- involved. We have no qualms about CALL NOW ... janitors) is using it. surely is not worth all that was derstandably so, that you assume defending ourselves before such a The White House I can somewhat understand the paid for it, if it is not put to its that we stole .the idea of a "Las large jury, but feel that the 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington, D.C. administration not letting the fullest capacity. Vegas Night" directly from you. problem would have been more AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY students use it for the whole school Thankyou, This however, is not as true as it effectively and less dramatically EMPLOYER year, as it is possible that the Mark Katz was a spring pledge of ours, Steve solved on a smaller scale. elevator could be under a lot of Fader, who has had much previous Regardless of the means of airing abuse. Of course, so is the water Dear Sigma Sigma Tau, experience in running such affairs, our respective viewpoints I hope Dear Editor.: (water battles), the desks in the 1 am writing in response to your that brought the idea to our at- that any hard feelings will be kept You said thatyouran Cree ads for and that our com- librar-y (graffiti), the grass outside letter of April 5th concerning our tention. Along these same lines 1 to a minimum will be more open and faculty and students. Here is mine. munications (wearing down paths of grass), upcoming "Las Vegas Night." think your alarm at our scheduling direct in the future. Because of my position I must and many other things that are While 1 can understand the intent such an event is quite unnecessary. Sincerely, remain anonymous. Thank you "public." Should these things be of your. letter I must disagree with Our event will be similar, but Ted Webster, Sincerely, "turned olf" also? some of your points. To be specific, certainly not a carbon copy of President Alpha Gamma Tau ssssssssssssssss But, back to the main problem. I in my experience, Ihave seen little yours. We hope to do it on a larger P.S. For a more believable ex- cannot see why the elevator is not evidence of the "unspoken custom scale and include many different planation of the JFK question, see turned on for the last day before a at Western Maryland that ideas of our own. As I see it, it will WANTED. Hugh McDonalds book, t\p- be •a great for only affair not break and the first day when we organizations do not intervene in ourselves and the people who at- We have an openmg !or agood pointment in Dallas come back -- or in other words, the functions of other organizations." of tend our "Night" but one that will Due to the tremendous number times it would be used, and needed, organizations on campus and the help all "Las Vegas Nights" of the Writers' Workshop the most, especially by some of the limited number of effective fund future. Bur event will familiarize weaker residents of Rouzer. Surely raising events available, some still more people with this en- Kim Shewbridge students would realize how useful overJap is inevitable. Undoubtedly tertaining idea and dee to this A new course has been added to student has had time to think and the elevator is, and that it would the popular and numerous GIGIFS increased publicity, cannot help the English department this work on his writing, may refer that only be foolish to abuse it. of recent years were at _one point but boost attendance at future semester called Writing Workshop student to this course. Just because At the end of the last. SGA an original fund raising idea, as "Nights", including those spon- (English OOl-{l02). This is a non- a student is referred to the Writing meeting before our spring break, I were the ideas of a liquor raffle (of sored by Sigma Sigma Tau. I trust 'credit course consisting of in- Workshop, however, doesn't mean asked John Norment, of the Action which there have been at least 5 so that you will agree with my con- dividual conferences and is that he must now take the course. Committee, if something could be far this year), the various other clusion and I encourage you to designed to develop clarity and "I'he student must next be done to get the elevator working gimmick raffles, and now the very support our event as we have grammatical correctness in the evaluated by the English depart- mot of the dav of March 19 (the last popular "Grille Party." supported yours in the past. writing of uppe~lassmen whose ment; he is given a djagnostiC test day before break). Alter having Equating your "Las Vegas In closing, I agree with you on proficiency in writing is beneath of grammar and usage by the SGA Podium standards acceptable to the department, and then he must If the write . Credit for Extracurricular Activities? college. eligible . for English a short composition. decides How do you become then department Jeff Robinson the course? Well, it is not the kind that the student's writing is sub- English Apathy. You've heard -the bands that were voted upon by discussion from an attending of writing workshop designed for standard, English then 001 or becomes a 001 and who wish to "brush those students 002 word before and you'll students. smoker, L6rry Reed. In up" on their writing. Any in- requirement for that student. The probably hear it again here at The Charlie Daniels Band, speaking of Herb Watson's structor in the college who feels student will be assigned a course of Western Maryland. Once again No.1 on the list, could not play plan to limit smoking to times that a student has serious writing exercises, essays, workshop that dastardly diversion has because of their six tons of outside of classes and exams, problems, such as incomplete classes, and individual con. struck terror in the hearts of equipllle"nt, which the band felt Reed tried to explain his own sentences, illogical paragraph ferences which will continue until WMC students by aHending the it could not fit on the stage. position. He felt that many divisions, ignorance of punc- continued on pg. 6, col. 3 recent SGA meeting, Monday e night, at 7:30 in Rouzer lounge. ~~~~~e~o:!, utshe t~:c~~:y c~~!~~ :~se~~::k!7~::t~:~~ ~:sis~s r,_ua_ti_,n_. e_'C_._in_p_.p_e_,,_w_h_,,_e_'h_._, --, For the following hour, 20 interested students (three :~~~oaf~~7~~:~e ~a:=,e b~~~':~~~Is:;~~~. to E!i~n in w~~~ t:~: Staple; wka to. 6£aHIe short of the 23 persons required his own would have been problem he had attempted to for a guorum) - listened logistically infeasible. The cost keep smoking to a minimum in dutifully to tn+ormetton of of the J. Geils Band ($7500 fee, classrmom'situations. Finally Editors-in-chief Staph more concern to WMC 52400 for equipment, plus he questioned whether Kimbre Shewbrldge Nancy Barry students, than at the average several other contract riders) smoking would be banned Mark C. Bayer Malt Bowers well-attended meeting. prevented any real thought of during a-hour final exams. Theo Braver According to president -Herb having them play for the Members of the Senate . ASSOCiate Edi(or Watson, by the non-presence of concert. reacted by reconfirming the Susan Coleman those students who were Right now, the committee idea that there should be Jeff Robinson Vic Eremi ta supposed to be at the meeting, has made a bid for Richie protection of individual rights Mary Gately all those who did attend had Havens, whose cost is 53500. If by not forcing smoking upon Elltertaillll/elll Editor Roger Levin' their time wasted. Watson also the bid is accepted ticket non-smokers on campus. Mark Katz Richard Naylor commented that certain In. prices should be extremely Watson also suggested that Jim Teramani dividuals, specifically SGA inexpensive. However, if the'during exams, there be a Sports Editor officers and committee bid is rejected, the next nome special testing room for chairmen, were consistently in on the list is that of Ramsey smokers to sit in. It was also Carlton Harris attendance at the required Lewis. decided to put the quest to a Tyrant En.entus meetings. Ms. Thomas also requested vote by referendum on the Business Manager Baron Lc.Tayler The rest of the meeting was the SGA's consensus on a election ballot in two weeks. David Range basically taken up with group named Rennaissance, The rest of the meeting was Cartoontsr committee reports and even though they weren't one taken up with the plan to give Adl'ertisillg Manager Mark C. Bayer discussion of the possible of the origina I choices academic credit to students for smoking ban and a proposal to available. The group consists participating in extra. David Range Attorneys give credit for extra-curricular of "four guys and a girl" as curricular activies. The basic activities. Erich Veith'put it, and playa set-up example was to require Distribution Manager Samuel Goldenstein Linda Thomas, Social style of classical rock. Those students to attend certain Jeff Robinson and Sons Committee Chairperson, members of the Senate who activities-theater productions,' reported that all aspects nf the had heard of them generally speakers, art exhibits, mUsical PIllS A Cast of thousands! May Week were planned and agreed that trying to get programs, and sprots events _ all contracts signed except for Rennaissance for the concert in order to receive an ad- The opinions expressed in this paper do not that with the band for the would be worthwhile. ditional '/2 credit toward necessarily reflect those of the administration. Spring Concert. Several - The proposal to place graduation, each semester. Write SCRIMSHAW, Box 3A, Western Maryland Col/ege, problems sprang up with the restrictions on smoking on This could total a possible four Westminster, Md. top three selections for concert campus brought some continuedonpg.6,coJ.1 ~ ,
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