Page 118 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 118
....2 Scrimshaw Thursday, March 18, 1976 •••••••••••• ············Ed·t · I question included their names, Scrimshaw's readership, there cannot fit all of those items into one along with a request that those exist certain times of the year fourpager (in which half a page is names not be printed, Scrimshaw which are the bane of any editor, already filled by advertising). would gladly have .prlnted their views along with the rest. What, then, should Scrimshaw do ? ~~:~~ a~s)1~~g °e~~~~~~:I~ crucial copy out? No! Ad- 4. Most of Scrimshaw's articles Leave to Scrfmshaw's editorial scrutiny, mittedly, the perfect solution for a look more like "creative ,writing" have a deeided~'y'disturbing effect really thrifty paper would be to than "journalism". The quotation on whoever was assigned to wrue print six-page copies for such marks are mine, since'the exact the editorial for-the week. For a weeks, but Centaur Press, the definitions of "creative writing" short while the subject was going outfit which services Scrimshaw'S and "journalism" are debatable at to be a dead heat between those layout and printing functions, does best, and an attempt wHi not be Bicentennial cafeteria displays not accomodate any paper with an made to define them here. We can and the fate of WMC's prospective amount of pages not divisible by assume, however, that those who radio station. However, it was four. Thus in order to "fill out" voice this particular view mean by decided near the deadline that the rest of the eight-page issue "journalism" an extremely formal since the major student concern necessitated by all that copy, style which is taught in formal for this week would more likely be Scrimshaw utilizes extra features journalism classes. Well, as many Getting- That-Psych-Paper-Done- such as "Pages from the Past," may know, WMC has no formal And-Hoppi n g- The- Plane- 'I'o-> "World News Perspective," and journalism classes! Most of the Florida, most of Scrimshaw'S spoof articles. It's better than two writers and editors on. Scrim- readers would shrug their pages of blank space, right? shaw's staph do not plan to go into shoulders in unison over either Besides, a well-rounded newspaper formal reporting as a vocation, and topic and quickly turn to the needs a little of everything in order work on the paper as a service to crossword puzzle. to help it run smoothly. the student body. And, as many Just as well. A week like this will grant, Scrimshaw does a gives Scrimshaw a chance to 2. Scrimshaw is selling its pretty good job when one considers elaborate upon a matter which it readership out by printing too the very small amount of writers it has wanted to discuss in further many ads. This complaint came has. . detail than it has for some time about largely as a result of the 5. I think "Pages from the Past"· now. Scrimshaw is, as has always March 4 issue, which was a tour- -The Personal View Points-a-The carefully been mentioned, a pager with a full-page beer ad on Cadets"-"Soap"-"World News student newspaper-one responsive page 4. Many of these students ,Perspective"-this feature-that to the ideas and opinions of the think that Scrimshaw made a feature-all of the above (check students who read it every week. quick deal by selling that ad the one) is boring-·offensive-·badly Thus, is is answerable to whatever week or month before, but in truth written--stupid-all of the above criticisms or complaints that that is not the case at all. What had (check one). While it is a fact that students have about its content, its actually happened was that most of these features have drawn had editor form, its style, or whatever. Well, Scrimshaw's pervious as far back as controversy at one time or another, sold the ad space since most studetns do not readily tell Scrimshaw what it may be October. Thus Scrimshaw was' it is also true that each of them has doing wrong, either on paper or in more or less contractually received praise from at least some person to a staph member or required to print the ad on the date portion of the student body. Since heavily burdened that he can't take very popular last summer, if WMC any of the detractors ever editor, Scrimshaw must rely on the which had been worked out by the hardly to Scrimshaw to formally ten minutes to a half hour off from students continue to let such write little tidbits it hears in the' previous editor and the company. complain about any of the of- doing the IDA paper or studying functions as Scrimshaw and the cafeteria or dorm haUl And so, And since Scrimshaw had an equal for the American Lit test to sit SGA float lazily by on an endless on this uneventful March week, the obligation to the smaller local fending features, the editors will dcwn aodsey hfs ptece atout some- sea of apathy, it won't be too continue that everybody to assume editors wish to clarify some of the firms who advertise regularly, it likes everything and run the ~ing that he really cares about. before they find those services and about reasoning behind whv eer- had to move those ads onto Page 3. features as usual. tt.Indeed, he really WMC cares students completely up ..the victims ~fficiently anythlna of the at swallowed tafn things are done the way that Thus, the resulting issue, almost should beware; all. to borrow the blood-smeared jaws of a giant and they are done. Granted, not every half of which consisted of ad- This brings us to Complaint. tern~inology of ,8 movie which was all-engulfing yawn. M.C.H. decision made by Scrimshaw is vertising, was a once-tn-e-nreume Number Six, which bears a distinct perfect or even acceptable, but as accident which is-unlikely to occur difference to the first five in that can be ascertained below, there again. Students who' criticize the instead of being directed from the Letters to the Edito~' are existing reasons behind all the present amount of advertising students to Scrimshaw, it is moves. Here, then, is Scrimshaw'S should remember that such ads directed from Scrimshaw to most Dear Editor, the editor written by Alan Zepp Scrimshaw's relieve attempt to explain six common help to burdens, and-indirectly- of the student body. With the ex- If Jesse Glass's poetry, would which appeared in the March 11, financial complaints which it commonly ception of a very distinct few, have been on raw grotesque 1976 edition of Scrimshaw: gets wind about. the weights on their own wallets. hardly anybody bothers to pick up violence culminating in death and 3. sertmsnaw doesn't print a pen and write! It's rather a mangled bodies I am sure Kim I spend more money on plants I. Scrimshaw uses too many letters which are extremely shame to note, as has been done in Shewbridge would have ap- than I do on cigarettes and that's features for filler, thereby wasting critical. This judgment is an the beginning of this editorial, that alct. However, even I, with my all of the criticism of this paper ~:!~:idtha:the ~r~~ch ~~i~h~ ever-whelming passion for green ::::;. :~e~t: ~~~~~mc:~~:!~ ~!~i~to~rt~o:i:t~e;;t~= i~:~f~~ covered herein was gotten by and sensitive expressiveness. It is and growing things, am not moved about their money may be severely criticized Scrimshaw's word-of-mouth. By writing, you not an interesting viewpoint of many by the trampling of a flower bed only share your views with the rest that making babies, rt.e. how did Even I can't cry over crocuses ~:~~~nl~k~~O o~~~~~~i!~i~~ position on the college center were' and assignment of space yields an printed. In all probability, this of the campus, but you are also you say itKim, s-e-x), is taboo; but when I know that men on this given the very distinguished op- killing them twenty years later in a campus will go to bed tonight in explanation as to why such ~ar~~~~r~~ti~~::~:t~:cur;~i~~, portunity to make a move toward "necessary" war is admissable. physical and psychic pain, which recently features as ~~:s ::e~~:;:~ the Scrimshaw Scrimshaw for its change changing of some this inequity. ir the Why should the ultimate reaction has been incurred by their received-one "Pages from affairs college "brothers." (as ~:~~~£~{!~~!~~W~~~~~~i~~1~;I::~f,~:;~~~~;~;, at the first and gut-level and which we be would Mr. Zepp, but you blew it in the last ~:t'::~~;,ld damning feelings desires ex- of by the fact that illustrated Dean It would have been a great letter; We are animals shallowly. pressed Mowbray's appearance feelings do spurn our was of the semester SGA meeting without drives paragraph. in part by some very effected about that ceeter.j is one of the few people who has the ,~:;~:~, ;~e:;:: s:::~~ .s; ~~:e~W~;;t:rre~~~r:~~e~i;~~ ~:: critical letters a little hard to believe have become extinct. Jesse Glass Sincerely, It becomes Okay, so what features do fit the name on the letter. Scrimsbaw's that the most recent issue of balls to express them as they are. Sallie Remson ~:~~I~o~ll 0~0~~nr~e:s:7~!m~~ :~~~~~ let~~C~s th~ta~~ :~~~Sh:t~~r Wt~f:gs in~lu~~~tr~: th~~:efs;C~::{es~~~~~a~?~an;~ _ ~et~~~~v:~~f~ti~~ ~~CI~iri, a~~ writers must sign the letters, in- versial view of the Patty Hearst girls who go every Sunday in their Ear-day Editors-ay, w.ould all sports coverage, as any ~:n~~~::~h~~~e~~~t!~ ~~~I;~:~ir~v~~r:Jsre;:~~~i:~ :uhNi~~ ftl:Wt~~ t;~r::l~~~t:::~:~ ar~~:~::,:;_:;'ee~~:a;,t~:_<~~/~a; Th~~~::Sc"':.f~~h~~1~ a':tg::~ that in case of an extreme con- Point by John Springer, and a church and pray for their ay article-ay on·ay ig-pay atin-Iay policy of printing all student troversy or dispute, Scrimshaw letter which severly blasted cer· virginity. in·ay our-yay ublication'pay? feedback, whether letters or :~~y~ ~~el:te~~~i~~::~~~~~ ~ii~ :~~~~t~%s:~:!~~sdid~~~ Mark Pawluk :y~:!a;::'~:~Z:h:;'~~r~~;' Pers.obnla!thViewP,oints, as 500isn ", rarely happens, and Scrimshaw as :eta""ndam~eqWMualcl;,uhde"'nd,~opobU~"ethtoe -~,.- -:--- -,' - - ........~.s-ay l.ay am-ay. the identity of the" POSSI e, ese eatures are a 00 a rule guards e~~em~~ar~'t~~ t': lU
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