Page 125 - Scrimshaw1975-76
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Thursday. April 1, 1976 Scrimshaw Page ts News briefs ' ~ "Who Will Buy the Bicen- Inventors Workshop International Fischer with their complaints. The The program will begin at 9:30 tennial?" will be performed by the to enter a nationwide competition Coffee Grows on White Oak cafeteria management hopes that a.m. on April 10 in McDaniel Lge. Dudley Riggs's Brave New for the most creative and In- Trees everyone willmake good use of this where participants will complete Workshop at 8 p.m., Thursday, novative tdee-destgn-prcduct- All the Pretty Little Horses pane! of students, asking then registration Following the April 1 in Alumni Ha1l at Western invention that a student (or team Jennie Jenkins questions and making suggestions morning session, a cafeteria-style Maryland College. of students) has to offer. The The College Choir 'so that these students can evolve luncheon will be served in the Through the art of im- entries may fall into any discipline Oliver Spangler, director into a successful and active food college dining halL A $7 fee will committee. Support provisation, this company will desired-art, music, science, in- professor - this panel of cover registration in three Finale: Anthem from present a satirical and musical vention, architecture, design, etc. "America" Bloch students so that they can help you! classroom sessions and lunch on commemoration of our nation's Combined Groups campus 200th birthday. The winning items from each Carl Dietrich, director fhe courses are part of the !he the~tre company from. ~:o~l :~\di~g ~?l~eed V~~t~: Dr Arleen Heggemeier, If you're looking for an exciting alumni continuing education the upcoming ML~neapohs, M.L~nesota, w~n County Fairgrounds, Ventura, CA of music, and Mrs. way to spend Summer--cheap-- program prepared this year in Bicentennial national recogntuon for their during the Inventors Bicentennial Evelyn S. Hering, assistant conjunction with Western regular comedy features on Expo 3 which will be held from professor of music, will be ac- check out "hosteling." Maryland's bicentennial ob- Na.tional P~blic I;t,adio's ':All May l3'through May 16, 1976, and companists for the concert. American Youth Hostels, Inc., is servance. Thmgs Considered. The eight to which over 100 000 visitors are Soloists are students Robin a non-profit, non-sectarian Pre-registration material and members of .th~ cast ~th write ~d expected. ' Cwnberland, of Hillcrest Heights, organization dedicated to further information may be Md. and David Cooney, of Bel Air, promoting enjoyment of the out- requested by calling the Alumni ~h7co~:~~~L~uL~~~~~~:~y~;!~~~: ~~ Md. doors through traveling. You can Office, 848-7000, ext. 2-16 or 219. and human nature. Inventors Workshop In- ternational, a nonprofit, mem- The public is invited to attend the hike, bi'ce. canoe, horseback ride . Admission for this event is $1. bership organization, will furnish Festival Concert without charge, or travel a variety of different. ways. Cvernights ~n~ ~"'~"'IOo~~·~."~"'·"'.~·~"''''.~''''.IOo~~""."+~"'''''Io. can be spent in Jacques Yvarl, a young, well- tile ~~~~ a~a~ebec~~~~as~t:~it~:~ ~mn!s~: ~:~f:eds~~e t~! one of 151 Youth Hostels across 4,500 known French singer and com- United States (or in one ofthe Office m winslow Student Center. tries. Judging will take place W. James Hindman has been International Hostels overseas) for poser will present a recital of added to the Western Maryland anywhere from $1 to $3.50 a night. French songs at Western ~ :::~:~~~7:;i~~~rM$~~,~::~ College lootball coaching staff. be made at ceremonies to be held Maryland College in McDaniel The Carroll County Association at 8:00 p.m. Sunday, May 16, 1976, According to Athletic Director Hostels aren't fancy! They Lounge on Thrsday, April 8, 1916 for Retarded Citizens is sponsoring to the three winning students. On Richard Clower, Hindman will provide simple, sleeping ac- at R:OO p.m. (free admission) its annual Ride A Bike for the hand to make the presentations assist Head Football Coach Ron commodations, with a bed, mat- Born in the North of France to a Retarded Day on Sunday, April ....m be astronaut Edwin E. Jones and coach both the offensive tress and blankets (separate family of seemen.jie simply began 4th. main Date: Sunday, April "Buzz" Aldrin, Congressman and defensive lines. dorms for men and women), a his career because "Everybody at l Ith) The Bike-a-then will begin at Robert J. Lagomarsino, actor Hindman is a 1957 -graduate of "common room" for recreation-- his home" sang. He started singing 1:00 P.M. at the Random Hous James Stacy. Judges Will be Morningside College in Sioux City, where you can meet and talk with in the left bank. cabarets of Paris Park and end at Ihe Bennett Cer' comprised of the sponsors of the Icwas. He earned his master;s hos .elers from all over the world, such as "La Contrescarpe", "La com- Park. There will be a finishing line contest and experts in the degree in 1959 from the University h"t showers and a kitchen, pans, Colombe", Le Cheval d'Or" plete with· the use of stove, at the 15 mile mark for those disciplines in which entries have of Minnesota. "L'Ecluse", "Chez Georges", etc. participants who cannot complete been submitted. etc. In 1968 , he received the much ;~;~::r~!'~:;f~!:~~~::1~~~~:!~l~;:;~!t:~~~it:E administration Hostels is open to everyone his interpretations at the "Closerie in the has been active Hindman Youth sought after PAUl" FORT Rize for Membership in American field of hospital of W. since college and is president at ;' Student Activities Office in the Committee, P.O. Box 251, Tarzana, J. Hindman and Associates, Inc. in in regardless of age! The yearly fee is des Lilas" in Paris, as well as three in the gold Festival medals $5 for under 18; $11 for those 18 and Randallstown. He has coached grille. For more information call CA 91356 (213-344-3375) of their over. Sofia. He sang with Georges the Baltimore area for the past ~~a~E~_Z~ ~:fi~:-:~2:h~r ;!~1~ ::S::~~ticipate so space can seven years and has served as an _ ~~~s:i~:s ~~~~~~~I~' the famous assistant football coach at the Western t~r~~:~i~~u:;~::;'. 2-5, Tuesday The Workshop will endeavor to Community College of Baltimore Lynne Parker Maryland Student He is a very fine interpreter of recen.tly visited since 1974. _~:;t~:~~~~e~~.a1lout-Of-town Rosecroft Raceway to begin the "chasson francaise" and sings Western Maryland, a member of training for the first Rosecroft in the troubadour style of Georges On the weekend of March 19-21, _ the Middle Atlantic Conference, Coll~iate driving championship, Brassens and Jacques Brei. His seven memoers from the WMC opens its 1976 season on September Parker is one of 10 students who repertoire will inclUde French Circle K Clilo attended the annual A ,""usical celebration of the 18 againtt Ursinus. are hoping to earn the right to folksongs, songs of his own com- District COllivention in Blacksburg, Bicentennial year will be held at participate in one of four Thursday pOSition and poetry by Verlaine, Virginia. The convention was Western Maryland. Col~ege at ~ qualifying races beginning April Aragon, Prevert, etc. transposed attended by 140 Circle K members p.m., Sunday, April 4 m Alwnm 15. A championship race will be into music. from Maryland, Delaware, and Hal!.' If anyone is wondering what in ~~~i~;~~y t: ~~~iO~:1 wic~r;:~ His love for the sea made him Virginia. Although WMC Circle K Julia T. Hitchcock, assistant the world those little notices meant is one of the smaller clubs in the professor of music, announces the that you found in your mailboxes ~etition. ~=:::ns~:~s ~~~:. ~~~~f;tbo:i~i Capital District, with only 17 following program featuring the when you got back from break, this For further information: contact be appreciated by all those who members, our club's members and college's musical organizations: is the explanation-The Western Mile Trilling--(301-424-2Q44), (301- recognize themselves in the record of our accomplishments Maryland College Republicans 567-4000) Beaudelaire's verse' from the past year made a big Fanfare for the Common Man were attempting to raise money by Homme Iibre, toujours to impact at the convention. Copland offering contracts to throw pies in ~cheriraslamer Combined Brass and Percussion the laces of other students and Freshman Mike .Haberstick, Carl Dietrich, director faculty on campus, for a small fee In the "spirit of '76" Western ~",,,,.,,~,,,,,,,,.~+,-,r,,,.~.~...,,,.~+-..,.~",+",.~~.,_..I'I secretary of WMC Circle K, was PoorManLazrus arr.Hairston to the contractors. Maryland College is currently elected Lieute~an~ Governor of the Jesus Walked this Lopesome conducting registration for Alwnni A collection of drawings and Northw.e~~ DiviSIOn. In awards Valley arr. Dawson But because of logistical Bicentennial Courses (ABC's) paintings by Everett C. Rose will compehh~n, the club. scrapb~k Elijah Rock arr. Hairston problems and a great demand for the in exhibited r placed thLrd WMC Circle K bed When de Saints Come Marchin' people to be put on the "spoil scheduled to meet on Saturday, be Building at Western Fine Arts April 10. Maryland with Madison College for the most In arr. Howortll sport" list, the offer has been with- College through the month of April. improved club since !ast year, but Women's Glee Club dra~n, probably never to see the These Saturday lectures are :;rhe show which opens Monday, lost the deciding toss of the ·~oin. Evelyn Hering, director settmg sun at WMC again. Thanks open to the public and will c.enter April 5 from 7 - 9 p.m., includes a However, the WMC club received Selections performed by the a lot, folks, , around the theme "Then and group of small paintings titled the Capital District's hig~est Carroll County Orchestra "Back to Church" or "Small hon?r--the OutstandIng David A.. Robinson, conductor ~ ~~i:~ !3f ;~ss~o~:n~~::e~f neginnings. " Achievement Award--and Drill Ye Tarriers Drill (work liberal arts subjects in a per- President Holly Obrecht was song-I888) 'arr. Hunter The cafeteria wants spective of the last 200 years. The "This collection represents a presented a large trophy for the The Water is Wide {fo!k song) arr. return to my 'first medium, club archives. This award for Zaninelli opinion! your :~~~a~rJre~~st~:~:r~anoJ watercolor, and subjects, town and outs~nding .campus a~d com- Madam, IHave Come A- Soon the cafeteria will begin to faculty and some off-campus country," says Mr. Rose. Other mumty a~hlevemen~ IS very Courting arr. Horton have a panel of students sit in the a1wnni. workd on display include several representahve of the Circle K Club (Kentucky Mountain song) cafeteria lobby during dinner oil paintings of clowns. we have here at WMC. Set Down Servant (spiritual arr. hours once a week to answer any A lew of the nine subjects offered questions and take any suggestions include: "Seven Turning Points in While studying are, Mr. Rose The entire convention was full of Sh~~Oists: Robin Cwnberland and or complaints that anyone might American History," instructed by recieved first-place awards for his excitement, many meetings, David Cooney have about the cafeteria. If there Ralph B. Levering, assistant watercolors in art competitions caucusses, parties, very little The College Singers !lI"e very lengthy answers to any professor of history; "From Star sponsored by the Baltimore sleep, lots of new friends, and in Oliver Spangler, director :j_uestions proposed, they may be Reckoning to Computers," taught Musewn and the Peale Museum. A general--IOts of fun. March-Light and Lively Watson answered through this paper. The by James E. Lightner, associate stitute, graduate of Maryland In- Rose has taught art in the Congratulations to WMC Circle The Spirit of '76 Grundman long range goal of this plan is to professor of mathematics; and K on their awards and in helping Pageant Persichetti lead to an active food conunittee "Crime and Punishment: the Baltimore County public school the District Convention be suvh a The College Band that will begin next fall to work development of the role of the system for the past 21 years. Carl L. Dietrich, director closely with the SGA. The purpose sheriff in American life," in- of the committee will be to test structed by Franklin G. Ashburn, The exhibition in Gallery One of - A~;~~afrom the "New :~~:~ foods before they are putout before associate professor of sociology the Fine Arts Building is open weekdays from 10 to 4 through College and university students Hymn" by Rev. Mather Byles-I770 the student body, and to serve as a and C. Michael Preston, attorney allover the country are invited by Three American FolkSongs arr. place where students may come at law. April 23.
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