Page 115 - Scrimshaw1975-76
P. 115
Thursday, March 11, 1976 Scrimshaw ..,,7 Sports Jim Teramani Western Maryland College's Track team-1976 and the 440 Charlie aldis in the People to keep an eye on this began track team lettermen student transfer . Matt Bowers week in preparation workouts last year include returning outstanding .three-mfja, and who also runs the Wingate an Vaughn, Steve Steve for an outdoor season about which Head Coach senior distance man; senior Tom quarter. Rick Carpenter is cautiously op- Lewis, a jack-of-all-trades and 'errorette tourney timistic. ~;~rj~~~ boj~n~~~S~i~~ ~:rs~;After a disappointing spring last The worn ens basketball team part of the game was the injury to Carpenter, beginning his seventh and Randy; Dar: who ~ut the shot ~~:' I~::i~nt~~ :1nghiSba~~ar~: competed in the Maryland Leslie Applegate. She twisted her ~~~r~~;~:~~or~! ~~I~P~~~ jun~~:~va~ ~:~~i~u~~ ~sth~~vI~~~ strong track tradition enjoyed by 1~~f~fi~~on fo~f W~~~~lIe~~:~: ~~~~ a::,~~~~~d N~n~~t ~~!:~i~;-:J the return of twelve lettermen and triple jumps, and junior Scott ~~~tet~ne ~:~~l~~~t!:r :e d::es~_ basketball tournament last in, as the team had a 34-14 halftime from last year's squad plus a good Whitney in the sprints. dable returnees, some good per- weekend at UMBC. Other teams lead and finished the game 56-34 ~~e~~~~c~~~~~~ts:~sho;f~~ s~~~~ formances from the freshmen. and ~%~g,P~~~s~~gwsl~~e S~~:!: ~~i~'sr:~~y p~~I~i :~a~~r~~~knows that staying healthy is co~~~e ~:~~r:~:So~~~t ~r~ :~~ ~i:~~o~~~: ~~~~::~ ~~~~~~n: ~:I~:~~ur~~~~iv~~~~i~!,M~;~~a~ lead the team with 6 rebounds. ~~fn;a~~st a sPp~~~~!s re~~~~:~ ~re expected to t;n inJ00d ~e~- ~an~I~~~ ~~~~~~~~)~ t~~~e:~~~ Notre Dame, Mt. S1. Mary's, Next game was against Notre decimation of the squad via in- orrnances are ott ingerrcn, at doing just that. Bowie, and st. Mary's. The tour- Dame on Saturday morning. Notre J~~.:~:_o.:. illne~~ w~_~~~:_o~~~~~.:..~ _ nament was double elimination Dame was a slow moving team with all the teams occuring 1 loss WMC quickly jumped out to a CAPITAL CENTRE DAR CONSTITUTION HALL Maria Muldaur 3-14 playing in the consolation bracket sizeable lead as Nancy Hess & Kool and the Gang 3-12 Starland Vocal Band (Fat City), Billy Cobham for fourth place. Nancy Barry lead the fastbreak The Jerry Garcia Band 4-3 (2 effectively. In the second half ~~~~r~otfg~~13~r~~estra, and I ~~fenU;_e~~~t~~~-~; shows) shows) The tournament started thur- however layups were hard to Wishbone Ash 3-29 Phoebe Snow 4-18 sday morning with Loyola vs. make. The girls kept trying but the Robin Trower 4-2 D. C. ARMORY Notre Dame. Our team played layups didn't fall. Nancy Hess and Bad Company 4-8 UMBC Late in the afternoon. It Kathy Lane (who was shooting Ton:' Orlando and Dawn 4-9 was an extremely close game in extremely wed) led the team with Loggins and Messina, and Pure the first half. The biggest lead was 14pt.s. Fran Cizek had 15 rebounds Prairie League 4ยท16 6 points, as the teams both played Final score WMC 61- N.D. 37 KENNEDY CENTER well. A last second basket gave CELLAR DOOR Ravi Shankar 4-26 UMBC a 24-22 halftime lead. Th~ final game for the tourney ~~~~n~~:r 3;_1118-_3;_12i LlSNE.R AUDITORIUM, G. SHADY GROVE was against Bowie for the WASH. U. Bette Midler 3-11 - 3-14 The second half was different championship of the consolation ----- ..------------------------------------ _ though. A cold streak lead to a UMBC lead tthat got harder to ~~~:~t,T~ar:l;e :::U:e "?2~S"_'!',It....,_=...., close. The home court advantage ficials did a poor job. The was evident as the crowd seemed would say that, but it was obvious to upset the girls slightly. That and that the officials were intimidated the physicallness of the game by Bowie. The first half was a caused the game to slip away from great half. The girls the team. It was evident that this cellent defense as the wasn't the same team that the Bowie's height. The Terroreltes played earlier in the Bowie made some season. Other teams would realize and utilized their this as UMBC upset a third seeded determination of the Towson state team. Leslie Ap- never more evident than in that plegate led the team with 19 points. game. The Final score was 49-31, Fran Cizek grabbed u rebounds as the game ended 68-4n. TJl\tBC. Bowie's favor. Kathy Lane had 9 pts. and Nancy Barry had 8. Kathy The lost to UMBC' gave the Lane also had 18 rebounds. ~~~~~~t~tS S~1a~~~y~a~S aansl~~ As the- awards . and seemed to enjoy !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ team and WMC tried to run them Maryland was awarded I down: The game was much better Frost?urg. second, .and played than the first game. The Mary s third. The girls we~ rebounding was better, with the they had a chance to play I? results Intramural team grabbing 30 'bounds. Biggest tournament The intramural basketball Delta from II, the No-Names from program ended about two weeks ft, and rounding up the tourney ago with their tournament. The were the Bachelors from I. The _ tournament had the winner of each .title game was between the I division (30f them) and an at large Bachelors and the No-Names and I 'Plain & Fancy team chosen from the rest by the was won by the Bachelors by 12 j TH E best winning percentage. The four points to win the championship of I HANDMADEN teams in the tournament were the the 1976 Intramural Basketball I ! 73 W. Main St. Donuts Phi DeJts from division Ill, the Phi League. 8486385 Rifle team blasted I We specialize in Open lanes afternoon 140 Village The WMC Rifle Team travelled score won't be known to later, I I Handmade craftsll! to Hopkins to shoot a match because the team- left before the I Bring yours in. Weekends Reservations Only against the Bluejays. The team match was over. The team captain ~ and let us display only 5 minutes away didn't do as well as expected. Bill related to me that the reason they: and sell them for you!!!!! Tenpins and Duckpins Trabuchi led our team with a 254, left was they already lost and l 140 VILLAGE SHOPPING. CENTER Open 24 Hours a Day Sue Witt was next with a 232. Our =~~d~as no point in stayingL-;- ..,... ~~;:_;:_;:_...:...~ I- ....J team scored a 1170, but thp. fiMl
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