Page 117 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 117
c p..t Pithy Saying: ':11 winter comes, can spring be far behind?" Thursday, March 18, 1976 --Percy B. Shelley Volume 3, Issue 7 "It's hard to tell, with this weather we've been having lately," -Mark C. Bayer Brian Tr.umpower SGAPodiurn: Important odds and ends dealt with Jeff Robinson Even with the announcement of 'tow price, with a grant from the its lower budget-with possibly money to print a magazine of President Herb Watson the new May Week format and then SGA fewer copies, lower quality paper, reasonable quality this year. remarked be that the SGA as a whole to She copy involved. or less wirtten sensitive more should giving Contrast, the campus The motion for a non-repayable also felt that "the SGA had always In an interesting sidelight, overlooked minorities on campus literary magazine, enough money allocation that was made by Ms. come through before from the SGA Freshman Munzer Qutub, a a $400 grant in non- which to work, the eidtor, along learning the language here, Ac- in conjunction with Dean will have an effect upon the repayable funds and $225 in a loan with John Springer, voiced the opinion that the use of that money students of the college, also. form to be paid back from sales could benefit the students, both cording first, to Munzer, "When 1 came Mowbray. noteable event was without One other (the) here 1 came With May Week rapidly ap- proiits. This motion, totalling $975 writers and readers, through total language." Qutub's suggestion was Watson's proposal that the preaching (April 24-May I), Linda (most of which comes for the payment of the literary magazine to get a "foreign student students work with the Campus Thomas, social committee SGA's $2000 surplus fund), was put However, despite two calls for a organization" going in order to Development Committee in chairman, unveiled the lineup of in by section rep Chris Holmes, and quorum and one for an ad- give these few a chance to develop dealing with the new student ~sC~i:!~~;~I~ek:~:eC~~ ~~i~t i~~~Z e:!~with but one negative jourrunent in the middle of the the language used in lectures and center. They have the opportunity discussion, both of which failed, class speeches'. Another problem to work on publicity or fund-raising Ms. Creagh did interject into the the subsixy proposal was voted on that could be dealt with would be to if the Senate cared to lend a hand Ms. Thomas also reminded the and approved. This should at least understand the complex American in it. The SGA could pledge itself to Senate of the Bluegrass concert, debate that the magazine may leave CONTRAST with enough culture that is accepted here. continued on pg. 4 col. 1 featuring Bottle Hill, which will have to have a cheaper form with be held tonight, at 8:00 in Alumni Hall. Tickets are $1.00 and are on M"kC",y" POCO concert featured in May Week sale at the Student Activities Of- fice. When asked if tickets would be available at the door. Linda May Week is coming to WMl,.:-- tides. As noted therein each ap- stage, the time probably 8:00 prri. from 9:00 PM to 1:00 AM. responded, "Probably not, but and sooner than you think. What plicant will be given a list of Students should be aware that the It should be mentioned that, we'll see how things work out." had in previous years been a short possible matched elates to choose, contract with Poco stipulates a since many of these activities The social committee report also "Spring Weekend," consisting of and those who attend the mixer' back-up band (as yet uncertain) carry prices, the Social Committee contained a note on the NEC Party the Spring Concert, the May with computer-matched dates will and that there will definitely be a is working on a master ticket for which was held immediately Carnival, and the Spring Dance, pay a reduced admission. Ap- price for this concert that week. Purchase of that ticket following the meenog.Jrom 9:00 to has been expanded to an activity- plications for the computer-dating will admit students to any activity ll:OO pm in the grill. The party ~~e~G~e:~i~ic~:~~t~~ptf!rt ~ service will begin on April 8 The Poco performance will be held during May Week, and the came off well with students On Monday, April 26, a special f~llowed ?n Friday night, April 30, cost of the ticket a substantial wandering in and out during IhP the reasoning behind enlarging the movie, Monty Python and the Holy WIth a parr of acts recently gotten saving over the total price of two hours. In that time, several weekeniinad to do with giVing the by the Social Committee at the door prize drawings were held prospective Spring Concert band Grail. will be presented in Decker NEC convention. Edmunds and separate events. As more is while nobody went home empty- the option for a night of the week Three showings are planned: at Curley, a comedy team, will share del~rmined on this pass development, in- the SCrimshaw will and 11:30 pm. There will 7:00,9:00 Friday, other than offering thus handed. The major objective of the W1\1Cgreater assurance of a good be an admission charge. the mainstage of Alumni with a formation along. . party came off when studerits band entitled Glass Moon. Time: And how does Linda Thomas, found out what different activities group, Other activities and events Tuesday, April 27, will see a jazz 8:00PM were potentially available to them have been scheduled to fill out the concert, presented by the WMC chairperson of the Social Com- • in the future. week, and they are listed as Saturday, May 1, will generally mittee, feel that the May Week is follows: . Jazz Band, on Alumni malnstage follow established tradition with going? "1 think that this (the May at probably 8:00 pm. Week) is a great victory for the The case of CONTRAST was a bit Sunday, Apr-il 25 marks the of- the May Carnival, which consists Social Committee, for myself, and - harder to get through the Senate ficial beginning of l\1ay Week, On Wednesday, April 28, of a number of concessions and for WMC. We really worked hard. By requesting funds, just to give which will get underway with a students are invited to join in a activities sponsored by various The Supreme Agents (the agenty the magazine something with bike hike and car rally in the af- combined singalong and dulcimer campus organizations, taking that helped the committee get which to pay the publishers, editor ternoon. These activities are demonstration, to be held outdoors place in the morning and af- P~o) did a fantastic job, and I Liz Creigh was asking for less presently planned to begin in the in front of Big Baker at5:30PM. If ternoon. As of this ""'Titing specific thmk that this is gomg to build a money than was allocated Jast year Student Center, and more in- it rains, the activity will be moved activities have not been ascer- relationship between that agency for the same purpose. formation will be supplied in up- to McDaniel Lounge. tained; anyone with questions ana the school. I think that having \\.!{l is Bill Representative John Normant and coming issues of Scrunshaw ..That should see the program. Tribby, In addition, a functioning Social Committee heading others suggested that this money, evening the freshman class will Thursday, April 29, is the night of makes all the difference. Starting instead of being given outright sponsor a slave auction in Decker one of the most anticipated events the cafeteria has agreed tn serve a with May Week, 1 think that en- should be a loan to be paid back at 6:30, and at 9:00 a disco mixer of the week. As you were told by an special May-oriented meal to wrap tertainment around here will get a through sales of CONTRAST. will be presented in the cafeteria 'unidentified announcer in the the proceedings up, and the May big boost." WMC students will get . Susan Blackman in turn suggested This dance will involve the com- cafeteria, Poco is coming to WMC Week will come to an end that a chance to see for themselves night with the semi-formal Spring subsidizing the money which would puter dating program which was to perform at the Spring Concert Dance, to be held in the cafeteria beginnin? April 25 come from sales at a relatively mentioned in previous SGA ar- The place will be Alumni main-
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