Page 7 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 7
Wednesday, September-17, 1975 Scrimshaw .... 3 To The Tusk Dear Tusk, the s.tudents to get their supplies I ordered a yearbook for last cheaper? year, and as yet haven't received Rroke it. Any idea when they'll be coming in? Dear Broke, Actually, the bookstore runs on a Dear Waiting, ron-profit basis, and charges only As of this printing, no definite what it must to stay in business. AlJ date has been set for the arrival oj petces are just pennies above the _" the yearbooks. Even last year's cost the bookstore buys them for, editor isn't sure of its final delivery so I wouldn't knock it. The books date. So just hang in there, they'll are so expensive because they're arrive sometime. limited edition, usually only printed for educattcnal In- stuuttcns.t sue the printers. Dear Tusk, My car is giving me trouble, and my home is in New Jersey. Can you Dear Tusk, recommend any place around here My roommate thinks he's Gods that does good work for reasonable gift to the academic world. All he pr-ices? ever does is talk about how easy Breaking Down the homework is, how he's two weeks ahead of everyone, and how dumb and stupid all the other Dear Breaking Down, students in his classes are. 11 My first words of wisdom are: wouldn't be so bad, except that I'm Never take your car to a dealer in two of his classes! I can't stem unless its warranty work, else, and it it much longer. What can I do? and won't cost you. Anything **** Letters to the editor **** you'll get ripped. Checking including Had It. around here with a few people, I suggest dere -sweete staph- valid and which are riot. We feel Maryland College. It is our hope some that live in town. It's listed in Auto Repairs. Glenn's just read your' plea for money that the purpose of. a student that when major changes occur at the Westminster directory. Glenn's. (which I don't have until the end of newspaper is to inform the the college in the future, detailed has nothing but excellent remarks some month in 2000), and your students of campus life and not to explanations will be made which from his customers, and all agree pitiable lament re the overly ef- change. campus policies without respect the intelligence and loyalty tha t his prices are very ficient cleanup crew which administrative approval. Life at of the alumni rather than"-slick PR reasonable. disposed of all Scrimshaw relics. WMC is suffering because of this. Promotions which generally fall i hereby bequeath the enclosed, Perhaps it is time that the staph suspect in the post-Watergate perversely treasured copies of vol. of the Scrimshaw re-evaluates its atmosphere of executive mistrust. Dear Tusk, 1, 1-12. Each is the only one of its goals and objectives to determine I can't believe the prices at the kind I ever owned; each has been what is best for the people they How we wish that your ex- bookstore. What a rip-off personally caressed innumerable cellent letter had come before the operation! Isn't there any way for times, and given a fresh farewell Barbara Meister Baltimore Sun story and the Paul fondle as it was tucked into this . Alice Rouillard Harvey broadcast made. it an Policy evelope-to be enshrined in embarrassing necessity. what had better be, in all futures, a Scrimshaw deals with reality; as . Sincerely SAFE place. • well as what the rules of the C. Dianne Martin, Statement '62 David H. Martin, with indescribable affection, campus are. It was not stated that '65 Bill Tribby the administration had changed its policy. It was just stated that "if Elections for the freshman class To the Editor: you follow these sdmple rules, you, Open Letter to the College Com- officers will be held some time in Scrim- the next few weeks. The We are writing to express our probably won't be billed for munity - shaw has been approached by Matt Bowers reaction to an article in last week's anything." As - far as can be In the past two years, Ha- some of the candidates concerning Peons: Jennifer Watts issue of the Scrimshaw. We are determined, no one who reattached Maccabim has been active in refering to-the letter and answer to their furniture as they found it, at organizing services and breakfasts ~~li~~~ue ~eoU:°:es=l:;~;t~ Denise Gilngola "To the Tusk". Upon reading that the end of the semester was billed for the campus community. to fairly represent the views of all Linda Mig'l it was now alright to move the for moving it. Considering the sporadic level of students, we would like to take this Meg Hoyle attached furniture in Whiteford, -Staph Jewish activity in Western opportunity to inform the student Kim Shewbridge we proceeded to do so. When our Maryland's History, the group met body, and the candidates for Susan Coleman head resident found out about it we DearEditor, with some success. election of our policy concerning Mindy Natterman were informed that in fact the We were most grateful for In 1975-76, Ha-Maccabim is the use of Scrimshaw for political Cindy Thompson administration had not changed President John's letter of August undergoing complete revision of its campaign on campus. Jim Teramani the existing policy. We feel that the 25, 1975, explaining in greater aims and purposes. Bagel break- An candidates for freshman Richard Naylor Scrimshaw has committed a detail the philosophical, spiritual, 1asts will 110 doubt remain popular, class offices may submit for Mary Gately serious error in reporting false and practical implications of the but a host -of activities involving information. agreement to separate- Western Western Maryland and West- ~~~~!~~~f~~cy~:~a:;~~:, Susan Tuley Being sophomores, we both are Maryland College from the United minster at large will be planned. This statement should be in ac- Lonni Myers aware of last year's change in the Methodist Church. We had seen a Whether you are Chasid or cordance with our country's great AND: A cast of thousands. campus newspaper. Granted, the copy of the separation agreement agnostic - if you care, we want to political tradition of political The opinions expressed in Goldbug was not necessarily several months ago and were listen to your ideas. Bring them in fairplay, and "good clean back this publication do not ne everything that a college paper distressed by the apparent in- person to the organizational biting" or we will be faced with the necessarily reflect those should be, but at least it was not the consistencies between the May meeting on Thursday 18 Sep- responsibility of lowering the great of the administration. Box farce that the Scrimshaw has "PR" announcement and the tember, 7:00 PM in Rouzer of "censorship. obviously turned into. It has actual agreement itself. Lounge. boom tyrannical the statements, 3-A, Western Maryland (We will discuss reached the point where readers Our loyalty and financial support and their contents, with the can- College, Westminster, Md., 21157 can't determine which articles are will always didates before dOing~'~O~)"_~_b=~""!O===;:-..I
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