Page 133 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 133
Special Thursday, April 15, 1976 Volume 3, Issue 10 Liberation Issue Do Men Need Liberation? by Bruce ,Jones The American white male is in a not only socialized but instruments being hurt and beginning to cry we must allow other guys the human look at a woman's breasts, when unique position in that he is not of others' socialization. People say were quickly told that were were right to be unagressive and non- we should be looking a! per face. only the primary oppressor of that socialization is important for now big boys, and "Big boys don't physical without the threat or What is worse, is that it is difficu1t blacks, women and gays, as well as structure and to transfer culture. cry." Even if we don't remember actuality of being put down. In for us to.coesciocstv not look at a many other minorities, either While this is true, socialization also the experience we certainly present sports slang there is a young wcroan's breasts - that is racial or religious; but he is also has negative aspects. If that remember the message. And we for beating someone which tends to how socj altzed we are. Our and very ironically, the main structure and culture inhibit, soon learned how to hold in our indicate the male mentality socialization has taught us to look oppressor of himself and other prohibit or dictate one person's or pains, feeling and emotions. We towards Jess physical or adept for "sexy girls". We can't tell if a American white males. Not only do one group's action and attitudes in were taught that as boys and men guys. The term is to "use" woman is sexy just by looking at we (white males) have, make-and 'ill inhuman way then they are we are not supposed to display someone. And we actually do use her face. To think of women in this perpetuate the stereotypes of wrong. But we don't stop to emotions, or express anxieties. We those people we pufdown and manner, which we all do others, but we also have, make and recognize the personal human now still feel the same way, and ridicule. We use them to boost our predominantly, is dehumanizing to perpetuate stereotypes about and destruction we perpetuate either enforce this among our friends. egos and to smash theirs. This type women. To "use" women as sex against ourselves. As a whole very by destroying one's psyche or by This is inhuman, because it is of mentality is inhuman. objects is inhuman. Women are few men have believed in and-or destroying one's chances of im- human and natural to express From the time we reach puberty human and deserve to be supported liberation (that is the provement, happiness, and seU- oneself and to express feelings and and perhaps before, we learn about recognized and treated as such. fuller humanization) of oppressed expression. This is where our emotions; all of ttrem. not jusf the "joys" of sex. Unfortunately Sexuality is good as long as it is groups. But even fewer have present white middle-class anger. This socialization has made we pervert a potentially good humanizing sexuality (an ex- realized the need for men to be socialization is wrong and it difficult for many of us to be source of fulfillment, pleasure and pression of love-j And as far as liberated, themselves. Most men inhuman. open, to be honest and to be our expression by emphasizing only our attitudes towards men who don't even know that they are . We, white males, benefit the true selves, because it would the physical granncancn. I1Ul prefer not to abuse women, we look oppressed, not to mention what it is most from this socialization, and reveal too much about us. rarely does anyone even rriention down on them as if their choice to that is oppressing them. that is the biggest reason why' we Aggressiveness and physical the emotions, responsibilities and be more fully human is a sign of don't support other liberation strength are two highly praised dependencies which sex is meant weakness, when in fact it is Socialization is the greatest groups, because it means taking and highly sought after charac- to express. We are all pushed by evidence of strength. cause of oppression to all groups, away our advantages. White tenstics. Those who achieve these our friends to have sex; if not just We promote these oppressions, but especially to men and women. males, however, are also -op- goals most adeptly rate high on the for pure selfish pleasure, then it is and these oppressions are Socialization molds us all into little pressed by this socialization. There "accepted list. Those who have not to be accepted by our friends "violent" attacks upon women who boxes marked "male". "female". are stereotypes about men which achieved these goals or who don't· because we have "proven" our wish to be recognized as fully "black". "White", and all kinds of we have worked to fulfill and even strive for them are im- manhood. Therefore we tend to human beings and these op- other categories. Socialization promote which are as inhuman to mediately put down, especially u" look at women for their ability to pressions are "violent" attacks defines actions, attitudes, us as our stereotypes of others are they don't try at all. Being stimulate and sexually gratify us, upon other men who have chosen responsibilities, and roles. And to them. physically strong and athletically rather. than for their personality, out of strength (not physical) to be these roles are very rigid. -Once we All of us remember some early adept are qualities we can admire, their qualities, their a~i1itr _to different and to be more human, have internalized these roles, experience at about age 6 or 7, but they should not be qualities we fulfill our needs. It is unbelievabie human to others and to them- actions, attitudes, etc., we become where after hurting ourselves or demand all others to have. We 'Ow often and how quickly we will selves. Blacks and Violence - Is WMC Racist? by Wendy Merrick Violence has become the supposedly guaranteed freedom violence felt by every Black in For my first question I was given baffled by this situation yet no real growing concern of a large number for Blacks but it never broke the America, destruction of the mind, the excuse that a qualified Black effort has been made to evaluate of American citizens, with the chain of violence and discrimination by the system, willing to work at the proposed the situation and attempt to make rising plague of crime stretching discrimination. From the period institutionru racism. I have heard wage can't be found. I doubt this some change which leads me to across its boundaries and the 1890 to 1910 many American states many fellow students claim very strongly if the news of a believe that an apparent Black external threat of total destruction made discrimination of Blacks a America to be somewhat cured of vacancy were known to the Black popu1ation is not wanted on this by its nuclear counterpart. Living legal matter by adding Jim Crow its problem of racism. How they community, I was also told that if campus. in the midst of violence, however, laws to its Constitutions. Blacks in make such a claim I will never such a Black were found, there Maybe Blacks can't be seen in is no new issue to the black com- violation to such laws suffered know, especially when they live arises a problem in housing. Now the administration and faculty and munity. Violence has feasted on its severe punishment. For many everyday under reign of that racist WMC seems to have no problem in to a large degree, the student people .for over 200 years. Maybe a years lynch mobs, often led by institution,_ Western Maryland housing its white professors. Why body, but they are quite evident in little history can paint a clearer "respectable" white -cifizens, College. Of course, you can't should tere be a problem with one a the cafeteria. The maintenance and more precise picture. It is a killed an average of almost two believe such a statemnt, but let us shade darker? start, etc. It appears to me that known and undisputable fact that Blacks a week. look at the physical makeup of this violence forced Blacks to America, Many see such episodes of school. Seen any Black professors'? There are approximately 30 WMC is taking advantage of the that they had no part in the history to be long forgotten and too Ever notice the ratio of white Blacks who attend .this school. discrimination of Blacks in Mayflower, that they came as far removed from today's society. students to Blacks? Know any WMC is about one hour from two Westminster. There is a very small prisoners. Thousands of Blacks So let me bring it a little closer to a Blacks in the administration? And large cities with a large popu1ation number of jobs in Westminster died on crowded ships, carrying time period everyone can relate to did you ever notice who does the of Blacks and it seems quite open to Blacks therefore allowing the human cargo-even before Let's see what's happening in shit work around this campus? unusual for a school so close to WMC to hire a large number of reaching America another million _America today. continue to produce such a low . Blacks at comparatively low suffered and wed in bondage. The In 1976 violence still plagues the Let us also look at some of the enrollment of Blacks. The ad- wages. Emancipation Proclamation Black community, widespread reasons behind these situations. ministration claims to be just as continued on pg. 3, col. 4
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