Page 121 - Scrimshaw1975-76
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HOOVER LIBRARY WESTERN Mg. COLLEGE WESTMINSTER, MARYLANO 2!l57 C ?t Thursday, April 1, 1976 Pithy Saying: Volume 3, Issue 8 "Tan is only skin deep." -A student who didn't go to Florida. Extra! Dr. John speaks out! Jeff Robinson Dr. Ralph Cand1er John has destructive problem. stabllity.vccnsolidation and gain." placed by the fund-raising drive. and Sundays also. Even with this, been the - Western Maryland His first four years in the He does, however, feel that this is what is John's opinion of his job? College President for four years. The president anticipates a prestdential office have dealt very much a part of his job, and Even with pressures of a leader- But what are the thoughts and greater need [or student help upon primarily with administrative does catch hours in the office ships position, his words ring our opinions that stand behind the man completion of the center. The reorganization, evaluation by the sometime during the week for with sincerity: "I Love It." and his position? His feelings on college will be asking for a Federal Middle States Evaluating Com- communication, along with ad- the new college center, the ACLU work-study program in order to mittee, curriculum development, ministrative work. Dr. John, in the interview, also suit, and other topics of interest to create more new jobs and and this years construction-funds voiced his opinions on the sports WMC readers, were discussed in a therefore more financial aid. Work drive. Coming up he hopes to lind a But his work still controls much program (both the new in- recent interview with the Scrim- in equipment issuance, the game time where "we can (rest and) of his normal "off-the-job" time. volvement by women and sports in shaw reporter. room, and as receptionists will be enjoy each other and the ac- According to the President, general), admissions, and other needed to keep the center. And complishments we've done." "(Some weeks) I'm out almost At this time in college history, they will probably be required 18 to every night, and almost always it's subjects of interest to the students of the campus. These and faculty the big thrust has been the 20 hours per day, thereby keeping As far as his own personal college related." It can be seen proposed student center. Following longer. hours than kept by the schedule, Dr. John has been fin- Dr. John does not have weekends discussions will be covered in a article along that path, Dr. John has spent present student center. Dr. John ding it harder to set aside time to free either, since task forces, Second in a future on Dr. issue Ralph of the C. John most of his time this year on the hopes that a large part of these meet with students and faculty, meetings, and kick-offs are Scrimshaw. campaign trail. No, the doctor is costs will be covered by the because of the rigorous demands frequently scheduled on Saturdays not running for public office, Federal program {up to 75 per- rather he has travelled from cent}. Florida to South Jersey in an effort Good and bad news to raise the $2.4 million necessary Another subject that has come to complete the center's con- and gone this year was the ACLU struction. According to the suit against Western Maryland Mark C. Bayer President, meeting this cost is now College, m.Iobn'sopinlon the ACLU ·'1 know you want to get to the nominations will close Wednesday, treasurer,. then read her report. optimistically anticipated. does have the right to Hie SUCD a grille party, so this won't take April 7 at a special SGA meeting to The previous SGA balance had suit. In fact they have been either long." These were the words of be held at 7:30 in Decker. Letters been $13.181.78, but after sub- In the different cities that he the plantiffs or the cofilers in SGA president Herb Watson as he Irom interested students should be tracing the cost of the Bottle Hill travels to, most time is spent at litigation that has been going on all opened the SGA meeting of this submitted to Herb Watson by that concert (which came to $6(0) and fund-raising kick-off meetings for over the nation. But, he also added, past Monday night, March 29, at date: the elections will be held the the price of three films {$406.50, I the college alumni, parents, and "I regret that they feel a moral or 7:30 p.m. in Rouzer Lounge -- and following Wednesday, April 14. though two of these made a profit( friends. From these kick-offs and indeed the meeting lasted no (Further requirements for of $104:50), the present balance other contributions, the fund shot r:;!l~c~~~f:I~~~io O~~~t?:ist~! longer than an hour. Although prospective nominees are detailed came to $12.297.75. Although the over the $1 million mark this past right of religious denominations to hardly any new business was in- in a separate article, to be found Bottle Hill concert lost money. The March 6, the first milestone sponsor institutions of higher troduced. many of the problems elsewhere in this paper.: Most of total amount 0' Iocr sales (NOT a As far as the new center being a education. brought up at previous meetings these pieces of old business were profit) came to a number detriment to the beauty of the were settled further discussed later in the estimated to be between $18.0 and college, John feels otherwise. The "In reality, they do feel this way, A roll was taken, and a suitable meeting. $200. Ms. Moorehead hopes to have proposed road behing Levine Hall did question it, and, this being the quorum was in attendance. The and the German House (which just situation, in my judgement, the meeting began with Recording Dianne Moorehead, SGA continued on pg. 3 col. 1 recently received go-ahead trustees of Western Maryland Secretary Donna Culotta reading •••••••••••••••••••••••• authorization) will not uproot the College did do the right thing. That the minutes of the last 15. These • • meeting, glories of Mother Nature-Rather, it is, given the judicial and political held Monday, March will follow the path of an old road climate of the times." included plans for spring, the : Inside this Issue : each • bed that can still be noticed, but Although in the past.Dr. John has prospective Fine Arts Committee, • was covered over far back in been a Methodist minister, he felt and a proposed amendment to the of one of the SGA • college history. the circumstances did not dictate by-laws which would require • Bookstore Prices Compared • fighting the suit any more. Since member of the SGA senate to be a • The trees that will be moved out the Methodist church was no standing member to make way for the student center longer lending financial support, committees tl.e. Social Com- • Coverage of "Streetcar" • and so on) and which • are but a pittance compared to the and had practically dropped the mittee, Publicity Committee, • and "Who Killed JFK" • amount removed by nature ac- school, in essence, it was thought Action Committee. Election • cording to Dr. John. Dutch Elm that WMC should get off to a fresh, Committee, • A Look At Nuclear Policy • disease has been a common sight new start. would expel any senate member more • • if on much of the college foliage in he or his alternate misses • Movie Review • recent years. The administration So, what does the college than four meetings of that com- has organized a program of president see in the future of the mittee. Also mentioned were the : ...And MUCH MUCH MORE'!!!! : planting new trees for the past two college? As far. as next year is upcomtne elections for SGA and years. in order to combat this concerned he hopes to have class officer-s, for which ••••••••••••••••••••••••
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