Page 131 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 131
Thursday. April 8.1976 Scrimshaw ....- Page 3 . - · Sports Carlton Harris This years to be very · Expert Repairs Watch • • THE tennis · Men's tennis ••i ••••••••••• ••••••••• HANDMADEN Jim Teramam men's team prove should Bill Johnson from With five players returning strong. on premises : 73W. Main St. last years team their hopes are - W. high to chalk up a winning season. Accut~n to Timex Handmade crafts!!! one position is Gary Woman's lacrosse Al the number followed by Bob Davis, • • Bring yours in. _ Honeman and let us display Dave Deitrich, Frank Jansson, Keepsake Diamond' .......... Women's lacrosse begins this substituting allowed only at the Jeff Heinbaugh and holding the Rings • andseltthemforyou!!l!. week, so here is a run down on this half. sixth spot is Page Cardin. year's team. Coach Stitt says the Looking over the schedule, The netters came on strong ~ team lost more than most people Coach Stitt thinks Gettysburg Thursday when they visited Mt. St. Accept - SAC - NAC • . Jansson · think» by graduation and by the might prove to be the toughest Mary's. The score was 8-1 with-the :Master loss of some players 10 student opponent, all the teams are evenly only loss accredited to Bob Davis. · Charge' Per. Checks: . teaching. She did say those who are matched. Some other good games All three doubles teams won. They back do look strong and the fresh- will be against Loyola, Dickenson. consisted of Davis & ~~ men are showing good skills and & F&M. In some final comments, Honeman & Deitrich, and Hein- : DAVIDS JEWELLERS : have some experience in the game. she said women's lacrosse is baugh & Truitt. Itwas a great Prep : 41 East Main St. : Our people make it better their next opponent, The team lacks a returning big definitely different than the men's match for which is known for its · . Westminster, : : Md. scorer, but she thinks the returning version. With more skill and less Towson. came · ....................... . players should be able to fill the physicalness it should be fun to Towson, void. Also there isn't the depth in watch. Their first game is today at great strength in tennis, to Monday nights some spots as she would like, but 3:30 here against Catonsville. On ~V~d ~~t~daioo (~~~~g ~~r ~~ a : this isn't going to be as big a Tuesday they travel to UMBC to 6 to 5 p.m. - 11 p.m. The problem as it may seem with play at 4. Terrors, winning time were 3. Bob a • this standouts This, thaI, and the other Davis, Jeff Heinbaugh, and at 1 ~get1 College Ni\tlt • the doubles team of Heinbaugh and - (1.0. required) I had some athletic notes left on women's sports teams play in the Truitt. The team now stands _ my desk, so I thought 1 relay them Penn-Mar conference with t~e win and I loss. Our netters will face _ to you ... Men's intra-mural softball start of volleyball next fall...that s Gallaudet home on Monday, the 5th _ 13" pizza-with one starts soon ... a badminton tourney all the news for now ... stay tuned of April at 3:00 P.M., Hopkins the _ CA,QR0lt. COUNTY'S topping - only $2.29!! also starts soon ... catagcrtes are for more same time, same chan- 7th away, and Muhlenburg mens & womens singles and ne!. Saturday the lOth, here at 1:00. FASH~ON CENTER Bud, Mic & Schlitz doubles and mixed . dou- Women's tennis Westminster on Tap bles ... women's intra-mural Shopping Center , 140 Village softball starts soon too ... with about ·.- took one Vaughan Julie 8 teams in the tourney they'll play The women's tennis team hosted ponents. match with the scores 7-5, singles games thrrough ApriL.women's Elizabethtown in the season opener 6-4. Fredi Eckhardt won the other volleyball also starts now ... they and dropped a tough one. Coach 6-3, 6-2. The final score of the too will play through April in Weyers said that the loss wasn't match was Elizabethtown 5 WMC I Blanche gym ... depending on the good, that it was still early in the 2 lengths of the men's season there season and the girls would still might be a intra-mural tennis and improve. On the happier side, she ron track & field tourney ... another was happy with the girls who did NOTE: aeseben and lacrosse covereae note is that now all the ROUTE 140, WEST)tINSTER PIKE I ~ interesting win because they beat good op- will be!jin in next weekslssce. News briefs ::.r····:~:;:;~:········.::.i ___________ ~5_m~n~~!.~m_R~i~~~~n~ !\IO. _ FINKSBURG. of Journalism, . ENTERTAINMENT & SATURDAY FRIDAY Shoppinll "Nothing's Funny Anymore," an and graduate of George Wahington WestminstEtr Styling, Center Featuring KEN BATES AT THE KEYBOARD original comedy celebrating the University School ______ ~~~~~I!~~~'.:?~~R~~~t.~ _ bicentennial year, is the theme of has been anthologized in "I, That • R C •. GIFT CERTIFICATES PRIVATE PARTIES the 1976 Junior Follies, April 8-11, Am Ever Stranger," the poetry ~: azor uts, :.= ! FOR RESERVATIO~S-333.6060 or 861.8200 at Western Maryland College. award offered by Phoebe r--.....;.------...,.---------I The student-written presentation magazine. She has also been • Layer Cuts is a roast of a special "mystery published in The Blackbird, Circle. 7iwutedea".!Jv/? Plain & Fancy guest" whose identity is revealed and other little magazines. : M, T.,W, so. 96 ThOF·9·9 ': l..j at the end of the program. In honor Harrison Fisher has taught : 4 Barbers 848-3620: ~ of the mystery guest, roasters will creative writing, directed poetry ........... - •••••••••••• '~4#U!4 Donuts take an entertaining look at workshops, and given many a .. 86385 several history-making episodes. readings. His works have been The 8O-member cast directed by published in magazines such as Open lanes afternoon 140 Village Debbie Pferdeort, includeds: a three sisters, The Columbia EXPERIENCED TYPIST!!! master of ceremonies (Bob Bar- Review, and Diana's Bimonthly. .~..., ill do tYPing in her home Weekends Reservations Only, fer) played by Doug SoPPi George The reading will be held in meets deadlines -- only 5 minutes away Washington, played by Steve Memorial Hail, room 106 on the reasonable rates. Tenpins and Duc:_kpins Spinelli; Flossie Brooks, played by Western Maryland College cam- Call 374-2976 Open 24 Hours a Day Pat Segal; Betty Crocker, played pus. It is open to the public with no 140 VILLAGE SHOPPING. CENTER by Robin Stifler; Thomas Jef- admission charge. ferson, played by Dave Jansen; and Woodrow Wilson, played by A student recital featuring Beth Montessori Teacher Training Mike May. Schmickel playing the organ will Program , ~ Musical numbers, directed by be presented at 4 p.m. on Sunday, 1(88~, , Steve Jaskulsky, include "Won't April 11 in Baker Memorial July 5th - August 27th we serve.; You Charleston With Me," "Hey Chapel. (Academic Phase) KISS oJ There Woodrow," and "Whatever Miss Schmickel's program for Cherrie Wants." organ includes: Master's Degree Credit From The Junior Follies will be Ein fest' Burg ist unser Gott American University, Washin- BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER presented four times: Thursday, Pachelbel gton, D.C. I' Apri18at8:15p.m.; Friday, April 9 Prelude in C minor . Bach at 8:15 p.m.; and Sunday, April 11 Subs Pizza at 1:30 p.m. and 8 p.m. Z:l~:e~~~:n~~s~n~:r~~~r . An exciting Montessori Edu- : All performances are in room 100 Bach cational program under re-t of Baker Memorial Chapel. Ad- Organ Sonata No.2. Men- cognized A.M.S. guidelines· Chicken Day-Monda~-Dinner $1.60 mission is $2. Tickets may be delssohn for teaching children ages 3-6. purchased in advance at the n~tion's =. Day-Tuesday-$.40 off College Activities Office located in ~~lion . P~~~rrill ~resente_d in the Spaghetti Day-Wednesday-Oinner $1,25 Winslow Student Center. Beth is a senior, majoring in Ital the BIcentennial Gennan and music, and is a celebratlon_ WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE The English department at student of Mr .. Oliver. Spagler, Please write or call for bro- I Western Maryland College will professor of musIc ementus. _. ,chure and application: . . ______ •.. ._ _ present the fourth poetry reading ~1 in a series at 4 p.m. on Thursday, We still need acts for the SGA Mid-Atlantic Center For Mon- I· April 8. laIent show coffee house. The tessori Education Beth Joselow and Harrison coffee house will be Saturday, 1199 Quince Orchard Blvd. . NEWLY REMO[)ELED Rdute 140 Fisher, Teaching Fellows in the April 24, from 9 to 1. Anyone Gaithersburg, Maryland 2076 .1 Westnlinsfer Writing Seminars at the Johns Hopkins University, will read :~~~gpho~e ~~=.'a~e;~;eo~~ (301) 948-2556 ~ E_X_P_A_N_D_E_D_·S_E_A_TIN__ G 84_8-_9_1_IO _ selections from their works. Ms. act to Box 91 F, WMC by Monday, Joselow, a former student at WMC April 12
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