Page 130 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 130
Page 2 Thursday, April 8, 1976 Editorial··········································· Those of you who keep yourself Tareytons. To this end, he would allows as much leniency toward blanket regulation'? Will they want a ,mandatory no-smoking rule for ..... distant enough from SGA functions like to see some of the campus smoking in classrooms as it does to' classrooms and no-smoking areas to he able to think that the regulations on smoking changed These are all fine sentiments, but Since such regulations are going in the cafeteria'?" is not one that organization does nothing more Watson suggests, primarily, en- along with them exist certain to have such an obvious personal would be inherently harmful to the than arranging May Weeks and ....forcing a mandatory no smoking problems which are invariably effect on everyone - both student reputation of the person who an- changing its own by-laws may be rule in all classrooms and, gcing to occur concerning the and instructor ~ it might be swers. As many have noted by the trend surprised to learn of some action secondly, possibly setting up enforcement of such rules. For one suggested that the SGA take what in regulations on public trans- which it is about to take. Not only certain areas in the cafeteria thing, smoking regulations in may be an unusual procedure in docs this subject, which has been where smoking would be classrooms are invariably left up making their decision. Instead of oortation, in restaurants and in discussed a! Monday night's prohibited to the individual professor at the letting the matter of no-smoking- other gathering places, the trend Executive Council meeting and Watson feels that this movement present. We have all had in- in-classrooms regulation (which currently favors the non-smoker will bl' introduced at the next SGA is in step with the regulations going structors who inform their would probably not go into effect Yet it is entirely possible (but not meeting, affect the lifestyle of on in the outside world The students on the first day that until next year) be decided merely probably) that the smoking every student attending WMC, but current philosophy toward getting smoking will not be tolerated in by the SGA senate, a better idea population of WMC could vote else But down. it deals with something of even legislation passed on non-smoker their classes, but on the other hand could be to allow everyone - both everybody who wins out ~ The SGA no matter greater importance to each of us . rights is, according to Watson. we've seen their counterparts - student and professor - to vote on would rightfully be able to state II deals with our health. tt:at .. 'The right of a person to The ones who set up such a screen it. Ballots could be dlstributed Herb Watson, a non-smoker, is enjoy clean air supersedes a between themselves and their among the student and faculty that the students and faculty of interested in looking out for the person's right to smoke." In fact, pupils that the latter are hard body, and to avoid "stuffing" WMC had an active chance to rights of those who share his the SGA president was quick to pressed when asked to describe the everyone could be asked to sign his participate in a decision which has aversion to having to breathe in the inform this writer that WMC is the prof's facial details. Will these or her vote, since the question of a dlrect and important effect on exhaust from somebody else's only college that he has seen which professors be able to enforce the "Do you approve or disapprove of them M.e.B. Personal ViewPoint: Nice Guys Finish (Feel) Last (Least) by John Springer When I was a small boy my our emotions are such that if we most life enhancing and life giving describes how nice mass mur- inciudingthePsycDept., Religious mother used to lay a very -heavy want to feel and experience love way to deal with all of our feelings- derers tend to be - always nice, Life Council, the SGA:, and all four philosophical-psychological- and joy we must also accept and both positive and negative .. never angry until eventually their classes. Must be good, huh'? religious number on me. I'd be express our anger. When we do An interesting sideline to this is pent up anger erupts. If we stop Especially all you Christian acting my normal human self - succeed in suppressing our angry that perhaps even our very violent, trying to make our children 100 types who are, like me, prone to which included unhappy, grumpy, feelings our ability to love is SOCiety could be improved if more percent nice, perhaps we'll stop being overly nice - don't miss this pissed off moments, and she'd say. lessened as well. of us dealt in a healthy way with creating killers. lecture!! 1 - this woman has lots to "If you're not sick. get cheerful." Depression, according to much anger. Check out Rollo May's book The point of this article is this; offer. And you jock types who are Well ... my mother was no great of the current thinking in Power & Innocence which views Ann Kaiser Stearns, who is a very into yelling obscenities at each thinker or theologian, but in that humanistic psychology, is a prime violence as a product of feeling warm and also very well trained other - sounds like some pretty statement shecapsulized one of the example' of unexpressed anger powerless perhaps greater humanistic psychologist, is going open expression of feeling - she most powerful and widespread which a person may not even societal encouragement of ap- to be here to give a lecture on this should be right up your alley too expressions of our cultures' ap- realize is inside. If you're into propriate anger expression in whole anger issue Her lecture is Come to think of it, what is more proach to morality and to life. being depressed a lot maybe you individuals would reduce the need entitled, "Our Problem With honest (and sometimes more Some people would say, and I would do well to figure out where of some to prove their aliveness Anger". and will be given Tuesday. appropriate!) than shooting the agree, that particular expression is that feeling is coming from - is it through violence. Also check out April 13, (next Tuesday) at 8PM in All-American bird? one of the most destructive ones as pent up resentment? Depression. Creative Aggression by George McDaniel Lounge. It's sponsored Come one, come all, this lecture well. according to this line of thought, is Bach and Herb Goldberg, which by ~ whole slew of campus groups will be hot stuff The point of my mothers' not just a lack of 'positive' (happy) statement and of that generalized emotion - its a lack of open ex- Letters to the Editor cultural expression is this; there pression of both 'positive' and are certain emotions which are 'negative' (angry) emotion. To get Dear Scrimshaw, to Alpha Gamma Tau concerning out or courtesy, informed us acceptable, and there are others in touch with ones' pent up anger is Recently, a problem arose which this subject: beforehand of your intention. We which are not. When in polite also to get in touch with ones' joy the members of Sigma Sigma Tau feel Las Vegas Night is our activity company as a child, you are not to and love feel will be of interest to all Dear Alpha Gamma Tau, like refreshments at football feel or express those unacceptable This all or nothing idea about organizations on campus. Each There has been an unspoken games is yours. We hope in the emotions. Later on as an adult you emotion is, I think, really true of organization feels a claim to an custom at Western Maryland that future, all organizations may work are to replace those unacceptable cer realticnships. Ever notice that activity which was their original organizations do not intervene in together and respect each others emotions with acceptable ones - the sex is often at its best after a fight? idea, and they have a right to feel functions of other organizations. claim to their activities. former you repress into silence, Having gotten all the hostility and so. It takes great effort to think of The members of Sigma Sigma Tau We feel this "unspoken custom" the latter you will coerce into frustration out of the way - felt, an unique idea, and when one such feel this custom has been is important, not only to us, hut to being. expressed, shared, and dealth with idea is successful, they would like overlooked by your fraternity all organizations. Hopefully, this A few of the acceptable emotions warmth and intimacy are that idea to be associated with scheduling a Las Vegas Night will help us all in the future -are these; generosity (even when tremendously freed-up and their organization. Sigma Sigma which was originally our project. Sincerely you're really feeling selfish), enhanced. Intimacy means no Tau haswritten to following letter We feel you should have asked or, Sigma Sigma Tau rationality & emotional control, more internal censoring and a Extra! t:~;:~;St::;~~g ~~::~ k~~~~ ~::~r.u~~~~~io::!~e~~nae3~it?~~ your feelings are like raging flood intimacy entails stopping our A large block of frozen green waters massed in front of a dam) reliance on role playing and material that crashed through the and surface-deep concern (even placing a greater faith in ex- roof of the home of Mrs. Esther Editors-ill-chief Staph when you'ld really rather not be pressing our real selves. It means Kochanowicz in Alden, N.Y., has Nancy Barry bothered). Another acceptable being honest and human enough to been identified as human waste Klmbre Shewbridge Matt Bowers emotion, in this context, is guilt - be angry sometimes, or selfish, or from the toilet of an airplane Mark C. Bayer Thee Braver since it is the desirable con- rude. It means shedding the nice The object. which was almost sequence of feeling unacceptable guy role which so many of us play two feet in diameter and weighed Associate Editor Susan Coleman emotions. so often and so superficially (and, more than fifty pounds, went Jeff Robinson Vic Eremita Unacceptable emotions are, in as I mentioned, I know that role through Mrs. Kochanowicz' roof, Mary Gately this context, those emotions which from the inside looking out). What striking her favorite chair and Paul Hewitt dlsrupt the order and security of is a love relationship or a friend- breaking it up into little pieces. Entertainment Editor Roger levin our roles, and which force us to be ship without intimacy? Richard Reinnagel, a scientist at Mark Katz our genuine (and sometimes Anger and hostility are corn- the Calspan Corporation. said the Richard Naylor angry) selves. Experiences of very ponents of all in-depth relation- green color of the substance was Sports Editor Jim Terarnani appropriate weeping or other ships. In addition to love indlcative of a dlsinfectant used in temporary loss of control. relationships, dealing with ones' the toilets of commercial airliners. Carlton Harris Tyrant Emeritus especially in men, are thought parents as one changes from being unacceptable. Experiences range. a child into being an adult can be a Just minutes after she Business Manager Baron L. Tayler particularly in women, are often very angry time - open and honest discovered for the first time that David Range labeled unacceptable. Somehow or otherwise. This has certainly she was pregnant, at-year-old Cartoonist we have gotten the notion that been true of me and perhaps Easter Davis gave birth to a Advertising Manager Mark C. Bayer honest expression of emotion, others as well. If you're not healthy 7-pound r t-ounce boy. Mrs. especially anger, is wrong. satisfied with your relationships Davis said she first learned of her David Range Attomeys Therefore, according to this notion, perhaps you should look at this condltion when she went into labor we should avoid honest assertion in issue more closely. one afternoon at the pediatrician's Distribution Manager Samuel Goldenstein favor of confining our expressions The point is not unrestrained office where she has worked for the Jeff Robinson and Sons of feelings to those feelings which emotional expression which can last seventeen vears. 'fit' our roles of nice woman, be destructive- rather, the point is strong guy. Christian person, etc. that anger and hostility and rage . Season's gr-ettngs: The Ptus A Cast of thousands! The trouble with trying to not are very human and very wor- following message appeared on a The opinions expressed in this paper do not feel those socially unacceptable thwhile emotions which require St. Louis church bulletin board: necessarily reflect those of the administration. emotions is that in fact, we feel appropriate expression. Our lives "Merry Christmas to our Christian them hand in hand with the ac- and our relationships would be friends. Happy Hanukkah to our Write SCRIMSHAW, Box 3A. Western Maryland College, ceptable emotions in an all or greatly enhanced if we could learn Jewish friends. And to our atheist Westminster, Md. nothing package. The dynamics of a lot more about what really is the friends, good luck."
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