Page 124 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 124
Page 4 Scrimshaw Thursday, April 1,1976 Editorial ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• The Scrimshaw feels that the results of committee efforts. But But these are legislative preferences cooped up inside tneir time has come to make an there are a number of problems problems. What can be done by the own little minds and only bother examination of the social life on that should be cleared up to make average student on campus? to complain about what there this compus. Now, many of you this committee more efficient. Volunteers are the biggest need should be to do around here. may ask the question, "What social when it comes to manning the life?" It is true that many other On the part of the SGA, more parties and functions sponsored by Originally this editorial was colleges in this area do have a freedom could be delegated to the the committee. Drivers (with little going to be written on May Week, much greater list of activities to committee and its chairman itself. or no compensation for the trip) which is seemingly crammed full choose from when you sit right Those representatives reading this are required to transport students of activities, at the expense of town and compare them to editorial should consider first to places that offer what WMC things to do the rest of the year. seetem Maryland College. But giving the incoming social com- cannot. Linda Thomas has Instead, the -Scrimshaw is .tas anyone bothered to find out the mittee chairman a free hand to reported that a volunteer pool is requesting that the student body reason behind this before they work over the summer in setting now being organized to find people make May Week one of the Biggest napped their lips to complain up activities for the coming year. who are willing to spend just a successes in campus history. If about the situation. This would mean taking away small amount of their time con- asked to work on any of different One of the basic reasons behind some of the ever precious "con- tributing to the life on campus. So, functions of the week, go ahead and the lack of things to do around here trol" over everything that hap- when you are asked to atve. olease put some time into it. If not ask- is the relative newness of the pens in their jurisdiction (which donate your time willingly. ed, give Linda Thomas, social com- mittee chairman, a calion First SGA's social committee. Prior to ~~n ~e=e~~r~o :;e~~i~_~a~~ The other, and most Simple way floor, Whiteford Hall, and offer =;!re~:,~ C~~:i~~eei~xiS:~e~~ of college ac~ivities). This could to aid both others and yourself, is your services (you really don't to participate in the activities that have to watch that baseball game ~gi=g~ ~t iS still f:ing ~ ~~~~i~~llO;:e 1~~~~r:eeY:r'd~ are organized for your benefit. By or write that letter to your third t cousin in Walla-Walla, 00 you?). tCth ' t~ngts° m~ en II with different promoters without supporting them they can become self sustaining, therefore giving ~ou~t ~te:;erie:~e u':t~rmf~ ::~~~ al~~~~~~ :~a!~ti:~ everyone a lot more choice of what And if you can't work for some belt. And even though 1~ IS taken. to do around here in their spare reason (we all understand your presently the largest committee time. broken leg or the death of your that the SGA has, it is still wanting third cousin in Walla-Walla) then in participants to give it help with Which brings us to another point- And if you don't enjoy any of the at least go out to some of the decision-making and manpower -how much money is to be allotted choices offered to you, then offer festivities offered you. In this way (the SGA's problem in this next year for the committee's own some constructive criticism right you will be showing that you are category is another editorial usage (films, dances, other ac- back to the people in power. Tell alive on campus and that there is altogether). tivities)'? Where do the SGA's your SGA rep, theSGA officers, the support of the idea of taking time priorities lie'? Isn't the money college activities office, the social out from studying in order to enjoy This is not to say that the social allotted by the administration to committee, this newspaper, your oneself for a little while. But in committee does not get things done the SGA for "student activities?" mother, your dog, your pet order to enjoy oneself for a little on campus--nothing could be' And what better way than cockroach, anyone. Just explain while. But in order to keep the farther from the truth. All the films through a full time, functioning what is going on that you don't like, program going, once again the (there-have been approximately 19 social committee? All of these and what you would prefer to see in problem is in the hands of you the shown this year), the Hopkins questions should be thought of its place. But how is anyone sup- reader. Now what will you 00 with Dance, several mixers, and, of when preparation of the budget posed to know what the students it.? course, May Week, are Ute direct comes up in the near future. want when most keep their JeIfRobinson World News Perspeetlves . Nuelear Arms· aaee To Disaster L I "31Roger ev n A recent article appearing in The threaten their very survival-with written document restraining the breach of contract. Rather than Bulletin of the Atomic by Bernard isolation for violation. Debilitation use of nuclear arms? My feeling is give the Soviets grain, we should T. Feld has left a bleak outlook in of defense is relative to the activist pessimistic. If we merely sit at retaliate and feed th~. starving its foreshadowing. Mr. Feld has groups. If all factions resolve to another round table, wasting time people in America. AJteady a made several suggestions to slow descalate on an equal basis, then and money in rehetoric for fun, the double purpose exists. We would the present nuclear arms ac- there will be a realistic loss of results will be a useless evidence of have a better chance of never ceJeration, but I find that the bare power but not a relative one. our inability to follow our own having nuclear warfare, and at the facts act a harbinger of major guidelines. The only real chance same time we could redirect our problems to come. The Geneva Convention we have to avoid future nuclear money uses to help the people of following World War II has been catastrophe is to cut down on the each country. According to the Geneva Con- vidated so many times that I refer number of possibilities. If we have vention a "first-use" of nuclear to it as the Barnum and Bailey fewer nuclear arms through in- If we allow an arms storage to weapons defies international law. I Geneva Convention. As usual, the ternational deescalation by in- build up--it will not be eternally find this a superficial declaration, written word has turned into an ternational demand, then the odds dormant. Eventually, an Adolf because it lends itself to an arms idealistic, unrealistic joke that are lower of our possible use of this Hitler prototype will come merrily race in the name of defense. This should be burned to save em- type of warfare. Again, an in- along ana set forth a cnatn reacucn will cause further American, S0- barrassment. How then, are we ternational boycott should be of more pol}'er and destruction h viet, and Chinese arms escalation going to place our faith in another immediately levied upon any than all of history has witnessed. and money to be directed toward Letters to t e Ed-.tor defen".'Theocetkally, if no will commit the first nuclear aggression, then it will never be Dear Editors: consisting of 10 bullseyes each. person to fire. Since a final team ~~f~~~a::lyu:eth~~cl~iC~~Us~ r~:n~ ~i~~re ini:ef~':r~:s~a: They are given approximately This 46 score is a combination of the 5 minutes to fire these targets. theory has been used as one of our concerning the UMC Rifle Team. It does not include time to prepare highest shooters on a team, we international guidelines. First, if seems that the wording of the and set up equipment, change totaled our 5 shotters, plus the 5 on the we are not going to have a country article could cause the reader to targets, check out and zero rifles "hiihes"t shooters pomt and Hopkins learn up to mat found use nuclear arms to transgress develop mistaken ideas about the (make sure that Sights are that we were losing by 23 points. the rights of enotner, Wen wny IS so quality and the sportsmanship of much emphasis being placed on our team. Let me quote, "The final properly a1igned,) score targets We had lost the match and the one the arms race'? Second, shouldn't score will not be known yet as the and clean up. All in a11, it takes shooter that the "Bfuejays had left we re-evaluate our world if we live team left the match before it was each person an average of 11/4 to would not have changed that fact. 11/2 hours to complete in such a constant state of paranoia over because the team captain said of targets. his-hers set - If we had stayed to watch that one that money is being spent to the match was lost and there was Now, on Friday, March 7th, we person shoot, he would not have destroy lives rather than to feed no point in staying around." Now, I travelled to Johns Hopkins to fire a been done until about 11:30, we the starving masses, rehabiiliaie admit that I did give this in- match against the Bluejays. They would not have been able to clean and until midnight, thesick,etc.,etc.,etc.,? formation to the Scrimshaw had a total of 9 persons to compete up and depart not have gotten home we would Let us suppose that more reporter that covered the story, but and we had 5. However, Hopkins until much later, so it was agreed stringent regulations of disar- I also told him a few other things had only 6 points (areas where an between the two teams that it mament are agreed upon by an which ·he either did not hear or did individual person can Iire.) This would be better if we left and they international convention. Does this not think important enough to meant that we would have to fire in would send us their final score. We imply that the major powers will include. In any case, he walked out 3 relays in order to be able to fire 13 did not just "Pick up and leave" foHow these new regulations? of the room before I could really people. (One of Hopkin's people like a bunch of poor sports as that Time and time again groupS have explain why we left early. had an appointment to keep so it article implies. refused to adhere to the laws ac- Therefore, I'd like to clarify a few was agreed between the two teams cepted by all. I feel that an in- things before more people are that she would fire earlier in the I have had people come up to me ternational boycott chould be misinformed. anerrcon.) after reading that article and tell imposed against any power- large The match began at 7:00 p.m. me that it sounds like the team of small- that violates any non- First of all, the rifle team con- and by 10:00, we had fired two doesn't give a damn about nebulous Convention laws. The sists of as many persons as want to relays. Western Maryland had anything. That ts nottrue at all. We only chance to manacle all participate. Each person, in a finished firing all of our 5 people. are not a varsity team and we are countries to the regulations is to typical match, fires 3 full targets The Bfuejays had only one more continued on pg. 7 col. 1
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