Page 126 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 126
Plge 6 Scrimshaw Thursday, April 1, 1976 M"kC!,he Academy Awards go "Cuckoo"!' Well, another Academy Awards its name, characters, and plot. to develop a similar series of in- beyond his own screen personality. "comic" bits as a collective ..... show has come and gone, and this Appropriate, too, for those in- cidents. Instead it picks up two The characteristic Nicholson inability to bait fishhooks and one particular ceremony, telecast volved apparently forgot about the situations depicted in the book-a smirking expression and grinding patient's attempt to eat a pair of Monday night, was a rather dull book from the day they started fight over watching the World vocal manner have been seen in to Monopoly dice-which give one the affair, being as there were no filming! Series and an illicit fishing trip manyofhisotherfilmstoma!ntain impression that Forman is en- streakers or Vietnamese Liber- which McMurphy arranges and complete effectivenes~. The joying a couple of laughs at the arion speakers around to liven the Basically things are the same. which is presented much earlier supporting cast-which includes expense of the medical patients proceedings up. Among the few Randle Patrick McMurphy inthe movie than in the novel. Most Brad Dour-if as the tragic Billy aspects of the evening worthy of (Nicholson), sent up for carnal damaging of all--and it's hard to Bibbit, Will Sampson as Chief note was the fact that most of the knowledge and various assults, determine whether director Broom. a huge, hulking Indian who Those who didn't read the book voting members of the Motion gets himself into a mental hospital, Forman or Ms. Fletcher made this is encouraged by McMurphy to will probably love the movie as Picture Academy of Art and thinking it will be easier for him decision-is the removal of a very speak (and who narrates the much as the Academy apparently Sciences took a flight over the there than on a work farm. Once distinct sadistic streak in Hatched. book), Scatman Crothers as a did. And the movie is made cuckoo's nest-In more than one there he attracts the interest and In being pictured merely as a guard who doesn't know what he's skillfully enough to enterain and ~ sense of the term. It seems admiration of the patients as he woman trying to do her job, Hat- in for when he given McMurphy engage those who did read Ker- especially ironic that among the fleeces them. Led by him, the ched loses much of her force. A permission to bring women into the sey's original. Yet even for its winners for One Flew Over The inmates begin to rebel against the definite sexual connotation in the hospital, William Redfield as a virtues, the Academy's decision to Cuckoo's Nest--Jack Nicholson tyrannical hand of Nurse Hatched Ratched-McMurphy conflict is voluntary patient who doesn't vote it the best movie of 1975 {just (Best Actor.J, Louise Fletcher (Ms. Fletcher). The book, similarly ignored. really belong there, and many think of the implications of that (Best Actress), Laurence Holben however, carefully built an in- others works extremely well and adjective) serves to continue to and Bo Goldman (Best Adap- creasing conflict between the two While one is hard put to think of a fully justify the bracket title of characterize the organization as tattont and Miles Forman (Best forces which simply had to more suitable actor to play Me- "The Company"--a designation by one which ignores '-tl.lality in favor ntrectorr-ontv one of these culminate in the destruction of one Murphy than Nicholson, one which most of the Oscar recipients of highly publicized hackwork (The remembered to thank Ken Kesey, or the other. The movie minimizes becomes a little disappointed that referred to them. Even they, French Connection, The Exorcist, who over twelve years ago wrote this tension, and hence the entire the excellent performer doesn't however, are partially vitiated by The Sting, etc.) George C. Scott, .th.e~_f~l'!'!'!!h!f!!._~lB.~~_~~~.!r~f_R::_t~~~~~~~ur_!_'::k~_~~u__:p~~~_b~_f~~::_~~m!~~~n":'l~s~~_o!__s~c~_w~~e~::.:.o~:h~,:_w_:~e_:_d2'~~ Created by Vic Eremita Written by Arnold Horshack -paurheard-theSOUnd-ar1he-de;eiOPini-cra7Y-J-;:ckdr-;;gg;d-~S~;;~~~~;t~tY~hehid-dateis-n~t-a~~m-;rf~~-;;;--Wait;-;i~t;.-~m-;thi;~;r-; doorwa.y_ ~e turne~ around, him out of the room, toward the been afraid of men-afraid of what have to be very sure that every was needed. vicki ran her hand staggenng slightly on his feet. For showt~rs. they had the capacity of doing to piece of clothing, jewelry, or inside the brown carved box which one of those seconds that s~s to "If you're here to see him you her. And now, when she met a guy makeup you add to yourself is contained all of those little em- go on for a ~ot longer th~k It had can forget it. He's nothing but a who was different-someone whom taken to mean exactly what you bellishments which added to her tually does, e thought VIC e a faggot," Paul said. He was stan- she had liked and, yes, 'even loved want it to mean. She had picked out appearance on VIP occasions like f~~~; s~~_l~~~:ddli~~~ ;~~f:ru:.t :~~o~:~ea~ ~a~~~ ~ ~~~'fe~ ~~:~~et;: :~~II~~~~:~h:e~O~~ ~r ~~t j!:s :~i~h~e b~~~~in:~~ this. She drew a pair of green quite know what to do. What would more punches. rut that he was what her family nor overly faded. And since she ~':I~i:~s:~~~~e~.e~~es~:r~!~!~~ you say to a chick righ\ after you'd Sue forced her self to ask. had always taught her was wanted to presentto Paul a slightly them in a souvenir shop at Ocean beaten the crap ou 0 your "What's a -faggot?" well ... abnormal, even though they suductive image like in the per- City and bist friend had described ::;~;~;;o~~~~,~~k~::.~~~~:'~:~,~j~::;;:~:!~~~~~~~,ne:::a::p:;:e:,::::,: mA&~~i~i~:~-:'i~;::~:E::~;:~7~£\~£J~~ht~!:' never talked very much unless she ~:~~~~.t~~tl~~:S ~~~:'~: ~:~'!::~j~sSttrs~~~:thbe~!~~: ~~~ee~~to~~~~ns~;i~~ ~~!rO~h: she was complete. ~~ S:~~~~h~~~ef~::;ioo~ w:1s~ do it with guys." was too tired to go anywhere else. top, tying it at the waist. True it doorway with four oversized In H:nj~Uc~o~~~ ar!~:leor~r:; ~~;~a~~~=~: :~~:~~t~~ ;us::s 1~~:S~h~w~or~~c~a~tt~~d Vicki thought again about that ~~g~h~i ~a~~::.e;;~~~;,;c;:~:; seemed to melt into the floor. the streetlight in the snow and the snickered to Charlene, Paul would remark Peggy had made. Slipping he was really concerned with), wind_ And they laughed. certainly keep Vicke warm on her coot, she giggled in a way Paul conveniently pretended she "So why don't you just get out of enough. Vicki wasn't totally sure that only freshman girls are wasn't there_ He had calmed dow~ here." Paul enitted a short, cynical Vicke had a few final touches to what that meant, but she liked the capable of. It was wonderful to be a little now, but not so much that he laugh." Ain't nothing here for you. add to her overall appearance sound of it. innocent. 'counln't punctuate his anger by Shit, I'm sure not interested in before she was ready to see Paul. r-------::------cc---o====o--o crossword puzzle fa~r~~ ~~e b{eae~~ ri!~t~~t ~~ YO~~~~couldn't force the muscles ~~~~~~3~~~~~\::~~r~=~~:~~:~ sometimes known as John a final, in her limp form to move in any ,........ •••••••••••••• 1 ~oAkc:;;sth8 1 ~~~f the definitive kick in the belly. ~~~!~~~;:~e:~e:ev~o: ~~~~::r :EXPERIENCED TYPIST!! r: 5 g::;-m.nt 2 ?~t!~:~~t 3 L,,",pr.y 9 ;::'/~:~mpson. "Jesus, leave off him!" Crazy overcoat hung off her arms. : Will du tYPing in her home: 12 C.~,.mm'.',.•njngform ~= Jack ~rWd to pin pauldb~ck?::w;at "What the hell do you want me to : dl-: : ~~rte~ to ~r:rt ~~~et~~:~ut, b~~ do,girf, dl-aw you a pictUre'?" Paul ::.= meets dea mes: =:0 " 6 ~:.;~~~ :2~F.~'~:~:,;;,;:~~~~;~~~~;~::~::,~f~~e:::rh:Je~;~;~~:~t1!~:'~;~:~~:.6......::::':;:;.-~"'~~::,:::~, 57 Mouths reasonable sto~ped herself before anyone rates, ~,d~: :~:ee::enth;~~~~ ~r~~ took ~~£;;::: hjg~" ~~~t~-':"I:~ 37 Book of thl OldT_.monl 61 Symbol: tin one in mind of a bruised jellyfish most of anything else. SCRIMSHAW :: ~~~.I ' U :~l1on. 40 Book ofth. 58R""st"·'mot. OIdT_.mont ~=Wm. attempting to get back to the sea, - It was a napkin from the Purple 21 Willy _ form.:! from 43 Psaudo"ym of you'd think hr'ri lost voluntary Elephant. It read, "To John with has free classified ads for all WMC 23 Bookofth. .~- control. Bits ", glass from his love_ Ted." Old Tostament 20 Tw.I.....for 45 A hole_one 47 Am.i ... nof ~~~~~y ;O~rjU~r:fvel~~ ~~r:tt Sue said nothing. She stared at ••••• :::d~::~:::a;:I:.... ~~=::~~22 ~~::: _.nta9l' ~~~;:'~::!t:::~{~~E~::~~e::~:~o~~ ~~;~:d~':;:d Expert Watch : ¥i:.= gE~;:~ OIdT.... ment 48 Book "flh. 49 Comb'n'ngform: ey.d~"", ~~'~~~~~~c~~:~~ I::~l~~' tie ~ut~ ~~:~t~h~~:~h::r:e~ !~ onR::~7ses : =~.:~::E~~Pr::.) 50 Jopa ..... form 54~~":~·~· "Damn faggot," Paul muttered, ::i:o~~~~:it~h:n~~!e: 33 ~n!uel" 36 Ty~ of win. 56 Golft ...... not necessarily in John's direction. s:~'ao~~u Accutron to Timex :~~::;h~~) "What?,' Sue managed to say. ~~~rr!l~~ea~i~1l She didn't know what a "faggot" was_. In was cold outside and the wind" Keepsake Diamond 44 V"'nAcapulco "He's a homo. That's a goddamn was simultaneously slapping at Rings 46Flasr.. 481io .... ofa homo I'm living with," Paul Sue's cheeks and blowing corta;ncolor muttered without really answering someone's"D" quiz paper in the 51Saltd'_;t 11 52N_,_";C8lab.) Sue. Crazy Jack moved John's direction of 140 Village, but Sue felt Accept - BAC - NAC f,;-1-J,... +-!!!"H-+---!!i .... H . · form away from the radiator. A mthing. Yet it was a1ways obvious Per. Checks: 53 ::~:n~:::n~f SSC;.iIW.rb.ttl. : Master Charge something whenever was wrong little. trickle of fresh blood ran from without sCf".med to press upon · . down the meta1, prodUcing a with her, by the fact that a force 59 Spon;>h_unt hissing sound and a wisp of steam. 6OT.po;cho,e.for her 178-pound figure, both pushing : DAVIDS JEWELLERS : 62 n..··OldSod" Sue made herself walk a couple it toward the ground and making it : 41 Ean Main St. : 631"'''jld;on of steps in John's direction. She seem twice as heavy as it really · Westminster, Md. . 64 ;:mb;n;ngl",m : : • stroked three his head, knelt where good she could : : down and instJDctively of feel knots fOllr
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