Page 119 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 119
Thursday, Ma_rch 18, 1976 Scrimshaw Page 3 Bill Hunt display combines comedy and ceramics Theo Braver ~ Bill Hunt, whose ceramics are entiUed, "A Swarm of 'v's'", per- with white and blue glazes, both of are coated with the same deuctov-. elephant." Nearby is a small boy- now on display in the art building, haps half-seriously poking fun at which look remarkably like sugar- "Sugared icing". like container with caved-in sides is not only an artistically talented the painters" cliche' of represen- ed icing on a cake. Another in- and unwanted cracks and air young man, but also somewhat of a ting birds as receding v-unes in the teresting glaze that he uses is the One display cabinet devotes bubbles enUled, "so you wanna very successful comic. His sky. On another plate, he bas salt glaze, giving an object the itself fully to Hunt's humor. It learn to make." He also has a hilarious sense of humor is a represetned "Variations on a new complexion of a Dutch pretzel. He includes the various possibilities of small blue chair perfect for any pleasant diversion from the quiet letter, the dotted L," where uses this technique in a beautiful an imagination and the common doll house, but don't get it confused charm of many of his pieces. various sizes of his imagination cake mold on display. Other tack. One piece is titled, "ceramic with the one alongside it, "chair in populate .the surface. Hunt's serious works are his wheel-thrown tacks waiting at the bust stop," a state of repair." His numerous' dinner' plates "paint-by-number-plate" consists umbrella stand-which literally where a cluster of tacks sit pa- Other small objects worth provide an excellent example of his of connected dots reminding most stands about four feet-and a well- tiently on their heads. On another looking for are his salt and pepper wit. One such plate is his "At- of us of our coloring-book days, made milk pot. pne entertaining wooden stand, the "Klu Klux shakers, ritual pot, and scrubby tempted Escape of a Bleeding '0". while his "relief from kidney pot is entitled, "Pot with your Tacks ostracize a pinko;" seven showers tall. If when you go, you On the surface are the blood-red pressure" brings memories of just Uncle Max onit." It's a rather white ceramic tacks form a cross find yourself hopelessly in love tracks of a wounded "0". We can about any day. large pot with a three-dimensional and the eighth one, pink of course, with his art as I did, but also follow his escape route to the edge His "plate stoneware' isa larger portrait of some frenzied figure, has been backed into a corner hopelessly unable to buy any of his of the plate, where he has un- and more textured plate than the not necessarily his Uncle Max, where he faces certain death. Hunt ingenious lamps or cookie jars, doubtedly found his injury too above-mentioned dinner ware. It's protruding from the surface. The also illustrates for us h , view on may be you could settle for a serious to bear, and there his body surface is extremely lumpy and bulging eyes and snakelike coils of the "evolutions of an elephant," as porcelain toothpick-it's better than lies. Hunt has done .anouier plate irregular and has been painted hair as well as the rest of the face well as the "evolution of the pink a memory. Students do their thing during Second Spring - Mary Gately Second Spring courses give everyone gets an equal chance to massage. Kneading and per- the terise high-strung person important, and the massaging students the opportunity to learn a massage and be massaged. The cussion are two types of short, Among other things. students class plans to work by candlelight hobby, perfect a skill, and to relax class has been working on the four choppy strokes, and vibratory, as learned that, contrary to popular next class to try to achieve this Many students were involved in basic massage strokes: friction, the name implies, tsa fast-paced, belief, the bed isn't the ideal place atmosphere. Sound like fun'? Second Spring during Jan Term, kneading, 'percussion, and shaking stroke. for a massage, since "you'll be If you're interested, grab a pair of and so due to its popularity. The Vibratory. Friction, a rubbing Since the purpose of massage is massaging the bed, not the per- shorts and a Tcshirt and attend the Second Spring courses are once stroke, is used in the beginning of a relaxation, this course is ideal for son." A relaxed atmosphere is also April I meeting! again offered to students. ·This semester a few new courses are "Sign-a-then 76" coming soon available, and I will regularly be looking at a few of them - Mayor William Donald Schaefer having fun in a total com- ticipate. This will be a wonderful terested in either participating oc "Haircutting" is one of the will proclaim March 29-April4, munication environment with opportunity for people to come out pledging money is asked to courses currently being offered. "Deaf Awareness Week" for the many, many people. It. is an- and learn more about com- contact: Terr-ie Armour or Adele and is being taught by Linda city of Baltimore.The Mayor's ticipated that about 2,000 people municating with deaf people. Moorman in McDaniel 120 text.asz Ackley. Goals of the course are Proclamation will officially begin will be involved in SIGN-A of 848-9808), or Eldon Watts 169 learning how to give a good haircut SJGN-A-THON '76, a major city- THON'76. Each participant will The musical signing group from Pennsylvania Avenue Room3. and how to tell a good cut from a wide program to make people reise support through pledges at WMC"The Sounds of Stlen- There will be a table set up at bad one. aware of deafness and to raise so-much-per-hour for up to 2534 ce"(Torrie Armour, DebiCannon, dinner time in the cafeteria Nearly thirty people registered money for the fine work of Deaf hours. Participation will require Kathy Chanson, Kathy Clevenger, beginning March 16th and con- for the "Haircutting" course, but Referral Services, In£ staying awake and being part of Christi.Copestake, Adele Moor- tinuing till the day before the less than ten arrived at the firSt DRS is iii full service agency for the on-going total communications man, and Diane Spink) will be SIGN-A-THON meeting last Thursday. The small deaf citizens in Maryland. It environment. It is not necessary to participating and need students Deaf Referral Services Needs group met from 7:30 to 9 pm in provides interpreters, classes in know the sign sanguage Io par: 'support and pledges: Anyone in- your support. Rouzer Lounge. Linda demon- typing and other vocational areas, briefs•••••••••• strated four ways to cut. hair-- and information to parents of deaf in- ·········'News different methods for cutting children as well as people curly, straight, and wavy hair, and terested in learning sigh language. for layering. She isn't a Due to a cut in the federal budget Don't forget the WAIC Coffee double the fun by attending the the Preacher-Phi Alph Grille professional, but she has a knack the grant that supported these House Talent Show, sponsored by Bottle Hill Bluegrass Concert Party, also held tonight from with scissors, and students in at- services was not renewed. the SGA Social Committee and tonight at 8:00 PM in Alumni for there! If you're going to celebrate, All o6.@5~...~~..m...!..'••I'.,':••• tendance seemed pleased with her coming at you Saturday, April 24, the low price of $1,00 and ~oinjt to celebrate big!!! results SIGN-A-THON '76 e at approximately 9:00 p.m. ·.... u,.... Most of them looked forward to memorial tribute to Rev. Louis W kinds of talent are needed-siging, _ _ future meetings, in which students would receive the opportunity to :~~;~~'s~~ritt~~SA~n~~t~~~~~J~ ~:~~~~'e~~:~~-~n;=;t~~e;ti~~~ .• Chapter 6 o'TJ erEMtrA practice cutting hair. Hopefully, Memorial Award for ex- will be provided in every mailbox the group will become skilled ro~ Ihll~ It~ •t'r; enough to cut hair on their own-- ~:~:~~g:t~~~~~~reth~lr~ :[~~~ scin~n~e~~:~ti!ri~~ :11t~ ··(;~:z~· ~:~k··t~:~~~~:.~o~~·· ~,' ·:a~· :!~~g. whether for fun or for recreation. given at SIGN-A-THON ';76 judging. So if you always wanted to motion. He heard John wailing something and he did," Paul lied. Interested'? II you'd like to see SIGN-A-THON '76 will be held bea "star," your chance to shine is something at the top of his lungs. "Like what'?" future meetings or demonstrations at the Poly-Western Auditorium coming Saturday, April 24 at about He heard Paul screaming "That sonofabitch grabbed for 9:00 P.M. in the cafeteria. talk to Linda. (located on ColdSpring Lane-and =~==:==:==,;;;-=~=,== and throwing things. Jack opened my dong." ::~ A:~~r~n 9:~~i:~f~::at;: the door and saw Paul sweating on Crazy Jack rolled John over. Does your body feel tight, stiff, April4th aa.m. It will involve ri~i:z~e;::;f~~dsgfas~~d :~: ~!t~~~~~~ao~t JOM was trying to talk but his and unrelaxed? Then why not hundreds of deaf and hearing shaped, in an orange case, should They stuck to the floor like old mouth was too swollen. And he investigate WMC's "Massage", people. A widerange of activities is return them to Debbie, McDaniel Kleenexes kept spitting blood and bits of course, a new second spring Icass planned. Communications labs, 218. They have been lost for over a teeth. "Christ, that meets on Thursdays (the next movies, sing-singing, sing classes, week, and your effort will be ap- Now Paul was busy smearing him." man, you almost killed ~~~~fn ~:a~~:~;:~~lo~: ~~~::ii~~ ~~~i~~~~~t fa:;: ,:,p",ce"oi",ated:;;;, ======:; Jolm's face into the floor. "1 don't care the f---ing- ~~ Approximately twenty students pearances, games, and a speciaal Attention study-weary student- "Get off him, man. What's got cocksucker deserved it." are enrolled in the course, which is 9-12 show are some of the s1! 1 Why not celebrate the arrival into you'?" Crazy Jack grabbed instructed by Jo Miner. highlights of SIGN-A-THON '76. of Sprin.g Break in a big way'? You Paul's shoulders and pulled. Paul Just then someone looked around Students work in pairs and This is a great opportunity for can get double the pleasure and was almost hysterical. the corner. It was Sue.
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