Page 127 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 127
I Thursday, April 1, 1976 Scrimshaw Page 7 i,cSports Jim Teramani Greg Stout Intramurals The intra-mural volleyball Turkey Bamfers, & the In tournament began shortly before ternational Turkeys-will continue the break. Intended to be a double to play to about the end of March. elimination tournament, it was They playa best 2 out of 3 games changed to a round robin schedule with each game consisting of 15 because of the small amount of points for the winner. The team teams participating. The teams- with the best record wins the ROTC A&B, Faculty, No Names, tournament. Putters Western Maryland's golf team Last year's record of 11-6 will begins their season this Saturday very possibly be improved upon. and all indications are that they The team will face B opponents are more than ready for their this, season. many of which are fine opposition. The team took a trip to g_olfmg schools. Good matches are South Carolina over Spring Break expected against York, Towson, (at their own expense, naturally) Dickinson and 1\11. St. Mary's. Andl playing among themselves to train a hard-fought bat~le is always the for the new year. one against Hopkins. Towards the end of the season, The coach is Jerry Wrubel, the MAC championships will be WI\1C's counselor and job held at Hidden Springs Country placement specialist. His assistant Club. Willow Grove. Pa. The is Bobby Erb. Returning to the team's chances for a good showing team this year are last year's top there appear excellent four seeds, Dave Ray, Jim Green, and co-captains Jeff Bacon and _is a Tom Boyle. Over a dozen other The match this Saturday ursmus, j guys, many of them great players "9ua.dro match" versus came out for the team. With only Dlckmso~ and Lebanon Valley seven positions available, com- Play begins out on our course at petition will doubtless hE:! k~Tl 1:00 P.M Raqueteers The pre-season is drawing to a promising rreshrnen on this year's close, and the women's tennis team team. Returning from last year are is anxious for the season to begin. Sue Cunningham, Fredi Eckhardt, Even after last year's good season, and Judy Warfield and all three of the team is looking forward to as these girls were in the top five of good as, if not better season this last year's team. Coach Weyers There's only year. also pointed out that the promising one thing freshmen-Terry Mott, Tracy Looking over the schedule, play Coach Weyers expects most of the Tuttle, and Julie Vaughan-will year's worse than of this an important part matches this season to be ex- team. tremely close. All the teams in the finding out schedule are evenly matched. The team plays an II match ROUTE 140, WEST.'1INSTER PIKE youfiave Coach Weyers also pointed out that schedule with on1y 4 away mat- FINKSBURG, MD. Towson, Loyola, and Gettysburg ches. The season starts tomorrow (5 minutes rrom Reisterstown) cancer. will be their toughest opponents. with a home match against --ENTEiTA"INMENT"FRIDAY&-SATURDAY--- Frostburg at 3. Saturday, the girls The season has a bright outlook again have a match, this time Featuring KEN a'A1"ES AT THE KEYBOARD Not with returning starters and several going against Elizabethtown at 1. ______ ~~~~~I!~~~~~:_R~~'=t::_ _ GIFT CERTIFICATES PRIVATE PARTIES finding out. Letter to the Editor FOR RESERVATIO:'OS-833ยท6060 or 861.8200 Continued from pg. 4 col. 4 J,I/<- Plain & Fancy Many cancers can ~ very informal but we do care biased, but it's only because I 7~ \j be cured if discovered aoout the team. We enjoy what we care. After all, I am the team early enough. Gel 3 do and the people we work with and captain and I don't want people to Donuts regular health check- we believe in good sportsmanship judge the team without knowing all .4441e4 up.Start now as much as anyone. the facts. There is a lot more 848 6385 We want to wipe All throughout the rifle team behing the WMC Rifle Team than Open lanes afternoon 140 Village out cancer in your season, the reporter covering the people really know about. lifetime. Give to the team has only asked -me for the Sincerely, Weekends Reservations Only American Cancer scores of the matches, He refused Leda A. De Meo only 5 minutes away Society. to ask me questions concerning the Team Captain Tenpins and Duckpins team because he told me I had a Open 24 Hours a Day American I Biased ounion. Well, maybe I am WMCRifieTeam Cancer Society *
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