Page 122 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 122
Page 2 Scrimshaw Thursday, April 1, 1976 "Who Killed JFK"--What Do YOU Think? Kim Shewbridge November 22, 1963. I was in the as the motorcade passed, and terview with Ruby, which ac- because he doesn't feel that Castro Dallas. Four days before Kennedy second grade, and having music closed it just after the President cording. to the reporter would blow wanted Kennedy dead. Before the was assassinated word was sent class. Everyone was singing to the was shot. There were slides of the the Kennedy case sky high, dead 1960 presidential election, the CIA to the White House of a plot top of their lungs, when the prin- arrest by Dallas Police of three from an overdose of barbituates. already had plans made to invade against the President's life. cipal of the school solemnly in- vagrants, all of whom are thought Her closest friends said that she Cuba, and once Kennedy won the Oglesby feels the Oswald was the terrupted us over the intercom by investigators to have been part never touched drugs. election, the CIA fed Kennedy false Originator of this news; and yet system, announcing that the of the conspiracy. You could see information that Cubans wanted this information never made its Preside-nt of the United States human figures hiding behind the The list of incredible happenings America to invade their country way back to the Dallas police had just been assassinated in wall on the grassy knoll, the could go on and on, but whether or and free them of Castro. Even- Oswald's cover was found out Dallas, Texas. The teachers in the probable source of gunfire, with - not you may agree with what Mr. tua1ly, Kennedy discovered the within the community because the room looked stunned and then witnesses ducking down on the Oglesby had to say, he made CIA's plot and vetoed the CIA DDalias police picked him up after burst into sobs, and we second knoll, certain that bullets were everyone there start to think, about assassination of Castro. Kennedy the assassination, and then Ruby, a graders were puzzled, wondering coming over their heads. In the what happened that day of the did not want to get into a war with member of this anti-Cuban com- what the word "assassinated" lecture 'that accompanied the assassination, and most im- Cuba, and in April 1963, the munity, killed Oswald. meant. slides and film, it was told how one portantly, he made us all think President publically announced man, who chased a running man a about the credibility of our that the U.S. was opposed .to any Now, 0 -er twelve years later, few blocks following the shooting, government. During the discussion activity against Cuba. The Ken- So much for one man's opinion. If Americans aCIOjS the nation are swore that it was not Oswald he period following the program, Mr. nedy brothers, Mr. Oglesby feels, you were in any way moved by the awakening to what that particular had chased; yet, a few days later, Oglesby stated his opinion of what then teamed up to carry out raids presentation, and you almost had assassination may have meant to lying in the hospital recovering happened the day of the our country. The Assassination from a gun shot fired at his head, assassintion, and because it is against anti-Castro forces in to be if you were there, write in and Information Bureau is a group of the citizen changed his mind-that important for everyone to have ~merica. I?uring these clandes- sound off your opinion. Do you concerned citizens who are trying man he had followed that day did their own opinion, and also because tine operations, Kennedy worked agree with Mr. Oglesby, or do you to show what really happened iook like Oswald after all. Also, a his is a quite fasciation one, it is loyal CIA agents into vario~ anti- have a different theory'? Should the around and on the day that Washington Post reporter, to being printed here. Cuban American communities to government continue to in- President Kennedy was whom Jack Ruby had decided to discover plots. Mr. Oglesby feels vestigate the case, or drop it think was one of the loyal do you What assassinated. Carl Oglesby, a confess all, was found in her Mr. Oglesby feels that you can'! that Oswald who had filtered into altogether'? on the day that President happened CIA agents member of the AlB, gave a apartment after a lengthy in- tie Oswald directly to Castro the anti-Cuban ccrnmunttv of Kennedy was shot'? fascinating and, at times, horrifying lecture on this topic on Wednesday, March 17, at 8 pm in "Streetcar" reviewed Alumni Hall. The lecture was very well attended, and the audience Patricia Nicholson was constantly captivated by the On March 12, 13, and 14, the only slightly from Kelly's amazing cold facts of what happened in our Western Maryland College performance. which proved to be totally Kowalski's apartment, for it was country not so many Novembers Dramatic Arts department believable. not intergrated into the general ago. Alan Zepp was impressively In addition to these four prin- atmosphere of the play. Thus, presented Tennessee Williams' A cipal characters were several when a character crossed through Streetcar Named Desire, directed brutish as Stanley Kowalski. He other characters, all of whom were this area in front of the action on Mr. Oglesby began his lecture by by Tim Weinfeld. Although the displayed moments of being very often he or she was the platforms, and sensitively giving some brief information on play tended to be painfully long, much in control of his per- portrayed Notable among these so obvIOUS as to totally upstage the believeably the investigations of Kennedy's and suffered from lack of formance, and had a fine com- death. The issue, Mr. Oglesby projection on the part oE the ac- mand of the intensity of his Voice. were Stev~ Lummis, and Carol focal action. This w~s most ap- stated, is now in "a special kind of tors, the strength of charac- However, there were instances Warehime as Steve and Eunice parent when the Mexican woman the stage for the second state, ,j tor there' is • Ifttle em- terizations made this production of when Alan tended to over- Hubble, and Rick Powell as the c.rossed Although Blanche, on the time. Collector. thusiasm in our country at this Streetcar a forceful, emotion-Eilied physicalize his character by platforms, was saying some very time for the Warren Commission event. pushing too hard to achieve theory, the first attempt to sum up Stanley's brutish animality, and Christian Wit~wer's set proved to ~~~~~~~~t ~~~g~~vt:~a~~:ie~~:~~ the President's death with a one- As Blanche duBOiS, Kelly Stone these monents strained the be?S much an Integral part of the away from her, and toward that man-did-it .theory. This was gave an exceptionally believable character's believability. But, generally accepted until 1966 when performance. Her physicalization, when Alan was able to minimize thC~I~~t~:s~t::~~::~ti~~t~fthI~!as~i ~~~i~mt~: ~~~xf:~~e·w~~;~S ::: Governor JOM Connally, in a Life especially of her character's this "pushy" quality, he showed a ~~PP~I~~:t~~t d1f~:J th~ymat~~ com_pletel~ out of sight that at- magazine interview, stated that he nervous habits, which could easily solid understanding of his was against the Warren Com- nave become contrived, was character. blocking, which defied convention tentton shlft~ back to. Blanche, mission theory. With new interest totally convincing, seeming to be a by allowing characters to deliver and by that tlm.e an entire s~h created, a reopening of the in- natural part of the character of The relationship between major speeches while their backs had passed, VIrtually unnoticed. vestigation was called for. The whom Kelly was so much in con- Stanley and his wife, Stella, por- Issue was hot until 1969-1970 when it trol. Kelly conveyed, both vocally trayed by Sandy MacKenzie, was, :~r~h to w~~ a~:i~~~~e~a b~nct~!~ Despit~ the problems ~hich this lulled for a while, only to be and physically, the extreme for the most part quite convincing. marvellous backwards chair), the pro.ductlOn faced, which were reopened when Watergate made fragility and gentility of her Although there were a few actors, infunctioning within the basically those of length, a dead the American public want to character, yet never lost sight of moments in which Stanley's bounds of the realistic set, created atmosphere .around the set, and abandon many of its previous Blanche's delicate seductiveness. concern for Stella was not quite .a distinct "at home" atmosphere lack of aud~bleness. A Streetcar assumptions that the assassination believable, generally, the in the'Kowalskt's apartment. ~~f~~~g ~:;::~e~:~~~t ~asb:el~ didn't involve a conspiracy. There were, however, two relationship was well portrayed. Unfortunately, the believable worth an evening of one's time. Watergate brought a elements of Kelly's performance Sandy displayed a clear un- "breakthrough in consciousness," which proved to be somewhat derstanding of SteUa's relationship Extra! according to Mr. Oglesby, and a distracting. The first of these was with Stanley, and successfully used :t~~;:x~~r~heo~o~:t~ !~~~t~~i~: poll at the time of Watergate Kelly's use of her voice. Although this relationship as the foundation magic was being worked inside the showed that I;l5 per-cent of the Kelly displayed a great deal of upon which to mold he reactions two shabby rooms, outside, there In. Aoizona, Ihe ,tale highway palroi people polled did not believe in control over the intensity of her to her sister, Blanche. However was a large expanse of dead air ~~~~~e:/an~~:o~~~t~~c::gs~~~~;:::~~ the Warren Commission theory. voice, the voice was constantly there were moments when Stella which surrounded the apartment from Flagstaff to Phoenix.When": :>oliee Congressional laws were passed to pitched very high, and this pitch drifted into an almost lethargic complex. Occasionally this empty SjIOJJed 1'.le,·thld~, they ,nagg
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