Page 8 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 8
Scrimshaw Wednesday, September 17, 1975 Do I Know You? Sports Matt Bowers Kim Shewbridge McCormick, Dean Mr. Dawkins, again; trition rate is no expected don't old; familiar see faces, .but Bob Toner and It's nice to come back to school one time. and Mr. Wrubel about Result: transfer 'Fhis high at- I disturbed have my doubts. With our however, seem to be really too many of those there weren't . III C ontest ... this year. It seems that 20 per cent it, but they say the college will society the liberal arts towards III moving ... school have to plan for this to a better specificity, students of the non-graduating who One way of preventing of it. Education this out careers Hello there, and 'welcome back "Win one for the were expected to return this year degree. happening again is to be may be such as nursing may take in from school transferred either or left from the summer. This is the first "They've got to win today- altogether. Being curious as to why more precise at the application you farther-today than a BA. It will in what is hoped to be a series of there's no " this happened, I went to see Dean level. People may apply here to be be interesting next year to note the reader-participatign gimmicks The game' isn't over until the McCormick, Hugh Dawkins, and an English major and go into trend of the attrition rate and designed to elicit reader response Iinal . ." Jerry Wrubel in the Office of journalism, and when they arrive whether or not the liberal arts and take up space on this page. "The best offense is a good . Counciling and Career Services. here, they find out that there are no school can survive in the changing Please write down what you think U:Winni~~~:~ everything, it's These men interviewed students journalism courses offered. times. are the missing words from the There's a special bonus prize for last year who were leaving our 50,,, Coleman New Facu Ity following sports cliches and send the person who most tastefully school, an although they kept no "To lead-not to drag!" is the role your entries to the SCRIMSHAW, completes the following: "C'mon written records of the conferences, of education today according to change to work in a liberal arts program. they were able to recall He believes that a liberal for me the box 3A. All winners will remain you ,knock the out of 'em!" major factors that contributed to Mr. Stephen Ellicott, a visiting arts background can be very anonymous, and all ties go to the (The decisions of the judges will be the departure of so many students. instructor from the Peabody In- beneficial for some students as it winner. Thank you. final in all cases.) Terror talk many students big reason why this so ~~U~:S~bi~~;~~~tte:~~b~ ~~=th;:~;~tte~~rfO~~t~~~ The really didn't from teachers." who is originally He hopes to be able "to return Mr. Elliott, Improvement seems to be the a dilemna when it comes to picking year is simply that WMC doesn't Los Angelos, California, has lived expose students to a different point order of the day as Ron Jone'e two starting offensive ends this offer the areas they want to study on the East Coast for nine years of view and to expose them to some Green Terrors look towards the year, with the likes of Rick Lun, in. "The gaps in our offerings were and has earned his Bachelors new and possibly different ideas" upcoming grid season. Coming off Dave Severn, "and Fritz Leitzel too great for them to overcome," degree and Masters of Science y.>hile he Is here at WMC for the a depressing 2-7 record that left returning this year, there is little said Dean McCormick. Over the from Juillard School in New York. Fall semester. His main interests there been many Terror fans scratching their doubt that the pass-catching past 25 years, in the career has goals of a He has studied and taught piano at in music tend toward American change great heads and turning off WITH, the chores are in "good hands." young people, and now students the Peabody Institute in Baltimore composers of modern .sertous team hopes to be a major con- before coming to Western music and he is also partial to tender this year in the tough Defensively, there is also a great want to follow more specific areas, Maryland. Beethoven. Mr. Elliott will be instructing in piano during the Fall Middle Atlantic Conference. deal of improvement in this years such as nursing, physical therapy, Mr. Elhott . comes from a term and also plans a recital for !f Saturday's scrimmage victory Terror team. Led by co-captain and 'recreational management. over Ursinus is any indication, and senior Bob "Beefo" Kehler, "Women particularly seem to be background of professional schools thecollege community later in the then there is plenty of room for numerous positions that were in choosing a vocational education and feels it will be a refreshing semester. optimism. The 26-7 tr-iumph was doubt to some extent last year have over a liberal arts education," News briefs highlighted by good performances been seemingly filled with a great commented Mr. Dawkins,"and at just about every position on the deal of talent. Last y~ars shaky they are becoming more career- Anyone interested in applying relationships with students. 3. team, the high point being the play line is being led this season by oriented." He then revealed the . for a Danforth Fellowship for a Evidence of a concern for the of the offensive line. With 5 ex- defensive ends Mark Horton and statistics to me: whereas the college teaching career should get relation of ethical or religious perienced linemen returning this Jeff Hunt, tackles Kehler and college expected the men's at- in touch -wtth Dr. Stevens, the values to disciplines, the year, quarterbacks Jay Rodstein Blazin' Billy Johnson and middle trition rate to be 13.13 per cent and college liaison officer for 1975-76, in educational process, and to and freshIhen Joe Daimino have guard Blick Horsey. "Wild Bob" received a close 15.8 percent, and Memorial Hall, 201. The candidate academic and social respon- rate .was had plenty of time to set up and Hubbard and John Pittman are women's attrition 24,7 must take the Graduate Record sibility." pick out their receivers. Rick sure to see action this year also. per-cent when only 18.7 percent was Examination on 18 October. • •••• Heritage's outstanding 145 yard The defensive line is notable in expected. "More. women decided Qualit.ies that !he Danfo~,th Poems of all styles and on any performance against Ursinus was another respect this year i~ that it rot to. return than i ever befo:;e in CO?lmlttee ar~ookmg for are: .. 1. subject are eligible to compete for undoubtedly bolstered by the play is one of the biggest ever to be the .hlstOn:, of the .college, he E~denc_e of I.ntellectual abl~ty the grand prize or for 49 other cash of tackles Bob Sylvester and Matt fielded by the Green Terrors. • ::~I;U~Pl!h~e:'~)O~;~on ~ which 18 flexible and of Wide or merchandise awards. Second King, guards Russ Cepko and Pete ra~e;. of academic achie~ment place is $500. Blauwelt and center Doug Sopp. The gridmen open the season this Wrubel, "is that they wanted a .which IS a thorough foundation for A $1500 grand prize will be Blauwelt, the only returning non- Saturday versus Muhlerberg and more specialized curriculum." graduate study. ~.. Evide~ce of awarded in the current Poetry starter in the line has come right this is an away game. Opening day Other factors were varied and Personal characteristics which are Competition sponsored by the along this year and fills out the at Hoffa is October 4 when the numereus, and money just didn't likely to contribute to effective World of Poetry, a monthly "front 5" very capably. Terrors take on perenially tough seem to be among them,. because teaching and to constructive newsletter for poets. Ron Jones will undoubtedly have Widener College. WMC really isn't other expensive in private comparison to Don't kill the ump schools in the state of Maryland. If money was a factor, it was simply Arotne- great year of sports IS them the bird without provocation, because of the general nation-wide upon us, and all the fun and or pulls the tail off the mascot- ecooomic situation. One or two fellowship and well-being that's different. students attributed their leaving to generated by those sports will be The refs have it rought enough as the "unacceptable social climate ours again. Unfortunately, so will it is, getting it from both sides, on campus," as Dean McCormick the animosity and ill-will against coaching staffs and players and called it; they didn't like the any and all opponents, as more and all, and don't need any ex- fraternity domination of the more fans and players alike take temporaneous noise from the fans. campus activities. Academic out their frustrations and hostility Naturally, since he's in a difficulty was also a factor ill a few 2ST .. po'ct.or •• 41Gr_'roy on opponents and referees. judgement position, there will be at cases. Mr. Wrubel said that some lor ... ",ple Iknow that "sportsmanship': is a times room for disagreement and students felt they could just get 26Beiroy(Lat.l !!~r~~I-::~'~ corny, outdated term today, so dissent. This can certainly be better grades somewhere else. One 27 Soc:iolD9ist·. runn ... !_) let's talk about something else. voiced (it's one of the unwritten or two commented that the school Z80ne"m. 45 LD•• Spa~"" >tVI• Let's talk about "class." Somehow rights of sports fans worldwide); was too small for their tastes and 29 Acortil'~ 46 Workl·, they ·would like a larger campus. goru.od ~ndosoe:~~ ~:~ j~~sh!a~:!~o~:..e~; t~:~~:I~~:~C~~u~~:~~ Some wanted to transfer to where ~E~::od'.~':!E~~ he's wearing a different color shirt. of one's posterior aren't only un· their girlfriends or boyfriends are. 17 Un'vonitv 36 - Dorodo 49 A~y~u""'''- Sports in general just aren't im· necessary but not nice, either. And some seemed not to want to ~!~=.fim-.19=:::;~·1 37 0..._ .. from d••idodby itMll "'nu.. ''''roy portant enough to get all hyper (Granted, the well·placed epithet talk about it, and just said they .......__ . 22AIi.ccionodo :~..!:.:";.o... SO Per.odol ...... about, anyway (although better does have its place, and can even were leaving because they didn't ITomP.nuts 1ab.1 than getting upset about your GPA be funny, but discretion is needed.) like the dorm they were living in or 31 Aniclol 24T"'_or"- 6oIias-- ....0 ." or something). They're supposed This year, let's cheer FOR and :;ome such other excuse. J2R1nvool ~~~~ to be enjoyable entertainment, an not always AGAINST someone. 38R_in_... ." escape from the pressures and Sportsmanship in the stands is You can see that the high at· disappointments of our everyday bound to seep down to the playing trition rate can be attributed to 34 St.""'ip!ab.1 existence. (Now,_ if that player field, and that's where it's often several factors coming together at ~~:::-=" walks by the home crowd and flips needed. QUooocIwith .." 39_ Classifieds Records. New, any label. $4.50, For Sale: 7,500 pounds of ele~ant ~,- '11 Symbol,holium order only. Western Md. Elec- food. Ele~ants on a diet, and the' tronics, McLea A·13 food must go. Best offer. Contact doD ..... "" ... utical Balt. S·un or Wash. Star delivered Mukdar the Ele~ant trainer, 8491· ~ ~:'::;-;;:m door·to-door 7 days a week. See PIS, New Delhi, India. "'nutJ John Norment McLea A·13 Wanted: A beautiful, intelligent ~=I:,,- bi.d S1 A<>rtraIia~ ***** mature around my room. Evening Intelligent, on ***** young man to female, to do light clean-uJ; inquisitive work research needed project "'.~ STEREO EQUIPMENT. New, any work only. Call Mark, at 493, in perfect the first automatic tushy· 5<1 Fobulo... bi,d brand. Discount Prices. West. Md. Rouzer 531. wiper. Must be in good health, and 1ilSEl<1IIoi' 56 Awldlo<"II- Elec., McLea A·13 be fond of prunes. 57"_'" Oinr. by Puu". Inc. No. '109 c:.
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