Page 129 - Scrimshaw1975-76
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c~t Pithy Saying: "He who lets the world, or his own portion of it, choose his plan Thursday April 8, 1976 of life for him has no need of any Volume 3, Issue 9 other faculty save the ape-like one of imitation," John Stuart Mill "On Uberty" Seniors recall the good old days Mary Gately Think back to September, when a quality of education. Disad- profit. " Many mentioned the Other changes occur as the result good times spent here. "I'm ready. sunburnt student body makes their vantages include the great gossip cafeteria asa highlight. One Senior of time-being exposed to the r need to get out on my own, out of a trip back to "The Hili." Soon after, network; everybody knows smiled and said "it's the social college scene. "1 like it, but I'm a protected place." Yet, many were life becomes settled and a new everything like "a pin drop." Some center of campus." A non-partying very Simple person. I'm easy to "sort of mellow." One senior was year is underway. The days that Seniors felt smallness was a Senior said: above the cafeteria "I please." The college years draw to so caught up in activities that: "It follow are filled with anticipation- disadvantage for future work or don'tliketogotopartieS,that'sthe a close for Seniors, what now? didn't hit me up until now." Next can you remember ... I wonder ... schooling'. Others felt the only place." College enstills a sense of worth year a new freshman class will what if... endless thoughts flow smallness was an asset. A hopeful The highlights build each year as and wisdom in students. Still, that crawl in, as this Senior class files through the minds of bewildered senior said: "Grad schools respect Seniors analyze campus changes. nervous what's it like feeling 001. Most seniors held the attitude students. Days, memories, and the name, it's quite well known." If Change-is bound to occur over four stares future graduates in the face. that: "it's about time to get out of hopes mesh together as a new you had the opportunity again, years. Some changes occur over a How do they feel about "leaving here and start changing the summer looms ahead. Suddenly would you choose WMC as your period of time, the length of girl's the nest?" Most seniors felt they world!" We should feel proud and the "fresh out of high school" Liberal Arts College? Student skirts, curfew hours, drinking were ready to move on, but were confident knowing that the Class of students see their college responses ranged from "definitely ages, and course requirements. reluctant to leave their friends and 1976 has such high hopes! graduation in the near future. someplace bigger" to "I'd do it the Dr. John Speaks Out· Part 2 same-no regrets." You enter Western Maryland The Class of 1976 has witnessed Sports program discussed College as an unknowing fresh- many novelties, changes, and man. What is college life like? highlights of WMC life. A few of Hopefully by your Senior year, their fonder memories ln. Jeff Robinson psychology into the arena of in- Also somewhat involved in the you've learned from people, ex- cJudc ... dorm life! Seniors living on Last week this paper printed an tercoliegiate athletics. sports program are the new Title periences, and studies. What have campus felt that it really added to article on the opinions and ideas In fact the college's concept of IX requirements from the federal the 1973 freshman learned from their total college experience. that Dr. Ralph C. John, president sports is almost the exact opposite government. However sirice the their stay here? Most Seniors When else can you be around so of Western Maryland College, had of local powerhouse University of college gives no athletic stress the need for learning about many people of the same age and expressed in a recent interview Maryland and their athletic scholarships, it cannot be in people and life, as well as interests'? Dorm students wished with this reporter. This article will director, Jim Kehoe. While the violation of the sexual academics. Our Seniors urge everyone had the opportunity to continue the interview on different average "good" player who tries discrimination in giving these learning HOW TO LEAR~: "if you experience dorm life: "day topics discussed. out for the football team has little scholarships. In another area, that know how to use your resources." students definitely miss out on a Dr. John gave an indication that or no chance of making the team at of facilities, Dr. John admitted that Many things we learn fade, but it's part of a college experience, that several letters from students and University of Maryland, that same WMC does not really have com- "the idea that you were exposed to everybody should experience." alwnni of WMC had been received player here can almost be assured parable facilities for both men and this problem women. He explained it." A variety of material teaches Yet, dorm life as we know it hasn't by his office expressing concern of being a good shot at making the as being one that occurred un- students how to apply themselves, always been. Seniors remember over the sports program at the team. The size of the coaching consciously on campus, with the learn from other men's ex- the curlew that existed their fresh- college. The major question staff and the number of full-time emergence of women playing perience, and satisfy "alot of in- man year-n o'clock weekdays and brought up from these letters was coaches also has a significant sports springing up in just the tellectual curosity." All Seniors I o'clock on weekends. This was whether the program at the effect upon the won-loss record of recent past agreed they learned from "the enforced and "there were no ex- present is of sufficient quality to some of the teams here. people," and "the challenges that ceptions." However, there was one satisfy the reputation of a college One thing that John said should have come up." As one Senior exception- the "special key" the of our nature. In answer to that The biggest inquiry raised was not occur is the discouraging of said: "it was really a necessary -tmly way a student could stay out question, the Board of Trustees has that of whether this train of women from being involved in four years for me. It was a growing past curfew. These keys were only appointed a special intercollegiate thought may cause the morale of athletics. He himself accepts the experience." Another Senior issued to students who had written athletics task force of the Long the institution to go down. Dr. John idea of women playing on mens' summed it up by saying: "'I've permission from their parents! Range Planning Committee to look pointed out that it is presently teams in theory and many cases in learned when I have to be grown Before the drinking age was into the matter .. The task force is accepted that championships here practice. The president did go on up, and when I don't." lowered, frat parties were held on being chaired by Dean Mowbray. will be infrequent. He also noted to say that men are normally the fourth floor of the sections. that the college does want as many stronger, but he feels that if there People learn from their Liquor was prohibited, never- In the president's personal students as possible to be involved are some women who are good surroundings. What 'good is a theless, that didn't stop drinking at opinion, intercollegiate athletics in the excitement and growth enough to make. a. team ther should Liberal Arts Education? Is WMC a parties! The keg of beer was are an integral part of the college values of scholastic athletics. He is be allowed to join. And In other good place to graduate from? stashed in the bathroom. The program to provide another ex- hoping that the task force will be cases women should at least ~ Seniors seemed pleased with the rooms on each side of the bathroom perience on the basis of personal able to strike a balance between allowed to compete among their "Diversification" of a Liberal Arts were for dancing and socializing. development. As it stands now the the two and either reaffirm the own sex in physical activities. curriculum. They emphacized the In those days beer was free, since primary purpose is not to just win present philosophy or change it fit need to take a cross-section of the frat sponsoring the party games, but rather to encourage the new directions of the college. As far as other violations of the courses. "It's great; it allows you chipped in to cover costs. SUrely all broad scale participation in sports. Title IX regulations go, the school to have a li tle bit of time, and take Seniors remember the singing At this point John disclosed that Much of those directions are does realize that there is a alot of courses before you decide Valentines. Can you imagine somewhere up to 80 percent of the hinged upon the establishment of deficiency in the female to male what you'd like to do." What about buying a song for a person on males on campus participate in new physical facilities for the teacher ratio. At the present time WMC as a Liberal Arts college? Valentine's Day? Well, The Class some physical activity. Another athletic program. Following the they are consciously interested in The advantages include smallness, of '76 did just that when they were way of putting it is that the college push for the new college center, increasing this ration in recruiting atmosphere, reputation, and freshman. "It was crazy ... $20 has kind of moved intramural this project is the next priority. and hiring.
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